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Module 1 Discussion: Describe a significant lesson you have taught and/or observed that included the incorporation of

technology and one or more standard area from the NETS-S.

I am going to discuss a lesson in the use of technology. I am not sure if this will address the intention of this assignment.
If the lesson discussed is supposed to be a lesson about something not specifically related to technology and using
technology as a vehicle for the student work, such as writing about books on a blog, I can write another item.
I am teaching a class of fourth grade students who were complete novices with technology. In order to promote the
responsible use of the resources to which I am exposing them, I first taught a lesson from called
"Private and Personal Information." *
lthough I had spoken with them informally about being careful online and related some anecdotes from last year about
some !th grade students and their "acebook pages, I felt that a more formal and organi#ed lesson was re$uired before
we started doing research online and using blogs to communicate our ideas. %hese students are only nine and ten years
old and come from homes which, for the most part, do not have computer literate adults in them &many do not have
internet access at home'.
%his is I(%) standard *.a:
5. Digital citizenship
Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical
a. Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology
(ince so many of the students, in particular the boys, are already going to online game sites &+inecraft, in particular, right
now' on which they are asked to register to keep their scores and stats, they learned some good strategies from the
lesson, such as never fill in any field without an asterisk &do not fill in fields that are not re$uired' and do not put your last
name, if possible &they saw one site that did not even ask for a last name, ,ust an initial'.
%he students were surprised that they could register on a site and not fill in every field. I think one of the most important
outcomes of these lessons is that the students are feeling empowered. %hey are the ones in charge rather than ,ust
following along. s an ad,unct to this lesson and a lead in for the next lesson, -%he .ey to .ey /ords**,0 we also looked
at some kidsafe search engines &http:11www.safesearchkids.com1kids2searchengines1, http:11www.kidrex.org1,
http:11www.kid#search.com1, http:11mymunka.com1'.
I think one of the outcomes of the next lesson also bears mentioning. %he kids were so surprised that they got different
results using different search engines and search terms. /ithin this lesson we also talked about which sites are good
resources and why certain sites come up first. %hese two lessons really brought home to all of us &me
included' that we could let the computer drive us or we could drive the computer. In order to be in the driver3s seat, we
had to get educated in the responsible and discriminating use of our technology as tools for learning and communicating.
* Per the lesson plan for -Private and Personal Information,0 the lesson covers 4)%(2( 5b, *a, *b 2 however, looking at
the current I(%)2( standards, I am not really seeing how the lesson is applicable to 5b or *b:
1. Creativity and innovation
Students demonstrate creative thining, construct no!ledge, and develop innovative products and processes
using technology
b. "reate original !ors as a means of personal or group e#pression
5. Digital citizenship
Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical
b. E#hibit a positive attitude to!ard using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity
3. Research and information fluency
Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information.
b. $ocate, organi%e, analy%e, evaluate, synthesi%e, and ethically use information from a variety of sources
c. Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tass
d. &rocess data and report results
** 6 b, c, and d are the 4)%(2( (tandards listed for %he .ey to .ey /ords"

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