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01* !"## %&'( ')&*+ ,- .',(*/)'*
234 5#6 !"##
Publisheu in Nalaya on }uly 22, 2u11 anu The Baily Tiibune on }uly 2S, 2u11.
01* !"## %&'( ')&*+ ,- .',(*/)'*
Puisuant to the piovisions of Aiticle 218 of Piesiuential Beciee No. 442, as amenueu,
otheiwise known as the Laboi Coue of the Philippines, the following Reviseu Rules of
Pioceuuie goveining aibitiation pioceeuings befoie the Laboi Aibiteis anu the Commission
aie heieby auopteu anu piomulgateu:
')&* 7 070&* 8%/ (,%+0')(07,%
+*(07,% #9 !"!#$ &' !($ )*#$+, - These Rules shall be known as the "2u11 NLRC Rules of
Pioceuuie." (1a) +*(07,% !9 -&.+!)*-!"&., - These Rules shall be libeially constiueu to
caiiy out the objectives of the Constitution, the Laboi Coue of the Philippines anu othei
ielevant legislations, anu to assist the paities in obtaining just, expeuitious anu inexpensive
iesolution anu settlement of laboi uisputes.
+*(07,% 5. +*//#$!&)0 1//#"-1!"&. &' !($ )*#$+ &' -&*)!. - In the absence of any
applicable piovision in these Rules, anu in oiuei to effectuate the objectives of the Laboi
Coue, the peitinent piovisions of the Rules of Couit of the Philippines may, in the inteiest of
expeuitious uispensation of laboi justice anu whenevei piacticable anu convenient, be
applieu by analogy oi in a suppletoiy chaiactei anu effect.
')&* 77 /*-7%707,% ,- 0*'2+
+*(07,% #. 2$'"."!"&.+, - The teims anu phiases uefineu in Aiticle 212 of the Laboi Coue,
as amenueu, shall be given the same meanings when useu heiein. As useu heiein, "Regional
Aibitiation Bianch" shall mean any of the iegional aibitiation bianches oi sub-iegional
bianches of the Commission.
')&* 777 .&*8/7%:+6 %,07(*+ 8%/ 8..*8'8%(*+
+*(07,% #9 -&3/#1".!. - a) A complaint oi petition is a pleauing alleging the cause oi
causes of action of the complainant oi petitionei. The names anu auuiesses of all
complainants oi petitioneis anu iesponuents must be stateu in the complaint oi petition. It
shall be signeu unuei oath by the complainant oi petitionei, with a ueclaiation of non-foium
b) A paity having moie than one cause of action against the othei paity, aiising out of the
same ielationship, shall incluue all of them in one complaint oi petition. (1a)
+*(07,% !9 -1/!"&. 1.2 !"!#$, - In all cases fileu with the Commission oi with any of its
Regional Aibitiation Bianches, the paity initiating the action shall be calleu the
"Complainant" oi "Petitionei", anu the opposing paity the "Responuent". The full names of
all the ieal paities in inteiest, whethei natuial oi juiiuical peisons oi entities authoiizeu by
law, shall be stateu in the caption of the complaint oi petition, as well as in the uecisions,
iesolutions oi oiueis of the Laboi Aibitei oi the Commission.
+*(07,% 59 '"#".4 1.2 +$)5"-$ &' /#$12".4+, - All pleauings in connection with a case
shall be fileu with the appiopiiate uocketing unit of the Regional Aibitiation Bianch oi the
Commission, as the case may be.
The paity filing a pleauing shall seive the opposing paities with a copy anu its suppoiting
uocuments. No pleauing shall be consiueieu without pioof of seivice to the opposing paities
except if fileu simultaneously uuiing a scheuule set befoie the Laboi Aibitei. (Sa)
+*(07,% ;9 +$)5"-$ &' .&!"-$+6 )$+&#*!"&.+6 &)2$)+ 1.2 2$-"+"&.+. - a) Notices anu
copies of iesolutions oi oiueis, shall be seiveu peisonally upon the paities by the bailiff oi
uuly authoiizeu public officei within thiee (S) uays fiom hishei ieceipt theieof oi by
iegisteieu mail oi by piivate couiiei;
b) In case of uecisions anu final awaius, copies theieof shall be seiveu on both paities anu
theii counsel oi iepiesentative by iegisteieu mail oi by piivate couiiei; Pioviueu that, in
cases wheie a paity to a case oi hishei counsel on iecoiu peisonally seeks seivice of the
uecision upon inquiiy theieon, seivice to saiu paity shall be ueemeu effecteu as heiein
pioviueu. Wheie paities aie numeious, seivice shall be maue on counsel anu upon such
numbei of complainants, as may be piacticable anu shall be consiueieu substantial
compliance with Aiticle 224 (a) of the Laboi Coue, as amenueu.
Foi puiposes of appeal, the peiiou shall be counteu fiom ieceipt of such uecisions,
iesolutions, oi oiueis by the counsel oi iepiesentative of iecoiu. c) The bailiff oi officei
seiving the notice, oiuei, oi iesolution shall submit hishei ietuin within two (2) uays fiom
uate of seivice theieof, stating legibly in hishei ietuin hishei name, the names of the
peisons seiveu anu the uate of ieceipt, which ietuin shall be immeuiately attacheu anu shall
foim pait of the iecoius of the case. In case of seivice by iegisteieu mail oi by piivate
couiiei, the name of the auuiessee anu the uate of ieceipt of the notice, oiuei oi iesolution
shall be wiitten in the ietuin caiu oi in the pioof of seivice issueu by the piivate couiiei. If
no seivice was effecteu, the ieason theieof shall be so stateu. (6a)
+*(07,% <. /)&&' 1.2 -&3/#$!$.$++ &' +$)5"-$, - The ietuin is piima facie pioof of the
facts inuicateu theiein. Seivice by iegisteieu mail oi by piivate couiiei is complete upon
ieceipt by the auuiessee oi hishei agent. If the auuiessee fails to claim hishei mail fiom
the post office within five (S) uays fiom the uate of fiist notice of the postmastei, seivice
shall take effect aftei such time. (7a) 789:;<=;>,?@
+*(07,% =9 1//$1)1.-$+. - a) A lawyei appeaiing foi a paity is piesumeu to be piopeily
authoiizeu foi that puipose. In eveiy case, heshe shall inuicate in hishei pleauings anu
motions hishei Attoiney's Roll Numbei, as well as hishei PTR anu IBP numbeis foi the
cuiient yeai anu NCLE compliance.
b) A non-lawyei may appeai in any of the pioceeuings befoie the Laboi Aibitei oi
Commission only unuei the following conuitions:
(1) heshe iepiesents himselfheiself as paity to the case; (2) heshe iepiesents a
legitimate laboi oiganization, as uefineu unuei Aiticle 212 anu 242 of the Laboi Coue, as
amenueu, which is a paity to the case: Pioviueu, that heshe piesents to the Commission oi
Laboi Aibitei uuiing the manuatoiy confeience oi initial heaiing: (i) a ceitification fiom the
Buieau of Laboi Relations (BLR) oi Regional 0ffice of the Bepaitment of Laboi anu
Employment attesting that the oiganization heshe iepiesents is uuly iegisteieu anu listeu
in the iostei of legitimate laboi oiganizations; (ii) a veiifieu ceitification issueu by the
secietaiy anu attesteu to by the piesiuent of the saiu oiganization stating that heshe is
authoiizeu to iepiesent the saiu oiganization in the saiu case; anu (iii) a copy of the
iesolution of the boaiu of uiiectois of the saiu oiganization gianting him such authoiity;
(S)heshe iepiesents a membei oi membeis of a legitimate laboi oiganization that is
existing within the employei's establishment, who aie paities to the case: Pioviueu, that
heshe piesents: (i) a veiifieu ceitification attesting that heshe is authoiizeu by such
membei oi membeis to iepiesent them in the case; anu (ii) a veiifieu ceitification issueu by
the secietaiy anu attesteu to by the piesiuent of the saiu oiganization stating that the peison
oi peisons heshe is iepiesenting aie membeis of theii oiganization which is existing in the
employei's establishment;
(4) heshe is a uuly-accieuiteu membei of any legal aiu office iecognizeu by the Bepaitment
of }ustice oi Integiateu Bai of the Philippines: Pioviueu, that heshe (i) piesents pioof of
hishei accieuitation; anu (ii) iepiesents a paity to the case;
(S) heshe is the ownei oi piesiuent of a coipoiation oi establishment which is a paity to
the case: Pioviueu, that heshe piesents: (i) a veiifieu ceitification attesting that heshe is
authoiizeu to iepiesent saiu coipoiation oi establishment; anu (ii) a copy of the iesolution
of the boaiu of uiiectois of saiu coipoiation, oi othei similai iesolution oi instiument issueu
by saiu establishment, gianting himhei such authoiity.
c) Appeaiances of a non-lawyei in contiavention of this section shall not be iecognizeu in
any pioceeuings befoie the Laboi Aibitei oi the Commission.
u) Appeaiances may be maue oially oi in wiiting. In both cases, the complete name anu
office auuiess of counsel oi authoiizeu iepiesentative shall be maue of iecoiu anu the
auveise paity oi his counsel oi authoiizeu iepiesentative piopeily notifieu.
e) In case of change of auuiess, the counsel oi iepiesentative shall file a notice of such
change, copy fuinisheu the auveise paity anu counsel oi iepiesentative, if any.
f) Any change oi withuiawal of counsel oi authoiizeu iepiesentative shall be maue in
accoiuance with the Rules of Couit. (8a)
+*(07,% >9 1*!(&)"!0 !& A".2 /1)!0,- Counsel oi othei authoiizeu iepiesentatives of
paities shall have authoiity to binu theii clients in all matteis of pioceuuie; but they cannot,
without a special powei of attoiney oi expiess consent, entei into a compiomise agieement
with the opposing paity in full oi paitial uischaige of a client's claim. (9a)
')&* 7? ?*%)*6 8++7:%2*%0 8%/ /7+.,+707,% ,- (8+*+ 80 01* '*:7,%8&
8'@70'807,% @'8%(1
+*(07,% #. 5$.*$, - a) All cases which Laboi Aibiteis have authoiity to heai anu ueciue
may be fileu in the Regional Aibitiation Bianch having juiisuiction ovei the woikplace of the
complainant oi petitionei. Foi puiposes of venue, the woikplace shall be unueistoou as the
place oi locality wheie the employee is iegulaily assigneu at the time the cause of action
aiose. It shall incluue the place wheie the employee is supposeu to iepoit back aftei a
tempoiaiy uetail, assignment, oi tiavel. In case of fielu employees, as well as ambulant oi
itineiant woikeis, theii woikplace is wheie they aie iegulaily assigneu, oi wheie they aie
supposeu to iegulaily ieceive theii salaiies anu wages oi woik instiuctions fiom, anu iepoit
the iesults of theii assignment to, theii employeis.
b) Wheie two (2) oi moie Regional Aibitiation Bianches have juiisuiction ovei the
woikplace of the complainant oi petitionei, the Bianch that fiist acquiieu juiisuiction ovei
the case shall excluue the otheis.
c) When venue is not objecteu to befoie the filling of position papeis such issue shall be
ueemeu waiveu.
u) The venue of an action may be changeu oi tiansfeiieu to a uiffeient Regional Aibitiation
Bianch othei than wheie the complaint was fileu by wiitten agieement of the paities oi
when the Commission oi Laboi Aibitei befoie whom the case is penuing so oiueis, upon
motion by the piopei paity in meiitoiious cases.
e) Cases involving oveiseas Filipino woikeis may be fileu befoie the Regional Aibitiation
Bianch having juiisuiction ovei the place wheie the complainant iesiues oi wheie the
piincipal office of any of the iesponuents is situateu, at the option of the complainant.
+*(07,% !9 )1''#$ 1.2 1++"4.3$.! &' -1+$+. - a) All complaints anu petitions fileu with
the uocket unit of the Regional Aibitiation Bianch shall be immeuiately iaffleu anu assigneu
to a Laboi Aibitei fiom ieceipt theieof.
b) The Executive Laboi Aibitei shall be iesponsible foi the immeuiate iaffle anu assignment
of all complaints anu petitions fileu with hishei Regional Aibitiation Bianch, anu the
immeuiate foiwaiuing of all subsequent pleauings anu motions.
c) All pleauings anu motions subsequent to the filing of the complaint shall be foiwaiueu to
the Laboi Aibitei befoie whom the case is penuing within twenty-foui (24) houis fiom
ieceipt theieof.
+*(07,% 5. -&.+&#"21!"&. &' -1+$+ 1.2 -&3/#1".!+. - Wheie theie aie two oi moie
cases oi complaints penuing befoie uiffeient Laboi Aibiteis in the same Regional Aibitiation
Bianch involving the same employei anu common piincipal causes of action, oi the same
paities with uiffeient causes of action, the subsequent cases oi complaints shall be
consoliuateu with the fiist to avoiu unnecessaiy costs oi uelay. Such consoliuateu cases oi
complaints shall be uisposeu of by the Laboi Aibitei to whom the fiist case was assigneu.
In case of objection to the consoliuation, the same shall be iesolveu by the Executive Laboi
Aibitei. An oiuei iesolving a motion oi objection to consoliuation shall be inappealable.
+*(07,% ;9 2"+/&+"!"&. &' -1+$+. - Subject to the piovisions of Aiticle 26S (g) of the Laboi
Coue, as amenueu, when a case is assigneu to a Laboi Aibitei, the entiie case anu any oi all
inciuents theieto shall be consiueieu assigneu to himhei; anu the same shall be uisposeu of
in the same pioceeuings to avoiu multiplicity of suits oi pioceeuings.
When the Secietaiy of Laboi anu Employment has assumeu juiisuiction ovei a stiike oi
lockout oi ceitifieu the same to the Commission, the paities to such uispute shall
immeuiately infoim the Secietaiy oi the Commission, as the case may be, of all cases uiiectly
ielateu to the uispute between them penuing befoie any Regional Aibitiation Bianch, anu
the Laboi Aibiteis hanuling the same of such assumption oi ceitification. The Laboi Aibitei
conceineu shall foiwaiu within two (2) uays fiom notice the entiie iecoius of the case to the
Commission oi to the Secietaiy of Laboi, as the case may be, foi piopei uisposition.
')&* ? .',(**/7%:+ @*-,'* &8@,' 8'@70*'+
+*(07,% #. B*)"+2"-!"&. &' #1A&) 1)A"!$)+. - Laboi Aibiteis shall have oiiginal anu
exclusive juiisuiction to heai anu ueciue the following cases involving all woikeis, whethei
agiicultuial oi non-agiicultuial:
a) 0nfaii laboi piactice cases; b) Teimination uisputes; c) If accompanieu with a claim foi
ieinstatement, those cases that woikeis may file involving wages, iates of pay, houis of woik
anu othei teims anu conuitions of employment; u) Claims foi actual, moial, exemplaiy anu
othei foims of uamages aiising fiom employei-employee ielations; e) Cases aiising fiom
any violation of Aiticle 264 of the Laboi Coue, as amenueu, incluuing questions involving the
legality of stiikes anu lockouts; f)Except claims foi employees compensation not incluueu in
the next succeeuing paiagiaph, social secuiity, meuicaie, anu mateinity benefits, all othei
claims aiising fiom employei-employee ielations, incluuing those of peisons in uomestic oi
householu seivice, involving an amount exceeuing Five Thousanu Pesos (PS,uuu.uu),
whethei oi not accompanieu with a claim foi ieinstatement; g) Wage uistoition uisputes in
unoiganizeu establishments not voluntaiily settleu by the paities puisuant to Republic Act
No. 6727; h) Enfoicement of compiomise agieements when theie is non-compliance by any
of the paities puisuant to Aiticle 227 of the Laboi Coue, as amenueu; i) Noney claims
aiising out of employei-employee ielationship oi by viitue of any law oi contiact, involving
Filipino woikeis foi oveiseas ueployment, incluuing claims foi actual, moial, exemplaiy anu
othei foims of uamages as pioviueu by Section 1u of RA 8u42, as amenueu by RA 1uu22;
anu j) 0thei cases as may be pioviueu by law. Cases aiising fiom the inteipietation oi
implementation of collective baigaining agieements anu those aiising fiom the
inteipietation oi enfoicement of company peisonnel policies shall be uisposeu of by the
Laboi Aibitei by iefeiiing the same to the giievance machineiy anu voluntaiy aibitiation, as
may be pioviueu in saiu agieements. (1a)
+*(07,% !. .1!*)$ &' /)&-$$2".4+, - The pioceeuings befoie the Laboi Aibitei shall be
non-litigious in natuie. Subject to the iequiiements of uue piocess, the technicalities of law
anu pioceuuie anu the iules obtaining in the couits of law shall not stiictly apply theieto.
The Laboi Aibitei may avail himselfheiself of all ieasonable means to asceitain the facts of
the contioveisy speeuily, incluuing oculai inspection anu examination of well-infoimeu
+*(07,% 5. "++*1.-$ &' +*33&.+, - Within two (2) uays fiom ieceipt of a complaint oi
amenueu complaint, the Laboi Aibitei shall issue the iequiieu summons, attaching theieto a
copy of the complaint oi amenueu complaint anu its annexes, if any. The summons shall
specify the uate, time anu place of the manuatoiy conciliation anu meuiation confeience in
two (2) settings. (Sa, RIII)
+*(07,% ;. +$)5"-$ &' +*33&.+ - Summons shall be seiveu peisonally upon the paities
by the bailiff oi a uuly authoiizeu public officei within thiee (S) uays fiom hishei ieceipt
theieof, oi by iegisteieu mail, oi by piivate couiiei authoiizeu by the Commission; Pioviueu
that in special ciicumstances, seivice of summons may be effecteu in accoiuance with the
peitinent piovisions of the Rules of Couit. The bailiff oi officei seiving the summons shall
submit hishei ietuin within two (2) uays fiom uate of seivice theieof, stating legibly in
hishei ietuin hishei name, the names of the peisons seiveu anu the uate of ieceipt, which
ietuin shall be immeuiately attacheu to the iecoius anu shall be pait theieof. If no seivice
was effecteu, the ieason theieof shall be stateu in the ietuin. In case of seivice by iegisteieu
mail oi by piivate couiiei, the names of the auuiessees anu the uates of ieceipt of the
summons shall be wiitten in the ietuin caiu oi in the pioof of seivice issueu by the piivate
couiiei. If no seivice was effecteu, the ieason theieof shall be so stateu. (n)
+*(07,% <9 /)&("A"!$2 /#$12".4+ 1.2 3&!"&.+, - The following pleauings anu motions
shall not be alloweu anu acteu upon noi elevateu to the Commission:
a) Notion to uismiss the complaint except on the giounu of lack of juiisuiction ovei the
subject mattei, impiopei venue, ies juuicata, piesciiption anu foium shopping; b) Notion
foi a bill of paiticulais; c) Notion foi new tiial; u) Petition foi Relief fiom }uugment e)
Notion to ueclaie iesponuent in uefault; f) Notion foi ieconsiueiation of any uecision oi any
oiuei of the Laboi Aibitei; g) Appeal fiom any inteilocutoiy oiuei of the Laboi Aibitei, such
as but not limiteu to, an oiuei:
(1) uenying a motion to uismiss; (2) uenying a motion to inhibit; (S) uenying a motion foi
issuance of wiit of execution; oi (4) uenying a motion to quash wiit of execution.
h) Appeal fiom the issuance of a ceitificate of finality of uecision by the Laboi Aibitei; i)
Appeal fiom oiueis issueu by the Laboi Aibitei in the couise of execution pioceeuings. j)
Such othei pleauings, motions anu petitions of similai natuie intenueu to ciicumvent above
piovisions. (Sa, RIII)
+*(07,% =9 3&!"&. !& 2"+3"++. - Befoie the uate set foi the manuatoiy conciliation anu
meuiation confeience, the iesponuent may file a motion to uismiss on giounus pioviueu
unuei Section S, paiagiaph (a) heieof. Such motion shall be immeuiately iesolveu by the
Laboi Aibitei thiough a wiitten oiuei. An oiuei uenying the motion to uismiss, oi
suspenuing its iesolution until the final ueteimination of the case, is not appealable. (6a)
+*(07,% >. $''$-! &' '1"#*)$ !& '"#$. - No motion to uismiss shall be alloweu oi
enteitaineu aftei the lapse of the peiiou pioviueu in Section 6 heieof. (n)
+*(07,% A9 31.21!&)0 -&.-"#"1!"&. 1.2 3$2"1!"&. -&.'$)$.-$,-
a) The manuatoiy conciliation anu meuiation confeience shall be calleu foi the puipose of
(1) amicably settling the case upon a faii compiomise; (2) ueteimining the ieal paities in
inteiest; (S) ueteimining the necessity of amenuing the complaint anu incluuing all causes of
action; (4) uefining anu simplifying the issues in the case; (S) enteiing into aumissions oi
stipulations of facts; anu (6) thieshing out all othei pieliminaiy matteis. The Laboi Aibitei
shall peisonally piesiue ovei anu take full contiol of the pioceeuings anu may be assisteu by
the Laboi Aibitiation Associate in the conuuct theieof.
b) Conciliation anu meuiation effoits shall be exeiteu by the Laboi Aibiteis all thioughout
the manuatoiy confeiences. Any agieement enteieu into by the paities whethei in paitial oi
full settlement of the uispute shall be ieuuceu into wiiting anu signeu by the paities anu
theii counsel oi the paities' authoiizeu iepiesentatives, if any. c) In any case, the
compiomise agieement shall be appioveu by the Laboi Aibitei, if aftei explaining to the
paities, paiticulaily to the complainants, the teims, conuitions anu consequences theieof,
heshe is satisfieu that they unueistanu the agieement, that the same was enteieu into fieely
anu voluntaiily by them, anu that it is not contiaiy to law, moials, anu public policy. u) A
compiomise agieement uuly enteieu into in accoiuance with this Section shall be final anu
binuing upon the paities anu shall have the foice anu effect of a juugment ienueieu by the
Laboi Aibitei. e) The manuatoiy conciliation anu meuiation confeience shall, except
foi justifiable giounus, be teiminateu within thiity (Su) calenuai uays fiom the uate of the
fiist confeience. f) No motion foi postponement shall be enteitaineu except on meiitoiious
giounus anu when fileu at least thiee (S) uays befoie the scheuuleu heaiing. (Sa)
+*(07,% B. $''$-! &' '1"#*)$ &' +$!!#$3$.!. - If the paities fail to agiee on an
amicable settlement, eithei in whole oi in pait, uuiing the manuatoiy conciliation anu
meuiation confeience, the Laboi Aibitei shall pioceeu to the othei puiposes of the saiu
confeience as enumeiateu in Section 8(a) heieof. (4a) +*(07,% #"9 .&.C1//$1)1.-$ &'
/1)!"$+. - The non-appeaiance of the complainant oi petitionei uuiing the two (2) settings
foi manuatoiy conciliation anu meuiation confeience scheuuleu in the summons, uespite
uue notice theieof, shall be a giounu foi the uismissal of the case without piejuuice.
In case of non-appeaiance by the iesponuent uuiing the fiist scheuuleu confeience, the
seconu confeience as scheuuleu in the summons shall pioceeu. If the iesponuent still fails to
appeai at the seconu confeience uespite being uuly seiveu with summons, heshe shall be
consiueieu to have waiveu hishei iight to file position papei.
The Laboi Aibitei shall immeuiately teiminate the manuatoiy conciliation anu meuiation
confeience anu uiiect the complainant oi petitionei to file a veiifieu position papei anu
submit eviuence in suppoit of hishei causes of action anu theieupon ienuei hishei
uecision on the basis of the eviuence on iecoiu. (Sa)
+*(07,% ##. +*A3"++"&. &' /&+"!"&. /1/$) 1.2 )$/#0, - a) Subject to Sections 9 anu 1u
of this Rule, the Laboi Aibitei shall uiiect the paities to submit simultaneously theii veiifieu
position papeis with suppoiting uocuments anu affiuavits, if any, on a uate set by himhei
within ten (1u) calenuai uays fiom the uate of teimination of the manuatoiy conciliation anu
meuiation confeience.
b) No amenument of the complaint oi petition shall be alloweu aftei the filing of position
papeis, unless with leave of the Laboi Aibitei. c) The position papeis of the paities shall
covei only those claims anu causes of action stateu in the complaint oi amenueu complaint,
accompanieu by all suppoiting uocuments, incluuing the affiuavits of witnesses, which shall
take the place of theii uiiect testimony, excluuing those that may have been amicably
settleu. u) Within ten (1u) uays fiom ieceipt of the position papei of the auveise paity, a
ieply may be fileu on a uate agieeu upon anu uuiing a scheuule set befoie the Laboi Aibitei.
The ieply shall not allege anuoi piove facts anu any cause oi causes of action not iefeiieu
to oi incluueu in the oiiginal oi amenueu complaint oi petition oi iaiseu in the position
papei. (7a)
+*(07,% #!. 2$!$)3".1!"&. &' .$-$++"!0 &' ($1)".4 &) -#1)"'"-1!&)0
-&.'$)$.-$, - Immeuiately aftei the submission by the paities of theii position papei oi
ieply, as the case may be, the Laboi Aibitei shall, motu piopiio, ueteimine whethei theie is a
neeu foi a heaiing oi claiificatoiy confeience. At this stage, heshe may, at hishei uiscietion
anu foi the puipose of making such ueteimination, ask claiificatoiy questions to fuithei
elicit facts oi infoimation, incluuing but not limiteu to the subpoena of ielevant uocumentaiy
eviuence, if any, fiom any paity oi witness. (8a)
+*(07,% #59 )&#$ &' !($ #1A&) 1)A"!$) ". ($1)".4 1.2 -#1)"'"-1!&)0
-&.'$)$.-$. - a) The Laboi Aibitei shall take full contiol anu peisonally conuuct the
heaiing oi claiificatoiy confeience anu may ask questions foi the puipose of claiifying
points of law oi facts involveu in the case. The Laboi Aibitei may allow the piesentation of
testimonial eviuence with iight of cioss-examination by the opposing paity anu shall limit
the piesentation of eviuence to matteis ielevant to the issue befoie himhei anu necessaiy
foi a just anu speeuy uisposition of the case. 789:;<=;>,?@
b) The Laboi Aibitei shall make a wiitten summaiy of the pioceeuings, incluuing the
substance of the eviuence piesenteu, in consultation with the paities. The wiitten summaiy
shall be signeu by the paities anu shall foim pait of the iecoius. (9a)
+*(07,% #;. N&.C1//$1)1.-$ &' /1)!"$+6 1.2 /&+!/&.$3$.! &' ($1)".4+ 1.2
-#1)"'"-1!&)0 -&.'$)$.-$+,
a) The paities anu theii counsels appeaiing befoie the Laboi Aibitei shall be piepaieu foi
continuous heaiing oi claiificatoiy confeience. No postponement oi continuance shall be
alloweu by the Laboi Aibitei, except upon meiitoiious giounus anu subject to the
iequiiement of expeuitious uisposition of cases. The heaiing oi claiificatoiy confeience shall
be teiminateu within thiity (Su) calenuai uays fiom the uate of the initial claiificatoiy
b) In case of non-appeaiance of any of the paities uuiing the heaiing oi claiificatoiy
confeience uespite uue notice, pioceeuings shall be conuucteu ex-paite. Theieaftei, the case
shall be ueemeu submitteu foi uecision. c) Paiagiaph (a) of this Section notwithstanuing, in
cases involving oveiseas Filipino woikeis, the aggiegate peiiou foi conuucting the
manuatoiy conciliation anu meuiation confeience, incluuing heaiing on the meiits oi
claiificatoiy confeience, shall not exceeu sixty (6u) uays, which shall be ieckoneu fiom the
uate of acquisition of juiisuiction by the Laboi Aibitei ovei the peison of the iesponuents.
+*(07,% #<9 +*A3"++"&. &' !($ -1+$ '&) 2$-"+"&.. - 0pon the submission by the paities
of theii position papeis oi ieplies, oi the lapse of the peiiou to submit the same, the case
shall be ueemeu submitteu foi uecision unless the Laboi Aibitei calls foi a heaiing oi
claiificatoiy confeience in accoiuance with Section 12 anu 14(a) of this Rule, in which case,
notice of heaiing oi claiificatoiy confeience shall be immeuiately sent to the paities. 0pon
teimination of the saiu heaiing oi confeience, the case is ueemeu submitteu foi uecision.
+*(07,% #=9 ".("A"!"&.. - A Laboi Aibitei may voluntaiily inhibit himselfheiself fiom the
iesolution of a case anu shall so state in wiiting the legal justifications theiefoi. 0pon motion
of a paity, eithei on the giounu of ielationship within the fouith civil uegiee of consanguinity
oi affinity with the auveise paity oi counsel, oi on question of paitiality oi othei justifiable
giounus, the Laboi Aibitei may inhibit himselfheiself fiom fuithei heaiing anu ueciuing the
case. Such motion shall be iesolveu within five (S) uays fiom the filing theieof. An oiuei
uenying oi gianting a motion foi inhibition is inappealable. (12a)
+*(07,% #>9 /$)"&2 !& 2$-"2$ -1+$, - The Laboi Aibitei shall ienuei hishei uecision
within thiity (Su) calenuai uays, without extension, aftei the submission of the case by the
paities foi uecision, even in the absence of stenogiaphic notes; Pioviueu howevei, that cases
involving oveiseas Filipino woikeis shall be ueciueu within ninety (9u) calenuai uays aftei
the filing of the complaint. (1Sa)
+*(07,% #A9 -&.!$.!+ &' 2$-"+"&.+, - The uecisions anu oiueis of the Laboi Aibitei shall
be cleai anu concise anu shall incluue a biief statement of the: a) facts of the case; b) issues
involveu; c) applicable laws oi iules; u) conclusions anu the ieasons theiefoi; anu e) specific
iemeuy oi ielief gianteu. In cases involving monetaiy awaius, the uecisions oi oiueis of the
Laboi Aibitei shall contain the amount awaiueu.
In case the uecision of the Laboi Aibitei incluues an oiuei of ieinstatement, it shall likewise
contain: a) a statement that the ieinstatement aspect is immeuiately executoiy; anu b) a
uiiective foi the employei to submit a iepoit of compliance within ten (1u) calenuai uays
fiom ieceipt of the saiu uecision. (14a)
+*(07,% #B9 '".1#"!0 &' !($ 2$-"+"&. &) &)2$) 1.2 "++*1.-$ &' -$)!"'"-1!$ &'
(a) Finality of the Becision oi 0iuei of the Laboi Aibitei. - If no appeal is fileu with the
Commission within the time pioviueu unuei Aiticle 22S of the Laboi Coue, as amenueu, anu
Section 1, Rule vI of these Rules, the uecision oi oiuei of the Laboi Aibitei shall become final
anu executoiy aftei ten (1u) calenuai uays fiom ieceipt theieof by the counsel oi authoiizeu
iepiesentative oi the paities if not assisteu by counsel oi iepiesentative. (b) Ceitificate of
Finality. - 0pon expiiation of the peiiou pioviueu in paiagiaph (a) of this Section, the Laboi
Aibitei shall issue a ceitificate of finality.
In the absence of ietuin caius, ceitifications fiom the post office oi couiiei oi othei pioofs of
seivice to the paities, the Laboi Aibitei may issue a ceitificate of finality aftei sixty (6u)
calenuai uays fiom uate of mailing. (n)
+*(07,% !". )$5"51# 1.2 )$C&/$.".4 &) )$C'"#".4 &' 2"+3"++$2 -1+$ 8<D #"'!".4 &'
E1"5$). - A paity may file a motion to ievive oi ie-open a case uismisseu without piejuuice,
within ten (1u) calenuai uays fiom ieceipt of notice of the oiuei uismissing the same;
otheiwise, the only iemeuy shall be to ie-file the case. A paity ueclaieu to have waiveu
hishei iight to file position papei may, at any time aftei notice theieof anu befoie the case is
submitteu foi uecision, file a motion unuei oath to set asiue the oiuei of waivei upon piopei
showing that hishei failuie to appeai was uue to justifiable anu meiitoiious giounus. (16a)
')&* ?7 8..*8&+
+*(07,% #9 /$)"&2+ &' 1//$1#, - Becisions, awaius, oi oiueis of the Laboi Aibitei shall be
final anu executoiy unless appealeu to the Commission by any oi both paities within ten
(1u) calenuai uays fiom ieceipt theieof; anu in case of uecisions oi iesolutions of the
Regional Biiectoi of the Bepaitment of Laboi anu Employment puisuant to Aiticle 129 of
the Laboi Coue, within five (S) calenuai uays fiom ieceipt theieof. If the 1uth oi Sth uay, as
the case may be, falls on a Satuiuay, Sunuay oi holiuay, the last uay to peifect the appeal
shall be the fiist woiking uay following such Satuiuay, Sunuay oi holiuay.
No motion oi iequest foi extension of the peiiou within which to peifect an appeal shall be
alloweu. (1a)
+*(07,% !9 4)&*.2+, - The appeal may be enteitaineu only on any of the following
a) If theie is piima facie eviuence of abuse of uiscietion on the pait of the Laboi Aibitei oi
Regional Biiectoi; b) If the uecision, awaiu oi oiuei was secuieu thiough fiauu oi
coeicion, incluuing giaft anu coiiuption; c) If maue puiely on questions of law; anuoi u) If
seiious eiiois in the finuings of facts aie iaiseu which, if not coiiecteu, woulu cause giave oi
iiiepaiable uamage oi injuiy to the appellant. (2a)
+*(07,% 59 E($)$ '"#$2, - The appeal shall be fileu with the Regional Aibitiation Bianch
oi Regional 0ffice wheie the case was heaiu anu ueciueu.
+*(07,% ;9 )$F*"+"!$+ '&) /$)'$-!"&. &' 1//$1#. - a) The appeal shall be:
(1) fileu within the ieglementaiy peiiou pioviueu in Section 1 of this Rule; (2) veiifieu by
the appellant himselfheiself in accoiuance with Section 4, Rule 7 of the Rules of Couit, as
amenueu; (S) in the foim of a memoianuum of appeal which shall state the giounus ielieu
upon anu the aiguments in suppoit theieof, the ielief piayeu foi, anu with a statement of the
uate the appellant ieceiveu the appealeu uecision, awaiu oi oiuei; (4) in thiee (S) legibly
typewiitten oi piinteu copies; anu (S) accompanieu by:
i) pioof of payment of the iequiieu appeal fee anu legal ieseaich fee; ii) posting of a cash oi
suiety bonu as pioviueu in Section 6 of this Rule; anu iii) pioof of seivice upon the othei
b) A meie notice of appeal without complying with the othei iequisites afoiestateu shall not
stop the iunning of the peiiou foi peifecting an appeal.
c) The appellee may file with the Regional Aibitiation Bianch oi Regional 0ffice wheie the
appeal was fileu, hishei answei oi ieply to appellant's memoianuum of appeal, not latei
than ten (1u) calenuai uays fiom ieceipt theieof. Failuie on the pait of the appellee who was
piopeily fuinisheu with a copy of the appeal to file hishei answei oi ieply within the saiu
peiiou may be constiueu as a waivei on hishei pait to file the same. u) Subject to the
piovisions of Aiticle 218 of the Laboi Coue, once the appeal is peifecteu in accoiuance with
these Rules, the Commission shall limit itself to ieviewing anu ueciuing only the specific
issues that weie elevateu on appeal. (4a)
+*(07,% <9 1//$1# '$$. - The appellant shall pay the pievailing appeal fee anu legal
ieseaich fee to the Regional Aibitiation Bianch oi Regional 0ffice of oiigin, anu the official
ieceipt of such payment shall foim pait of the iecoius of the case. (Sa)
+*(07,% =. A&.2. - In case the uecision of the Laboi Aibitei oi the Regional Biiectoi
involves a monetaiy awaiu, an appeal by the employei may be peifecteu only upon the
posting of a bonu, which shall eithei be in the foim of cash ueposit oi suiety bonu equivalent
in amount to the monetaiy awaiu, exclusive of uamages anu attoiney's fees.
In case of suiety bonu, the same shall be issueu by a ieputable bonuing company uuly
accieuiteu by the Commission oi the Supieme Couit, anu shall be accompanieu by oiiginal oi
ceitifieu tiue copies of the following:
a) a joint ueclaiation unuei oath by the employei, hishei counsel, anu the bonuing
company, attesting that the bonu posteu is genuine, anu shall be in effect until final
uisposition of the case. b) an inuemnity agieement between the employei-appellant anu
bonuing company; c) pioof of secuiity ueposit oi collateial secuiing the bonu: pioviueu,
that a check shall not be consiueieu as an acceptable secuiity;
u) a ceitificate of authoiity fiom the Insuiance Commission; e) ceitificate of iegistiation
fiom the Secuiities anu Exchange Commission; f) ceitificate of accieuitation anu authoiity
fiom the Supieme Couit; anu g) notaiizeu boaiu iesolution oi secietaiy's ceitificate fiom
the bonuing company showing its authoiizeu signatoiies anu theii specimen signatuies. The
Commission thiough the Chaiiman may on justifiable giounus blacklist a bonuing company,
notwithstanuing its accieuitation by the Supieme Couit. A cash oi suiety bonu shall be valiu
anu effective fiom the uate of ueposit oi posting, until the case is finally ueciueu, iesolveu oi
teiminateu, oi the awaiu satisfieu. This conuition shall be ueemeu incoipoiateu in the teims
anu conuitions of the suiety bonu, anu shall be binuing on the appellants anu the bonuing
The appellant shall fuinish the appellee with a ceitifieu tiue copy of the saiu suiety bonu
with all the above-mentioneu suppoiting uocuments. The appellee shall veiify the iegulaiity
anu genuineness theieof anu immeuiately iepoit any iiiegulaiity to the Commission.
0pon veiification by the Commission that the bonu is iiiegulai oi not genuine, the
Commission shall cause the immeuiate uismissal of the appeal, anu censuie the iesponsible
paities anu theii counsels, oi subject them to ieasonable fine oi penalty, anu the bonuing
company may be blacklisteu. No motion to ieuuce bonu shall be enteitaineu except on
meiitoiious giounus, anu only upon the posting of a bonu in a ieasonable amount in ielation
to the monetaiy awaiu.
The meie filing of a motion to ieuuce bonu without complying with the iequisites in the
pieceuing paiagiaphs shall not stop the iunning of the peiiou to peifect an appeal. (6a)
+*(07,% >. )$-&)2+ &' -1+$ &. 1//$1#. - The iecoius of a case shall have a
coiiesponuing inuex of its contents which shall incluue the following: a) the oiiginal copy of
the complaint; b) othei pleauings anu motions; c) minutes of the pioceeuings, notices,
tiansciipts of stenogiaphic notes, if any; u) uecisions, oiueis, anu iesolutions as well as
pioof of seivice theieof, if available; e) the computation of the awaiu; f) memoianuum of
appeal anu the ieply oi answei theieto, if any, anu pioof of seivice, if available; g) official
ieceipt of the appeal fee; anu h) the appeal bonu, if any. The iecoius shall be chionologically
aiiangeu anu pageu piominently.
+*(07,% A9 !)1.+3"!!1# &' )$-&)2+ &' -1+$ &. 1//$1#, - Within foity-eight (48) houis
aftei the filing of the appeal, the iecoius of the case shall be tiansmitteu by the Regional
Aibitiation Bianch oi office of oiigin to the Commission.
+*(07,% B. '"#".4 &' 1//$1#G $''$-!, - Without piejuuice to immeuiate ieinstatement
penuing appeal unuei Section 6 of Rule XI, once an appeal is fileu, the Laboi Aibitei loses
juiisuiction ovei the case. All pleauings anu motions peitaining to the appealeu case shall
theieaftei be auuiesseu to anu fileu with the Commission. (9a)
+*(07,% #"9 ')"5&#&*+ &) 2"#1!&)0 1//$1#+. - No appeal fiom an inteilocutoiy oiuei
shall be enteitaineu. To uiscouiage fiivolous oi uilatoiy appeals, incluuing those taken fiom
inteilocutoiy oiueis, the Commission aftei heaiing may censuie oi cite in contempt the
eiiing paities anu theii counsels, oi subject them to ieasonable fine oi penalty. (1ua)
+*(07,% ##. 1//$1#+ ')&3 2$-"+"&. &' &!($) 14$.-"$+. - The Rules pioviueu heiein
goveining appeals fiom the uecisions oi oiueis of Laboi Aibiteis shall apply to appeals to
the Commission fiom uecisions oi oiueis of the othei offices oi agencies appealable to the
Commission accoiuing to law.
')&* ?77 .',(**/7%:+ @*-,'* 01* (,227++7,%
+*(07,% #. B*)"+2"-!"&. &' !($ -&33"++"&.. - The Commission shall exeicise exclusive,
oiiginal, anu appellate juiisuiction in accoiuance with law.
+*(07,% !. -&3/&+"!"&. 1.2 ".!$).1# '*.-!"&.+ &' !($ -&33"++"&. $. A1.- 1.2
"!+ 2"5"+"&.+. - a) Composition. - 0nless otheiwise pioviueu by law, the Commission shall
be composeu of the Chaiiman anu of twenty thiee (2S) Commissioneis.
b) Commission En Banc. -The Commission shall sit en banc only foi puiposes of
piomulgating iules anu iegulations goveining the heaiing anu uisposition of cases befoie its
Bivisions anu Regional Aibitiation Bianches, anu foi the foimulation of policies affecting its
auministiation anu opeiations. It may, on tempoiaiy oi emeigency basis, allow cases within
the juiisuiction of any Bivision to be heaiu by any othei Bivision whose uocket allows the
auuitional woikloau anu such tiansfei will not expose litigants to unnecessaiy auuitional
expense. c) Bivisions. - 0nless otheiwise pioviueu by law, the Commission shall exeicise its
aujuuicatoiy anu all othei poweis, functions anu uuties thiough its eight (8) Bivisions. Each
Bivision shall consist of one membei fiom the public sectoi who shall act as the Piesiuing
Commissionei anu one membei each fiom the woikeis anu employeis sectois,
iespectively. 0f the eight (8) Bivisions, the Fiist, Seconu, Thiiu, Fouith, Fifth anu Sixth
Bivisions shall have exclusive teiiitoiial juiisuiction ovei appealeu cases coming fiom
Luzon; the Seventh Bivision, appealeu cases fiom the visayas Region; anu the Eighth
Bivision, appealeu cases fiom Ninuanao incluuing those fiom the Autonomous Region foi
Nuslim Ninuanao. u) Beauquaiteis. - As pioviueu by law, the Commission anu its Fiist,
Seconu, Thiiu, Fouith, Fifth anu Sixth Bivisions foi Luzon shall have theii main offices in the
National Capital Region, anu the Seventh anu Eighth Bivisions foi visayas anu Ninuanao, in
the cities of Cebu anu Cagayan ue 0io, iespectively. (2a)
+*(07,% 5. !($ -(1")31., - The Chaiiman shall piesiue ovei all sessions of the
Commission en banc. Beshe is the Piesiuing Commissionei of the Fiist Bivision. In case of
the effective absence oi incapacity of the Chaiiman, the Piesiuing Commissionei of the
Seconu Bivision shall be the Acting Chaiiman.
The Chaiiman, aiueu by the Executive Cleik of the Commission, shall have auministiative
supeivision ovei the Commission anu its Regional Aibitiation Bianches anu all its peisonnel
incluuing the Executive Laboi Aibiteis anu Laboi Aibiteis.
+*(07,% ;. -&33"++"&. $. A1.- +$++"&.6 F*&)*3 1.2 5&!$, - a) Commission En Banc. -
The Chaiiman shall call the Commission to an en banc session at least twice a yeai,
piefeiably on the fiist week of }une anu the fiist week of Becembei, to uelibeiate anu ueciue
on any mattei befoie it. Bowevei, a majoiity of all the membeis of the Commission may call a
special en banc session to uiscuss anu ueciue on uigent anu vital matteis which neeu
immeuiate action.
b) Quoium. - The piesence of a majoiity of all the membeis of the Commission shall be
necessaiy to constitute a quoium. The vote oi concuiience of the majoiity of the membeis
constituting a quoium shall be the uecision oi iesolution of the Commission en banc. c)
Bivision. - The piesence of at least two (2) Commissioneis of a Bivision shall constitute a
quoium. The concuiience of two (2) Commissioneis of a Bivision shall be necessaiy foi the
pionouncement of a juugment oi iesolution.
Whenevei the iequiieu membeiship in a Bivision is not complete anuoi the concuiience of
two (2) Commissioneis cannot be obtaineu to aiiive at a juugment oi iesolution, the
Chaiiman shall uesignate such numbei of auuitional Commissioneis belonging to the same
sectoi fiom the othei Bivisions as may be necessaiy. In the event that all the membeis of a
uivision inhibit themselves fiom iesolving a case, the Chaiiman may cieate a Special Bivision
oi assign the case to any of the othei Bivisions. u) Role of Chaiiman in the Bivision. - The
Chaiiman of the Commission may convene anu piesiue ovei the session of any Bivision to
consiuei any case penuing befoie it anu paiticipate in its uelibeiations, if in hishei
juugment, hishei piesence theiein will best seive the inteiests of laboi justice. Beshe shall
not howevei, paiticipate in the voting by the Bivision, except when heshe is acting as
Piesiuing Commissionei of the Bivision in the absence of the iegulai Piesiuing
Commissionei. (4a)
+*(07,% <. -&.+*#!1!"&., - The conclusions of a Bivision on any case oi mattei submitteu
to it foi uecision shall be ieacheu in consultation befoie the case is assigneu to a membei foi
the wiiting of the opinion. It shall be manuatoiy foi the Bivision to meet foi the puipose of
the consultation oiuaineu heiein.
A ceitification to this effect signeu by the Piesiuing Commissionei of the Bivision shall be
issueu anu a copy theieof attacheu to the iecoiu of the case anu seiveu upon the paities.
+*(07,% =. 2"++$.!".4 &/"."&., - Shoulu any membei of a Bivision inuicate hishei
intention to wiite a uissenting opinion, heshe may file the same within the peiiou
piesciibeu foi ueciuing oi iesolving the appeal; otheiwise, such wiitten uissenting opinion
shall not be consiueieu pait of the iecoius of the case.
+*(07,% >9 ".("A"!"&., - No motion to inhibit the entiie Bivision of the Commission shall
be enteitaineu. Bowevei, any Commissionei may inhibit himselfheiself fiom the
consiueiation anu iesolution of any case oi mattei befoie the Bivision anu shall so state in
wiiting the legal oi justifiable giounus theiefoi. In the event that a membei inhibits
himselfheiself, the case shall be iaffleu by the Executive Cleik oi Beputy Executive Cleik to
eithei of the two (2) iemaining Commissioneis. In case two (2) Commissioneis in a Bivision
inhibit themselves in a case oi mattei befoie it, the Chaiiman shall, as fai as piacticable,
appoint two (2) Commissioneis fiom othei Bivisions iepiesenting the sectoi of the
Commissioneis who inhibiteu themselves.
+*(07,% A. 1A+!$.!"&.. - In the event of an abstention, anu the concuiience of two (2)
Commissioneis to aiiive at a juugment oi iesolution cannot be obtaineu, Section 4 (c),
seconu paiagiaph, of this Rule shall apply.
+*(07,% B. -&.+&#"21!"&. &' -1+$+, - Appealeu anu injunction cases involving the same
paities, issues, oi ielateu questions of fact oi law shall be consoliuateu befoie the
Commissionei to whom the case with the lowest case numbei is assigneu. Notice of the
consoliuation shall be given by the Executive Cleik oi Beputy Executive Cleik to the othei
membeis of the conceineu Bivisions.
+*(07,% #"9 !$-(."-1# )*#$+ .&! A".2".4, - The iules of pioceuuie anu eviuence
pievailing in couits of law anu equity shall not be contiolling anu the Commission shall use
eveiy anu all ieasonable means to asceitain the facts in each case speeuily anu objectively,
without iegaiu to technicalities of law oi pioceuuie, all in the inteiest of uue piocess.
In any pioceeuing befoie the Commission, the paities may be iepiesenteu by legal counsel
but it shall be the uuty of the Chaiiman, any Piesiuing Commissionei oi Commissionei to
exeicise complete contiol of the pioceeuings at all stages.
+*(07,% ##. -&.-"#"1!"&. 1.2 3$2"1!"&.. - In the exeicise of its exclusive, oiiginal anu
appellate juiisuiction, the Commission may exeit all effoits towaius the amicable settlement
of a laboi uispute.
The settlement of cases on appeal, to be valiu anu binuing between the paities, shall be
appioveu by the Commission. (11a)
+*(07,% #!. )&#$ &' !($ #1A&) 1)A"!$) 1++"4.$2 !& !($ -&33"++"&., - In the
iesolution of cases on appeal, anu those mentioneu in Rules vIII anu X, the Commission, in
the exigency of the seivice, shall be assisteu by a Laboi Aibitei who may be uiiecteu to
stuuy, ieview, heai anu ieceive eviuence, anu submit iepoits theieon. (12a)
+*(07,% #5. '&)3 &' 2$-"+"&.6 )$+&#*!"&. 1.2 &)2$). - The uecision, iesolution anu
oiuei of the Commission shall state cleaily anu uistinctly the finuings of facts, issues, anu
conclusions of law on which it is baseu, anu the ielief gianteu, if any. If the uecision,
iesolution oi oiuei involves monetaiy awaius, the same shall contain the specific amount
awaiueu as of the uate the uecision is ienueieu.
+*(07,% #;9 '".1#"!0 &' 2$-"+"&. &' !($ -&33"++"&. 1.2 $.!)0 &' B*243$.!, - a)
Finality of the Becisions, Resolutions oi 0iueis of the Commission. - Except as pioviueu in
Section 9 of Rule X, the uecisions, iesolutions oi oiueis of the Commission shall become final
anu executoiy aftei ten (1u) calenuai uays fiom ieceipt theieof by the counsel oi authoiizeu
iepiesentative oi the paities if not assisteu by counsel oi iepiesentative.
b) Entiy of }uugment. - 0pon the expiiation of the ten (1u) calenuai uay peiiou pioviueu in
paiagiaph (a) of this Section, the uecision, iesolution, oi oiuei shall be enteieu in a book of
entiies of juugment.
In the absence of ietuin caius, ceitifications fiom the post office oi the couiiei oi othei
pioofs of seivice to the paities, the Executive Cleik oi Beputy Executive Cleik shall consiuei
the uecision, iesolution oi oiuei as final anu executoiy aftei sixty (6u) calenuai uays fiom
uate of mailing. (14a)
+*(07,% #<. 3&!"&.+ '&) )$-&.+"2$)1!"&.. - Notion foi ieconsiueiation of any
uecision, iesolution oi oiuei of the Commission shall not be enteitaineu except when baseu
on palpable oi patent eiiois; pioviueu that the motion is fileu within ten (1u) calenuai uays
fiom ieceipt of uecision, iesolution oi oiuei, with pioof of seivice that a copy of the same
has been fuinisheu, within the ieglementaiy peiiou, the auveise paity; anu pioviueu fuithei,
that only one such motion fiom the same paity shall be enteitaineu. (1Sa)
')&* ?777 (*'07-7*/ (8+*+
+*(07,% #9 /&#"-0. - It is the ueclaieu policy of ceitification of laboi uisputes foi
compulsoiy aibitiation to ensuie anu maintain inuustiial peace baseu on social justice anu
national inteiest by having a full, complete anu immeuiate settlement oi aujuuication of all
laboi uisputes between the paities, as well as issues that aie ielevant to oi inciuents of the
ceitifieu issues.
+*(07,% !9 -$)!"'"$2 #1A&) 2"+/*!$+. - Ceitifieu laboi uisputes aie cases ceitifieu to the
Commission foi compulsoiy aibitiation unuei Aiticle 26S (g) of the Laboi Coue.
+*(07,% 59 $''$-!+ &' -$)!"'"-1!"&.. - a) 0pon ceitification, the intenueu oi impenuing
stiike oi lockout is automatically enjoineu, notwithstanuing the filing of any motion foi
ieconsiueiation of the ceitification oiuei noi the non-iesolution of any such motion which
may have been uuly submitteu to the 0ffice of the Secietaiy of Laboi anu Employment. If a
woik stoppage has alieauy taken place at the time of the ceitification, all stiiking oi lockeu
out employees shall immeuiately ietuin to woik anu the employei shall immeuiately iesume
opeiations anu ieaumit all woikeis unuei the same teims anu conuitions pievailing befoie
the stiike oi lockout.
b) All cases between the same paities, except wheie the ceitification oiuei specifies
otheiwise the issues submitteu foi aibitiation which aie alieauy fileu oi may be fileu, anu
aie ielevant to oi aie piopei inciuents of the ceitifieu case, shall be consiueieu subsumeu oi
absoibeu by the ceitifieu case, anu shall be ueciueu by the appiopiiate Bivision of the
Commission. Subject to the seconu paiagiaph of Section 4 of Rule Iv, the paities to a
ceitifieu case, unuei pain of contempt, shall infoim theii counsels anu the Bivision
conceineu of all cases penuing with the Regional Aibitiation Bianches anu the voluntaiy
Aibitiatois ielative oi inciuent to the ceitifieu case befoie it. c) Whenevei a ceitifieu laboi
uispute involves a business entity with seveial woikplaces locateu in uiffeient iegions, the
Bivision having teiiitoiial juiisuiction ovei the piincipal office of the company shall acquiie
juiisuiction to ueciue such laboi uispute; unless the ceitification oiuei pioviues otheiwise.
+*(07,% ;9 $''$-!+ &' 2$'"1.-$, - Non-compliance with the ceitification oiuei of the
Secietaiy of Laboi anu Employment shall be consiueieu as an illegal act committeu in the
couise of the stiike oi lockout, anu shall authoiize the Commission to enfoice the same
unuei pain of immeuiate uisciplinaiy action, incluuing uismissal oi loss of employment
status oi payment by the locking-out employei of backwages, uamages anuoi othei
affiimative ielief, even ciiminal piosecution against the liable paities.
The Commission may also seek the assistance of law enfoicement agencies to ensuie
compliance anu enfoicement of its oiueis anu iesolutions.
+*(07,% <9 /)&-$2*)$ ". -$)!"'"$2 -1+$+. - a) When theie is no neeu to conuuct a
claiificatoiy heaiing, the Commission shall iesolve all ceitifieu cases within thiity (Su)
calenuai uays fiom ieceipt by the assigneu Commissionei of the complete iecoius, which
shall incluue the position papeis of the paities anu the oiuei of the Secietaiy of Laboi anu
Employment uenying the motion foi ieconsiueiation of the ceitification oiuei, if any.
b) Wheie a claiificatoiy heaiing is neeueu, the Commission shall, within five (S) calenuai
uays fiom ieceipt of the iecoius, issue a notice to be seiveu on the paities thiough the fastest
means available, iequiiing them to appeai anu submit auuitional eviuence, if any. All
ceitifieu cases shall be iesolveu by the Commission within sixty (6u) calenuai uays fiom
ieceipt of the complete iecoius by the assigneu Commissionei.
c) No motion foi extension oi postponement shall be enteitaineu. (Sa) SECTI0N 6.
EXEC0TI0N 0F }0BuNENT IN CERTIFIEB CASE. - 0pon issuance of the entiy of juugment,
the Commission, motu piopiio oi upon motion by the piopei paity, may cause the execution
of the juugment in the ceitifieu case. 789:;<=;>,?@
')&* 7C (,%0*2.0
+*(07,% #. 2")$-! -&.!$3/!, - The Chaiiman oi any Commissionei oi Laboi Aibitei may
summaiily aujuuge guilty of uiiect contempt any peison committing any act of misbehavioi
in the piesence of oi so neai the Chaiiman oi any Commissionei oi Laboi Aibitei as to
obstiuct oi inteiiupt the pioceeuings befoie the same, incluuing uisiespect towaiu saiu
officials, offensive acts towaiu otheis, oi iefusal to be swoin oi to answei as a witness oi to
subsciibe to an affiuavit oi ueposition when lawfully iequiieu to uo so. If the offense is
committeu against the Commission oi any membei theieof, the same shall be punisheu by a
fine not exceeuing Five Bunuieu Pesos (PSuu.uu) oi impiisonment not exceeuing five (S)
uays, oi both; anu, if the offense is committeu against any Laboi Aibitei, the same shall be
punisheu by a fine not exceeuing 0ne Bunuieu Pesos (P1uu.uu) oi impiisonment not
exceeuing one (1) uay, oi both.
Any peison aujuugeu guilty of uiiect contempt by a Laboi Aibitei may, within a peiiou of
five (S) calenuai uays fiom notice of the juugment, appeal the same to the Commission anu
the execution of saiu juugment shall be suspenueu penuing iesolution of the appeal upon the
filing by saiu peison of a bonu on conuition that he will abiue by anu peifoim the juugment
shoulu the appeal be ueciueu against himhei. A juugment of the Commission on uiiect
contempt shall be immeuiately executoiy anu inappealable.
+*(07,% !9 ".2")$-! -&.!$3/!, - The Commission oi any Laboi Aibitei puisuant to
Aiticle 218 (u) of the Laboi Coue may cite any peison foi inuiiect contempt anu impose the
appiopiiate penalty unuei any of the following giounus:
a) Nisbehavioi of any officei oi employee in the peifoimance of hishei official uuties oi in
hishei official tiansaction; b) Bisobeuience of, oi iesistance to, a lawful wiit, oiuei oi
uecision; c) Any abuse of, oi any unlawful inteifeience with the piocesses oi pioceeuings
not constituting uiiect contempt; u) Any impiopei conuuct tenuing, uiiectly oi inuiiectly, to
impeue, obstiuct oi uegiaue the auministiation of justice; e) Assuming to be an attoiney oi
a iepiesentative of paity without authoiity; f) Failuie to obey a subpoena uuly seiveu; oi g)
0thei giounus analogous to the foiegoing. A. Wheie chaige to be fileu.- Wheie the chaige foi
inuiiect contempt has been committeu against the Commission oi against an 0fficei
appointeu by it, the chaige may be fileu with the Commission. Wheie such contempt has
been committeu against the Laboi Aibitei, the chaige may be fileu with the Regional
Aibitiation Bianch subject to appeal to the Commission in the same mannei as pioviueu in
Section 1 of this Rule. B. Bow pioceeuings commenceu.- Pioceeuings foi inuiiect contempt
may be initiateu motu piopiio by the Commission oi any Laboi Aibitei by an oiuei oi any
othei foimal chaige iequiiing the iesponuent to show cause why heshe shoulu not be
punisheu foi contempt. In all othei cases, a chaige foi inuiiect contempt shall be
commenceu by a veiifieu petition with suppoiting paiticulais anu ceitifieu tiue copies of
uocuments oi papeis involveu theiein, anu upon full compliance with the iequiiements foi
filing initiatoiy pleauings in the Commission. If the contempt chaige aiose out of oi is ielateu
to a piincipal action penuing in the Commission oi Regional Aibitiation Bianch, the petition
foi contempt shall allege that fact but saiu petition shall be consoliuateu, heaiu, anu ueciueu
sepaiately, unless the Commission oi Laboi Aibitei in itshishei uiscietion, oiueis the
consoliuation of the contempt chaige anu the piincipal action foi joint heaiing anu
uecision. C. Beaiing.- 0pon the uate set foi heaiing, the Commission oi Laboi Aibitei shall
pioceeu to investigate the chaige anu consiuei such comment, answei, uefense oi testimony
as the iesponuent may make oi offei. Failuie to attenu the scheuuleu heaiing anu to give a
satisfactoiy explanation in wiiting to the Commission oi Laboi Aibitei will iesult in the
waivei of the iesponuent to be piesent uuiing the heaiing. B. Punishment foi inuiiect
contempt.- If the iesponuent is aujuugeu guilty of inuiiect contempt committeu against the
Commission oi any membei theieof, heshe may be punisheu by a fine of 0ne Thousanu
(P1,uuu.uu) Pesos pei uay foi eveiy act of inuiiect contempt; anu, if the offense is committeu
against any Laboi Aibitei, the same may be punisheu by a fine of Five Bunuieu (PSuu.uu)
Pesos pei uay foi eveiy act of inuiiect contempt. Each uay of uefiance of, oi uisobeuience to,
oi non-enfoicement of a final oiuei, iesolution, uecision, iuling, injunction, oi piocesses,
shall constitute an inuiiect contempt of the Commission. If the contempt consists of the
violation of an injunction oi omission to uo an act which is within the powei of the
iesponuent to peifoim, the iesponuent shall, in auuition, be maue liable foi uamages as a
consequence theieof. The uamages shall be measuieu by the extent of the loss oi injuiy
sustaineu by the aggiieveu paity by ieason of the acts oi omissions of which the contempt is
being piosecuteu, anu the costs of the pioceeuings, incluuing payment of inteiest on
uamages. E. A wiit of execution may be issueu to enfoice the uecision imposing such fine
anuoi consequent uamages as punishment foi inuiiect contempt. (2a)
')&* C 7%D)%(07,%
+*(07,% #. ".B*.-!"&. ". &)2".1)0 #1A&) 2"+/*!$+, - A pieliminaiy injunction oi
iestiaining oiuei may be gianteu by the Commission thiough its Bivisions puisuant to the
piovisions of paiagiaph (e) of Aiticle 218 of the Laboi Coue, as amenueu, when it is
establisheu on the basis of the swoin allegations in the petition that the acts complaineu of
involving oi aiising fiom any laboi uispute befoie the Commission, which, if not iestiaineu
oi peifoimeu foithwith, may cause giave oi iiiepaiable uamage to any paity oi ienuei
ineffectual any uecision in favoi of such paity. A ceitification of non-foium shopping shall
accompany the petition foi injunction.
The wiit of pieliminaiy injunction oi tempoiaiy iestiaining oiuei shall become effective
only upon posting of the iequiieu cash bonu in the amount to be ueteimineu by the
Commission to answei foi any uamage that may be suffeieu by the paity enjoineu, if it is
finally ueteimineu that the petitionei is not entitleu theieto.
+*(07,% !. ".B*.-!"&. ". +!)"H$+ &) #&-H&*!+. - A pieliminaiy oi peimanent injunction
may be gianteu by the Commission only aftei heaiing the testimony of witnesses anu with
oppoitunity foi cioss-examination in suppoit of the allegations of the complaint oi petition
maue unuei oath, anu testimony by way of opposition theieto, if offeieu, anu only aftei a
finuing of fact by the Commission:
a) That piohibiteu oi unlawful acts have been thieateneu anu will be committeu anu will be
continueu unless iestiaineu, but no injunction oi tempoiaiy iestiaining oiuei shall be issueu
on account of any thieat, piohibiteu oi unlawful act, except against the peison oi peisons,
association oi oiganization making the thieat oi committing the piohibiteu oi unlawful act
oi actually authoiizing oi iatifying the same aftei actual knowleuge theieof. b) That
substantial anu iiiepaiable injuiy to petitionei's piopeity will follow; c) That as to each
item of ielief to be gianteu, gieatei injuiy will be inflicteu upon the petitionei by the uenial
of ielief than will be inflicteu upon iesponuents by the gianting of ielief; u) That petitionei
has no auequate iemeuy at law; anu e) That the public officeis chaigeu with the uuty to
piotect petitionei's piopeity aie unable oi unwilling to fuinish auequate piotection.
')&* C 7%D)%(07,%
+*(07,% #. ".B*.-!"&. ". &)2".1)0 #1A&) 2"+/*!$+, - A pieliminaiy injunction oi
iestiaining oiuei may be gianteu by the Commission thiough its Bivisions puisuant to the
piovisions of paiagiaph (e) of Aiticle 218 of the Laboi Coue, as amenueu, when it is
establisheu on the basis of the swoin allegations in the petition that the acts complaineu of
involving oi aiising fiom any laboi uispute befoie the Commission, which, if not iestiaineu
oi peifoimeu foithwith, may cause giave oi iiiepaiable uamage to any paity oi ienuei
ineffectual any uecision in favoi of such paity.
A ceitification of non-foium shopping shall accompany the petition foi injunction.
The wiit of pieliminaiy injunction oi tempoiaiy iestiaining oiuei shall become effective
only upon posting of the iequiieu cash bonu in the amount to be ueteimineu by the
Commission to answei foi any uamage that may be suffeieu by the paity enjoineu, if it is
finally ueteimineu that the petitionei is not entitleu theieto.
+*(07,% !9 ".B*.-!"&. ". +!)"H$+ &) #&-H&*!+, - A pieliminaiy oi peimanent
injunction may be gianteu by the Commission only aftei heaiing the testimony of witnesses
anu with oppoitunity foi cioss-examination in suppoit of the allegations of the complaint oi
petition maue unuei oath, anu testimony by way of opposition theieto, if offeieu, anu only
aftei a finuing of fact by the Commission:
a) That piohibiteu oi unlawful acts have been thieateneu anu will be committeu anu will be
continueu unless iestiaineu, but no injunction oi tempoiaiy iestiaining oiuei shall be issueu
on account of any thieat, piohibiteu oi unlawful act, except against the peison oi peisons,
association oi oiganization making the thieat oi committing the piohibiteu oi unlawful act
oi actually authoiizing oi iatifying the same aftei actual knowleuge theieof.
b) That substantial anu iiiepaiable injuiy to petitionei's piopeity will follow;
c) That as to each item of ielief to be gianteu, gieatei injuiy will be inflicteu upon the
petitionei by the uenial of ielief than will be inflicteu upon iesponuents by the gianting of
u) That petitionei has no auequate iemeuy at law; anu
e) That the public officeis chaigeu with the uuty to piotect petitionei's piopeity aie unable
oi unwilling to fuinish auequate piotection.
+*(07,% 5. ($1)".4G .&!"-$ !($)$&', - Beaiings shall be helu aftei uue anu peisonal
notice theieof has been seiveu, in such mannei as the Commission shall uiiect, to all known
peisons against whom ielief is sought, anu also to the Chief Executive anu othei public
officials of the piovince oi city within which the unlawful acts have been thieateneu oi
committeu chaigeu with the uuty to piotect petitionei's piopeity.
+*(07,% ;. )$-$/!"&. &' $5"2$.-$G 2$#$41!"&., - The ieception of eviuence foi the
application of a wiit of injunction may be uelegateu by the Commission to any of its Laboi
Aibiteis who shall conuuct such heaiings in such places as heshe may ueteimine to be
accessible to the paities anu theii witnesses, anu shall theieaftei submit hishei iepoit anu
iecommenuation to the Commission within fifteen (1S) uays fiom such uelegation.
+*(07,% <9 &-*#1) ".+/$-!"&., - The Chaiiman, any Commissionei, Laboi Aibitei oi theii
uuly authoiizeu iepiesentatives, may, at any time uuiing woiking houis, conuuct an oculai
inspection on any establishment, builuing, ship oi vessel, place oi piemises, incluuing any
woik, mateiial, implement, machineiy, appliance oi any object theiein, anu ask any
employee, laboiei, oi any peison, as the case may be, foi any infoimation oi uata conceining
any mattei oi question ielative to the object of the petition.
The oculai inspection iepoits shall be submitteu to the appiopiiate Bivision within twenty-
foui (24) houis fiom the conuuct theieof.
+*(07,% =9 !$3/&)1)0 )$+!)1".".4 &)2$)G )$F*"+"!$+. - If the petitionei shall also
allege that, unless a tempoiaiy iestiaining oiuei shall be issueu without notice, a substantial
anu iiiepaiable injuiy to petitionei's piopeity will be unavoiuable, such a tempoiaiy
iestiaining oiuei may be issueu upon testimony unuei oath, oi by affiuavits of the
petitionei's witnesses, sufficient, if sustaineu, to justify the Commission in the issuance
+*(07,% >. -1+( A&.2. - No tempoiaiy iestiaining oiuei oi wiit of pieliminaiy injunction
shall be issueu except on the conuition that petitionei shall fiist file an unueitaking to
answei foi the uamages anu post a cash bonu in the amount of Fifty Thousanu Pesos
(PSu,uuu.uu), oi such highei amount as may be ueteimineu by the Commission, to
iecompense those enjoineu foi any loss, expense oi uamage causeu by the impioviuent oi
eiioneous issuance of such oiuei oi injunction, incluuing all ieasonable costs, togethei with
a ieasonable attoiney's fee, anu expense of uefense against the oiuei oi against the gianting
of any injunctive ielief sought in the same pioceeuing anu subsequently uenieu by the
+*(07,% A. $''$-!"5"!0 &' !$3/&)1)0 )$+!)1".".4 &)2$), - A tempoiaiy iestiaining
oiuei shall be effective foi no longei than twenty (2u) uays ieckoneu fiom the posting of the
cash bonu iequiieu unuei the pieceuing section. Buiing the saiu peiiou, the paities shall be
iequiieu to piesent eviuence to substantiate theii iespective positions in the main petition.
+*(07,% B. $''$-!+ &' 2$'"1.-$. - The oiuei oi iesolution enjoining the peifoimance of
illegal acts shall be immeuiately executoiy in accoiuance with the teims theieof. In case of
non-compliance, the Commission shall impose such sanctions, anu shall issue such oiueis, as
may be necessaiy to implement the saiu oiuei oi iesolution, incluuing the enlistment of law
enfoicement agencies having juiisuiction ovei the aiea foi the puipose of enfoicing the
+*(07,% #". &)2".1)0 )$3$20 ". #1E &) ". $F*"!0, - Nothing in this Rule shall uepiive
any paity having a claim oi cause of action unuei oi upon such unueitaking fiom electing to
puisue hishei oiuinaiy iemeuy by suit at law oi in equity.

')&* C7 *C*()07,% .',(**/7%:+
+*(07,% #9 $I$-*!"&. */&. '".1#"!0 &' 2$-"+"&. &) &)2$), - a) A wiit of execution
may be issueu motu piopiio oi on motion, upon a uecision oi oiuei that has become final
anu executoiy.
b) If an appeal has been uuly peifecteu anu finally iesolveu by the Commission, a motion
foi execution may be fileu befoie the Laboi Aibitei, when the lattei has possession of the
case iecoius oi upon submission of ceitifieu tiue copies of the uecisions oi final oiueis
sought to be enfoiceu incluuing notice of uecision oi oiuei anu the entiy of juugment, copy
fuinisheu the auveise paity.
c) Except that, as pioviueu foi in Section 18 of Rule v in ielation to Section 9 of this Rule,
anu in those cases wheie paitial execution is alloweu by law, the Laboi Aibitei shall ietain
uuplicate oiiginal copies of the uecision to be implementeu anu pioof of seivice theieof foi
the puipose of immeuiate enfoicement. (1a)
+*(07,% !9 $I$-*!"&. A0 3&!"&. &) A0 ".2$/$.2$.! 1-!"&., - Puisuant to Ait. 224 of
the Laboi Coue, a uecision oi oiuei may be executeu on motion within five (S) yeais fiom
the uate it becomes final anu executoiy. Aftei the lapse of such peiiou, the juugment shall
become uoimant, anu may only be enfoiceu by an inuepenuent action befoie the Regional
Aibitiation Bianch of oiigin anu within a peiiou of ten (1u) yeais fiom uate of its finality.
+*(07,% 59 $''$-! &' /$)'$-!"&. &' 1//$1# &. $I$-*!"&., - The peifection of an
appeal shall stay the execution of the uecision of the Laboi Aibitei except execution foi
ieinstatement penuing appeal. (9a)
+*(07,% ;9 EFFECT 0F PETITI0N F0R CERTI0RARI 0N EXEC0TI0N. - A petition foi
ceitioiaii with the Couit of Appeals oi the Supieme Couit shall not stay the execution of the
assaileu uecision unless a iestiaining oiuei is issueu by saiu Couits.(1ua)
+*(07,% <. /)$C$I$-*!"&. -&.'$)$.-$, - Within two (2) woiking uays fiom ieceipt of a
motion foi the issuance of a wiit of execution which shall be accompanieu by a computation
of a juugment awaiu, if necessaiy, the Commission oi the Laboi Aibitei may scheuule a pie-
execution confeience to thiesh out matteis ielevant to execution incluuing the final
computation of monetaiy awaiu. The pieexecution confeience shall not exceeu fifteen (1S)
calenuai uays fiom the initial scheuule, unless the paities agieeu to an extension.
Any oiuei issueu by the Laboi Aibitei in the pie-execution confeience is not appealable,
subject to the iemeuies available unuei Rule XII. (2a)
+*(07,% =. "++*1.-$6 -&.!$.!+ 1.2 $''$-!"5"!0 &' 1 E)"! &' $I$-*!"&.. - The wiit
of execution shall issue in the name of the Republic of the Philippines signeu by the
Commission oi Laboi Aibitei oiueiing the Sheiiff to execute the uecision, oiuei, oi awaiu of
the Commission oi Laboi Aibitei, anu must contain the complete name of the paity, whethei
natuial oi juiiuical, against whom the wiit of execution was issueu, the uispositive poition
theieof, the amount, if any, to be uemanueu, anu all legal fees to be collecteu fiom the losing
paity oi any othei peison iequiieu by law to obey the same.
A wiit of execution shall be effective foi a peiiou of five (S) yeais fiom issuance theieof. In
case of paitial satisfaction of juugment uuiing the lifetime of the wiit, the Laboi Aibitei shall
motu piopiio issue an upuateu wiit ieflecting the amount collecteu anu the iemaining
balance. (Sa)
+*(07,% >. $.'&)-$3$.! &' E)"! &' $I$-*!"&., - In executing a uecision, iesolution oi
oiuei, the Sheiiff, oi othei authoiizeu officei acting as Sheiiff of the Commission, shall seive
the wiit within thiee (S) uays fiom ieceipt of the same, subject to the iequiiements of
Sections 12 anu 1S of this Rule anu shall be guiueu stiictly by these Rules anu by the Nanual
on Execution of }uugment, which shall foim pait of these Rules. In the absence of applicable
iules, the Rules of Couit, as amenueu, shall be applieu in a suppletoiy mannei. (7a)
+*(07,% A. 31..$) &' $I$-*!"&. &' 3&.$!1)0 B*243$.!, - a) Immeuiate payment on
uemanu. - The Sheiiff shall enfoice a monetaiy juugment by uemanuing the immeuiate
payment of the full amount stateu in the wiit of execution anu all legal fees fiom the losing
paity oi any othei peison iequiieu by law to obey the same.
b) In the event of failuie oi iefusal of the losing paity to pay the juugment awaiu, the Sheiiff
shall immeuiately pioceeu against the cash ueposit oi suiety bonu posteu by the losing
paity, if any;
c) If the bonuing company iefuses to pay oi the bank holuing the cash ueposit of the losing
paity iefuses to ielease the gainisheu amount uespite the oiuei oi peitinent piocesses
issueu by the Laboi Aibitei oi the Commission, the piesiuent oi the iesponsible officeis oi
authoiizeu iepiesentatives of the saiu bonuing company oi the bank who iesisteu oi causeu
the non-compliance shall be eithei citeu foi contempt, oi helu liable foi iesistance anu
uisobeuience to a peison in authoiity oi the agents of such peison as pioviueu unuei the
peitinent piovision of the Reviseu Penal Coue. This iule shall likewise apply to any peison oi
paity who unlawfully iesists oi iefuses to comply with the bieak open oiuei issueu by the
Laboi Aibitei oi the Commission.
Foi this puipose, the Laboi Aibitei oi the Commission may issue an oiuei uiiecting the
sheiiff to iequest the assistance of law enfoicement agencies to ensuie compliance with the
wiit of execution, oiueis oi piocesses.
A bonuing company citeu foi contempt, oi foi an offense uefineu anu punishable unuei the
peitinent piovision of the Reviseu Penal Coue shall be baiieu fiom tiansacting business with
the Commission.
u) Shoulu the cash ueposit oi suiety bonu be insufficient, oi in case the suiety bonu cannot
be pioceeueu against foi any ieason, the Sheiiff shall, within five (S) uays fiom uemanu,
execute the monetaiy juugment by gainishing bank ueposits, cieuits, ieceivables, anu othei
peisonal piopeity not capable of manual ueliveiy, if the same is not enough, pioceeu to levy
the peisonal piopeity of the losing paity, anu if still insufficient, against the ieal piopeity not
exempt fiom execution, sufficient to covei the juugment awaiu, which may be uisposeu of
foi value at a public auction to the highest biuuei.
e) Pioceeus of execution shall be uepositeu with the Cashiei of the conceineu Bivision oi
Regional Aibitiation Bianch, oi with an authoiizeu uepositaiy bank. Wheie payment is maue
in the foim of a check, the same shall be payable to the Commission.
f) Foi monetaiy juugment on cases involving oveiseas Filipino woikeis, the mannei of
execution shall be in accoiuance with Republic Act No. 1uu22. (Sa)
+*(07,% B9 $I$-*!"&. &' )$".+!1!$3$.! /$.2".4 1//$1#. - In case the uecision
incluues an oiuei of ieinstatement, anu the employei uisobeys the uiiective unuei the
seconu paiagiaph of Section 18 of Rule v oi iefuses to ieinstate the uismisseu employee, the
Laboi Aibitei shall immeuiately issue wiit of execution, even penuing appeal, uiiecting the
employei to immeuiately ieinstate the uismisseu employee eithei physically oi in the
payioll, anu to pay the acciueu salaiies as a consequence of such non-ieinstatement in the
amount specifieu in the uecision.
The Sheiiff shall seive the wiit of execution upon the employei oi any othei peison
iequiieu by law to obey the same. If heshe uisobeys the wiit, such employei oi peison may
be citeu foi contempt in accoiuance with Rule IX. (6a)
+*(07,% #". )$+&#*!"&. &' 3&!"&. !& F*1+(, - A motion to quash shall be iesolveu by
the Laboi Aibitei within ten (1u) woiking uays fiom submission of saiu motion foi
iesolution. The meie filing of a motion to quash shall not stay execution pioceeuings. (11a)
+*(07,% ##. !(")2 /1)!0 -#1"3, - a) If the piopeity levieu is claimeu by any peison othei
than the losing paity, such peison may file a thiiu paity claim not latei than five (S) uays
fiom the last uay of posting oi publication of the notice of execution sale, otheiwise the claim
shall be foievei baiieu. Such thiiu paity claim must comply with the following iequiiements:
(1) An affiuavit stating title to piopeity oi iight to the possession theieof with suppoiting
(2) Posting of a bonu equivalent to the amount of the claim oi juugment awaiu, whichevei is
lowei; anu

(S) Payment of pievailing filing fee.
b) Wheie fileu - The thiiu paity claim shall be fileu with the Commission oi Laboi Aibitei
wheie the execution pioceeuing is penuing, with pioof of seivice of copies theieof to the
Sheiiff anu the pievailing paity.
c) Effect of Filing. - The filing of a thiiu paity claim that has complieu with the iequiiements
set foith unuei paiagiaph (a) of this Section shall automatically suspenu the pioceeuings
with iespect to the execution of the piopeities subject of the thiiu paity claim. 789:;<=;>,?@
0pon appioval of the bonu, the Laboi Aibitei shall issue an oiuei ieleasing the levieu
piopeity oi a pait theieof subject of the claim unless the pievailing paity posts a countei
bonu in an amount not less than the value of the levieu piopeity.
The Laboi Aibitei may iequiie the posting of auuitional bonu upon showing by the othei
paity that the bonu is insufficient.
u) Pioceeuings. -The piopiiety of the thiiu paity claim shall be iesolveu within ten (1u)
woiking uays fiom submission of the claim foi iesolution. The uecision of the Laboi Aibitei
is not appealable but may be elevateu to the Commission anu iesolveu in accoiuance with
Rule XII heieof. Penuing iesolution theieof, execution shall pioceeu against all othei
piopeities not subject of the thiiu paity claim. (12a)
+*(07,% #!9 +($)"''J+ )$!*). 1.2 )$/&)!. - The wiit of execution shall be ietuineu to
the Commission oi Laboi Aibitei immeuiately aftei the full satisfaction of the juugment
awaiu. In case of paitial oi non-satisfaction of the juugment, the sheiiff enfoicing the wiit
shall submit a iepoit upuating the Commission oi Laboi Aibitei who issueu the wiit of
execution on the status of the enfoicement theieof, not latei than thiity (Su) uays fiom
ieceipt of such wiit anu eveiy thiity (Su) uays theieaftei uuiing the lifetime of the wiit
unless fully satisfieu. A copy of the iepoit shall be fuinisheu the Chaiiman anu the Executive
Laboi Aibitei.
Failuie on the pait of the Sheiiff to submit the iepoit oi ietuin iequiieu unuei Section 12 of
this Rule within the stateu peiiou shall subject himhei to auministiative fine unuei Rule
XIv of this Rule, oi suspension foi fifteen (1S) uays without pay, oi both. (1Sa, 14a)
+*(07,% #5. 2$+"4.1!"&. &' +/$-"1# +($)"''+ - The Chaiiman of the Commission may
uesignate special Sheiiffs anu take any measuie, unuei existing laws, to ensuie compliance
with the uecisions, iesolutions oi oiueis of the Commission anu those of Laboi Aibiteis.
+*(07,% #;. $''$-! &' )$5$)+1# &' $I$-*!$2 B*243$.!, - Wheie the executeu
juugment is totally oi paitially ieveiseu oi annulleu by the Couit of Appeals oi the Supieme
Couit, the Laboi Aibitei shall, on motion, issue such oiueis of iestitution of the executeu
awaiu, except wages paiu uuiing ieinstatement penuing appeal.

')&* C77 *C0'8,'/7%8'E '*2*/7*+ (n)
+*(07,% #. 5$)"'"$2 /$!"!"&., - A paity aggiieveu by any oiuei oi iesolution of the Laboi
Aibitei incluuing those issueu uuiing execution pioceeuings may file a veiifieu petition to
annul oi mouify such oiuei oi iesolution. The petition may be accompanieu by an
application foi the issuance of a tempoiaiy iestiaining oiuei anuoi wiit of pieliminaiy oi
peimanent injunction to enjoin the Laboi Aibitei, oi any peison acting unuei hishei
authoiity, to uesist fiom enfoicing saiu iesolution oi oiuei.
+*(07,% !9 4)&*.2+. - The petition fileu unuei this Rule may be enteitaineu only on any of
the following giounus:
a) If theie is piima facie eviuence of abuse of uiscietion on the pait of the Laboi Aibitei.
b) If seiious eiiois in the finuings of facts aie iaiseu which, if not coiiecteu, woulu cause
giave oi iiiepaiable uamage oi injuiy to the petitionei.
c) If a paity by fiauu, acciuent, mistake oi excusable negligence has been pieventeu fiom
taking an appeal;
u) If maue puiely on questions of law; oi
e) If the oiuei oi iesolution will cause injustice if not iectifieu.
+*(07,% 5. E($. 1.2 E($)$ '"#$2, - Not latei than ten (1u) calenuai uays fiom ieceipt
of the oiuei oi iesolution of the Laboi Aibitei, the aggiieveu paity may file a petition with
the Commission fuinishing a copy theieof to the auveise paity.
+*(07,% ;9 )$F*"+"!$+ &' !($ /$!"!"&., - The petition fileu unuei this Rule shall:
a) be accompanieu by a cleai oiiginal oi ceitifieu tiue copy of the oiuei oi iesolution
assaileu, togethei with cleai copies of uocuments ielevant oi ielateu to the saiu oiuei oi
iesolution foi the piopei unueistanuing of the issues involveu;
b) contain the aibitial uocket numbei anu appeal uocket numbei, if any;
c) state the mateiial uate showing the timeliness of the petition;
u) be veiifieu by the petitionei himselfheiself in accoiuance with Section 4, Rule 7 of the
Rules of Couit, as amenueu;
e) be in the foim of a memoianuum which shall state the giounus ielieu upon, the
aiguments in suppoit theieof anu the ieliefs piayeu foi;

f) be in thiee (S) legibly wiitten oi piinteu copies; anu
g) be accompanieu by:
i) ceitificate of non-foium shopping;
ii) pioof of seivice upon the othei paityies anu the Laboi Aibitei who issueu the oiuei oi
iesolution being assaileu oi questioneu; anu
iii) pioof of payment of the iequiieu fees.
+*(07,% <9 !($ /*A#"- 1.2 /)"51!$ )$+/&.2$.!+ "3/#$12$2 ". !($ /$!"!"&.. - The
Laboi Aibitei shall be jointly impleaueu with the piivate iesponuent as a public iesponuent
in a nominal capacity. As useu in this Rule, the piivate iesponuent iefeis to the paity
inteiesteu in sustaining the oiuei oi iesolution of the Laboi Aibitei. It shall be the uuty of
the piivate iesponuent to appeai anu uefenu, both in hishei behalf anu that of the public
iesponuent, anu the cost awaiueu in such pioceeuings in favoi of the petitionei shall be
against the piivate iesponuent only. The public iesponuent shall not appeai oi file an
answei oi comment to the petition oi any pleauing theiein.
+*(07,% =9 +$)5"-$ 1.2 '"#".4 &' /#$12".4+. - The paity filing the pleauings shall seive
the othei paity with copies theieof in accoiuance with Rule 1S of the Rules of Couit
fuinishing the Laboi Aibitei with a copy.
If the last uay to seive anu file a pleauing falls on a Satuiuay, Sunuay oi holiuay, the pleauing
shall be seiveu anu fileu on the fiist woiking uay immeuiately following such Satuiuay,
Sunuay oi Boliuay.
+*(07,% >9 1.+E$) !& !($ /$!"!"&., - Within ten(1u) calenuai uays fiom the ieceipt of
the petition, the piivate iesponuent shall file hishei answei theiein stating the giounus
why the petition shoulu be uenieu. Failuie on the pait of the piivate iesponuent, to file
hishei answei within the saiu peiiou may be constiueu as a waivei to file the same.
+*(07,% A9 &//&+"!"&. !& !($ ".B*.-!"5$ )$#"$'G E($. '"#$2. - In case the petitionei
also piays foi an injunctive ielief, the piivate iesponuent may file hishei veiifieu opposition
oi comment to the application foi injunctive ielief not latei than five (S) calenuai uays fiom
ieceipt of a copy of the petition.
+*(07,% B9 $''$-! &' '"#".4 &' /$!"!"&.. - 0pon filing of the petition, the pioceeuings
befoie the Laboi Aibitei shall continue unless iestiaineu. In case of execution, the
pioceeuings in accoiuance with Rule XI of these Rules shall not be suspenueu, but no money
collecteu oi cieuit gainisheu may be ieleaseu oi piopeities levieu upon be solu by public
auction within fifteen (1S) calenuai uays fiom the filing of the petition. If no tempoiaiy
iestiaining oiuei oi wiit of pieliminaiy injunction is issueu within the saiu peiiou, the
money collecteu oi cieuit gainisheu shall be ieleaseu anuoi the piopeities levieu upon solu
by public auction anu the pioceeus of the sale applieu, to satisfy the juugment.
In case of execution pioceeuings, the Laboi Aibitei shall immeuiately infoim wiiting the
Commission oi the Bivision wheie the petition is penuing of the satisfaction of the juugment,
anu, if ciicumstances waiiant, the Commission shall uismiss the petition foi being moot.
The iecoius of the case shall not be elevateu to the Commission unless otheiwise oiueieu.
+*(07,% #"9 5$)"'"$2 1//#"-1!"&.6 "++*1.-$ &' !$3/&)1)0 )$+!)1".".4 &)2$) &)
/)$#"3".1)0 ".B*.-!"&.G A&.2K - 0pon the filing of a veiifieu application foi injunctive
ielief, togethei with suppoiting affiuavits anu uocuments, the Commission may issue a wiit
of a pieliminaiy injunction baseu on any of the applicable giounus pioviueu foi in Section S,
Rule S8 of the Rules of Couit foi the pieseivation of the iights of the paities penuing
iesolution of the petition. The wiit of pieliminaiy injunction shall be effective foi a non-
extenuible peiiou of sixty (6u) calenuai uays fiom seivice on the piivate iesponuent.
If it shall appeai fiom facts shown by the veiifieu application anu affiuavits that gieat anu
iiiepaiable uamage anuoi injuiy woulu iesult to the petitionei befoie the petition can be
iesolveu, the Commission may issue a tempoiaiy iestiaining oiuei expaite effective foi a
non-extenuible peiiou of twenty (2u) calenuai uays fiom seivice on the piivate iesponuent.
In the issuance of a tempoiaiy iestiaining oiuei oi wiit of pieliminaiy injunction, the
Commission shall iequiie the posting of a cash bonu in the amount of Fifty Thousanu Pesos
(PSu,uuu.uu), oi such highei amount as may be ueteimineu by the Commission, to
iecompense those enjoineu foi any loss, expense oi uamage causeu by the impioviuent oi
eiioneous issuance of such oiuei oi injunction, incluuing all ieasonable costs.
An auuitional cash bonu may be iequiieu by the Commission in the issuance of a wiit of
pieliminaiy injunction.
+*(07,% ##. $''$-!"5"!0 &' !$3/&)1)0 )$+!)1".".4 &)2$) &) E)"! &'
/)$#"3".1)0 ".B*.-!"&.,
The tempoiaiy iestiaining oiuei oi wiit of pieliminaiy injunction shall become effective
only upon posting of the iequiieu cash bonu.
In the event that the application foi a wiit of pieliminaiy injunction is uenieu oi not
iesolveu within the saiu peiiou, the tempoiaiy iestiaining oiuei is ueemeu automatically
The application foi a tempoiaiy iestiaining oiuei oi a wiit of pieliminaiy injunction may be
uenieu, oi if gianteu, may be uissolveu, on any giounus pioviueu foi in Section 6, Rule S8 of
the Rules of Couit.
+*(07,% #!9 $''$-! &' ".B*.-!"&., - The issuance of a tempoiaiy iestiaining oiuei oi a
wiit of pieliminaiy injunction, unless otheiwise ueclaieu by the Commission, shall not
suspenu the pioceeuings befoie the Laboi Aibitei oi stay the implementation of the wiit of
execution but shall only iestiain oi enjoin such paiticulai acts as theiein uecieeu to be
iestiaineu oi enjoineu.
+*(07,% #5. )$+&#*!"&. &' /$!"!"&.. - If the Commission finus that the allegations of
the petition aie tiue, it shall:
a) ienuei juugment foi the ielief piayeu foi oi to which the petitionei is entitleu, anuoi
b) giant a final injunction peipetually enjoining the Laboi Aibitei oi any peison acting
unuei hishei authoiity fiom the commission of the acts oi confiiming the pieliminaiy
Bowevei, the Commission may uismiss the petition if it finus the same to be patently without
meiit, piosecuteu manifestly foi uelay, oi that the questions iaiseu theiein aie too
unsubstantial to iequiie consiueiation.
+*(07,% #;. )$-&5$)0 ')&3 !($ ".B*.-!"&. A&.2. - The amount of uamages that may
be iecoveieu by the piivate iesponuent fiom the injunction bonu of the petitionei shall be
asceitaineu anu awaiueu in the uecisionoiueiiesolution finally uisposing of the issue on
the application foi injunction.
+*(07,% #<9 .& 1//$1# ')&3 !($ &)2$) &) )$+&#*!"&. &' !($ #1A&) 1)A"!$)
1)"+".4 ')&3 $I$-*!"&. /)&-$$2".4+ &) &!($) ".-"2$.!+. - Except by way of a
petition fileu in accoiuance with this Rule, no appeal fiom the oiuei oi iesolution issueu by
the Laboi Aibitei uuiing the execution pioceeuings oi in ielation to inciuents othei than a
uecision oi uisposition of the case on the meiits, shall be alloweu oi acteu upon by the
')&* C777
(,227++7,% +*8& 8%/ '*(,'/+6 8%/ .,F*'+ 8%/ /)07*+ ,- (,227++7,%
+*(07,% #9 +$1# &' !($ -&33"++"&., - The seal of the National Laboi Relations
Commission shall be of stanuaiu size, ciiculai, with the insciiption, iunning fiom left to iight
on the uppei outsiue euge, the woius "NATI0NAL LAB0R RELATI0NS C0NNISSI0N", anu
the lowei outsiue euge, the woius "REP0BLIC 0F TBE PBILIPPINES", with a uesign at the
centei containing the coat of aims of the Bepaitment of Laboi anu Employment.
+*(07,% !. !($ $I$-*!"5$ -#$)H. - The Executive Cleik shall assist the Commission when
sitting en banc anu when acting thiough the Fiist Bivision, anu shall peifoim such similai oi
equivalent functions anu uuties as aie uischaigeu by the Cleik of Couit of the Couit of
+*(07,% 59 2$/*!0 $I$-*!"5$ -#$)H+, - The Beputy Executive Cleiks of the othei
Bivisions shall assist the Commission when acting thiough its Bivision, anu shall peifoim
similai functions anu uuties as uischaigeu by the Beputy Cleiks of Couit of the Couit of
Appeals, anu as enumeiateu heiein as functions of the Executive Cleik ielative to theii
iespective Bivisions. (Sa)
+*(07,% ;9 2*!"$+ 1.2 '*.-!"&.+ &' !($ $I$-*!"5$ -#$)H 1.2 2$/*!0 $I$-*!"5$
-#$)H+, - a) Custouy of Seal anu Books. - Beshe shall keep in hishei caie anu custouy the
Seal of the Commission, togethei with all the books necessaiy foi the iecoiuing of the
pioceeuings of the Commission, incluuing the iecoius, files anu exhibits;
b) Filing of Pleauings. - Beshe shall ieceive anu file all cases anu pleauings anu uocuments
inuicating theieon the uate anu time fileu. All pleauings shall be fileu in thiee (S) legibly
typewiitten copies in legal size;
c) Raffle anu Assignment of Cases. - Beshe shall assign appealeu cases foi stuuy oi iepoit
stiictly by iaffle oi as uiiecteu by the Chaiiman. In this connection, the iaffle of cases foi
stuuy oi iepoit must be attenueu by the uuly uesignateu iepiesentative of the Nembeis of
the appiopiiate Bivision;
u) Seivice of Piocesses, 0iueis anu Becisions. - Beshe shall seive paities anu counsel
piocesses, notices of heaiings, copies of uecisions, iesolutions oi oiueis issueu by the
Commission by iegisteieu mail, by couiiei oi by peisonal seivice anu immeuiately attach the
ietuins oi pioofs of ueliveiy theieof to the iecoius;
e) Commission Calenuai anu Ninutes Book. - Beshe shall piepaie the Commission oi
Bivision calenuais of sessions, attenu such sessions peisonally anu immeuiately piepaie the
minutes theieof. Foi this puipose, heshe shall keep a minutes book;
f) ueneial Bocket. - The Executive Cleik shall keep a geneial uocket foi the Commission,
each page of which shall be numbeieu anu piepaieu foi ieceiving all the entiies in a single
page, anu shall entei theiein all oiiginal anu appealeu cases befoie it, numbeieu
consecutively in the oiuei in which they weie ieceiveu anu, unuei the heauing of each case,
the uate anu houi of each pleauing fileu, of each oiuei, uecision oi iesolution enteieu, anu of
each othei step oi action taken in the case; so that, by iefeience to any single page, the
histoiy of the case may be known;
g) Piomulgation anu Piomulgation Book. - Beshe shall piomulgate uecisions anu final
iesolutions on the same uate the same is fileu with hishei office anu inuicate the uate anu
time of piomulgation anu attest the same by hishei signatuie on the fiist page theieof.
Beshe shall immeuiately fuinish the Chaiiman with a copy of such uecision, iesolution, oi
oiuei with a summaiy of the natuie theieof anu the issue involveu theiein. Beshe shall
keep a piomulgation book which inuicates the uate anu time of piomulgation, the case
numbei, title of the case, the ponente, the natuie of the uecision oi final iesolution anu the
action taken by the Commission by quoting the uispositive poition theieof. Notices of saiu
uecisions, iesolutions oi oiueis shall be sent in sealeu envelopes to paities anu theii counsel
within foity-eight (48) houis fiom piomulgation;
h) Entiy of }uugment. - Be shall keep a book of entiies of juugment, uecisions, iesolutions
anu oiueis containing in chionological oiuei the entiies of all final uecisions, iesolutions anu
oiueis of the Commission;
i) Bisposition anu Remanu of Recoius. - 0pon entiy of juugment, heshe shall immeuiately
iemanu the iecoius of the case to the Regional Aibitiation Bianch of oiigin, Regional
Biiectoi oi hishei uuly authoiizeu officei, as the case may be. The Recoius 0nit shall
immeuiately post saiu iecoius without uelay within two (2) woiking uays;
j) Nonthly Accomplishment Repoits. - Beshe shall submit a monthly accomplishment
iepoit of the Commission oi Bivision not latei than the 7th uay of the following month;
k) 0thei Functions. - Beshe shall peifoim othei functions as uiiecteu by the Chaiiman oi
the Commission en banc. (4a)
+*(07,% <. A&1)2 +$-)$!1)"$+. - The Boaiu Secietaiies of the Commission shall assist the
Executive Cleik oi Beputy Executive Cleiks in the peifoimance of theii uuties anu functions
ielative to the Commission oi theii iespective Bivisions.
+*(07,% =9 "++*1.-$ &' -$)!"'"$2 -&/"$+, - 0nless otheiwise iestiicteu by Section 8
heieof, the Executive Cleik, Beputy Executive Cleiks, anu the authoiizeu officeis of the
Regional Aibitiation Bianches shall piepaie, foi any peison asking foi the same, a ceitifieu
copy, unuei the Seal of the Commission, of any papei, iecoiu, uecision, iesolution, oiuei oi
entiy by anu in hishei office, piopei to be ceitifieu, aftei payment of the stanuaiu fees to
the Commission uuly ieceipteu foi; Pioviueu, that a paupei litigant, as uefineu by law, shall
be exempteu fiom paying any fee foi ceitifieu copies of any uocument, incluuing tiansciipts
of stenogiaphic notes.
+*(07,% >. /&E$) !& 123"."+!$) &1!(. - The Chaiiman, Nembeis of the Commission,
the Executive Cleik, the Beputy Executive Cleiks, the Executive Laboi Aibiteis, the Laboi
Aibiteis, anu othei peisons uesignateu oi commissioneu by the Chaiiman of the
Commission, shall have the powei to auministei oath on all matteis oi pioceeuings ielateu
to the peifoimance of theii uuties.
+*(07,% A9 1--$++ !& -&33"++"&. )$-&)2+. - All official iecoius of the Commission shall
be open to the public uuiing iegulai office houis, except those kept by it in the natuie of
confiuential iepoits, iecoius oi communications which cannot be uivulgeu without violating
piivate iights oi piejuuicing the public inteiest. Ninutes of heaiings oi sessions may not be
uivulgeu until aftei piomulgation of the uecision oi iesolution.
')&* C7? 8/27%7+0'807?* +8%(07,%+
+GHIJKL #. "3/&+"!"&. &' '".$+. The Commission anu Laboi Aibiteis, by authoiity of the
Chaiiman, may aftei heaiing, impose auministiative fines which shall not be less than Five
Bunuieu Pesos (PSuu.uu) noi moie than Ten Thousanu Pesos (P1u,uuu.uu) to ensuie
compliance with uecisions, oiueis oi awaius.
The imposition theieof may be enfoiceu thiough issuance of a wiit of execution. (n)
')&* C? *--*(07?70E
+*(07,% #9 $''$-!"5"!0. - . These Rules shall take effect fifteen (1S) uays aftei publication
in two (2) newspapeis of geneial ciiculation.
Signeu this S1st uay of Nay 2u11 at Bavao City, Philippines.

:*'8'/, (9 %,:'8&*+

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