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Pisces in 6th House | 6th House Pisces

By Hindu Astrology11. February 2012 16:30

A sixth house Pisces indicates that the native has a tendency to over or! and get excessively orried about his "ob. #o $uch concern can severely a%%ect the native&s health. 'he essence o% this concern is an overriding %ear o% %ailure. #uch a (erson al ays thin!s that he ill not be able to give his best in the or! he is assigned. 'he native ith this (lace$ent should be satis%ied ith his or! and to attain satis%action) he needs to have a drea$ to achieve. 'his (lace$ent (rovides the native ith drea$s) idealis$ and vision. 'he health o% the native is li!ely to su%%er i% he beco$es disillusioned ith his drea$ and or!. A (erson ith a sixth house Pisces needs to ta!e tre$endous care o% his body to $aintain good health. 'his (lace$ent indicates ea! in%luence o% the (lanet on the native&s body. He $ust constantly strive to $aintain his (hysical and e$otional strength. Personal cleanliness and the cleanliness o% surroundings is essential %or the $aintenance o% good health. A sixth house Pisces indicates nu$erous (roble$s arising in the or!ing environ$ent. *ncongenial conditions $ay resist the native to (er%or$ e%%iciently. +ealousy or un%riendliness ith colleagues is indicated under sixth house Pisces. ,t is advisable to avoid indulging into any !ind o% gossi(s) es(ecially about surrounding conditions since it is li!ely to create bad i$(ression in the $ind o% others. A (erson ith a sixth house Pisces can do ell in various areas o% e$(loy$ent such as che$icals) theater) cos$etology) %ishing etc. A sixth house Pisces indicates that the native ill be (rone to %eet) toe) liver) and ly$(hatic syste$ diseases and disorders. Preventive $easures should be ta!en ith regards to health. 'he native should avoid over or! or any activity that can cause exertion to (hysical body. #uch a (erson $ay be susce(tible to the ill e%%ects o% alcohol and drugs hen ta!en in excess. He should avoid eating conta$inated %ood and $aintain a clean environ$ent in and around his ho$e and or!(lace. 'he native is advised to %ollo u( ith general chec!-u(s on a regular basis to insure that he is not a%%ected by any health ail$ent.

Aquarius in 6th House | 6th House Aquarius

By Hindu Astrology11. February 2012 10:3.

A sixth house A/uarius (rovides the native ith a sense o% originality in or!. As an e$(loyee) the native is coo(erative and co$(assionate to ards co- or!ers. Although he (re%ers to re$ain detached ith his colleagues in $ost ays) he treats the$ ith res(ect and a%%ection. #uch a (erson tends to %unction e%%iciently hen tied in a grou(. He is (ersistent in his diligent e%%orts and does not care about (raise and recognition at or!. He (ossesses an i$(ersonal vie o% his acco$(lish$ents and satis%action is hat $atters to hi$ the $ost. 'he native has strange health conditions) habits and daily routines hich are hard %or others to %ollo and co(e u( ith the$. A sixth house A/uarius usually indicates a nor$al healthy body. 'he native should be extre$ely care%ul o% his blood and try to $aintain its (urity. A (oisoning o% the blood strea$ can occur as a result o% sluggish circulation hich can lead to $orbid changes in the body. A (erson ith a sixth house A/uarius is highly concerned about his health. #uch a (erson ado(ts an advanced a((roach to $aintain his health and diet. ,% he su%%ers %ro$ health (roble$s) then it is li!ely to be related to nervous syste$. 0ervousness is caused %ro$ stress and $ental (ressures and can cause sto$ach (roble$s. 'he native should try to stay cal$ in unex(ected situations and avoid getting into stress%ul situations. #uch a (erson is (rone to $ore accidents than su%%ering %ro$ sic!ness or disease. 'his (lace$ent indicates that the native is (rone to an!le (roble$s or in"uries. 'hus) legs and an!les should be (rotected %ro$ any in"ury hen engaged in s(orting events. 'he e%%iciency and (roductivity in or! is directly (ro(ortionate to or! conditions (revailing at the or!(lace. ,t is best to or! in an area that is o% high interest or here (ersonal achieve$ent is a do$inant %actor. #uch a (erson cannot stay in a $onotonous "ob %or a very long ti$e and tends to change it %re/uently. A (erson ith a sixth house A/uarius can bene%it %or$ or! related to co$(uters) technical inventions or syste$s. #uch a (erson is erratic and un(redictable in his "ob) es(ecially hen the or! is not satis%ying enough.

Capricorn in 6th House | 6th House Capricorn

By Hindu Astrology10. February 2012 16:30

A sixth house 1a(ricorn (ro$otes concentration (o er in a (erson. #uch a (erson is %ully dedicated to his or!. 2n the other hand) the native ith this (lace$ent tends to (ic! or! that is li$iting and not %ul%illing. 'here is a tendency to avoid or! altogether once the native beco$es disinterested in it. A (erson ith a sixth house 1a(ricorn is not at all a%raid o% challenges and assu$ing res(onsibility. He is a hard or!er and dedicates hi$sel% %ully to $eet the test. As a su(ervisor) the native is stern in de$ands and tends to be a disci(linarian. He is as hard on hi$sel% as he is on others to $eet the goals. A sixth house 1a(ricorn $a!es a (erson a$bitious in every as(ect o% his or!. #uch a (erson is ca(able o% %inding ays to serve others and hel(s the$ to alleviate the harshness o% their daily burdens. He ado(ts realistic and (ractical channels to achieve his goals. #uch a (erson is stable in his occu(ation and tends to give his 100 (ercent until he reaches the desired level o% gro th. He %ails to count the cost o% his attitude to ards or! and ai$s only achieve$ents. A (erson ith a sixth house 1a(ricorn tends to (ush hi$sel% to %ul%ill his res(onsibilities u( to a level o% har$ing his (hysical body. 'here is a tendency to su%%er %ro$ $inor health issues during early years) but strength and vitality $ay i$(rove in the later (hases o% li%e. #uch a (erson tends to ta!e his o n care and does not neglect his overall ell being. He is res(onsible to ards his health and ta!es (ro(er $easures to $aintain it. 'he native (re%ers to ta!e natural treat$ents in the course o% his illness such as herbs) exercises etc. over (ills or drugs. 3esistance %ro$ illness ill increase as the native gro s old) but occasional cough and chills are li!ely to cause trouble throughout the li%e s(an. A sixth house 1a(ricorn indicates that the native is (rone to su%%er %ro$ leg) bone and lo er abdo$inal (roble$s. A (erson ith a sixth house 1a(ricorn is very hard or!ing and co$(ulsive to ards his or!. #uch a (erson can s(end long hours or!ing ithout co$(laining even once. He a((reciates organi4ed and structured or! environ$ent. 'he native is al ays a are o% his duties and obligations in acco$(lishing set goals. #uch a (erson does ell in areas that are connected ith earth in so$e or the other ay such as) real estate or land develo($ent.

Sagittarius in 6th House | 6th House Sagittarius

By Hindu Astrology10. February 2012 1.:10

A sixth house #agittarius $a!es the native o(ti$istic that hel(s hi$ to overco$e the troubles in the or!(lace. #uch a (erson has a natural buoyancy regarding his "ob and or! environ$ent. 'he native has a tendency to eat or drin! $ore i% he is not %inding the "ob interesting. He needs to believe in hat he is doing and en"oy doing it. A sixth house #agittarius indicates that the native has a tendency to over or! and overextend hi$sel% in or!. 1hallenges in or! !ee(s hi$ on his toes and $otivates hi$ to or! even $ore. 'he native ith a sixth house #agittarius is %ortunate in his %ield o% or!. 'he conditions and relations ith %ello or!ers are generally %avorable and constructive. 'he native cannot tolerate $onotony in or! and needs as $uch variety as (ossible. #uch a (erson see$s to be luc!y on the "ob. Fortunate circu$stances o%ten center around the or! (lace. 'he native (ossesses great "udge$ent s!ills that !ee(s hi$ a ay %ro$ (otential dangers. 5or!ing %or so$eone else should not be a (roble$ %or the native as long as the de$ands o% ability and ca(acity to (roduce do not exceed. A (erson ith a sixth house #agittarius lac!s energy and needs to %ollo a a healthy $easure o% slee( to $aintain vitality. 'he general health o% the native ill be good since he is ad"ustable and (ositive in his thin!ing. 'endency to over eat or drin! can lead to health (roble$s in the area o% digestion. 'he native should s(end so$eti$e (er%or$ing activities that can bring hi$ close to the nature such as al!ing in the oods. A sixth house #agittarius indicates (roble$s related to hi() thigh and buttoc! such as cellulite) stretch $ar!s or steato(ygia. 'his (lace$ent (rovides the native ith a iry yet healthy body. 'here is a tendency o% getting in"ured hile (laying contact s(orts or engaging in e/uestrian activities such as "u$(ing or racing.

5hereas) tendency to over- or! and over-excite$ent can also cause serious de(letion o% health as a result o% $ental-e$otional strain. 6xhaustion ill occur i% the native s(ends a (rolonged (eriod o% ti$e or e%%orts on one $onotonous "ob. 2ver doing o% any activity should be avoided hen (ossible. #uch a (erson gets highly %rustrated hen he is not ell since he lac!s the (atience re/uired in the recovering (rocess.

Scorpio in 6th House | 6th House Scorpio

By Hindu Astrology10. February 2012 10:30

A sixth house #cor(io indicates intense co$$it$ent to ards or!. 'he native tends to get intensely involved ith his "ob. He is serious and %ully devoted to ards his or!. A (erson ith a sixth house #cor(io is !no n as a co$(ulsive or!er. 'here is a tendency o% %inding %acts about every $inute detail that hel(s the native in his (ro%essional dealings. #uch a (erson tends to involve hi$sel% in the or! that re/uires investigation such as "ournalis$) research) laboratory science or (sychology. 'he or! o% the native should be interesting and $ust be able to !ee( hi$ active till the end. A (erson ith asixth house #cor(io lac!s (atience hich $a!es it hard %or hi$ to handle co or!ers) es(ecially hen they are not ready to share their load o% or! ith the native. A sixth house #cor(io strengthens the (hysical (o er o% the native and (rovides hi$ ith the natural (o er o% (hysical endurance. 'he natural strength and endurance !ee(s the native healthy and in good sha(e. Health (roble$s are li!ely to cause de(letion o% $ental energies. 'he nervous syste$ being the $ost sensitive is al ays under the ris! o% getting severely a%%ected. A sixth house #cor(io indicates that good health can be $aintained) (rovided that the native %ollo s nor$al habits o% li%e and avoids excess %ood) drin! and sex. 'he native ith this (lace$ent is highly (rone to su%%er %ro$ sexual re(roductive gland diseases) urinary tract disorders and rectal (roble$s. 'here is a tendency o% having %ood or drin! in excess that can cause bladder (roble$s. ,t is better to lean to ards the conservative side o% sel%-satis%action hen the te$(tation arises. 'he (roductivity o% the native&s or! ith a sixth house #cor(io highly de(ends u(on the sanitary conditions and cleanliness at or! (lace. *ncleanliness is intolerable to the native and ill lo er the level o% his or!. #uch a (erson can be highly dedicated to ards his or! and strive to (er%or$ the best "ob (ossible. 7ong and hard hours best suit the native as a sel%-e$(loyed (erson. He ex(ects his e$(loyees to (er%or$ in the sa$e ay as he does. As an e$(loyer or su(ervisor he tends to ad$ire those ho go the extra $ile to acco$(lish their goals.

Libra in 6th House | 6th House Libra

By Hindu Astrology8. February 2012 16:30

A sixth house 7ibra $a!es the native coo(erative) tact%ul and di(lo$atic in the or! (lace. #uch a (erson li!es to or! in a (leasant and har$onious or! environ$ent. He needs to en"oy his or! in order to (er%or$ better. 'he native ith 7ibra in this (lace$ent ado(ts a balanced a((roach and believes in treating everyone %airly and e/ually. He tends to beco$e an arbitrator to (eo(le9s di%%erences in o(inion. 'he native has a tendency to get (hysically ill by or!ing under too $uch or! (ressures. 'he native %unctions best in a (eace%ul har$onious at$os(here. 1onsu$ing too $uch rich and s eet %ood can cause severe health (roble$s. 'he native $ay be a little la4y to exercise. #uch a (erson should start %ollo ing a health regi$e in order to $aintain good health. A (erson ith a sixth house 7ibra is (rone to su%%er %ro$ health (roble$s related to !idney) bladder) lo er bac! and other urinary tract in%ections. 'he native $ay also su%%er %ro$ diabetes due to his habit o% eating too $uch s eet %ood. #uch a (erson tends to beco$e e$otional at ti$es that adversely a%%ects his (hysical health in the long run. Any !ind o% discord around the native can trau$ati4e his e$otional balance. #lee(ing is the best $edicine to avoid stress and $ental (roble$s. ,n general li%e) the native ith this (lace$ent

tends to live a ha((y and care%ree li%e. He doesn9t get ill very easily and rarely su%%ers %ro$ any !ind o% $a"or health (roble$s. A (erson ith a sixth house 7ibra is very easy going and has $any %riends in his social s(here. He ado(ts a ha((y go luc!y attitude at his or! (lace. #uch a (erson does ell in (artnershi( in business. He has a uni/ue ability to share and ta!e res(onsibilities at the sa$e (oint o% ti$e. :aily routine o% the native re/uires hi$ to exercise discri$ination and be a negotiator. As %ar as or! environ$ent is concerned) the native can only or! in a congenial) clean and har$onious or! (lace. He see!s har$ony in everything he does. :iscords and disagree$ents at or! (lace can a%%ect his (roductivity along ith his health. A sixth house 7ibra (rovides native a strong (hysical body along ith ea! e$otional senses. #uch a (erson is (rone to get haunted by constant e$otional disturbances. ,n other ords) i% the native is ex(eriencing e$otional trau$as) the health is li!ely to de(lete invariably. Physical health o% the native tends to %luctuate ith his e$otional tran/uility.

Virgo in 6th House | 6th House Virgo

By Hindu Astrology8. February 2012 1.:10

A sixth house ;irgo $a!es the native excessively concerned %or his body and health issues. 'his (lace$ent denotes that the native ill be generally active and healthy $ost o% the ti$e. #uch a (erson re/uires $ental sti$ulation to live a healthy and ha((y li%e. A sixth house ;irgo (rovides a sound and suitable (attern %or a or!-hungry (erson. 2n the other hand) the duties o% the native tend to be $ore in routine) subservient and li$ited. He is ca(able o% (er%or$ing critical tas!s and is $ore content to aste his best e%%orts studying bac!ground details. 'hus) giving others the o((ortunities to direct the course o% action. #uch a (erson o%ten beco$es too de$anding. 'here%ore) he $ust avoid being too analytical in or! $atters. 'he native or!s best ithin a structured setting here goals and reasonable ex(ectations are de%ined in a syste$atic $anner. A (erson ith a sixth house ;irgo (ossesses a %astidious nature. #uch a (erson desires cleanliness to (rotect hi$sel% %ro$ bugs and ger$s that cause illness. He is ell !no n %or his desire o% tidiness at or! (lace also. 'he (er%or$ance and (roductivity o% the native is de(endent on the cleanliness and hygiene at or! (lace. He is extre$ely critical and analytical o% the conditions surrounding the or! at$os(here. #uch a (erson en"oys or!ing in an environ$ent that e$(hasi4es on $ental rather than your (hysical talents. 'he native tends to en"oy (ersonal challenges %ro$ ti$e to ti$e. A (erson ith a sixth house ;irgo $a!es a good (artner in business ith his concern %or details. #uch a (erson has a great ca(acity %or detail and research in or!. #o$eti$es) the native is not able to co$(lete his or! on ti$e or at all due to his tendency o% being a (er%ectionist. A (erson ith a sixth house ;irgo is highly (rone to nervous and digestive syste$ (roble$s. 'here is a tendency o% getting over stressed on s$all issues. 'he native $ay su%%er %ro$ $ental strain or headaches as a result o% inade/uate slee(. A sixth house ;irgo $ay also give (roble$s related to s(eech) e.g) stuttering. A native ith this (lace$ent is health conscious in choosing %ood ite$s %or consu$(tion. #uch a (erson is inclined to ards unhealthy %ood that can lead to intestinal (roble$s as ell. 'he native beco$es irritable hen be beco$es ill) since it restricts his %reedo$ o% $otion. A sixth house ;irgo endo s the native ith a healthy a((etite. #uch a (erson never su%%ers %ro$ $alnutrition and al ays re$ains healthy in his a((earance. 'here is a tendency o% being over eight during later (hases o% li%e. 'he native should $aintain a habit o% or!ing out on a regular basis.

eo in 6th House | 6th House Leo

By Hindu Astrology8. February 2012 10:30

A sixth house 7eo suggests that or! is the only %ocus in the native&s li%e. #uch a (erson %eels (roud o% hi$sel% every ti$e he acco$(lishes his or!. He can lose hi$sel% co$(letely in or! and service. Fa$ily

and social li%e co$e last in his list o% (riorities. He believes in sho ing o%% the (roduct achieved by his o n e%%orts. 'here is a tendency o% being do$ineering over colleagues and subordinates. #uch a (erson li!es to do$inate the or! environ$ent to suit hi$sel%. 2b"ective sel%-evaluation brings increased energy and vitality. 7eo in this (lace$ent $a!es the native highly talented. He (ossesses tre$endous ca(acity to handle ad$inistrative or!. #uch a (erson has a %eeling o% authority and leadershi( here or! and services are concerned. A sixth house 7eo indicates ell %or$ed body) (hysical strength and overall good health. 'he native should be extre$ely care%ul on being overly excited as this can cause hi$ heart troubles in the long run. 'he native should try to re$ain as cal$ as he can and conserve his energies %or %uture endeavours. 'here is a tendency o% getting lo in vitality hen things at or! (lace do not $ove according to the native&s desire or hen he doesn9t get the recognition he deserves. 2b"ective sel%-evaluation ill increase energy and vitality. Productivity and or! are directly (ro(ortionate to the health o% the native. 'he $ore success he gets in the or!) the $ore healthy he ill be throughout his li%e. A (erson ith a sixth house 7eo is blessed ith a robust and healthy nature that !ee(s hi$ (hysically %it and active. 'he native en"oys activities that are good %or his health) such as (laying or (artici(ating in outdoor ga$es or being active at the local s(a. 'here is a tendency o% %eeling %everish hen the native has exceeded his (hysical li$its. A (erson ith a sixth house 7eo en"oys being a leader. 7eadershi( attribute and cut throat co$(etition hel( hi$ to get relie% %ro$ stress and tensions. Peo(le %ind the$ reliable and co$(etent in the or! environ$ent. #uch a (erson tends to bene%it a lot in ter$s o% (roductivity by or!ing %or hi$sel% or by o ning his o n business. 'he native ith this (lace$ent li!es to be the boss in the or! environ$ent hich $ight result in con%licts ith co- or!ers. ,% the native is the boss) he should avoid being over-bearing %ro$ those ho or! %or hi$.

Cancer in 6th House | 6th House Cancer

By Hindu Astrology<. February 2012 16:30

A sixth house 1ancer $a!es the native dee(ly and e$otionally involved in or!. #uch a (erson is very res(onsive to his duties and obligations. He tends to neglect his (ersonal a%%airs %or his or!. His or! usually revolves around activities that could bene%it others. 'his (lace$ent suggests that the native is directly involved in %ul%illing the needs o% (eo(le through his e$(loy$ent. His sensitive and e$otional nature brings hi$ in contact ith others ho need love) understanding and true %riendshi(. #o$eti$es the native $ay beco$e overly concerned about the needs o% others that adversely a%%ects his health. 'he e$otional association ith others should not drain the native&s inner strength and energy. ,% the native is dissatis%ied ith his or!) then he is li!ely to su%%er %ro$ e$otional u(set that can adversely a%%ect his health. A (erson ith a sixth house 1ancer is very understanding and concerned about the el%are o% his e$(loyees as a su(ervisor. A sixth house 1ancer does not (rovide a strong (hysical body to the native. 'here is a great deal o% rece(tivity to environ$ental conditions. Health can get a%%ected by orrying too $uch about do$estic u(heavals. 'he nature o% or! being done can also cause e$otional or $ental discord. 'he native&s (er%or$ance in or! greatly de(ends u(on the cleanliness and co$%ort in his surroundings. 'he general health o% a (erson ith a sixth house 1ancer is very de(endent u(on the conditions in and around his ho$e. He see!s co$%ort and sense o% security both in or!(lace and at ho$e. 'he native ith this (lace$ent tends to or! in or around ho$e since his caliber de(ends u(on the environ$ental conditions. He loo!s %or a co$%ortable and secure (lace to or! and $ay have an o%%ice in the ho$e itsel%. #uch a (erson is susce(tible to any discord around that can bring (roble$s ith sto$ach or bo els) inclined to gastric or intestinal trouble. A (erson ith a sixth house 1ancer is (rone to su%%er %ro$ breast (roble$s. 2n the other hand) $en $ay su%%er %ro$ gyneco$astia.

A (erson ith a sixth house 1ancer has a great desire to serve others. #uch a (erson is best suited %or (ro%essions li!e a (sychological counselor) $edical technician) %ood service controller= or!er or real estate consultant. Pets tend to (lay an i$(ortant (art in the li%e o% the native. 'here is a tendency to nurture ani$als to satis%y his o n e$otional needs. #uch a (erson ill treat his (et as his o n child and ill be (rotective o% hi$. 5hen exaggerated) there is the danger to treat one&s cat or dog as i% it ere one&s child.

emini in 6th House | 6th House Gemini

By Hindu Astrology<. February 2012 1.:10

A sixth house >e$ini suggests a ide variety o% or! that the native ill be able to handle. #uch a (erson is ell versed ith handling technical details o% his or! ithout %acing $uch (roble$s. He tends to get dee(ly involved in his or!. 'oo $uch involve$ent in or! $a!es the native %orget the basic res(onsibilities o% li%e so$eti$es. 'he native ith this (lace$ent is versatile and ca(able o% handling too $any or!s at one (oint o% ti$e. A sixth house >e$ini indicates that the native9s $ental strength is greater than his (hysical strength. A (erson ith a sixth house >e$ini is highly intelligent. His or! (rovides hi$ the o((ortunity to ex(lore and develo( his intelligence ith each (assing day. #uch a (erson gets easily bored ith re(etitive tas!s. He al ays see!s %or challenges in or! and (ossesses the ca(abilities to achieve the$. 'he or!-(lace tends to be a hub o% activity. 'he native is li!ely to a((reciate the $ental and intellectual as(ects o% his or! rather than the (hysical de$ands. He is agile and ad"ustable in nature hen it co$es to or!. A (erson ith a sixth house >e$ini li!es to or! ith his $ind and so is interested in %ields related to scienti%ic research) business or %inance. He is good in $a!ing clear and concise re(orts and (ossess the ability to choose right solutions %or (ro%essional challenges. #uch a (erson (ossesses a natural versatility that gives rise to the ability o% the native to tac!le $ore than one situations si$ultaneously. 'he native ith this (lace$ent usually do ell in a (ro%ession involving travel. #uch a (erson is (rone to change his "obs %re/uently as a result o% boredo$ and dull routines. He is al ays in search o% challenging or! hich (rovides hi$ $ental sti$ulation. ,% ?ercury in the sixth house is a%%licted) then health issues usually involve the nervous syste$ and anxiety can arise through an overly analytical $ental nature. ?ercury can also give s(eech (roble$s to the native e.g stuttering since it governs s(eech and co$$unication. A (erson ith a sixth house >e$ini is (rone to su%%er %ro$ nervous brea!do n or hy(ertension. He $ay ex(erience tightening o% $uscles or grinding o% teeth hile slee(ing. #uch a (erson tends to be in a hirl o% activity $ost o% the ti$e hich o%ten leads hi$ to a state o% exhaustion. ,n this case relaxation and constant rest is necessary. 2verall health o% the native ith a sixth house >e$ini is generally good. He should avoid being in any !ind o% stress%ul situations to (revent nerves or $ental illness. 'he lungs are the $ost sensitive (art in the native&s body and can easily get a%%ected) so s$o!ing should be avoided.

Taurus in 6th House | 6th House Taurus

By Hindu Astrology<. February 2012 10:2.

A sixth house 'aurus $a!es a (erson (ractical and conservative in $atters o% or!. #uch a (erson is inclined to ards %ul%illing his res(onsibilities ith deter$ination and in a disci(lined $anner. He has certain goals in li%e hich he ai$s to achieve ith his dedication. He (ossesses a (o er%ul (hysical strength and endurance. 'his (lace$ent (rovides the native ith an inherent ca(acity o% or!ing hard. He is (ersistent and al ays co$(letes his or! on ti$e ith (er%ection. He doesn9t li!e leaving any or! inco$(lete once started. A (erson ith a sixth house 'aurus needs to love his or!) else he ill not be able to do it ith a ha((y state o% $ind. #uch a (erson is inclined to ards teaching since it gives hi$ a sense o% security and a$(le

o((ortunities to ex(lore his varied extracurricular activities. #o$eti$es the native $ay %eel la4y and ants to rebel against the de$ands o% the "ob to $a!e his li%e easier. A (erson ith a sixth house 'aurus is blessed ith a strong build. He has a $uscular solid body and strengthened vitality. #uch a (erson is ca(able o% handling any !ind o% (hysical (ressure. He can endure rigorous (hysical de$ands at the ti$e o% necessity. 'here is a tendency to su%%er %ro$ heart troubles i% a((etite %or unhealthy %ood is not controlled. 'hus) desire %or rich %ood should be controlled be%ore it orsens the condition o% heart. 'he native ith a sixth house 'aurus is (rone to illness. 'here is a tendency o% occasional sore throat or s ollen tonsils. 'he native should learn to organi4e his or! schedule to $aintain e%%iciency in his or!. A sixth house 'aurus $a!es the native %ortunate in and around his or! (lace. He en"oys doing or! that he %inds (ro%essionally attractive. #uch a (erson shares congenial relationshi( ith his subordinates and colleagues. A native ith a sixth house 'aurus al ays %inds (leasant or!ing conditions. 1o$%ortable surroundings $a!es the attitude o% the native co$%ortable to ards the outloo! in (er%or$ing his duties. His seniors ill al ays be hel(%ul and ill treat hi$ ith res(ect. #uch a (erson is (o(ular a$ong his co- or!ers and en"oys his contribution in terns o% (roductivity and acco$(lish$ent. #ocial li%e o% such a (erson su%%ers due to his over de$anding occu(ation. He should try and $aintain balance bet een his social and (ro%essional li%e to get bene%its %ro$ both the ends.

Aries in 6th House | 6th House Aries

By Hindu Astrology@. February 2012 16:30

A (erson ith a sixth house Aries %aces a very hectic li%e. Aour daily li%e is usually %ar %ro$ steady. Aou usually do not li!e a set routine and ant to start your day (retty early in order to try out ne things. #uch (eo(le are e%%icient) (o er%ul and original in doing tas!s that $ay see$ i$(ossible to other (eo(le. Peo(le ith a sixth house Aries a((ear to be sel%-(ro(elled in all that they do. Being natural leaders) they have a tendency to be so$e hat bossy to subordinates and co- or!ers. 'hey extend a hel(ing hand hen others are in trouble) but they ex(ect the other to absorb the strength and sel%-su%%iciency needed to continue on alone. 'he (resence o% a sixth house Aries sho s that you are a very hard or!ing $e$ber o% society. Aou are single $inded in (er%or$ing your duties) a((roaching every assign$ent ith e$otional intensity and deter$ination. Peo(le ith a sixth house Aries have a tendency to lose the$selves in their or!. Aou $ay run into di%%iculties ith co or!ers and e$(loyees because o% your critical nature) and because you are %ar too /uic! to (ass "udg$ent on the$. 'hey $ay co$(lain because you or! the$ too hard) but you or! no one harder than you. Peo(le ith a sixth house Aries usually tend to be sel%-starting) energetic and active regarding al$ost everything. Peo(le ith a sixth house Aries need to gro and develo(. 'here is a need to discover and learn %or yoursel%. 0e things ill be started all the ti$e. A sixth house Aries endo s the native ith a strong (hysical body) excellent vital (o ers) and (lenty o% li%e %orce. 'he native has a considerably active $ental and (hysical natureB he $ust be care%ul o% this. 2ver-activity u(sets the balance o% the health) and causes a natural restlessness) hich occasionally results in inso$nia. 'he native has a natural ca(acity %or hard or!) but routine can lead to boredo$ and this can (roduce ine%%iciency.

Saturn in 6th House | 6th House Saturn

By Hindu Astrology6. February 2012 1.:10

A sixth house #aturn is the $ost co$%ortable (osition %or #aturn. 'his house rules your attitude to or!) service) and your body. 'he sixth house can be related to sel%-denial in the sense that you (ut o%% (leasing yoursel%. A sixth house #aturn sy$boli4es activities that you do not (ursue to (lease yoursel%) but %or another (ur(ose. A good exa$(le is to si$(ly or! %or a living. 'his activity doesn9t necessarily (lease you but you do it any ays %ro$ a sense o% res(onsibility. 5ith the (resence o% a sixth house #aturn) you $ay very ell be a or!aholic. Aou $ay %orget that you are or!ing only to $a!e a living. Aou $ay start believing that (eo(le live to or!. Aou should try and avoid doing this. ,n any case) you ill have a strong

sense o% res(onsibility in your attitude to or! and you ill ta!e service to others rather seriously. Aou $ay be overly concerned about hat you %eed yoursel% and s(end ti$e orrying about the %ood habits o% your loved ones. 7i$itations regarding health can co$e into (lay ith a sixth house #aturn. :iet $ay need to be atched and i$(roved as your body $ay not assi$ilate everything it needs %ro$ the %ood you eat. Perha(s ta!ing vita$ins ould hel( in this regard. 6xercise ould certainly be bene%icial. 5ith a sixth house #aturn) there $ay be di%%iculties at the or!(lace) (ossibly because o% your attitudes to ard others. Perha(s the environ$ent is not conducive to your best e%%orts or (erha(s your %ello e$(loyees $a!e li%e $iserable %or you. Aou cannot al ays ex(ect others to or! as hard as you or to gras( details as ra(idly as you can. 5ith a sixth house #aturn) your career or area o% res(onsibility in the orld relates to e%%iciency in your "ob or career. ,n order to succeed in your social (osition in the orld) a (erson ith a sixth house #aturn ill have to gain !no ledge and ex(ertise associated ith the correct attitude to or!) e$(loyers) e$(loyees) and coor!ers. 7i%e-ex(erience ill %orce you to learn valuable lessons related to the develo($ent o% a sound business sense and a ell-structured) accurate) (recise) (ractical and e%%icient ay o% or!ing. Health and hygiene $atters are stressed and are o% great i$(ortance to your overall sense o% general ell-being. 5ith a sixth house #aturn) sic!ness) lost o((ortunities and disa((oint$ents are so$eti$es ex(erienced through circu$stances over hich there is little or no control. Aour (ro%ession could be in science) engineering or other %ields re/uiring detailed s!ill and (recision. A ell as(ected sixth house #aturn gives the (erson ability to handle e$(loyees and or!$en in general in a $ost e%%icient $anner) %or though such a (erson is /uiet and subdued he is at the sa$e ti$e %ir$ and serious. A sixth house #aturn $eans a great deal o% sic!ness in the li%e and i% in a ea! sign li!e ;irgothe (erson is in danger o% beco$ing a chronic invalid) %or one he is in the gri( o% sic!ness the recu(erative (o ers are so (oor it is al$ost i$(ossible %or hi$ to recover.

upiter in 6th House | 6th House Jupiter

By Hindu Astrology6. February 2012 10:.0

5ith the (resence o% a sixth house +u(iter) a (erson tends to have good health. Any health (roble$s are usually caused by extravagance and over-indulgence) too $uch o% a good thing. Peo(le ith a sixth house +u(iter are hel(%ul to others and are de(endable or!ers ith a sense o% loyalty. #uch (eo(le ins(ire coo(eration and good ill a$ong their %ello or!ers. 'hey en"oy their or! and give o% their ti$e illingly. Peo(le ith a sixth house +u(iter should atch that do not over or! or overindulge in eating or drin!ing. 'here could be di%%iculties in the liver and blood or (oor circulation due to over-indulgence. 5ith the (lace$ent o% a sixth house +u(iter) you are li!ely to see bene%its in the areas o% or! and health) as ell as daily routines. Aou %ind $uch "oy in your or!) sel%-i$(rove$ent endeavors) and ta!ing care o% your health. 'his transit enhances your ability to handle the details re/uired to do a good "ob) and others beco$e $ore a are o% your s!ills. Bene%its $ay co$e through co- or!ers or e$(loyees during this cycle. Any ty(e o% service that you $ay (rovide is li!ely to go ell. Aou are $ore success%ul in hiring (eo(le to or! %or you) i% a((licable) and i$(rove$ents to your or!ing environ$ent are li!ely. Peo(le ith a sixth house +u(iter %ind $ore en"oy$ent in the or! they do) and it is easier than usual to %ind e$(loy$ent no . Aou $ay get a ne "ob during this cycle) or signi%icantly i$(rove an existing one. 5or! tends to be very available to (eo(le ith a sixth house +u(iter. ?enial tas!s tend to ta!e (riority) but you are li!ely to en"oy doing the$. 'he best ay to handle this transit is to ta!e (ride in and recogni4e your use%ulness) this is bound to give you a great deal o% "oy) and you are li!ely to be re arded as a result. As ell) the $ore integrity and honesty you bring to your services) the $ore (aybac! you ill receive. Health is li!ely to (ros(er this year) and $edical (rocedures or (rogra$s) i% necessary) are $ore a(t to be success%ul. 'here $ay be an inclination to (ut on so$e eight) ho ever) i% you don9t atch your s eet tooth. #o$e (eo(le get a ne (et during this cycle.

5ith the (resence o% a sixth house +u(iter) you can be success%ul in a service) %ood) or health career) and you $ay %ind yoursel% auto$atically ta!ing care o% the needs o% others. Aou $ay have health (roble$s a%%ecting your blood and=or liver through overeating or drin!ing i% +u(iter is a%%licted. Aou9re a loyal and de(endable or!er) and en"oy good relationshi(s ith %ello or!ers. Be a are o% arrogance i% your +u(iter is in hard as(ect to your #un or your ?oon.

Mars in 6th House | 6th House Mars

By Hindu Astrology.. February 2012 16:30

Peo(le ith a sixth house ?ars are industrious) e%%icient) tireless) dyna$ic and active in or!. #uch (eo(le $ay usually have a tendency to ards irritation and i$(atience ith co- or!ers and e$(loyees ho lac! these /ualities. Peo(le ith a sixth house ?ars are $echanically $inded ith good vitality and strong recu(erative (o ers. #uch (eo(le tend to run %evers) (erha(s higher than nor$al) hen ill. 'here is a danger o% burns) scalds) and accidents sustained in the course o% or! or e$(loy$ent. ?any o% these $ay ha((en because o% i$(ulse) haste) and i$(atience. A sixth house ?ars suggests that you are a hard and energetic or!er. Aou don9t hesitate to exert yoursel% in your "ob and you have no tolerance %or la4iness in those ith ho$ you or!. 'he ty(e o% or! you do $ay vary based on other %actors in the chart. 5hatever it is) you are li!ely to be one dis(laying a good deal o% driving energy in your labors. Aou have aggressive tendencies in the or! (lace that $ay cause (roble$s ith your co or!ers. *nless you learn to control your te$(er) you $ay %ind it di%%icult to exist har$oniously ith co or!ers. Aou are a (er%ectionist) but so$eti$es) over concern ith details can cause you to $iss the $a"or issues. Aou9re li!ely to be %ound in the $iddle o% any labor dis(ute) because you are staunch bac!er o% labor issues. 5ith the (resence o% a sixth house ?ars) you have a good $echanical a(titude) and (ut a great a$ount o% energy into your or!. 'his orientation is all the $ore reason you $ay need to or! on coo(erating ith your %ello or!ers) as ell as to res(ect %or their ays o% doing things) other ise you could cause a lot o% trouble by being too irritable or i$(atient. Aou are very $otivated hen it co$es to $atters o% health) service) and ta!ing care o% details. 5ith a sixth house ?ars) you tend to or! hard) so$eti$es to the (oint o% exhaustion. Aou (ut a lot o% energy into your or!) and ould do best or!ing %or yoursel% or %or so$eone else but inde(endently) as you can /uic!ly beco$e i$(atient i% other $e$bers o% a tea$ are not or!ing as %ast as you. Aou are also easily u(set ith (rocrastination. Aou can be very s!illed at organi4ing and re-organi4ing) sorting) classi%ying) and analy4ing. Aou (ut a lot o% energy into any "ob you do) and you can easily beco$e riled u( or de%ensive i% so$eone critici4es or intrudes u(on the or! that you do. Peo(le ith a sixth house ?ars are i$(atient to achieve success. Aou identi%y ith any (ro"ect (ersonally) so al ays do your best. As a tea$ $e$ber) you $ay beco$e %rustrated i% things don9t go your ay. ,n charge) you ex(ect your or!ers to share your enthusias$ and (ut %orth the sa$e e%%ort you ex(end) but ill de$and the lion9s share o% credit. Add the res(ect o% your %ollo ers to your laurels by sharing the re ards o% your labor. A de$anding e$(loyer $ay also be a generous %riend.

Venus in 6th House | 6th House Venus

By Hindu Astrology.. February 2012 1.:10

5ith the (resence o% a sixth house ;enus) a (erson&s ex(ressions o% love and a%%ection are (ractical and hel(%ul. Being o% service to a (artner is es(ecially i$(ortant to such a (erson. ,n %act) a (erson ith a sixth house ;enus $ight go to great lengths to be available at all costs to a loved one. #uch a (erson is not sho y hen it co$es to ex(ressing love. He rather sho s his love by his availability) rendering services) doing (ractical things %or a loved one) and other thought%ul little things. ?any o% the (eo(le ith a sixth house ;enus are talented at design or!) as they a((reciate and (ay $uch attention to all o% the little (arts that $a!e u( a hole) ith the goal o% %inding order and har$ony in these syste$s. ,% such (eo(le are not

care%ul) they $ight (ass u( on true love o((ortunities in %avor o% relationshi(s that serve a (ractical (ur(ose in their li%e) or out o% %ear that they $ight not %ind better. A sixth house ;enus indicates social activities and ro$antic involve$ents established through or!. #uch a (erson&s or! is usually connected ith artistic doings and creative or!s. A (erson ith a sixth house ;enus loves his or! and is har$onious and %riendly ith co- or!ers and e$(loyers. #uch a (erson usually $arries so$eone ho he $eets at or!. #uch a (erson loves beauti%ul clothing and has a s(ecial ability ith dress $a!ing and design. A (erson ith a sixth house ;enus has a great a%%ection to ards (ets hich he can never hide. #uch a (erson&s health is o%ten i$(roved a%ter $arriage. ,% ;enus is a%%licted) you tend to be unnecessary nervous about uni$(ortant things) and (ay $uch close attention to details. #uch a (erson $ay usually su%%er allergies and hidden trouble ith digestion syste$. Peo(le ith a sixth house ;enus are di(lo$atic) ell li!ed by e$(loyees and=or %ello or!ers and usually have a desire to bring about better or!ing conditions %or the$ so that or!ing ill be en"oyable. 'his is a %airly good (osition %or health unless a (erson abuses his body through sel%-indulgence and rich) s eet %ood. An excess o% sugar and starches should be avoided. A (erson ith a sixth house ;enus can be the $ediator hen di%%erences o% o(inion occur on the "ob or in the o%%ice. #uch a (erson can bring (eace and understanding. 5ith the (resence o% a sixth house ;enus) sic!ness or ill-health can be the result o% incorrect (atterns o% thought . #uch a (erson orries too $uch about his o n body and general state o% health. #uch a (erson should let the body9s natural isdo$ ta!e care o% his body) and (ut his attention on hel(ing others. #ervice to or or! ith those less %ortunate than hi$sel%) (articularly in health related $atters) is %ul%illing and centering %or a (erson ith a sixth house ;enus. ,% ?ercury is also in a $utable or cardinal sign) there9s (robably a lot o% $ove$ent and desire %or change in or!. #uch a (erson&s $ind is analytical) detailed and discri$inating.

Mercury in 6th House | 6th House Mercury

By Hindu Astrology.. February 2012 10:.0

?ercury is the natural ruler o% the sixth house and hence this is a good (lace$ent %or ?ercury. 'his is an excellent (lace$ent to %inish o%% ith day-to-day activities. A (erson ith a sixth house ?ercury is also scheduling his health chec! u(s as such a (erson is very care%ul and concerned about this health ith this (lace$ent. #uch a (erson $ay also sho interest in brushing u( his basic s!ills. #uch a (erson&s a((roach to or! during this cycle is (leasant) ha((y) and logical %or the $ost (art) unless he allo s orry or scattered energy to enter the (icture. A (erson ith a sixth house ?ercury is inclined to ant to learn ne or! s!ills) or to i$(rove his s!ills and out(ut in ter$s o% or!. 'here is li!ely to be $ore activity) $ove$ent) contact) and co$$unications ith coor!ers no . #uch a (erson tends to ta!e $ore interest in organi4ing his or!ing environ$ent and this is an excellent ti$e to do so) as he is es(ecially ob"ective and intelligent hen it co$es to getting a handle on his daily a%%airs and all o% the little things that contribute to a %eeling o% e%%iciency and co$(etency. ?enial tas!s beco$e $ore (ro$inent. Ho ever) a (erson ith a sixth house ?ercury should atch %or tension or idle chit-chat inter%ering ith his or! out(ut during this cycle. 5ith the (resence o% a sixth house ?ercury) a (erson has an analytical ability ith a (ossible love o% co$(uters and electronics. ,% such a (erson beco$es too concerned ith details) his nerves $ay beco$e %rayed) thus causing health (roble$s. Any ill health re%lects rong thin!ing and (erha(s orry. A (erson ith a sixth house ?ercury $ay be restless ith a desire %or %re/uent "ob changes. #ervice) (ossibly o% a $ental nature) a((eals to such a (erson. ;ariety in his or! or or!(lace is i$(ortant. ,ssues o% health and diet interest a (erson ith a sixth house ?ercury. A (erson ith a sixth house ?ercury $a!es the $entality too active %or the (erson&s o n good. #uch a (erson is very a$bitious. #uch (eo(le are su(er sensitive to the conditions o% others hich a%%ects their health bringing $uch trouble and orry in dealing ith servants and subordinates. 'hey are %ond o% the study o% hygiene and diet and $eet ith considerable success in the (ractice o% the che$istry o% %oods) (articularly i% ?ercury is ell-as(ected. 5ith the (resence o% a sixth house ?ercury) sic!ness or ill-health can be the result o% incorrect (atterns o% thought . Aou orry too $uch about your o n body and your general state o% health. 7et the body9s natural

isdo$ ta!e care o% your body) and (ut your attention on hel(ing others. #ervice to or or! ith those less %ortunate than yoursel%) (articularly in health related $atters) is %ul%illing and centering %or you. ,% ?ercury is also in a $utable or cardinal sign) there9s (robably a lot o% $ove$ent and desire %or change in your or!.

ahu in 6th House | 6th House

By Hindu Astrology3. February 2012 16:30


,n the (resence o% a sixth house 3ahu) there ould be no e%%ects o% the $ale%ics on the house. 'his is because 3ahu is exalted in the sixth house. A (erson ith a sixth house 3ahu is usually rich. But) the %act is that such a (erson does not s(end $oney on the things that he needs. #uch a (erson usually s(ends $oney on useless things as he is the !ind o% (erson ho loves to so o%% hat he has. ?any ti$es) a (erson ith a sixth house 3ahu o%%ends others due to this behaviour. #uch a (erson does not care hat other thin! and !ee(s doing hat he does in the sa$e $anner. A (erson ith a sixth house 3ahu has a di%%icult nature to be ith. Hence) such a (erson usually is involved in a lot o% argu$ents and /uarrels. But) such a (erson should re$e$ber that his do n%all is guaranteed i% he is involved in a /uarrel ith an elder brother or sister. A (erson ith a sixth house 3ahu ill usually be tolerant and ha((y ithin hi$sel%. ,% ?oon is associated ith 3ahu or Cetu) the native ill have sexual contact ith ladies o% !ing9s %a$ily. ,n such a case) he ill be (oor and a thie%. ,t is also believed that in the (resence o% a sixth house 3ahu) a (erson ill be ealthy and long lived. #uch a (erson $ay also su%%er because o% diseases related to genitals. A (erson ith a sixth house 3ahu ill also su%%er because o% ene$ies and %ro$ the evile%%ect o% $ale%ic (lanets. But) ith e%%orts it is (ossible that the native&s ene$ies ill usually be destroyed. A (erson ith a sixth house 3ahu ill be (o er%ul) ealthy and virile. #uch a (erson ill su%%er loss o% re(utation on account o% his $aternal uncle. A (erson ith a sixth house 3ahu ill usually be healthy but narro $inded. #o$e re$edies %or a sixth house 3ahu are as %ollo s :

'he (erson should buy a (et blac! dog. 'he (erson should !ee( blac! glass in his (oc!et

!etu in 6th House | 6th House !etu

By Hindu Astrology11. February 2012 1<:00

A sixth house Cetu (rovides a (erson ith strength) deter$ination) na$e and %a$e. A (erson ith a sixth house Cetu is strong) both (hysically and $entally. #uch a (erson is al ays deter$ined about everything he does. He is able to earn res(ect in the society and is usually very %a$ous. A (erson ith a sixth house Cetu can usually overco$e any sort o% adversity or o((osition. #uch a (erson does not need to $a!e too $any e%%orts in order to de%eat his o((onents or rivals. A sixth house Cetu e%%ects the genitals and a (erson $ay %ace diseases related to the$. ,t also a%%ects the eye sight adversely. 5ith the (resence o% a sixth house Cetu) the early childhood o% a (erson is not usually very ha((y. A (erson ith a sixth house Cetu is usually ha((y and lives a long li%e. #uch a (erson has a good and loving $other. 5ith the (resence o% a sixth house Cetu) it is (ossible that the (erson $ay live abroad. ,% this is the case) such a (erson ill live a very co$%ortable li%e. 5ith a sixth house Cetu) a (erson usually has $any ene$ies. But) such a (erson is easily able to de%eat his ene$ies to $ove ahead /uic!ly in li%e. A sixth house Cetu is considered to be debilitated. ,t is considered to be a D(ucca& house o% Cetu. 'he e%%ects o% a sixth house Cetu de(end on +u(iter. 'he (erson ith a sixth house Cetu is a good adviser. ,t also gives good results regarding children. ,% +u(iter is bene%ic) the (erson has a long li%e hich he lives co$%ortably. 'he (erson ill also have a good and loving $other. 5ith the (resence o% a $ale%ic sixth house Cetu) the $aternal uncle ill su%%er. A (erson ith a sixth house Cetu usually su%%ers due to useless travels. 'he native $ay also su%%er %ro$ s!in diseases.

Follo ing are the re$edies %or a sixth house Cetu :

5ear a golden ring in a %inger o% the le%t hand. :rin! $il! ith sa%%ron and ear gold in the ear. Cee( a dog.

Moon in 6th House | 6th House Moon

By Hindu Astrology3. February 2012 1.:10

A (erson ith a sixth house ?oon is usually very sincere at or!. Peo(le ith a sixth house ?oon are very $uch concern about the (roductivity and acco$(lish$ent o% their or! besides hich they al ays ants it to be best and %or the sa$e reasons dissatis%action %ro$ or! leads the$ to ards disturbed $ental a((earance. #uch (eo(le are usually (rone to stress hen it co$es to or!. 'his attitude $a!es the$ unstable in (ro%essional li%e and hence they usually change "obs %re/uently. 'hese (eo(le also con%ront so$e (roble$s in their educational (ath. Peo(le ith a sixth house ?oon are very s eet to their colleagues hich can so$eho annoy other (eo(le. #uch (eo(le give all the assistance to the their colleagues hen it co$es to or!. #uch (eo(le $ay also %ace %re/uent health (roble$s due to the stress that is involved ith or!. Peo(le ith a sixth house ?oon are usually very e$otionally attached to their or! and hence they are (eace%ul and at ease henever they are busy ith their or!. Peo(le ith a sixth house ?oon are usually very considerate to ards their %ello or!ers and desire to nurture the$ in a (roductive or! environ$ent. #ervice to others is a %ine outlet %or their (ersonality. ?oodiness and sensitivity can be a (roble$) though. As $entioned earlier) %luctuations in health are (ossible) (erha(s $ostly due to orry and %eelings o% insecurity. 6$otional tension along ith digestive troubles indicate the need to relax. Peo(le ith a sixth house ?oon should sto( orrying. 'hey should not eat hen over or!ed) overtired) or hen they are u(set. Peo(le ith a sixth house ?oon should ta!e care o% their health and diet. #uch (eo(le are usually totally involved ith their or! situation. 'hey can be or!aholics. ?any "ob changes are (ossible and or!ing ith the (ublic or ith o$en is indicated. A sixth house ?oon suggests that you are the ty(e o% (erson ho can be de(ended u(on to (rovide a variety o% services to those around you. ,% things need i$(roving) editing) re%ining or re%or$ing) you ill be the one to give suggestions and %ollo through ith (ersonal e%%ort to get the "ob done. Aou have a very restless nature and you9re a(t to $a!e a nu$ber o% "ob changes in your li%eti$e. Aou9re a orrier) and you are better o%% in a situation that doesn9t (roduce excesses o% e$otional tension. Aou have an e$otional need to be use%ul) to or! (roductively) to be organi4ed and on to( o% things) and to lead a healthy li%e. ,% these $atters are chaotic in your li%e) it9s a sy$(to$ o% e$otional unrest. Aou need a lot o% variety on the "ob to be sti$ulated and engaged in order to %eel ha((y. Aou are very sensitive) and es(ecially a are o% $inor health annoyances or body aches and (ains. #o$e o% you have hy(ochondriac sy$(to$s. #o$e atte$(t to get out o% things they don9t ant to do by e$(hasi4ing health (roble$s or even exaggerate illnesses in order to gain sy$(athy. At your best) ho ever) you9re a (erson ho al ays hel(s out and sho s your a%%ection %or others in (ractical ays in order to hel( the$ solve (roble$s and i$(rove their lives.

un in 6th House | 6th House Sun

By Hindu Astrology3. February 2012 10:.2

A sixth house #un $a!es a native service-oriented) %aith%ul) diligent and loyal to ards his or!. #uch a (erson %eels the need to serve others or hi$sel% in so$e or the other ay. 'he or! that he does and services that he o%%ers are ut$ost i$(ortant to deter$ine the native&s sense o% identity. 'here $ay be a tendency to %eel sel%-(ity or see! sy$(athy %or little things. He $ight also develo( hy(ochondriac tendencies. A (erson ith a sixth house #un is do$ineering and develo(s a %alse (ride to ards his colleagues or e$(loyers. #uch a (erson is ell suited to be an ad$inistrator) but he (re%ers to serve as an e$(loyee. 'he native should choose an occu(ation in hich he is able to ex(ress hi$sel% ell.

A (erson ith a sixth house #un does not li!e to be le%t ithout any or!. He al ays ants to be occu(ied ith so$e or the other or! and hates being bored. Acco$(lishing daily activities success%ully $a!es hi$ (roud o% hi$sel%. #uch a (erson ta!es a great (ride in his or! and or!(lace. He see!s a((reciation and recognition %or his or!. 'his is the reason that he al ays ants his or! to be better than others. Hard or! and challenging situations are indicated ithin the or! environ$ent. A (erson ith a sixth house #un tends to su%%er %ro$ hy(ertension and anxiety. His desire to do or! (er%ectly can beco$e the reason %or his health (roble$s. #uch a (erson should learn relaxing a bit and avoid ta!ing tensions at all. He cannot ta!e any !ind o% criticis$ about his or! and al ays see!s (ositive %eedbac! on his acco$(lish$ents. *nder-a((reciation can also beco$e the reason %or his illness. ,% the #un in this (lace$ent is strong) then the native ill be able to overco$e his health (roble$s. #uch a (erson is o%ten ell (aid and highly a((reciated %or the /uality o% or! he gives. As a good or!er) a (erson ith a sixth house #un is al ays thin!ing o% things related to or! and caring about others. He (ossesses a discri$inating /uality that hel(s hi$ to identi%y bad things %ro$ good ones. 2n the hole) the %ocus o% the native ith a sixth house #un is on (roviding a use%ul and hel(%ul services. ,t re(resents the urge to gain (er%ection over (hysical ob"ects) duties) res(onsibilities and necessities. An a%%licted #un in this (lace$ent $ay bring (roble$s ith health) lac! o% a good routine and di%%iculty ith coor!ers in daily li%e.

6th House Horoscope | Si"th House in #n$ian Horoscope

By Hindu Astrology2. February 2012 16:30

'he sixth house in a horosco(e is the house o% health) service and res(onsibilities. 'his house is governed by ;irgo and its ruling (lanet is ?ercury. 'he general ell being and illness is deter$ined by analy4ing the sixth house. ,t also denotes the native&s interest in health and %itness. 'here%ore) (roactive $easures to $aintain a good healthy li%e such as diet and exercise can be deter$ined %ro$ this house. 'his house also re(resents duty) service and obligations that either the native o es to others or others o e to hi$. 'hus) it is the house that re(resents the native&s role as a servant or an e$(loyee. 2ther %actors such as hygiene) or!) e$(loyees) relations ith e$(loyer and colleagues) servants) do$estic (ets and daily routine are also related to the sixth house. 'he sixth house in a horosco(e governs or! and living o% the native. ,t re(resents the !ind o% or! the native gets involved into and ho does it or! %or hi$. According to traditional astrology) sixth house in a horosco(e reveals illness and other ail$ents. 'hus) the or! and health are inter-connected to each other in the sixth house. 5or! is sure to a%%ect the health o% the native in the long run that can also be deter$ined by analy4ing the sixth house. Health issues related to di%%erent (ro%essions are easy enough to %oresee. ,n the sixth house) the native ill either have enhanced health or ea!ened health de(ending on his thin!ing (rocess. ,% a (erson is (rone to neglect hi$sel% over his or!) then he ill ex(erience all !inds o% diseases and disorders. A (erson ith Pisces in the sixth house is (rone to diseases related to %oot) toe and liver (roble$s. ,n this case) the native should be extra cautious to ards the s(eci%ied areas by ta!ing so$e early (recautions li!e getting a (edicure) (er%or$ing a %oot detox) going through re%lexology or other (recautionary $easures. 'he (osition o% (lanets in the sixth house (lays an i$(ortant (art in the events related to or! and health. 6ven i% the house is void o% (lanets) it does not $ean that the native is not concerned about his or!. 'he sixth house o% horosco(e also re(resents the struggles) di%%iculties) o((osition o% various !inds) litigation and servitude in the li%e o% the native. ,t indicates %ear) di%%iculties) ene$ies) ill health) debt and %ear o% death.

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