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2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator, www.GinTheVagabond.

Gin Ng
ign !p "or m# $%&& 'ower"!l 'eronal De(elopment &mail Newletter to recei(e tip on how to go a"ter #o!r dream
boldl# a well a reg!lar inpirational !pdate to help #o! lead a richer li"e)
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
A powerful 8 step plan to reach your dream faster
*# Gin Ng +hin ,ee
My current mission in life is to reach out as many lives as I can to
help you achieve your DREAM faster! So Im granting you the rights
to give away this special eBook worth !S"#$% to anyone you see fit&
As long as you 'o ()* change the content in any way!
*he +u,lisher has strive' to ,e as accurate an' complete as possi,le in the creation of this eBook& not
withstan'ing the fact that he 'oes not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are accurate
'ue to the rapi'ly changing nature of the Internet-
.hile all attempts have ,een ma'e to verify information provi'e' in this pu,lication& the +u,lisher
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Any perceive' slights of specific persons& peoples& or organi0ations are unintentional-
In practical a'vice ,ooks& like anything else in life& there are no guarantees of income ma'e1results-
Rea'ers are cautione' to rely on their own /u'gment a,out their in'ivi'ual circumstances an' act
*his eBook is for informational purposes only an' is not inten'e' for use as a source of legal& ,usiness&
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All rea'ers are a'vise' to seek services of
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3ou are encourage' to print this eBook only if its necessary!
4ets play our part to save Mother Earth- 5%
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
What Subscribers Are Saying About Dream Accelerator:
Dream Accelerator is an essential reading for a person who striving for achievement.
Gin had put together an eas!to!follow formula for me to achieve m goal faster. "t#s
reall fascinating to learn that anone can $ust ta%e action to manifest their dream in
realit when the have the correct mindset in place.
&oshua 'an ! (ctober )th* +,-. at ):.) pm
/0i Gin*
&ust wanna sa than% ou for touching m life* " %inda agree with ou that we should not
blame others and start ta%ing responsibilit for ourself. " used to blame other people for
m failure as a result " learn nothing* once " start ta%ing responsibilit for m own
success m situation improve1 Not onl m situation improve but m colleage and
friends around me said " changed to a better person. Than% ou once again .2
Tin 0ua ! November 3th* +,-. at -+:+) am
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
-# parent, Ng .oon Nam and .oo /ee /ing, both how me the power o" !nconditional lo(e
no matter how man# hard time we0(e been thro!gh.
-# brother, Ng .hen ,ee . ,ho loo1 a"ter m# parent when 23m o(erea.
-# o!l mate, Gan -ei 4in who accepted me and lo(e me "or whom 2 am.
+en 5hee and 5li(e Tan, "o!nder o" 6in(etment 'te /td. The# ha(e added o m!ch (al!e in
m# li"e and how me what it reall# ta1e to become a !cce"!l peron.
7ee .h!n 8ian , "o!nder o" 101power"!la"" . The# ha(e helped me dico(er
how to li(e li"e to the "!llet witho!t ha(ing to li(e below m# mean.
And mot importantl#,
79:. 7e) 79: ha(e downloaded Dream Accelerator beca!e #o! are
committed to #o!r own !cce. 20m read# to add mai(e (al!e to #o!r !cce
a long a #o! promie to ta1e action a"ter reading m# boo1
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
Table o" 5ontent
Dream .etting
Time 5ontroller
2 Am %eponible
.a# No To 'er"ection
Ta1e 5alc!lated %i1
$ear Terminator
Ta1e -ai(e Action
%ecommended %eo!rce
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
;i, 20m Gin, "o!nder o" peronal de(elopment blog
and a!thor o" Dream Accelerator.
How I use Dream Accelerator to transform my life.
I'm Fired!
$irt o" all, 23m an ordinar# g!# who own a <ob and li(e a imple li"e. Tr#ing to
climb m# wa# !p thr! the corporate ladder and achie(e "inancial "reedom a m#
parent alwa# a# ="ind a <ob in a big compan# and do #o!r bet o that #o!r
compan# will ta1e care o" #o!.> ,ell 2 !e to thin1 thi wa# !ntil thing happen
that dramaticall# change m# core (al!e o" m# parent ad(ice.
20(e lot m# <ob at .ingapore bac1 in A!g!t 200?. ,al1ing o!t o" the o""ice
b!ilding at 'a#a /ebar with m# heart "!ll o" anger and orrow. 2 brea1 down, cr#
"or loing m# <ob. 2 1eep a1ing m#el" what mita1e 23(e done that it0 o critical
which cot me m# <ob@ 20(e gi(en m# (er# bet in m# <ob, b!ilt !p a good
c!tomer databae and ta"" relationhip and #et 23m being "ired "or no reaon@
That0 not "air) And the bet part i m# bo <!t hand me m# "inal pa#chec1 and
aid >than1 #o! "or #o!r contrib!tion, 23m orr# that #o! ha(e to lea(e o!r
*eing "ired in a "oreign co!ntr# where #o! ha(e parent needing #o!r "inancial
!pport i no <o1e, m# mind went blan1, "ear tri1e me and 2 wa tre, panic
and depre at that moment. 2 decided to go bac1 -ala#ia, ee1 g!idance "rom
m# parent and (ent all m# "r!tration and anger b# haring m# tor#.
My Dad Is In Trouble Too!
,hen 2 reach home, 2 notice omething i not right. -# mom wa A!arreling
with m# dad o(er mone#. 2 tho!ght it wa a t#pical Taiwanee drama cene a
m# mom alwa# li1e to b!# healthcare prod!ct and m# dad alwa# go againt
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
her. :ntil 2 aw 3BC red bill and law#er letter that wanted to !e m# dad "or not
pa#ing hi credit card. 2 con"ronted him and a1 him what act!all# happen, wh#
we ha(e o man# !npaid bill which ma1e the ban1 wanted to !e !@ ;e <!t
a# he "orgot to pa# and re"!e to tal1 abo!t it an#more.
2n m# "ather0 e#e 23m "ore(er a 1id o he tend not hare hi problem with me a
23m "ore(er too #o!ng to !ndertand hi problem. .o 2 nea1 !p to m# mom in
the e(ening to "ind o!t e(er#thing "rom her. G!e what@ -# dad wa in deep
"inancial tro!ble, hi oil b!ine collape beca!e he didn0t recei(e hi client
pa#ment on time d!e to hi entire client wa holding on cah a 200?B6
!bprime crii hit, mot o" the mall b!ine owner wa panic.
To ma1e matter wort he owe more than DE0,000 to hi !pplier and the#
decide to top !ppl#ing toc1 and a1ing m# dad to pa# bac1 all the debt. 2
tho!ght 2 wa the one who hit roc1 bottom in m# li"e b!t loo1 at m# dad, he0
"acing a greater challenge than mine)
The neFt morning when 2 wa1e !p, 2 wal1 down to the li(ing room and wanted
to b!# brea1"at and 2 will ne(er "orget thi cene. 2 aw m# dad itting on hi
"a(orite chair, holding hi cigarette and howing no emotion at all. 2 can ene
the tre and b!rden he wa holding on all thi while. And he a1 me =#o!
wanted to tell me omething (er# important right@ ,hat i it@G 2 ta1e a deep
breath to control m# tear and replied >oh nothing 2 <!t want to hare that m#
bo ga(e me a 1 month bon! "or m# good per"ormance.> 2 tell him that 2
!ndertand hi it!ation now and 2 wanted to help him. ;e mile and tell me
that >e(er#thing i going to be o1 lea(e it to me, it0 to!gh wor1ing in .ingapore
and #o! might need thi mone# "or rain# da# > . 2 1now that it0 reall# not going
to be "ine) -# dad had paed hi age o" retirement , no emplo#er will hire him
beca!e o" hi age . ;ow i he able to pa# hi entire bill then@@
That moment had tr!c1 me hard and deep into m# o!l that 2 "elt 23m reall#
!ele and can0t do an#thing to help m# "amil#) 2 e(en hate m#el" "or being
retrenched and 2 can0t help m# dad when he0 tr!ggling deepl# in "inancial
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
tro!ble. .o 2 1eep all the negati(it# with me and go bac1 to .ingapore a 2 don0t
want m# "ather to 1now that 2 wa being retrenched.
A Beacon Of Hope!
%et!rning to .ingapore with a wea1 and demoraliHe o!l, 2 1eep earching "or
anwer. 2 want to li(e a di""erent li"e and ta1e control o" m# own path a m# eF
compan# ma1e me realiHe that 2 ha(e no control o(er m# <ob, m# bo can "ire
me an#time the# want regardle o" how m!ch e""ort 20(e contrib!te to the
There wa one da# 2 come acro thi boo1 Rich Dad Poor Dad, what ca!ght m#
attention wa %obert +i#oa1i hare that he wa once homele and he li(e in
hi old To#ota with hi wi"e "or e(eral month and he did ome part time <ob
<!t to "ill hi tomach. 2 wa li1e =what@ %obert wa once bro1e too@G Another
great a!thor, 8ac1 5an"ield. Do #o! 1now that hi boo1 Chicken Soup For The
Soul wa re<ected 1CC time b# boo1 p!bliher be"ore it wa p!blih@ A"ter
reading 8ac1 5an"ield tor# 2 decide to eFplore more on how he act!all# mani"et
hi dream into realit# depite o" all the challenge and obtacle he "ace. And 2
reall# belie(e in thi A!ote 0,hen #o! ha(e the will, #o! will "ind the wa#.G 2
watch thi li"e changing mo(ie =The .ecretG where 8ac1 5an"ield hare hi
tho!ght and idea on how he !e 0The /aw 9" Atrraction0 to mani"et hi dream
into realit#. 2 !rge #o! to watch it i" #o! han0t, it0 reall# mind blowing)
To m# !prie 8ac1 5an"ield i not the onl# one who acti(ate 0/aw 9" Attraction0
to ma1e hi dream come tr!e, the pict!re on the neFt page "eat!re iF p!blic
"ig!re who gone thr! all 1ind o" "ail!re and "!tration in their earl# age in li"e
and the# e(ent!all# mani"et their dream into realit#.
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
There0 one thing 2 notice abo!t what !cce"!l people ha(e in common i that
tey all a!e dreams and failure doesn't stop tem! That0 the 1e# to help them
brea1thr! all 1ind o" obtacle and challenge and the# e(ent!all# mani"et their
dream into realit#.
A Turnin" #oint In My $ife.
2t0 1inda weird to et m# dream when 2 ha(e no idea what ho!ld 2 do to ma1e it
come tr!e, b!t 2 till do it an#wa#.. Thi i the 1
dream 2 et d!ring ?/I/200?.
I want my parent to enjoy living instead o worrying a!out money"#
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
Dipite o" m# deperate it!ation, 20(e made !p m# mind that 20m going to
p!r!it m# dream no matter how di""ic!lt it i or how man# time 2 "ailed, 2 will
"ind a wa# to do it beca!e m# parent i waiting "or me) 2 will not "ail them)
Thi photo er(e a a reminder d!ring m# down time, e(er# time when 2 "eel
li1e gi(ing !p 2 will loo1 at thi photo and tell m#el" that =$ow are you going to
provide !etter living %uality or your amily i you give up&G
-# "amil# photo d!ring m# ? #ear old birthda# with m# #o!nger brother, mom and dad.
2 need to be honet with #o! that e(entho!gh 20(e et m# dream 2 don0t
immediatel# ha(e the reo!rce and method to mani"et m# dream "!rthermore
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
20m till <oble. *!t etting m# dream i the bet deciion 20(e e(er made in m#
li"e and let me eFplain wh#.
Invest in yourself, the rest will take care of itself.
9nce #o! et #o!r dream, #o!r mindet change, #o!r plan change, #o!r action
change, #o!r re!lt change, #o!r o!tloo1 in li"e change, #o!r belie(e change.
Thi chain reaction will ta1e place when #o! ha(e (er# trong deire to mani"et
#o!r dream into realit#. There"ore 2 too1 mai(e action to get m#el" tarted
with nothing and along the <o!rne# 2 meet people who to!ch m# li"e, gi(e me
g!idance, p!t me down, treat me a la!ghing toc1, ma1e mita1e, ta1e ri1,
impro(e m# trateg#, impro(e m# plan and o on. 2 mile and !r(i(e along the
wa# and 2 can tell #o! that m# dream er(e a an important "!el to 1eep me
going no matter what circ!mtance 2 "ace)
$rom 2006B2012 2 attend eminar and read ton o" el" help/peronal
de(elopment/wealth creation boo1 and ta1e mai(e action to go a"ter m#
dream. A"ter 2 learnt "rom (ario! mentor, go thr! allot o" obtacle and
challenge pend time teting o!t what wor1 and what doen0t wor1. 2 am able to
pen it down and p!t together a #tem that reall# help me achie(e m# goal) 2
li(e m# li"e to the "!llet beca!e the ene o" achie(ement #o! gain "rom
!cce"!ll# mani"eted #o!r dream will gi(e #o! trength to eFplore what0
poible "or #o!) Thi !ltimate "eeling can ne(er be bo!ght with mone#)
"All our dreams can come true, if we have
the courage to pursue them."
~Walt Disney
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
Attending m# !ncle3 wedding d!ring 2011, it3 been E #ear we ha(e ne(er ta1en a "amil# photo together.
&n<o#ing m#el" d!ring m# !ncle3 wedding, pla#ing with m# nephew.
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
'er"orming +Bpop dance J ,ing Tai Dinner and Dance )
A photo that 2 wa mita1en a a girl d!ring Dinner and Dance.
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
$i!e A More A"reesi!e $ife!
Toda# 2 ha(e more con"idence, better el" eteem and mot importantl# 2 li(e m#
li"e to the "!llet. ,ell not onl# m# "inancial it!ation impro(e b!t other area o"
m# li"e impro(e too. 2 can3t belie(e that 2 act!all# ta1e part in doing a + B pop
dance "or ,ing Tai Dinner and Dance a 23m not e(en a "an o" + pop. A 2 ha(e
hared be"ore, e(en it3 a mall dream li1e ta1ing #o!rel" to a mall (acation trip
to lea(e dail# tre and challenge aide. &mbrace and celebrate it beca!e #o!
made the deciion and ta1e action to ma1e #o!r dream come tr!e. *# doing o
#o! add poiti(e energ# into #o!r mind and #o! will wonder what #o! can
accomplih neFt. ,ell, eno!gh o" m# peronal tor#. 7o! might be thin1ing doe
it o!nd too good to be tr!e@ 7o! will ne(er 1now !ntil #o! ta1e the "irt tep.
2 wih #o! tart to realiHe the power, potential and poibilitie o" the gem o" a
gi"t 23m handing #o!.
Now let0 get it tarted to tran"orm #o!r li"e !ing Dream Accelerator))) Drop
me an email at dreamaccelerator1I6? to hare with me #o!r
peronal tor# a"ter #o! !e thi #tem to achie(e #o!r dream #a)) K L
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
photo cre'it6 h-kopp'elaney via photopin cc
,h# do ome people eem to !cceed in all the# do, b!t other "lo!nder along
at the rear@ -otl# it3 beca!e the !cce"!l people ha(e et goal and ta1e
tep to !cce"!ll# achie(e them. .o how do the# alwa# eem to achie(e their
Dream m# "riend i the "o!ndation that 1eep them ta# "oc!ed on achie(ing
their goal. ,itho!t a dream we are hardl# moti(ated to e(en et goal.
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
%. How to &et My Dream'
o Thin1 o" an ultimate outcome that eFcite #o!)
&Fample: ,&2G;T /9..
Now weight lo ha ne(er "ailed to lea(e a negati(e impreion to me , e(er#
time when 2 hear the word weight lo 2 don0t "eel the eFcitement and <o#
aro!nd that term. *eca!e m# mind 1eep "eeding me image li1e to go to the
g#m, "orce m#el" to diet / tar(e, and o on. ,ith thi entire negati(e tho!ght
how co!ld #o! poibl# achie(e #o!r dream@ 2 bet e(en i" #o! et #o!r goal
aro!nd them the# will be abandoned (er# oon. 2ntead create a dream with
poiti(it# and <o#, what0 the !ltimate o!tcome #o! want to ee a"ter loing
weight@ $or me the o!tcome o" loing weight will be en<o#ing a health# li"et#le,
ha(e a leaner bod# hape o that 23m able to ta# with the latet "ahion trend
witho!t worr#ing abo!t iHe, . +eep (i!aliHing the !eneit #o! gain "rom the
o!tcome, i a (i!aliHe a poible, once #o! 1eep doing it #o! will gain poiti(e
energ# and dri(e to 1eep #o! moti(ated)
(. )ame #lan A.*.A )oal &ettin"
7o! need to create goal aro!nd #o!r dream. ,rite it down, ta1ing into acco!nt
when #o! are going to achie(e the goal and wh# it3 important. Tr# and be a
(i!al a poible, eFplaining how the achie(ement o" thi goal will achie(e #o!r
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
%& Di'ie your goal into (ieces
'(othing is particularly hard i you divide it into small jo!s)' *$enry Ford
Now etting !p a goal can be ea#, b!t what0 neFt@ ,hen #o!r goal i h!ge #o!
need to brea1 the goal into tangible tep that need to be ta1en to achie(e the
Thi tep i o important where mot people neglected, the goal i o h!ge !ntil
the# don0t 1now what to do and then the# abandon their goal.
)& Ask *uality *uestion
>;ow badl# do 2 want thi goal@G
>,ill thi goal gi(e me a better li"e@>
>,here do 2 get reo!rce to achie(e m# goal@>
>,ho ha alread# achie(ed the goal 2 et@G
Anwering thee A!etion will gi(e #o! more dri(e to achie(e #o!r goal a #o!
ha(e opened !p #o!r mind to a new path.
+& ,en own your goals&
A"ter writing them down, re(iew them reg!larl#. 7o! ma# alo want to 1eep
them hand# to 1eep #o! moti(ated. 7o! ha(e to dicipline #o!rel" to tic1 to
what #o! ha(e written. Do not <!t write them and t!c1 them awa# omewhere
Ma"e3. 2t3 better to 1eep them where #o! will ee them. 'eronall# 2 li1e to nap
a photo o" m# goal and et it a m# wallpaper o e(er# time when 2 loo1 at m#
phone 2 ee m# goal.
-& Do not gi'e u(&
%e(iewing #o!r goal will help open #o!r mind to ee i" #o! are on the right
trac1. ,hile on trac1, #o! ma# ha(e to "ace challenge that might change the
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
wa# #o! ee #o!rel". Ne(er be dico!raged. &nco!ntering obtacle are <!t a
tet "or how dedicated one i to achie(e the goal #o!3(e et. 2t will all boil down
to #o! preparing #o!rel" to "ace an#thing and doing e(er#thing to get to the
goal that #o! ha(e et "or #o!rel". 9nl# #o! can ma1e it happen. Nothing can
top #o! i" #o! ha(e et #o!r mind to it and commit to ta1ing action.
.& /ee( Dreaming0
+verything is created twice, irst in the mind and then in reality)# * Ro!in S)
Sharma, the -onk .ho Sold $is Ferrari
A i aid earlier dream i the 1e# to achie(e #o!r goal, ne(er top dreaming)
There will be a da# that #o!r dream become #o!r realit#. 2t0 #o!r "!el to help
#o! ta# with #o!r goal.
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
photo cre'it6 7leuret via photopin cc
Time controller i baicall# abo!t being "oc!ed. The 'areto 'rinciple alo 1nown
a the 060:20 %!le0 tate that 60N o" e""ort that are not time managed or
!n"oc!ed generate onl# 20N o" the deired o!tp!t. ;owe(er, 60N o" the
deired o!tp!t can be generated !ing onl# 20N o" a well time managed e""ort.
Altho!gh the ratio 060:200 i onl# arbitrar#, it i !ed to p!t emphai on how
m!ch i lot or how m!ch can be gained with proper time management.
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
Time mana"ement is about "ettin" results+ not about bein" busy.
'Don/t mistake movement or achievement) It/s easy to get aked out !y !eing
!usy) The %uestion is0 1usy doing what&' ** 2im Rohn)
Thoro!ghl# planning and ha(ing a et o" thing to do lit "or each o" the 1e#
area ma# not be (er# practical, b!t determining which area in #o!r li"e in0t
gi(en eno!gh attention i part o" time management. &ach area create the
whole #o!, i" #o! are ignoring one area then #o! are ignoring an important part
o" #o!rel".
Time management ho!ld not be o da!nting a ta1. 2t i a (er# enible and
reaonable approach in ol(ing problem big or mall.
A great wa# o" learning time management and impro(ing #o!r peronal li"e i to
"ollow e(eral baic acti(itie.
&et priority to determine which ta1 i necear# or not necear# in
achie(ing #o!r goal and which acti(itie are helping #o! maintain a
balanced li"et#le.
#at yourself at te bac, or <!t reward #o!rel" in an# manner "or an
e""ecti(e time management re!lt.
Don't procrastinate. Attend to necear# thing immediatel#.
Ha!e a positi!e attitude and et #o!rel" !p "or !cce. *!t be realitic in
#o!r approach in achie(ing #o!r goal.
Ha!e a record or -ournal o" all #o!r acti(itie. Thi will help #o! get thing
in their proper perpecti(e.
Thee are the "ew tep #o! initiall# ta1e in becoming a well ro!nded indi(id!al.
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
$rom the moment #o! integrate into #o!r li"e time management 1ill, #o! ha(e
opened e(eral option that can pro(ide a broad pectr!m o" ol!tion to #o!r
peronal growth. 2t alo create more door "or opport!nitie to 1noc1 on.
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
photo cre'it6 8elen 9 via photopin cc

Dream Is .our /esponsibility!
,hat doe that mean@ .imple...7o! ha(e a reponibilit# to mani"et
dream on #o!r own li"e. The reponibilit# lie on #o!r ho!lder. 7o!
can3t blame an#one ele, and #o! can3t loo1 o!tide o" #o!rel" "or
omeone ele to mani"et the dream "or #o!. No one ele will do it "or #o!.
7o! aren3t a !r"er waiting "or the neFt wa(e to come in.
2n m# down time, one 1e# leon that 2 learnt i that blaming other "or m#
"ail!re will bring me nowhere, beca!e "!ndamentall# m# mind thin1 that
it other people "a!lt o 2 will do nothing to change m# li"e. *!t the "act i
o!r li(e are onl# a good a we decide to ma1e them. ,e ho!ld ma1e
hort and long range plan and then "ollow them thro!gh, re(iewing them
a we go. 2t i o!r deign and determination that decide o!r detin# and
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
thi i o!r reponibilit#. ,hen thing are not right we ho!ld blame
nobod#, "or that onl# dodge the problem that are o!r own and that we
m!t "iF o!rel(e.
'1e not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to !e, since
you cannot make yoursel as you wish to !e)' * Thomas 3empis 45678*
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
photo cre'it6 ,lakespot via photopin cc
Thi i where the point mot people gi(e !p on their dream, let me eFplain
in detail. ;a(e #o! noticed there i allot o" (erion o" the i'hone "rom 2O
3GO 3G.O CO C.O E. Not onl# that each new (erion o" i'hone alo
impro(e on their retina dipla#, 29. #tem, E megapiFel and o on. 2 !e
to wonder wh# the# can3t <!t ma1e the bet phone to la!nch in the
mar1et o that we don0t wate o!r mone# to b!# new i'hone again and
again. 2t0 onl# a"ter 2 attend a eminar bac1 in 200I the pea1er hare thi
"act which hoc1ed me. 2magine Apple onl# releae their world changing
i'hone technolog# toda#, how m!ch mone# and competiti(e ad(antage
the#0(e lot to No1ia and .am!ng i" the# wait "or per"ection@ ,hat i"
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
.am!ng /a!nch their GalaF# .erie be"ore the i'hone@ ,ill Apple till be
the mar1et leader then@
,aiting "or a time when e(er#thing i per"ect and in place will ca!e #o! to
loe #o!r enth!iam and abandon #o!r goal. 5ondition ma# ne(er be a
per"ect a #o! deire. 7o! ma# ne(er ha(e all the mone#, time, or
1nowledge #o! deire to begin wor1ing on #o!r goal. 7o! m!t ta1e ri1,
learn and impro(e a #o! go along and then watch a e(er#thing begin to
"all in place. 2" #o! ha(e to wait "or the per"ect time to begin wor1ing on
#o!r goal #o! will be waiting a long time)
9ne boo1 2 recommend #o! to read i called 0%ead#, $ire, Aim0 b# -ichael
-ateron. A A!ic1 !mmar# o" hi boo1 hare thi concept o" read#, "ire,
aim. 2t0 alright to <!t ta1e action. $ire "irt, o that #o! can trac1 and trace
#o!r record. Aim and impro(e along the wa# !ntil we !cce"!ll# hoot at
the right target, in o!r cae hit o!r goal. Thi power"!l concept accelerate
o!r progre b# helping ! "ree "rom anal#i paral#i , the deadl# "orce
that 1eep ! awa# "rom attracting what we want in li"e)))
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
photo cre'it6 fraying via photopin cc
'Don<t test the depth o water with !oth eet' *.arren 1uett)
There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the !ud was
more painul than the risk it took to !lossom)# * =nis (in
&(er#thing in li"e in(ol(e a ri1, there i no !ch thing a 100N a"e. /et
me gi(e #o! ome eFample,
$oodB there0 a potential ri1 that #o!r "ood might ca!e cho1ing.
ToiletB there0 a potential ri1 that toilet bowl might brea1 and ca!e
erio! in<!r#.
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
5ell phoneB there0 a potential ri1 that phone batter# might eFplode
and ca!e in<!r#.
2'odB <ogging in a rain# da# there0 a potential ri1 that th!nder might
tri1e and ca!e #o! #o!r li"e.
,ant me to go on@ 8o1e onl#. 23m pointing thi o!t beca!e e(er# da# we
are eFpoing o!r el" at ri1, b!t we might not realiHe it. ,e do not allow
"ear o" re<ection and "ail!re to dictate o!r li"e. Ta1ing ri1 empower #o!
to ta1e charge o" #o!r li"e and #o! will ne(er 1now the o!tcome i" #o!
don3t ta1e the ri1. ,e ho!ld embrace the !n1nown and anticipate
!cce. ;a(ing aid that ta1ing ri1 mean tepping o!t o" what i a"e,
com"ortable and "amiliar to #o!. 2t0 not ea# to do it beca!e it in(ol(e
emotion. $ear i the emotion that come along when we ta1e ri1. 2 will
hare more abo!t "ear handling in the neFt chapter. Now let me hare
with #o! how 2 ta1e ri1.
%. In!est in education.
'There is no !ad investment, only !ad investor' Ro!ert 3iyosaki
Thi clearl# determine where the problem lie, the in(etor. -ot o" the
people do not pend time and mone# on ed!cation to !ndertand how
thing wor1. 2ntead the# blindl# "ollow what other are doing, a the
re!lt the# loe time loe mone#. Then the# will a# =thi i o ri1# and
now 2 1now thi i not "or me.> 2 don0t want #o! to "all (ictim to thi trap.
(. Find Te #erson 0o Has Already Acie!ed .our )oal
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
Thi i power"!l, imagine Thoma &dion ha(e "ailed a 1000 time to create
a wor1ing light b!lb. ,o!ld #o! want to go thr! 1000 time "ail!re to create
#o!r own light b!lb@ 2magine i" #o! were to create a light b!lb b# #o!r
own, how m!ch time and e""ort ha(e #o! lot@ 9r #o! can <!t b!# the
light b!lb "rom him which 2 thin1 he0 more willing to ell a light b!lb to
1. $e!era"e + le!era"e!
Now there i another power"!l method that can help #o! accelerate #o!r
dream which i called le(erage, le(erage allow #o! to do more with le.
7o! a(e time and mone# b# hort c!t the learning c!r(e a #o! learning
"rom their eFperience and a(oid deathl# pit"all the# might trap them el" in
be"ore. *!t be mind"!l, there are allot o" el" claim g!r!/eFpert who elling
thing the# don0t !ndertand to ma1e a li(ing. 7o! m!t chec1 their
credibilit# be"ore #o! decide to in(et in the ed!cation the# pro(ide.
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
photo cre'it6 hus,an'unit via photopin cc
The primary dierence !etween rich people and poor people is
how they handle ear#) ))) Ro!ert 3iyosaki
'Fear > False +vidence =ppearing Real#
$ear o" "ailing, o" co!re e(er#one doe "ear no matter how !cce"!l the#
are. 9ne 1e# thing abo!t how we ho!ld handle "ear i !ing it a a "!el to
moti(ate ! on p!hing ! e(en "!rther to learn more. 9nce we 1now
more abo!t what the !b<ect we are into, it0 (er# nat!ral that we ha(e
le "ear and el" do!bt. .el"Bdo!bt and "ear inter"ere with o!r abilit# to
achie(e or et goal. .el"Bdo!bt and "ear are the (oice in o!r head telling
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
!, >7o!0ll ne(er !cceed, o wh# tr#@> and >who do #o! thin1 #o! are@>
.el"Bdo!bt and "ear are alo what ma1e ! liten to thoe (oice and
decide to gi(e !p be"ore we get tarted.
,hile man# people eFperience el"Bdo!bt and "ear at ome point in their
li(e, the# ta1e action an#wa#. 9ther remain t!c1, or are con"ident in
onl# one area o" their li"e, !ch a wor1. The# are too a"raid to tr# new
thing li1e going bac1 to chool, entering new relationhip or learning new
1ill. ,hen we let el"Bdo!bt and "ear r!le o!r li(e, we mi
opport!nitie. ,e predict and belie(e that nothing good will happen to !,
o we don0t tr# an#thing new, and re"!e to ta1e e(en lowBle(el ri1. Thi
lead ! to dico!nt people or it!ation that co!ld help ! reach o!r
goal. ,hile el" do!bt and "ear can come in di""erent "orm and "rom
di""erent o!rce, we can learn to brea1 thro!gh them.
1. -a1e a lit o" #o!r "ear. 9nl# b# admitting that the# eFit can #o! ee1
2. ,rite down how thee "ear a""ect #o!r li"e.
3. *ecome aware o" the (oice in #o!r head and write down thoe
negati(e meage.
C. .tart b!ilding a !pport #tem o" "riend and eliminate people "rom
#o!r li"e who "oter "eeling o" negati(it#.
E. 8oin a !pport gro!p o" people who ha(e imilar i!e.
P. 5hange each negati(e meage to one that i a""irming and
?. %ead boo1 that help #o! "eel better abo!t #o!rel".
6. *e aware o" #o!r pat, and be willing to let go o" it.
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
I. /it #o!r goal and the action #o! need to achie(e them.
10. Ta1e one o" thoe action e(er# da#. &ach time #o! do omething
that bring #o! cloer to achie(ing #o!r goal #o! will "eel better abo!t
,hen "ear and el"Bdo!bt come bac1, and the# till do, 2 brea1 thro!gh
them b# !ing the tool and 1ill 20(e learned and now teach. The# wor1.
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
photo cre'it6 kane'a:: via photopin cc
A 2 wa going thro!gh a new training co!re, that i helping me to de(elop
a new career, there it wa taring me right in the "ace B Ta1e -ai(e
$ew people /2A$$. !ndertand how important thi concept i to !cce.
,e all 1now the old a#ing, =.ho!lda, 5o!lda, ,o!lda,G when we ee an
opport!nit# lip awa#. 2 1now 23(e aid, =2 T;9:G;T 9$ T;AT 7&A%. AG9)G
abo!t ome new gadget 2 came acro. 2 didn3t ta1e action. 2 let mall
problem be eFc!e "or not mo(ing "orward with the thing 2 tr!l# want.
,ell, 2 "inall# decided eno!gh i eno!gh) 2 want a new li"et#le re(ol(ing
aro!nd the goal that 2 want and not what omeone ele thin1 2 ho!ld
Ta,e Imperfect Action!
&(er#thing doen3t ha(e to be per"ect the "irt time. 23(e de"initel# "allen
into that old trap) ;ec1, mot people don3t e(en notice. 8!t do
omething) 7o! can "iF the mita1e later. ,e learn "rom o!r mita1e. 8!t
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
ta1e imper"ect action and #o! can grad!all# per"ect #o!r action baed on
the re!lt #o! get.
*# allowing #o!rel" to a#, =2 changed m# mindG and =2 wa wrongG, #o!
will eFperience new"o!nd "reedom.
,e are all creat!re o" habit and hate to be blown o!t o" o!r com"ort
Hone, b!t ta1ing ri1 and <!t getting o!t there can mo(e mo!ntain.
=Thin1 and Grow %ichG b# Napoleon ;ill3 entire boo1 re(ol(e aro!nd one
premie and that i to thin1. A"ter thin1ing, ta1e action and be peritent.
*e poiti(e in #o!r thin1ing and ta# awa# "rom negati(e in"l!ence. ,hen
#o! hear negati(e comment, <!t realiHe mot people are en(io! and
ecretl# wih the# were a bra(e a #o!.
Don3t belie(e that !cce i hard. 2t i a proce, o ta1e it one tep at a
time. 7o! can learn what #o! don3t 1now.
2 co!ld go on and on abo!t poiti(e thin1ing. 23m !re #o!3(e heard it
be"ore. 2" #o! are loo1ing to change #o!r "inancial it!ation and #o!r li"e,
belie(e in #o!rel" and ta1e action) Don3t let an#more wonder"!l
opport!nitie pa #o! b#)
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
photo cre'it6 theloushe via photopin cc
It may seem diicult at irst, !ut everything is diicult at irst)#*
-iyamoto -usashi
At the beginning o" #o!r <o!rne#, e(er#thing eem di""ic!lt to #o!. *!t
don3t "eel ad , it3 completel# normal when we tep o!t o" o!r com"ort
%ein"orcement pla# a ma<or role in 1eeping ! ta# "oc! toward o!r
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
Create positive self-talk
2t mean p!rpoel# gi(ing #o!rel" poiti(e rein"orcement,
moti(ation, and recognitionB <!t a #o! wo!ld do "or a "riend.
5ongrat!late #o!rel" when #o! do well, and remind #o!rel" o" #o!r
abilitie, accomplihment, trength and 1ill.
Make self-talk work for you.
,hen #o! habit!all# a# to #o!rel" ha a (er# pro"o!nd impact on
#o!r el"Bimage, #o!r el"Beteem, and #o!r per"ormance a well a
e(ent!al !cce. %emember that #o!r !bconcio! trigger
ph#iological repone to match the pict!re and tho!ght that #o!
ha(e o" #o!rel" to ma1e them happen. -a1e thi wor1 "or #o! b#
1eeping #o!r el"Btal1 poiti(e
Stop negative self-talk.
7o! ma# well be A!ic1 to nag #o!rel" beca!e #o!r mother wanted
#o! to more than per"ect. ;owe(er, negati(e el" tal1 can be
damaging beca!e #o!r !bconcio! belie(e what #o! a# to #o!
when #o! repeat that negati(e tal1 in #o!r mind o(er and o(er. ;ow
i #o!r !bconcio! to 1now otherwie@ 2" #o! catch #o!rel" !ing
negati(e el"Btal1, top and rephrae. &liminate the negati(e word.
Focus with affirmation statements.
A""irmati(e tatement are poiti(e el"Btatement or reminder to
help #o! achie(e goal. The# are poiti(e meage with a p!nch
=mental b!mper tic1erG o" ort to moti(ate #o!r !bconcio!
mind to wor1 "or #o!.
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
;ere are g!ideline to help #o! to !e the power"!l tool o"
a""irmati(e tatement a (ital mental reminder techniA!e.
-a1e the tatement peronal to #o!rel".
Not arbitrar# or generic. :e the phrae =2G, #o!r own name, or #o!
+eep a""irmation hort.
;ow can #o! !e the a""irmation i" #o! cannot remember them@
'hrae #o!r a""irmation poiti(el#.
The mind accept a tr!th in the word that #o! gi(e it. :e poiti(e word onl# a
a""irmation. /ea(e o!t an# negati(e word. $or eFample a# =2 will not be ner(o! d!ring
m# inter(iew with the warden =. %ather a# =2 will be calm and el"Ba!red d!ring m#
2ncl!de a poiti(e emotion.
A phrae that trigger a poiti(e emotion trengthen the a""irmation.
$or eFample =-# goal are (al!able and it eFcite me.G
'hrae a""irmation a "act.
'hrae a goal a tho!gh it i happening e(en i" #o! ha(e not achie(ed
it #et. 7o!r !bconcio! belie(e mental meage and wor1 to
ma1e them a realit#.
.a# #o!r a""irmation at leat P time a da#.
%epetition i li"e. %epetition enhance el"Bcon"idence, act a a
reminder, and tim!late #o!r !bconcio! to help #o! achie(e #o!r
goal in li"e.
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
2t cannot be o(ertated the impact that poiti(e el" tal1 and
a""irmati(e tatement can help #o! toward the (ital goal that #o!
ha(e identi"ied in #o!r li"e. %emember that witho!t goal e(en i" #o!
wor1 hard #o! are li1e a hip witho!t a r!dder
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
O Dream .etting O Time 5ontroller O 2 Am %eponible
O .a# No To 'er"ection O Ta1e 5alc!lated %i1 O $ear Terminator
O Ta1e -ai(e Action O %ein"orcement
Thi i it) Ta1e thi 6 tep #tem with #o! to accelerate #o!r dreamK #o!
might thin1 #o! alread# 1new all thi t!"" that 2 hare. *!t when #o! <oint
all thi 6 tep together it become a winning "orm!la to accelerate #o!r
dream) 8!t li1e a car need engine, "!el, tire and all other part to
aemble together o that it can "!nction properl#. There are a "ew
eminar 2 attended which 2 "elt it0 a wate o" time and mone# a 2 alread#
1new the t!"" that he ta!ght a"ter the co!re and it cot me DE000 to
attend) The reaon wh# 2 ign !p it0 beca!e 2 tho!ght a"ter attending
their eminar to learn their 0ecret0 2 will a!tomaticall# become rich and
!cce"!l. *!t tr# to thin1 abo!t it, #o! can0t hire a peronal trainer to
b!ild a m!c!lar bod# "or #o!. 7o! need to go thro!gh a erie o" m!cle
b!ilding training #o! el" in order to b!ild m!cle. There"ore 2 deign thi
e*oo1 a a gi(e bac1 to the world, 2 wanted to help people realiHe that the#
ha(e the power to accelerate their dream with thi imple 6 tep)
2 !rge #o! to ta1e action, there i magic in action. Ta1e action to "eel it "or
#o!rel") The mot !cce"!l peron in thi world i not the one who ha
the highet intelligent, b!t the one who ha the highet achie(ement.
$ard work !eats talent when talent doesn<t work hard)# Tim
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
Final thought before you kick
start your journey.
0I&DOM 3& *4O0$2D)2
:ndertand the di""erence between widom and 1nowledge. ,e all 1new
that 1nowledge i power, b!t 1nowledge i onl# power"!l when #o! appl#)
7o! m!t appl# what #o! learn again and again !ntil it become part o"
#o!. . Then it o""iciall# become #o!r widom....
Ta1e thi 2 power"!l A!ote with #o!)
!nowing is not enough, we must
apply. "illing is not enough, we
must #o$$$% &ruce 'ee
()ction is the foun#ational key to
all success. ( *ablo *icasso
Did #o! $ind m# Dream accelerator add (al!e to #o!@
2 ha(e gi(en m# bet to p!t !p thi eence which 23m !ing it e(er# da#,
23m !re 2 added (al!e to #o! K L ... and #o!3re probabl# wonderingQ
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
=,here do 2 go "rom here@G
,ell, Dream Accelerator i <!t the beginning.
23ll pot m# Dream Accelerator !pdate on m# ide , "eel "ree to chec1 o!t
the !pdate 2 hare a 2 will go more in depth into each apect to help #o!
more. $!rthermore i" #o! li1e the concept and boo1 2 hare , 2 had written
down on m# reo!rce page .
9n the neFt page , #o!3ll "ind reo!rce that are more "oc!ed on the
peci"ic area #o! might want to wor1 on. $eel "ree to chec1 them o!t and
get them 2" #o! need peci"ic help on that area o" #o!r li"e.
,ith thi 2 will lea(e #o! with lo(e to eFplore the wonder"!l reo!rce page.
To 7o!r 5ontin!ing .!cce)
Gin Ng
$o!nder and Growth &Fcellence 9""icer o"
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
/esources for #ositi!ity!!!
#anic5away BFor anyone who are suffering from anxiety attack, you know
by now that it is a debilitating sickness. Thi program i generall# the bet
ol!tion #o! can get aide "rom ta1ing medication a medication onl# ol(e o!r
problem temporaril# , 7o! can e(en tr# it "or "ree i" #o!0r 1eptical abo!t thi
Boost &elf 2steem! B No one i born with great el" eteem, #o! can learn the
proper and e""ecti(e wa# to eliminate ocial anFiet# and h#ne, then #o!3ll be
able to boot #o!r el" eteem)
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
#owerful Mind Mastery! B Now, when #o! mater #o!r mind, #o! can literall#
mater e(er#thing in li"e that #o! deire) Thi power"!l mind mater# program
help #o! ta# "oc!ed on #o!r targeted goal)
/esources for )reater Healt and Body sape!
Fat $oss Factor BAre #o! tired o" co!ntle attempt to loe weight and it doen3t
wor1@ 2t3 mot probabl# #o! didn3t realiHe what i #o!r "at lo "actor) 5lic1 to
"ind o!t more."atlot"actor
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
Trut About Fat Burnin" Food B$or thoe who are deperate to lim down b#
ta1ing "at b!rning "ood beware) Do not ta1e an# "at b!rning "ood !ntil #o! read
2at and $ose 0ei"t! B5lic1 here to get an eFcl!i(e report on the !ltimate g!ide
to intermittent "ating "or e""ortle weightlo and li"elong health.
2atin" For 2ner"y BHave you heard of what are some natural foods that will give
you long-lasting energy? Yuri has a series of compilation that can help you select
the best natural foods that boost your energy in much healthier way!
2nance your M6&7$2 5-!cle growing can be to!gh a it in(ol(e proper diet
and training, b!t with +#le3 c!tomiHe program #o! will enhance and maintain
#o!r m!cle "or good.!cle
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
/esources for &ocial &uccess+ /elationsip and 7onfidence.
&in" li,e A &tar!!! B;a(e #o! e(er "elt h# and re"!e to ing whene(er there3 a
+arao1e eion at #o!r ocial gathering beca!e #o! ha(e no con"idence in #o!r
(oice. ,ell not an#more when #o! learn how to ing li1e a tar )
Datin" &olution For Him B /earn how to attract and date #o!r dream girl with thi
? imple tric1 that mot g!# mi o!t)
Datin" &olution For Her B /adie 2 need #o!r attention here, i" #o! can read a
man3 mind #o! will !ltimatel# 1now how to get hi attention on #o!) $ind o!t
more at thi lin1)
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
Fi8 .our /elationsip 4ow!!
B 2t3 (er# pain"!l when #o! mi him/her o m!ch b!t there3 nothing #o! can
do to gain #o!r eF bac1. *!t he#) /earn 2 weird tric1 to gain #o!r eF bac1) 7o!
can do it)
/elationsip /emedy B 2" #o!3re in the wort tate o" relationhip it!ation and
#o! wanna a(e it, don3t gi(e !p. $ind o!t "rom "rom the man who ha helped
E0,11I people in ?? co!ntrie.!p
)et Him Bac,! B/adie, a the title a# it all. 7o! can do omething to get him
bac1) /earn how in"l!ence hi emotion to #o!r "a(or and get him bac1."
&a!e .our Marria"e! BDico(er how to a(e #o!r marriage with thi high !cce
rate in"ormation e(en i" #o!3re the onl# one who3 intereted.
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
#ersonal De!elopment Boo, /esources
Tin, and )row /ic 5 4apoleon Hill
Thi aweome title ha been on the bet elling
boo1 hel(e ince 1I3?. ;e m!t be haring
omething right. -ot !cce"!l "ig!re toda# ha(e
read hi boo1. *e !re to chec1 it o!t.
/ic Dad #oor Dad 5 /obert *iyosa,i
;ere come m# "a(orite a!thor o" all time. Than1 to
him 23m able to o(ercome man# obtacle that bloc1
m# wa# to "inancial "reedom.
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
Te Mon, 0o sold His Ferrari 5 /obin & &arma
Now, belie(e it or not a"ter reading thi boo1 2
act!all# gain pirit!al power to !tain m# moti(ation
dail#. ,ith emotional calmne #o!3ll be !rpried
how #o! can accomplih ta1 better.
/eady Fire Aim 5 Micael Masterson
Thi boo1 i aweome, he hare tip and
trategie on how #o! can o(ercome the "ear
o" "ailing and enco!rage #o! to ta1e action
2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,
97an"e .our Brain+ 7an"e .our $ife+9 5 Dr. Daniel
/i1e the tittle mention, the core area #o! need to
change i #o!r brain/mindet in order to ee
e""ecti(e re!lt. ,itho!t the correct mindet what
e(er #o! do onl# gi(e #o! minimal re!lt.
2 wih m# miion and wor1 reonate with #o!)
2 loo1 "orward to connecting with #o! more thro!gh m# newletter and
Tal1 to #o! oonQ
Gin Ng R8!t call me Gin)L
$o!nder and Growth &Fcellence 9""icer o"

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