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Aids to the

Abhidhamma Philosophy
Three Charts for the study of
Consciousness and Matter
With and explanatory essay
Dr. C. B. Dharmasena
M.B.B.S. (London)
Buddhist Publication Society
Kandy Sri Lanka
The Wheel Publication No. 634
First Edition: 1963
Second Edition: 1968
Third Printing: 1980
BPS Online Edition 2006
For free distribution. This work may be republished, reformatted, reprinted, and
redistributed in any medium. However, any such republication and redistribution is to be
made available to the public on a free and unrestricted basis and translations and other
derivative works are to be clearly marked as such.
-o enth%siastic $ollo'er o$ the %ddha* nor earnest see(er a$ter the tr%th* and no st%dent o$
psychology or philosophy* be he a $ollo'er o$ the %ddha or not* can a$$ord to do 'itho%t a
(no'ledge o$ the Abhidhamma philosophy* 'hich has been handed do'n to %s by one 'ho not
only attained per$ection hi)sel$ b%t pointed o%t to %s the path by 'hich 'e o%rsel,es )ay
obtain per)anent release $ro) all s%$$ering& The %ddha has passed on to %s not only the
(no'ledge o$ his philosophy* b%t also the practical )anner by 'hich each one o$ %s )ay
con,ert that (no'ledge into %nderstanding* thro%gh )editati,e de,elop)ent along the lines o$
the .!ne and only 'ay* the Way o$ the Fo%r$old Setting %p o$ /ind$%lness01
there$ore the o$t2
repeated criticis) that %ddhis) is only a philosophy and not a religion* is 'itho%t any
$o%ndation 'hatsoe,er& This is $%rther ill%strated by the 'ell2(no'n parable o$ the ra$t*
the %ddha says* .The doctrine ta%ght by )e is $or crossing o,er* and not $or retaining* e,en as
the ra$t that 'as once %sed to cross o,er a stretch o$ 'ater is no' o$ no )ore %se and sho%ld be
cast a'ay* and not placed on the head and carried* 3%st beca%se the ra$t had been once %se$%l $or
crossing o,er&0
4t is o%r good $ort%ne that the s%b3ect )atter o$ the 5bhidha))a philosophy* 'hich r%ns into
se,en boo(s* t'o o$ 'hich are 6%ite large* has been co)pressed into a brie$ co)pendi%)* the
Abhidhammatthasagaha, 'ritten by 5n%r%ddha Thera in the Pali lang%age& This co)pendi%)
has ser,ed $or se,eral cent%ries* and still contin%es to ser,e* as the best introd%ction to the st%dy
o$ the 5bhidha))a thro%gho%t 7eylon 8no' Sri 9an(a: and %r)a 8no' /yan)ar:& This boo(
is re$erred to by the late ;enerable <=>atilo(a in the $ollo'ing ter)s: .5 ,ery s%ccinct res%)e
o$ all the essential doctrines o$ the 5bhidha))a is gi,en in that ingenious little vade-mecum
called the Abhidhammatthasagaha 'ritten by 5n%r%ddha& 4n %r)a* o$ one 'ho 'ishes to st%dy
the 5bhidha))a* it is expected that one $irst thoro%ghly learns by heart and )aster this short
epito)e1 once he has mastered it, he will have grasped the whole substance of the Abhidhamma.0 Those
o$ %s 'ho are not con,ersant 'ith the Pali lang%age ha,e an excellent translation o$ this boo(
into English by the ;enerable 5n%r%ddha /ah= Thera& 4t is na)ed A Manual of Abhidhamma&
The 5bhidha))a is not a spec%lati,e b%t a descripti,e philosophy* 'here the description is
co)plete* and is based on scienti$ic )ethod& The description o$ a thing or pheno)enon is )ade
not only by its )in%te analysis b%t also by its synthesis* $ollo'ed by a co)bination o$ analysis
and synthesis1 and $inally the description is co)pleted in accordance 'ith the axio) that
.nothing arises $ro) a single ca%se*0 'ith a state)ent o$ its relations to other things or
i& The /ah= Satipa??h=na S%tta& -o& ## o$ the @Agha -i(=ya&
ii& The Way of Mindfulness by hi((h% So)a 83rd ed&* %ddhist P%blication Society* Bandy:&
iii& The Heart of uddhist Meditation by the ;enerable -yanaponi(a /ah= Thera* p%blished by Cider D
7o&* 9ondon& This boo( 'as read by chance to s%ch good p%rpose by Cear 5d)iral E& +& Shattoc( that he
did a special 3o%rney to Cangoon in %r)a by air* in order that he )ight do a co%rse in )editation at the
sa)e )editation centre at 'hich its a%thor had his training in )editation& Therea$ter he 'rote a boo( An
!"periment in Mindfulness 8Cider D 7o&* 9ondon: 'herein he states* ./editation there$ore* is a really
practical occ%pation* it is in no sense necessarily a religio%s one* tho%gh it is %s%ally tho%ght o$ as s%ch& 4t
is itsel$ basically acade)ic* practical and pro$itable& 4t is* 4 thin(* necessary to e)phasiEe this point*
beca%se so)e only associate )editation 'ith holy people* and regard it as an ad,anced $or) o$ the pio%s
li$e F This is not a tale o$ a con,ersion* b%t o$ an atte)pt to test the reaction o$ a 'ell2tried Eastern
syste) on a typical Western )ind&0
5lagaddGpa)a S%tta* /a33hi)a -i(=ya -o& ##1 P&T&S& Translation Series 8The Middle #ength $ayings:*
;ol& H* p& 13I1 also in The Wheel -os& J8KJ9* %ddhist P%blication Society* Bandy:&
A Manual of Abhidhamma by -=rada /ah= Thera 8%ddhist P%blication Society:& See bibliography at
the end o$ this boo(&
pheno)ena& The ato)* at one ti)e tho%ght to be indi,isible* is in recent ti)es (no'n to be a
co)plex str%ct%re co)posed o$ still s)aller and )ore $%nda)ental %nits* the proton* the
ne%tron* and the electron1 and e,en as these $%nda)ental %nits 'ithin the ato)* instead o$
being co)pact and static as 'as tho%ght at one ti)e* are no' (no'n to be separated $ro) one
another by distances enor)o%s by co)parison 'ith the )in%teness o$ the siEe o$ these
.particles*0 and )o,ing at incredible speeds1 and e,en as the di$$erences in the ,ario%s 6%alities
displayed by di$$erent ob3ects o$ )atter are not as pre,io%sly i)agined properties o$ the )ass
possessed by ato)s* b%t o$ the $orces bet'een the )in%te %nits that go to co)pose the ato)&
9i(e'ise* in the 5bhidha))a philosophy* ta%ght by the %ddha o,er t'o tho%sand $i,e
h%ndred years ago* he has told %s that the so2called li,ing being can be analysed %lti)ately into
three $%nda)ental or paramattha dhamma* i&e& citta 8)ind or conscio%sness:* cetasi%& 8)ental
conco)itants:* and r'pa 8corporeality or body:1 the $irst t'o together co)prise n&ma in the n&ma-
r'pa co)bination* r'pa* the third o$ the paramatthas, is described by the %ddha as being )ainly
)ade %p o$ $o%r pri)ary .6%alities*0 and o$ the space ele)ent* along 'ith up&d&ya-r'pa
8conditioned or deri,ed corporeality:&
The di$$erence in the appearance o$ ob3ects is d%e to the ,astly di$$erent proportions in 'hich
the pri)ary ele)ents or 6%alities* and conditioned corporeality* blend&
Ti)e and again the
%ddha e)phasised the lac( o$ anything per)anent in this e,er changing body& With re$erence
to the $irst t'o paramatthas* i&e& citta and cetasi%a* 'hich together* as already )entioned* )a(e %p
the ter) n&ma in the n&ma-r'pa co)bination that constit%tes the so2called li,ing being* the
%ddha e)phasises this $act e,en $%rther* 'hen he states
.4t 'ere better* bhi((h%s* i$ the
ignorant* %ncon,erted )an regard the body 'hich is co)posed o$ the $o%r ele)ents as an ego*
rather than the )ind& 5nd 'hy do 4 say soL eca%se it is e,ident* hi((h%s* that this body*
'hich is co)posed o$ the $o%r ele)ents* lasts one year* lasts t'o years F $i$ty years* lasts a
h%ndred years and e,en )ore& %t that 'hich is called the )ind* intellect* conscio%sness* (eeps
%p an incessant ro%nd by day and by night o$ perishing as one thing* and springing %p as
'(planation of the Charts
The scope o$ this article is li)ited and precise& 5s an aid to the st%dy o$ the 5bhidha))a
philosophy three charts are presented and ho' they )ay be %sed 'ith )axi)%) bene$it is
explained& The $irst is a )odi$ication o$ the excellent chart p%blished in The uddhist
(ictionary, and in The )uide to the Abhidhamma, both by the ;en& <=>atilo(a* to 'ho) 4 o'e a
great deal $or )y $irst introd%ction to the %ddha @ha))a& This chart analyses citta or
conscio%sness* 'hich is the $irst o$ the three $%nda)entals or paramattha that constit%tes the so2
called being& The analysis is )ade in a graphic and concise 'ay* and in a readily assi)ilated
and easily re)e)bered $or) %nder gro%ps and s%b2gro%ps o$ all the eighty2nine types into
'hich citta or conscio%sness is di,ided in the 5bhidha))a philosophy& The second chart sets
o%t the indi,id%al $%nctions o$ each o$ these 89 types o$ citta* also in a graphic and easily
assi)ilated $or)* and it is arranged along the sa)e lines* and 'ith the identical n%)bers as in
the $irst chart* so that these t'o charts )ay be readily and $re6%ently co)pared& The third chart
deals 'ith the arising and gro%ping o$ )aterial 6%alities&
/a33hi)a -i(=ya or The Middle #ength $ayings, 4&& +ornerMs translation: 1J0& @h=t%,ibhaNga S%tta1 #8&
/ah=hatthipadopa)a S%tta1 6#& /ah= C=h%lo,=da S%tta& *ath of *urification 8+isuddhimagga:* hi((h%
<=>a)oliMs translation O4* 831P38:* 881P9#: and 8109:&
+& 7& Warren* uddhism in Translation, section 18* $ro) SaQy%tta -i(=ya 8O44 6#:
4t is i)portant to realise at the ,ery o%tset that all these charts are )eant to be %sed along
'ith the st%dy o$ The Manual of Abhidhamma* already )entioned1 and all 4 propose to do in this
article is to state as brie$ly as possible ho' these charts )ay be %sed 'ith )axi)%) pro$it in
s%ch a st%dy& 4n doing so 4 propose to co))ence 'ith the abbre,iations %sed* to state 'hat they
stand $or* and in so)e instances gi,e their )eaning or the corresponding Pali ter)&
Chart &)Consciousness
4n 7hart 4 -os& 81P8:*
,oy- stands $or 3oy$%l* 'hich in Pali is somanassa1
ind- $or indi$$erent 8upe%%h&:1
%now- $or (no'ledge 8.&/a:1 -os& 8##P33:
w. view- stands $or 'rong ,ie' 8di00hi:1
ple- $or pleasant 8su%ha:1
up- $or upe%%h& 8indi$$erent:1
so- $or somanassa 83oy$%l:1
pain- $or pain$%l 8du%%ha:&
9et %s no' st%dy the chart together in a general 'ay* and see 'hat in$or)ation 'e can get o%t
o$ it& 9oo(ing at the end o$ the chart 'e see that there are 89 types o$ citta or conscio%sness&
These are di,ided into $o%r ,ertical col%)ns or classes1 and again the sa)e 89 are di,ided into J
horiEontal layers called spheres* planes* or in Pali bh'mi. The caption in the s)all cage at the top
o$ the ,ertical col%)n reads .)oral 8%usala: #1*0 that is to say that the $irst ,ertical col%)n
contains all the )orally 'holeso)e states o$ conscio%sness or %usala citta, and o$ these there are
#1& 9oo(ing do'n the le$t2hand )argin o$ this col%)n 'e see by 'ay o$ con$ir)ation that the
serial n%)bers read 1P#1& Si)ilarly reading the caption in the s)all cages at the top o$ each o$
the three re)aining ,ertical col%)ns si)%ltaneo%sly 'ith the serial n%)bers on the le$t2hand
)argin o$ the sa)e col%)n* 'e see that the second col%)n contains i))oral types o$
conscio%sness* or a%usala citta, o$ 'hich there are 1# 8##P33:1 the third col%)n deals 'ith
res%ltant conscio%snesses or vip&%a citta 'hich add %p to 36 83JP69:1 and the last or $o%rth
col%)n is reser,ed $or the re)aining #0 8H0P80: 'hich are na)ed inoperati,e or %riy&* since they
are neither )oral nor i))oral nor the res%ltants o$ these t'o&
-o'* i$ 'e t%rn o%r attention to the last line on the $irst horiEontal layer reser,ed $or citta o$
the sens%o%s sphere* and loo( at the right2hand )argin o$ each o$ the $o%r ,ertical col%)ns into
'hich this layer is di,ided* 'e see that in this sphere there are 8 )oral* 1# i))oral* #3 res%ltant
and 11 inoperati,e citta* 'hich add %p to a total o$ IJ& F%rther* i$ 'e r%n o%r eye do'n the
second ,ertical col%)n 'e realise that i))oral or a%usala citta are $o%nd only in the sens%o%s
sphere& 5 closer st%dy o$ the sens%o%s sphere re,eals the existence o$ di,isions except in the
$irst ,ertical col%)n* 'hich deals 'ith )oral citta& There are three di,isions in the second
col%)n* i&e& eight i))oral citta rooted in greed 8##P#9:* t'o rooted in hate 830P31: and t'o
rooted in del%sion 83#P33:1 another three in the third col%)n i&e& eight (inds o$ )oral res%ltant
conscio%sness 'itho%t roots 83JPJ1:* eight )oral res%ltants 'ith roots 8J#PJ9:1
and se,en
i))oral res%ltants 'itho%t roots 8I0PI6:1 )a(ing a total o$ #3 res%ltant citta belonging to the
The ter) root* or in Pali hetu* 8lit& ca%se: is applied to the six roots: three i))oral 8a%usala:* i&e&
attach)ent 8lobha:* hatred 8dosa:* and ignorance 8moha:1 and three )oral 8%usala:* i&e& non2attach)ent
8alobha:* good'ill 8adosa:* and 'isdo) 8amoha:&
sens%o%s sphere& We note that there are no i))oral res%ltants 'ith roots& 4n the $o%rth col%)n*
reser,ed $or inoperati,e or %riy& citta* there are only t'o di,isions* i&e& three 'itho%t roots 8H0P
H#:1 and eight 'ith roots 8H3P80:* )a(ing a total o$ 11&
We shall no' )a(e a ,ery i)portant obser,ation* 'hich 'ill si)pli$y considerably and
consolidate o%r st%dy o$ citta or conscio%sness not only o$ the sens%o%s sphere b%t* as 'e shall
see later* o$ the re)aining three spheres as 'ell& We note that the Pali ter) $or the eight types o$
citta 81P8:* in the $irst col%)n is mah& 8great: %usala citta1 'e also note that there are t'o other
sets o$ eight bearing a si)ilar na)e in the third and $o%rth col%)ns* mah& vip&%a citta 8J#PJ9:*
and mah& %riy& citta 8H3P80:1 and each o$ these is analogo%s to citta 81P8:* indicating clearly that
there is a ,ery close si)ilarity bet'een the three sets o$ eight& The si)ilarity is so close that 'ith
a detailed st%dy o$ the $irst set 'e shall (no' the other t'o sets e6%ally 'ell& We shall there$ore
)a(e s%ch a st%dy o$ the $irst set 81P8:* 'ith the chart in $ront o$ %s& We note that one )oral citta
beco)es di,ided into eight by 'ay o$ three 6%alities printed 3%st belo' the top o$ the $irst
col%)n at right angles to the rest o$ the chart& The $irst di,ision is )ade by 'ay o$ $eeling
8vedan&:* 'hich )ay be either 3oy$%l 8somanassa:* or indi$$erent 8upe%%h&: so that at the $irst
di,ision 'e ha,e:
5& !ne )oral conscio%sness 'ith 3oy$%l $eeling and
& !ne )oral conscio%sness 'ith indi$$erent $eeling&
We see that the next di,ision is )ade by 'ay o$ the citta being acco)panied 8sampayutta: by
(no'ledge 8.&/a:* or not being acco)panied 8vippayutta: by (no'ledge& 5 and are th%s each
di,ided into t'o* 'hich gi,es %s $o%r types o$ citta:
5& c& !ne )oral conscio%sness* 'ith 3oy$%l $eeling and acco)panied by (no'ledge1
5& d& !ne )oral conscio%sness* 'ith 3oy$%l $eeling* and not acco)panied by (no'ledge1
& c& !ne )oral conscio%sness* 'ith indi$$erent $eeling* and acco)panied by (no'ledge1
& d& !ne )oral conscio%sness* 'ith indi$$erent $eeling* and not acco)panied by (no'ledge&
Finally* the abo,e $o%r types o$ citta are di,ided into t'o each* 81: by 'ay o$ the citta arising
spontaneo%sly 'ithin onesel$* 'itho%t ind%ce)ent by others* and the tho%ght being p%t into
e$$ect 'itho%t hesitation or 'a,ering 8this is gi,en the expressi,e ter) asa%h&ri%a in Pali*+ and
8#: by 'ay either o$ the citta arising only a$ter ind%ce)ent* or e,en i$ it had arisen 'itho%t
anotherMs in$l%ence* o$ being p%t into e$$ect only a$ter )%ch hesitation* being dist%rbed 'ith
s%ch tho%ghts as .Will 4 be p%t to too )%ch incon,enience 'ere 4 to %nderta(e thisL Will the
cost be excessi,eL Sho%ld 4 be antagonising so)eone 'ho is %se$%l to )e* 'ere 4 to do this good
deedL0 This type is called sasa%h&ri%a in Pali&
This third di,ision 'ill $inally gi,e %s the $ollo'ing eight )oral 8%usala: citta:
5& c& i& !ne conscio%sness* 'ith 3oy$%l $eeling* acco)panied by (no'ledge1 and spontaneo%s1
5& c& ii& !ne conscio%sness* 'ith 3oy$%l $eeling* acco)panied by (no'ledge1 and ind%ced or 'ith
5& d& i& !ne conscio%sness* 'ith 3oy$%l $eeling* not acco)panied by (no'ledge1 and
5& d& ii&!ne conscio%sness* 'ith 3oy$%l $eeling* not acco)panied by (no'ledge1 and ind%ced or
'ith hesitation1
& c& i& !ne conscio%sness* 'ith indi$$erent $eeling* acco)panied by (no'ledge1 and
& c& ii& !ne conscio%sness* 'ith indi$$erent $eeling* acco)panied by (no'ledge1 and ind%ced or
'ith hesitation1
& d& i& !ne conscio%sness* 'ith indi$$erent $eeling* not acco)panied by (no'ledge1 and
& d& ii& !ne conscio%sness* 'ith indi$$erent $eeling* not acco)panied by (no'ledge1 and
ind%ced or 'ith hesitation&
These eight types o$ conscio%sness deri,ed by %s in the abo,e )anner* 'e shall no' pro$itably
read o$$ $ro) the chart $ro) the $irst col%)n* both $or the sa(e o$ gaining $a)iliarity in the %se
o$ the chart* and $or the sa(e o$ con$ir)ing in o%r o'n )inds that the t'o sets are exactly the
sa)e* 'ith the di$$erence that the n%)bers in the latter are in serial order $ro) 1 to 8& The
corresponding Pali na)e 'ithin brac(ets is also gi,en %nderneath to help %s to $a)iliarise
o%rsel,es grad%ally 'ith original Pali no)enclat%re& We shall then ha,e:
1& 7onscio%sness 'ith 3oy$%l $eeling* acco)panied by (no'ledge1 and spontaneo%s
8somanassa-sahagata .&/asampayutta1 asa%h&ri%a citta:&
#& 7onscio%sness 'ith 3oy$%l $eeling* acco)panied by (no'ledge1 and ind%ced or 'ith
hesitation 8somanassa-sahagata1 .&/asampayutta1 sasa%h&ri%a citta:&
3& 7onscio%sness 'ith 3oy$%l $eeling1 not acco)panied by (no'ledge and spontaneo%s
8so)anassa2sahagata1 R=>avippay%tta1 asaN(h=ri(a citta:&
J& 7onscio%sness 'ith 3oy$%l $eeling* not acco)panied by (no'ledge1 and ind%ced or 'ith
hesitation 8so)anassa2sahagata1 R=>avippay%tta1 sasaN(h=ri(a citta:&
I& 7onscio%sness 'ith indi$$erent $eeling1 acco)panied by (no'ledge1 and spontaneo%s
8upe%%h&-sahagata1 .&/asampayutta1 asa%h&ri%a citta:&
6& 7onscio%sness 'ith indi$$erent $eeling1 acco)panied by (no'ledge1 and ind%ced or 'ith
hesitation& 8'pe%%h&-sahagata .&/asampayutta1 sasa%h&ri%a citta:&
H& 7onscio%sness 'ith indi$$erent $eeling* not acco)panied by (no'ledge and spontaneo%s
8upe%%h&-sahagata1 .&/avippayutta1 asa%h&ri%a citta:&
8& 7onscio%sness 'ith indi$$erent $eeling1 not acco)panied by (no'ledge1 and ind%ced or
'ith hesitation& 8upe%%h&-sahagata1 .&/avippayutta1 sasa%h&ri%a citta:&
Practical exa)ples by 'ay o$ ill%strating these eight )oral citta 'ill $%rther help %s to $ix the)
in o%r )ind:
1& !ne gi,es so)ething to a beggar* spontaneo%sly 'itho%t hesitation* 'ith %nderstanding*
and experiencing 3oy&
#& !ne gi,es so)ething to a beggar* 'ith %nderstanding* and experiencing 3oy* b%t does so
a$ter deliberation* and hesitation* or only on being ind%ced to do so by another&
3& 5 child sees a )on( and re)e)bering that its parents sal%te )on(s on )eeting the)* does
so hi)sel$* spontaneo%sly* experiencing 3oy* b%t 'itho%t %nderstanding 'hy he does so1 or
a person a%to)atically recites a holy text experiencing 3oy* 'itho%t %nderstanding the
)eaning o$ the text&
J& 5 child sees a )on( and at the re6%est o$ his )other sal%tes hi)* 'itho%t %nderstanding
'hy he does so* b%t experiences 3oy in the act&
The re)aining $o%r types 8IP8: sho%ld be %nderstood in the sa)e 'ay* s%bstit%ting indi$$erence
$or 3oy&
4$ 'e no' t%rn o%r attention to the allied sets o$ eight types o$ citta 8J#P J9:* mah& vip&%a citta
in col%)n three* and to 8H3P80: mah& %riy& citta in col%)n $o%r* and si)%ltaneo%sly loo( %p the
Manual of Abhidhamma* 'e shall see that the no)enclat%re is exactly the sa)e as 'e ha,e
described abo,e $or mah& %usala citta 81P 8: in col%)n one* b%t o$ co%rse the $%nctions are
di$$erent in the three sets o$ eight* and this 'e shall see at a glance 'hen 'e co)e to chart 44& We
shall no' t%rn o%r attention to the eight types o$ citta 8##P#9:* in col%)n t'o& +ere too the
di,ision is exactly the sa)e as in the three sets o$ eight already disc%ssed* 'ith the one
di$$erence that 'e s%bstit%te 'rong ,ie' 8di00hi: $or (no'ledge 8.&/a:& To ill%strate this let %s
no' read o$$ $ro) the chart in col%)n t'o* the $irst line 8##:* the third line 8#J:* and the eighth
line 8#9::
##& !ne i))oral citta rooted in greed1 'ith 3oy$%l $eeling1 acco)panied by 'rong ,ie'1 and
spontaneo%s& 8$omanassa-sahagata1 di00hi-sampayutta1 asa%h&ri%a citta:&
#J& !ne i))oral citta rooted in greed1 'ith 3oy$%l $eeling1 not acco)panied by 'rong ,ie'1
and spontaneo%s& 8So)anassa2sahagata1 di??hi2,ippay%tta1 asaN(h=ri(a citta:&
#9& !ne i))oral citta rooted in greed1 'ith indi$$erent $eeling1 not acco)panied by 'rong
,ie'1 and ind%ced or 'ith hesitation& 82pe%%h&-sahagata1 di00hi-vippayutta1 sasa%h&ri%a citta:&
9astly* i))oral citta 830P31: rooted in hate 8dosa:* and i))oral citta 83#P 33: rooted in del%sion
8moha:* are also na)ed in exactly the sa)e )anner& Th%s 'e ha,e:
30& !ne i))oral citta rooted in hate1 'ith sad $eeling1 acco)panied by rage1 and spontaneous!
8(omanassa-sahagata1 pa0igha-sampayutta1 asa%h&ri%a citta:&
31& !ne i))oral citta rooted in hate1 'ith sad $eeling1 acco)panied by rage1 and induced or
'ith hesitation& 8(omanassa-sahagata1 pa0igha-sampayutta1 sasa%h&ri%a citta:&
3#& !ne i))oral citta rooted in del%sion1 'ith indi$$erent $eeling1 and acco)panied by doubt&
82pe%%h&-sahagata1 vici%icch&-sampayutta citta:&
33& !ne i))oral citta rooted in del%sion1 'ith indi$$erent $eeling1 and acco)panied by
restlessness& 8Spe((h=2sahagata1 %ddhacca2sa)pay%tta citta:&
With the help o$ chart 4 'e ha,e th%s at one sitting* c%rsorily tho%gh it be* b%t )ethodically*
disposed o$ $o%r sets o$ eight* or 3# types o$ citta* along 'ith $o%r additional types o$ citta 830P
33:* 'hich add %p to 36 o%t o$ a total o$ IJ types o$ citta belonging to the sens%o%s sphere& When
'e shall ha,e gone o,er the sa)e gro%nd in the Manual of Abhidhamma in )%ch greater detail
t'o or three ti)es* 'ith constant re$erence to the chart* 'e shall ha,e not isolated gro%ps o$
citta recalled to )ind 'ith di$$ic%lty* b%t a clear and lasting )ental pict%re o$ these 36 types o$
citta 'ell co2ordinated and arranged in easily re)e)bered $or)* and in a $or) capable o$ being
recalled to )ind rapidly and 'ith ease& We shall then be able to assign in o%r o'n )ind
instantaneo%sly and 'ith precision the correct place in the chart to any scattered gro%p or
indi,id%al citta pic(ed %p at rando)&
We are no' le$t 'ith three gaps in the sens%o%s sphere in 7hart 4* in col%)ns three and $o%r*
$or the re)aining 18 types o$ citta* all o$ 'hich belong to the types o$ citta 'itho%t roots
8ahetu%a:& The gap in the %pper one third o$ col%)n three is ta(en %p by the 8 )oral res%ltants
83JP J1:* and that in the lo'er third o$ the sa)e col%)n by the H )oral res%ltants 8I0PI6:* 'hile
the third gap in the %pper hal$ o$ col%)n $o%r is reser,ed $or the 3 inoperati,e 8%riy&: citta 8H0P
H#:& F%rther it sho%ld be noted that all the 1# i))oral 8a%usala: citta 8##P33: in col%)n t'o ha,e
as their res%ltants the H types o$ citta 8I0PI6: in col%)n three* 'hile the 8 )oral 8%usala: citta 81P
8: in col%)n one ha,e t'o sets o$ 8* or 16 citta* as their res%ltants in col%)n three* i&e& 8 'itho%t
roots 83JPJ1:* and 8 'ith roots 8J#PJ9: already described& Since these 18 types o$ citta ha,e
,aried $%nctions* %nli(e the 36 described earlier* 'e shall st%dy the) later )ore con,eniently
along 'ith 7hart 44* 'hich deals 'ith $%nctions&
4t has to be noted that in the Manual of Abhidhamma the di$$erent gro%ps o$ sense sphere
conscio%sness are treated in 6%ite a di$$erent order as $ollo's: The 1# i))oral citta 8##P33:* the H
i))oral res%ltants 'itho%t roots 8I0PI6:* $ollo'ed by the 8 )oral res%ltants 'itho%t roots 83JP
J1:* the 3 inoperati,e 'itho%t roots 8H0PH#:* and $inally the three sets o$ 8 each* Treat 8)ah=:
)oral* res%ltant and inoperati,e 81P8* J#PJ9* and H3P80:* the last set o$ eight applying only to
5rahants& +o'e,er* 'hen 7hart 4 is %sed along 'ith the Manual of Abhidhamma, it 'ill be $o%nd
)ore %se$%l at least at the second and s%bse6%ent readings to $ollo' the order described in this
We shall no' t%rn o%r attention to the types o$ conscio%sness in the second horiEontal layer
co)prising $or)2sphere conscio%sness 8r'p&vacara citta:& These ha,e three sets o$ $i,e citta each*
8a: For)2sphere )oral citta or ecstasies or %usala r'pa ,h&nas 89P13:* 'hich )ay be attained
only by those 'ho practise intent and reg%lar )editation 'ith the ob3ect o$ gaining one2
pointedness and tran6%illity o$ the )ind 8samatha bh&van&:1
8b: For)2sphere inoperati,e citta or %riy& r'pa ,h&nas 881P8I:* in col%)n $o%r 'hich )ay be
attained only by 5rahants 'ho practise the abo,e )editation1 Uboth 8a: and 8b: are attained in
this li$eV* and
8c: For)2sphere res%ltant conscio%sness 8r'p&vacara vip&%a citta: 8IHP61:* 'hich are
experienced in the r'pa planes o$ existence or brahma lo%as, a$ter their death by those 'ho attain
$or)2sphere )oral 3h=nas 89P13: abo,e )entioned&
4t is not $easible in this short article to describe these 3h=nas* 'hich are explained in brie$ in
pages J0PI# o$ the Manual of Abhidhamma* and in )ore detail in ,ol%)e 44* chapter 9 o$ the sa)e
/an%al1 and in the +isuddhimagga translated into English %nder the title The *ath of *urification*
by hi((h% <=>a)oli* chapter J* paragraphs HJP#0# 8pages 1J#P1H6:1 chapter 11* paragraphs
1#0P1#6 8pages J06PJ08:* and chapter 1#* paragraphs J6 to the end o$ the chapter 8pages J#0P
JJI:& The 'hole o$ chapter 13* and also the last chapter o$ the Manual of Abhidhamma* gi,e a
detailed description o$ the ,ario%s (inds o$ s%pernor)al po'ers* 'hich are attained 'ith the
$i$th 3h=na %sed as the basis&
5)ongst these s%pernor)al po'ers a $e' )ay be )entioned: .+a,ing been one he beco)es
)any* he appears and ,anishes* he goes %nhindered thro%gh 'alls and enclos%res* he goes on
'ater as tho%gh on earth* he tra,els in space li(e a 'inged bird* he gains the di,ine eye that
penetrates into the )inds o$ others* gi,es the (no'ledge o$ oneMs past li,es* and o$ the passing
a'ay and reappearance o$ beings&0 The abo,e chapters 'ill be $o%nd to be o$ absorbing interest*
and sho%ld be read by anyone interested in yoga2)editation* in para2psychological pheno)ena
or in the po'er o$ the )ind and in )iracles& They are by no )eans pec%liar to %ddhis)* and
they pro,ide a 'or(able hypothesis $or explaining so)e o$ these pheno)ena&
The s%b3ect )atter o$ the second* third* and $o%rth horiEontal layers de,oted to the $or)2
sphere* $or)less2sphere* and s%pra)%ndane conscio%sness respecti,ely is so ,ast that any
atte)pt to describe these types o$ conscio%sness is 'ell beyond the scope o$ a short article o$
this nat%re& +ence 4 propose to con$ine )ysel$ al)ost excl%si,ely to the extraction o$ 'hate,er
in$or)ation 'e can deri,e $ro) a )ere per%sal o$ the captions gi,en in 7hart 4 itsel$* and later
$ro) 7hart 44& We shall start 'ith the second horiEontal layer& The abbre,iations %sed in the $irst
,ertical col%)n o$ this layer containing citta 9P13* stand $or the na)es o$ the $i,e 3h=na $actors
8aga: o$ the $or)2sphere conscio%sness&
Vit stands for vitakka (initial application of the mind towards the object);
vic for vicra (sustained application of the mind with a close examination of the object);
pi for pti (creating a pleasurable interest in the object);
su for sukha (bliss or happiness caused by enjoyment of the desired object). Like the sight
of an oasis in a desert to a weary traveller is pti like drinking the water and bathing
therein is sukha!;
ek for ekaggat (one"pointedness of the mind or concentration);
up for upekkh (indifference of a very special type).
The cage containing $or)2sphere )oral conscio%sness 89P13: is reprod%ced belo' in English $or
the sa(e o$ si)plicity:
9& 4nitial application2s%stained application: interest* happiness* concentration&
10& S%stained application: interest* happiness* concentration&
11& 4nterest* happiness* concentration&
1#& +appiness* concentration&
13& 4ndi$$erence* concentration&
We see $ro) the abo,e that the $irst or )ost ele)entary 3h=na contains all the $i,e 3h=na $actors&
4n the s%bse6%ent 3h=nas* 'hich are progressi,ely )ore and )ore re$ined as the $o%rth 3h=na is
reached* one by one o$ the coarser 3h=na $actors are eli)inated 8agasamati%%amana, transcending
o$ the $actors:* %ntil in the $o%rth 3h=na 'e are le$t 'ith only t'o $actors* happiness and
concentration1 'hile in the $i$th 3h=na e,en the $actor o$ +appiness is transcended as not being
s%$$iciently re$ined and it is replaced by indi$$erence* 'hich is not the ordinary indi$$erent
$eeling o$ the sens%o%s2sphere conscio%sness already disc%ssed1 the 3h=na indi$$erence 'hich is
really a )ore re$ined type o$ su%ha or happiness* has been de,eloped by a strong 'ill2po'er*
and in the r'pa ,h&nas is present only in the $i$th or highest o$ the r'pa ,h&nas& 5s 'e ha,e
already noticed* this eli)ination o$ the coarser $actors in s%ccessi,e stages one by one is
graphically represented in the chart in col%)n one 89P13:& Exactly the sa)e diagra)atic
representation sho%ld appear in col%)ns three and $o%r along this horiEontal layer* b%t $or the
sa(e o$ con,enience and clarity these cages are )erely )ar(ed as being analogo%s to 89P13:* as
'as done in cages containing citta 8J#P J9:* and 8H3P80:* in the sens%o%s2sphere&
We shall no' t%rn o%r attention $or a )o)ent to the third horiEontal layer This represents the
For)less2sphere consisting o$ the $o%r )oral 81JP1H:* and $o%r inoperati,e 886P8J: 3h=nas
attained in this li$e by non25rahants and 5rahants respecti,ely 'ho practise these )editations1
and o$ the $o%r ar'pa lo%as 86#P6I:* 'here 'orldlings 8those 'ho ha,e not attained any o$ the
s%pra)%ndane states o$ conscio%sness:* 'ho die 'hile they are experiencing ar'p&vacara %usala
,h&nas are reborn& The no)enclat%re %sed is English in col%)n one* Pali in col%)n three* 'hile
col%)n $o%r has been )ar(ed $or the sa(e o$ clarity as )erely allied to 81JP1H:&
The $o%rth horiEontal layer is reser,ed $or s%pra)%ndane conscio%sness* )oral* and res%ltant
phala is the ter) %sed instead o$ vip&%a* as the res%lts that $ollo' are i))ediate* 8a%&li%a:& The
no)enclat%re again is English in col%)n one and Pali in col%)n three* 'hich enables one to
gain a grad%al ac6%aintance 'ith the Pali ter)s& We also note that there are no %riy& citta in the
s%pra)%ndane types o$ conscio%sness& The s%b3ect )atter o$ this article so $ar is described in
chapter one o$ the Manual of Abhidhamma&
Chart &&),unctions of Consciousness
We shall no' t%rn o%r attention to 7hart 44* 'hich deals 'ith the functions o$ the 89 types o$
citta 'e ha,e already disc%ssed in 7hart 4& 4t 'ill be noticed that they are arranged and
n%)bered in exactly the sa)e )anner as in 7hart 4* into $o%r ,ertical col%)ns* 'hich stands $or
)oral* i))oral* res%ltant* and inoperati,e classes in that se6%ence1 and into $o%r horiEontal
layers 'hich signi$y sens%o%s2sphere* $or)2sphere* $or)less2sphere* and s%pra)%ndane
conscio%sness& The $irst thing that stri(es the eye $orcibly is the presence o$ a ,aried n%)ber o$
colo%rs in the chart& Each colo%r represents a di$$erent $%nction& There are eight colo%rs in all*
b%t t'o o$ the colo%rs represent )ore than one $%nction* $or instance
#ellow represents three allied functions of pat which stands for paisandhi or rebirth"
consciousness. Bha stands for bhavaga which will be explained later and cuti for death"
$urple represents five allied functions% paca-via (sense"sphere consciousness) i.e.
seeing hearing smelling tasting and touching or contacting.
&he remaining six colours represent one function each making a total of '( functions%
Light pink for javana (not to be confused with the word jhna already described)
)merald green for receiving (sampaicchana)
*live green for investigating (santraa)
*range for registering (tadlambana or tadrammaa)
Light blue for adverting either at the sense"doors (pacadvrvajjana) or at the mind"door
(mano-dvrvajjana) and lastly
+ark blue for determining (votthapana).
5ltho%gh 'e ha,e co%nted 1J $%nctions* i$ the $i,e allied and paralleled $%nctions o$ seeing*
hearing* s)elling* tasting* and contacting are co%nted as one* since each occ%pies the sa)e stage
in the process o$ cognition 'e are le$t 'ith 10 $%nctions represented by 8
colo%rs* the yello' representing three $%nctions as stated earlier&
4$ 'e t%rn o%r attention once again to the di$$erent colo%rs* 'e see that se,eral types o$ citta
ha,e only one $%nction i&e& light pin( represents ,avana only* e)erald green is $or recei,ing only*
light bl%e represents ad,erting only* 'hile on the contrary so)e types o$ citta ha,e )ore than
one $%nction& +ence these are represented by )ore than one colo%r 8except the yello'* 'hich it
sho%ld be re)e)bered represents three $%nctions:* and these ha,e in addition the act%al
n%)ber o$ $%nctions they represent printed in n%)erals by the right hand )argin o$ the na)e o$
the lo'er)ost $%nction printed on that partic%lar cage& For instance*
-o& J0 has t'o $%nctions* oli,e green $or in,estigation* and orange $or registering 844:&
-o& J1 and I6 each has $i,e $%nctions* oli,e green $or in,estigating* orange $or registering* and
yello' $or rebirth2bhavaga2death 8;:&
-o& J#PJ9 each has $o%r $%nctions* orange $or registering* and yello' $or rebirth2bhavaga2death
-o& IHP61 and 6#P6I each has three $%nctions* yello' $or rebirth2bhavaga2death 8444:&
-o& H1 has t'o $%nctions* light bl%e $or ad,erting* and dar( bl%e $or deter)ining 844:&
-o& 3JP38 and I0PIJ ha,e a special )ar(ing 84: o$ ;* since* as explained abo,e* there is in reality
only one $%nction altho%gh apparently there are $i,e&
This chart gi,es %s )ore in$or)ation i$ 'e st%dy it $%rther& 4t tells %s the total n%)ber o$ citta
that per$or) each di$$erent $%nction* and their exact identity1 $or instance ,avana 8light pin(:W
'hich is a )%ch stronger tho%ght than the others* and psychologically the )ost i)portant stage
in the process o$ cognition* $or it is at this stage 8except in the case o$ 5rahants:* that an action is
3%dged to be )oral or i))oralWis represented by #1 )oral citta 81P#1:* 1# i))oral 8##P#3:* J
phala 8s%pra)%ndane res%ltants* 66P69: and 18 inoperati,e 8H#P89:* adding %p to a total o$ as
)any as II o%t o$ a total o$ 89 citta& *at 8pa0isandhi:* bha 8bhavaga:* cuti 8rebirth2bhavaga2death:
8yello': are represented by citta -o& J1* J#PJ9 88:* I6 and IHP6I 89:* or a total o$ 19 types o$ citta1
recei,ing 8e)erald green: by -o& 39 and II* a total o$ #1 registering 8orange: by -o& J0* J1* J#PJ9
88: and I6* )a(ing a total o$ 111 4n,estigating 8oli,e green: by -o& J0* J1* and I6 or a total o$ 31
ad,erting 8light bl%e: by -o& H0 and H1* a total o$ #1 deter)ining by one single citta* -o& H1*
colo%red in a dar(er shade o$ the sa)e bl%e to indicate a close relationship 'hich exists bet'een
the $%nction o$ ad,erting at the )ind2door and deter)ining 8votthapana: and sense2door
conscio%sness 8p%rple: by -o&3JP38 8I:* and I0PIJ 8I:* a total o$ 10* or # i$ the $i,e si)ilar
$%nctions o$ seeing* hearing* s)elling* tasting* and contacting* 'hich together $or)
vi..&/a or $i,e2sense2door2conscio%sness are co%nted as one&
5 help$%l analogy $or re)e)bering the ,ario%s $%nctions described abo,e is to consider citta
and its $%nctions as an engineering 'or(shop* in 'hich 89 'or(ers o$ J di$$erent grades
8representing the $o%r di$$erent spheres or planes: do 1J di$$erent 3obs at 10 di$$erent positions in
the 'or(shop* closely allied types o$ 'or( being done at one position& /ost o$ the 'or(ers do
only one 3ob* $or instance the one $%nction o$ ,avana is done by as )any as II 'or(ers* 'hile
so)e 'or(ers do )ore than one 3ob* %p to a )axi)%) o$ $i,e* b%t o$ co%rse only one 3ob is done
by s%ch a 'or(er at any one ti)e& Still $%rther in$or)ation )ay be gained in a $or) 'hich )ay
be easily re)e)bered i$ pages 168P1H# o$ the Manual of Abhidhamma are read along 'ith
7hart 44&
We no' co)e to a )ost interesting and ,ery i)portant s%b3ect* the process o$ cognition or
citta-v3thi described in chapter J o$ the Manual of Abhidhamma& 4t 'ill be rather di$$ic%lt to $ollo'
the s%b3ect %nless one has read thro%gh chapters # and 3 o$ the /an%al& %t i$ these t'o
chapters ha,e been st%died* 7hart 44 'ill be $o%nd to be o$ great ,al%e in the st%dy o$ chapter J*
and o$ the 7hart on page 30 and the text in the t'o pages that $ollo'* 'hich $or) an
introd%ction to chapter J& For instance in a $i,e2sense2door tho%ght2process the ,ario%s tho%ght2
)o)ents 'hich ,ary $ro) res%ltant 8bhavaga:* -o& J1* or one o$ J#PJ9* or I6 to inoperati,e
8ad,erting at sense2door* -o& H0:* $ro) inoperati,e bac( to res%ltant* recei,ing
and in,estigating:* one o$ -o& 3JP38* 39* and J1* or one o$ -os& I0PI6* IIand I61 and once )ore
$ro) res%ltant to inoperati,e 8deter)ining* -o& H1:* and then to Ba))a 8)oral or i))oral
,avana* i&e& one o$ -o& 1P8* or ##P33:* and $inally $ro) 4avana bac( to res%ltant 8registering and
bhavaga: )ay be $ollo'ed 'ith a clarity scarcely possible in any other 'ay& We )ay no'
pro$itably in,estigate the three horiEontal arro's )ar(ed in 7hart 44 in the sens%o%s sphere*
connecting either col%)n 4 or col%)n 44* (a))a 8)oral or i))oral: to col%)n 444 8res%ltant:&
We see $ro) the lo'est arro' that 11 o%t o$ the 1# i))oral citta in col%)n # 8##P3#: prod%ce
rebirth 8pa0isandhi: into states o$ 'oe thro%gh one single citta -o& I6 8a%usala sant3ra/a upe%%h&:&
e$ore 'e begin to st%dy the next t'o arro's 'e sho%ld bear in )ind 'ith re$erence to )oral
citta 1P8 the $o%r o$ the)W,ide 7hart 4Wi&e& 3* J* H* 8 'hich are not acco)panied by (no'ledge
8.&/avippayutta: ha,e only the t'o roots non2attach)ent 8alobha: and good'ill 8adosa:1 'hile the
re)aining $o%r* i&e& 1* #* I* 6 'hich are acco)panied by (no'ledge 8.&/asampayutta:* ha,e a
Manual of Abhidhamma* pages #J1* #J#* #JI* #I# and #I3&
third root* 'isdo)* 8amoha:* in addition& oth types o$ citta* those acco)panied by (no'ledge
81* #* I* 6: and those not acco)panied by (no'ledge 83* J* H* 8: ha,e t'o classes each* i&e& a lo$ty
8u%%a00ha: and a lo'er 8oma%a:& Fro) the highest horiEontal arro' 'e see that the lo'er class o$
the $o%r citta* 'ith roots 8dvihetu%a oma%a:* 3* J* H* 8* prod%ces rebirth thro%gh one citta -o& J1
8%usala sant3ra/a upe%%h&: to those %n$ort%nate h%)ans 'ho are born dea$* d%)b* blind* or 'ith
other de$ects* )ental* bodily* or endocrinal& This obser,ation e)phasises the i)portance o$
(no'ledge and %nderstanding acco)panying the per$or)ance o$ good deeds i$ 'e 'ish as all
o$ %s do* to be born 'ith all o%r $ac%lties intact& The )iddle arro' sho's %s that the $o%r citta
'ith three roots* 1* #& I* 6* and the lo$ty class o$ citta 'ith t'o roots* 3* J* H* 8* prod%ce rebirth
thro%gh one or the other o$ citta J#PJ9& Treater detail 'ith re$erence to this interesting s%b3ect o$
rebirth is not depicted graphically in the chart $or $ear o$ con$%sing the chart 'ith too )any
%t a brie$ s%))ary o$ these details as gi,en in page #J# o$ the Manual of Abhidhamma is as
$ollo's: That )oral (a))a o$ the lo$ty class 'ith three roots 8tihetu%a u%%a00ha: prod%ces rebirth
si)ilarly acco)panied by three ro's 8tihetu%a pa0isandhi: thro%gh one or the other o$ the
corresponding res%ltant citta* J#* J3* J6* JH& That )oral (a))a 'ith three roots o$ a lo'er class
8tihetu%a oma%a:* and )oral (a))a 'ith t'o roots o$ a lo$ty class 8dvihetu%a pa0isandhi:* thro%gh
one or the other o$ citta* JJ* JI* J8* J9&
!ne )ay be exc%sed i$ one $ails to $ollo' 'hat 4 ha,e 3%st been trying to con,ey in the
absence o$ the basic (no'ledge o$ this s%b3ect gi,en in chapters #* 3* and J o$ the Manual of
Abhidhamma& 4 'o%ld there$ore stress 'hat 4 ha,e already stated pre,io%sly that neither the
three charts nor this short article are )eant to be %sed except as a help in the st%dy o$ the
Manual of Abhidhamma1 it is by no )eans an epito)e o$ the )an%al itsel$* 'hich is already .a
,ery s%ccinct res%)e o$ the 5bhidha))a philosophy&0
e$ore 4 concl%de the s%b3ect o$ citta or conscio%sness 4 'ish to )a(e an obser,ation on the
s%b3ect o$ bhavaga-citta& Sn$ort%nate atte)pts ha,e been )ade to $ind a s%itable 'ord and a
de$inition in ter)s o$ Western psychology $or the bhavaga-citta* b%t s%ch atte)pts ha,e only led
to con$%sion& 4n the circ%)stances it is best that the original ter) bhavaga be %sed 'itho%t a
)isleading translation&
*a0isandhi-bhavaga-cuti 8rebirth2bhavaga2death: are allied $%nctions per$or)ed at di$$erent
)o)ents o$ ti)e& Cebirth and death are each per$or)ed only once in oneMs li$eti)e& The
$%nction o$ pa0isandhi has already been per$or)ed by %s at conception* and the sa)e
conscio%sness has been ta(en o,er as bhavaga-citta 'hich 'ill contin%e $or the rest o$ o%r li,es
%ntil cuti conscio%sness replaces it at death& et'een 8re:birth* and death in this existence there
contin%es d%ring all hours of deep sleep an unbro%en stream o$ bhavaga conscio%sness& @%ring the
rest o$ the ti)e every moment an activity is performed either by tho%ght* 'ord* or deed it is a citta-
v3thi or tho%ght2process that $%nctions&
Each tho%ght2process is )ade %p o$ 1H tho%ght2)o)ents& The extre)ely short d%ration o$ a
$%ll tho%ght2process )ay be ga%ged by an ill%stration& For instance 'hen one sees a tray $%ll o$
)ixed $lo'ers $or the short d%ration o$ a second or t'o* d%ring 'hich ti)e one gets an idea o$
their di$$erent colo%rs* and shapes* o$ their ,arying states o$ preser,ation* o$ the di$$erent
odo%rs they e)anate and o$ their di$$erent na)es and associations in the light o$ pre,io%s
experience* one does not appreciate all these $acts in the co%rse o$ one tho%ght2process& !n the
contrary an inn%)erable n%)ber o$ tho%ght2processes* each consisting o$ 1H tho%ght2)o)ents
are necessary to enable one to recognise each ,arying appreciation 'hich springs in oneMs )ind
si)%ltaneo%sly 'ith the )o)entary gli)pse o$ the $lo'ers on that tray& This is possible beca%se
.in the t'in(ling o$ an eye* billions o$ tho%ght2processes )ay arise and perish0 8Manual of
Abhidhamma* page #91:&
Each tho%ght2process is di,ided into 1H tho%ght2)o)ents 'hich per$or) ,arying $%nctions*
'hich incl%de at the co))ence)ent and o$ten at the end se,eral tho%ght2)o)ents o$ bhavaga
conscio%sness& 4n a $i,e2sense2door tho%ght2process 5itta-v3thi: o%t o$ a total o$ 1H
tho%ght2)o)ents either 3 or I or 10 tho%ght2)o)ents are )ade %p o$ bhavaga conscio%sness
depending on 'hether the process is M,ery great*M or MgreatM or MslightM respecti,ely1 and in a ,ery
MslightM tho%ght2process there is )erely a ,ibration in the bhavaga conscio%sness* 'ith no other
$%nction ta(ing place& 5gain in a )ind2door tho%ght2process 8mano-dv&ra citta-v3thi: o%t o$ the
total o$ 1H tho%ght2)o)ents either H or 9 tho%ght2)o)ents are )ade %p o$ bhavaga
conscio%sness* depending on 'hether the ob3ect is MclearM or Mobsc%re&M Th%s 'e see that
bhavaga consciousness e"ists for e"tremely minute intervals at the beginning, and often at the end of
each thought-process during about half the period of our wa%ing hours and continues in an unbro%en
stream during the hours we are asleep. These obser,ations are s%$$icient $or one to realise the
i)portant role o$ bhavaga conscio%sness in o%r existence& hava )eans existence or li$e* and
aga )eans the 8chie$: $actor i&e& the chie$ $actor 'hich clings to oneMs existence* and )aintains
li$e* $or as soon as bhavaga ceases to $%nction in the absence o$ any other $%nction per$or)ed in
the co%rse o$ a tho%ght2process* the $%nction o$ cuti2conscio%sness )a(es its appearance* and
li$e in this existence ceases&
The $%nction o$ pa0isandhi has already been per$or)ed by %s at conception as the $irst $%nction
o$ a tho%ght2process1 since then the $%nction o$ bhavaga is being per$or)ed by %s both d%ring
sleep* and 'hen 'e are a'a(e& Ele,en o$ the t'el,e re)aining $%nctions are also being
per$or)ed d%ring each second 'e are a'a(e* there only re)ains the $o%rteenth or last $%nction
to be per$or)ed* 'hich is cuti-citta1 or death2conscio%sness& 4n the light o$ this analysis* along
'ith )editation o$ )ind$%lness o$ death 'e are in a position to $ace death 'ith e6%ani)ity* and
a cal)ness that certainly no e)otion can e,er hope to achie,e* nor e,en $aith not $o%nded on
(no'ledge and reason& The ability to $ace a crisis 'ith $acility and a stoic indi$$erence can be
best ens%red by a correct appreciation o$ things as they tr%ly are 8yath&bh'ta-.&/a:&
!ne not in$re6%ently hears %ddhists 'ith an ed%cation o$ a (ind 'hich )a(es the) say that
all religions teach one to be good* hence it is not ,ery )aterial as to 'hich religion one $ollo's&
5 li$e o$ MgoodnessM that they ha,e in ,ie'* in s%ch a glib state)ent* connotes rebirth in a hea,en
8celestial real)* or deva lo%a:* 'here happiness is o$ a )%ch lo'er grade than that in the r'pa and
ar'pa lo%as attained thro%gh the 3h=nas* 'hich cannot be gained by good cond%ct alone* b%t
re6%ire in addition to s3la a high degree o$ concentration 8sam&dhi: thro%gh intense and
prolonged )editation 'ith the ob3ect o$ obtaining tran6%illity and one2pointedness o$ the )ind
8samatha-bh&van&:& 4t o%ght to interest s%ch %ddhists to learn 'hat the %ddha has to say e,en
o$ these ex6%isite states o$ happiness
: .+a,ing reached any one o$ these high states 8r'pa and
ar'pa ,h&nas: the bhi((h% by re$lection co)prehends that the happiness o$ each one o$ these
states* ho'e,er excellent* ho'e,er ex6%isite it )ay be* is e$$ected* is tho%ght o%t* is
impermanent, and is liable to stopping& Fir) in this con,iction the bhi((h% attains the )atchless
sec%rity not yet attained* $ro) the bonds 8-ibb=na:&0
The appreciation that all conditioned existence and 'hate,er happiness is $o%nd therein*
ho'e,er ex6%isite it )ay be* is te)porary and liable to change and is there$ore %nsatis$actory*
and the (no'ledge that there is a per)anent escape $ro) this %nsatis$actory state* by a sec%re
and s%re path* b%ilt on (no'ledge* leading to %nderstanding* )a(es %ddhis) the )ost
practical o$ all religions* and not )erely an abstract philosophy as has already been stressed at
the ,ery beginning o$ this article& 4t needs constant stressing that it is correct (no'ledge that acts
as the )ost po'er$%l incenti,e to saddh& 8$aith:* 'hich enables %s to (eep on treading the sec%re
/a33hi)a -i(=ya -o& I# 85??ha(an=gara S%tta:&
and s%re path already re$erred to* and to the de,elop)ent o$ a habit o$ )editation 'hich alone
can con,ert that (no'ledge 'e ha,e ac6%ired into %nderstanding and realisation&
Chart &&&)Material -ualities
We no' co)e to the last o$ the three charts* the headlines o$ 'hich indicate that it deals 'ith the
arising 8samu00h&na:* and the gro%ping 8%al&pa: o$ )aterial 6%alities 8r'pa:& e$ore the chart can
be %nderstood it is necessary to st%dy the en%)eration 8samuddesa: o$ )aterial 6%alities* 'hich
is gi,en in tab%lar $or) in the Manual of Abhidhamma, or in any o$ the other translations already
)entioned& !nly a ,ery brie$ s%))ary o$ the ele,en types into 'hich the #8 )aterial 6%alities
are di,ided need be stated here:
Type i& The $o%r great essentials&
Type ii& The $i,e Msensiti,eM )aterial 6%alities 8pas&da-r'pa: o$ eye* ear* nose* tong%e* and
Type iii& The $i,e Msense $ieldsM 8gocara-r'pa:* colo%rs and shape 8va//a:* so%nd* s)ell* taste
8and to%ch:&
Type i,& The t'o )aterial 6%alities o$ sex 8bhava-r'pa:* $e)ale and )ale&
Type ,& The heart base* or the Mseat o$ conscio%snessM 8hadaya-r'pa:&
Type ,i& The ,ital principle or 8physical: li$e $ac%lty 8,3vita-r'pa:&
Type ,ii& Physical n%tri)ent 8&h&ra-r'pa:* or n%trient essence 8o,&:&
Type ,iii& 9i)iting )aterial 6%alities 8pariccheda-r'pa:* or ele)ent o$ space 8&%&sa-dh&tu:&
Type ix& The t'o )aterial 6%alities o$ expression or inti)ation 8vi..atti-r'pa:: ,ocal
inti)ation 8vac3-vi..atti: and body inti)ation 8%&ya-vi..atti:&
Type x& The three M)%tableM )aterial 6%alities o$ lightness* pliancy and adaptability*
Type xi& The $o%r characteristics o$ )aterial 6%alities 8la((ha>a2rGpa:: the $irst arising*
contin%ity* decay and death 8i)per)anence:&
T'o i)portant ter)s %sed in the chart need clari$ication& The eight inseparable )aterial 6%alities
8avinibbhoga-r'pa: )ar(ed 5&1& in the chart* are )ade %p o$ the $o%r great essentials 8type i: i&e&
o$ extension 8pa0hav3:* cohesion 8&po:, heat 8te,o:* and )otion 8v&yo:1 o$ three o$ the $i,e sense
$ields 8gocara-r'pa: in type iii* i&e& ,isible $or) 8va//a:* s)ell 8gandha:* and taste 8rasa: and o$ type
,ii* n%trient essence 8o,a:& The eight controlling )aterial $ac%lties )entioned in the $irst ,ertical
col%)n and )ar(ed F consist o$ the $i,e sensiti,e )aterial 6%alities 8type iii:1 o$ the t'o
)aterial 6%alities o$ sex 8type i,: and o$ the ,ital principle 8,3vita-r'pa* type ,i:& The )aterial
heart base 8type ,: is )ar(ed E in the chart&
4t needs e)phasising once again that these charts are only )eant to be %sed along 'ith the
st%dy o$ the appropriate chapter in any one o$ the translations o$ the Abhidhammatthasagaha
already )entionedWchapter ,i 'ith re$erence to 7hart 444& 5 )ethodical scr%tiny o$ the chart
re,eals that it deals 'ith the arising 8samu00h&na:* and the gro%ping 8%al&pa: o$ )aterial 6%alities&
We note $o%r pairs o$ ,ertical col%)ns )ar(ed action 8%amma:* )ind 8citta:* seasonal conditions
8utu:* and $ood 8&h&ra:& These are the $o%r 'ays in 'hich )aterial pheno)ena arise* represented
by the le$t hand side o$ each pair o$ ,ertical col%)ns* and are gro%ped as depicted on the right
hand side o$ each pair o$ col%)ns
4n the arising o$ )aterial pheno)ena 'e see that Maction-derivedM )aterial 6%alities 8%amma,a
r'pa: are co)posed o$ the eight inseparables and the ele)ent o$ space* the eight controlling
)aterial $ac%lties and the heart base* )a(ing a total o$ 18 )aterial 6%alities as denoted in the
MMind-derivedM )aterial 6%alities 8citta,a r'pa: depicted in the second pair o$ ,ertical col%)ns
are )ade %p o$ the eight inseparables and the ele)ent o$ space* o$ the three )aterial 6%alities o$
lightness etc&* o$ the t'o related 6%alities o$ artic%late so%nd and ,ocal inti)ation1 and o$ body
inti)ation* )a(ing a total o$ 1I&
M$easonal-derivedM )aterial 6%alities 8utu,a-r'pa: are co)posed o$ the eight inseparables and
the ele)ent o$ space* the three 6%alities o$ lightness etc& and o$ inartic%late so%nd* )a(ing a
total o$ 13& 9astly*
M6ood-derivedM )aterial 6%alities 8&h&ra r'pa: )ade %p o$ the eight inseparables and the ele)ent
o$ space1 and the three 6%alities o$ lightness etc&* )a(ing a total o$ 1#&
We )ay also read o$$ $ro) the chart another set o$ obser,ations& The eight inseparables and
the ele)ent o$ space )ar(ed 5* arise in all four ways& The three 6%alities o$ lightness* so$tness*
and adaptability )ar(ed arise in three ways, $ro) )ind* seasonal conditions and $ood& So%nd
)ar(ed 7 in two ways* artic%late so%nd $ro) )ind* and inartic%late so%nd $ro) seasonal
conditions s%ch as 'ind& 5nd the $ollo'ing arise $ro) one single ca%se: ,ocal and bodily
inti)ation )ar(ed @ are M)ind2deri,edM1 the heart base )ar(ed E and each o$ the eight
controlling $ac%lties )ar(ed $ are M(a))a2deri,edM1 the $o%r characteristics 8la%%ha/a r'pa: type
xi do not arise from any cause1 hence these are not depicted in the chart&
9astly* 'ith re$erence to the grouping o$ )aterial 6%alities 8r'pa %al&pa:* 'e see $ro) the chart
clearly* and in a 'ay 'hich )ay be easily re)e)bered* ho' they are )ade %p& 4t 'ill be
noticed that the ele)ent o$ space is not rec(oned 'ith in the gro%ping 8%al&pa:1 altho%gh it is
co%nted in the arising o$ )aterial 6%alities&
MAction-derivedM 8%amma,a: )aterial 6%alities arrange the)sel,es into nine di$$erent gro%ps& 1&
The eight inseparables and the ,ital principle $ro) the ,ital2nonad 8,3vita nava%a: 2#P9& The ,ital2
nonad pl%s one at time o$ the re)aining se,en controlling $ac%lties o$ eye* ear* nose* tong%e*
body* $e)ale2decad* )ale2decad* and the basis2decad
7Mind-derived7 8citta,a: 6%alities arrange the)sel,es into si" di$$erent gro%ps:
1& The eight 4nseparables $or) the Mp%re octadM&
#& This along 'ith body inti)ation $or)s the Mbody inti)ation2nonadM&
3& The Mp%re octad*M along 'ith artic%late so%nd and ,ocal inti)ation* 'hich are depicted in
the chart as closely related $or) the M,ocal inti)ation2decadM&
J& The Mp%re octadM along 'ith the three 6%alities o$ lightness etc& $or) the M%n2decad o$
I& The Mp%re octadM along 'ith the three 6%alities o$ lightness etc& and body inti)ation $or)
the Mdo2decad o$ lightness and body inti)ationM* and lastly
6& The Mp%re octad*M along 'ith the three 6%alities etc&* and related artic%late so%nd and ,ocal
inti)ation $or) the Mtri2decad o$ lightness and ,ocal inti)ationM&
M$easonal-derivedM 8utu,a: 6%alities $or) $o%r di$$erent gro%ps:
1& The Mp%re octadM&
#& This* along 'ith inartic%late so%nd* $or)s the Mso%nd2nonadM&
3& The Mp%re octadM along 'ith the three 6%alities o$ lightness etc& $or) the M%n2decadM o$
lightness* and
J& The Xp%re octadM along 'ith the three 6%alities o$ lightness etc& and so%nd $or) the Mdo2
decad o$ so%nd&
M6ood-derivedM 8&h&ra,a: 6%alities ha,e only two gro%ps* the Mp%re octadM and the M%n2decad o$
Th%s 'e ha,e 18* 1I* 13* and 1# 6%alities going to $or) )aterial 6%alities deri,ed respecti,ely
$ro) (a))a* )ind* seasonal conditions* and $ood1 and 9* 6* J* and # gro%pings 8%al&pa:
respecti,ely $ro) the sa)e ca%ses* and all these are depicted* and are easily read o$$ $ro) the
5ltho%gh one )%st ad)it that the 5bhidha))a philosophy is a di$$ic%lt s%b3ect* the
appreciation o$ its basic principles is not so di$$ic%lt as it is generally )ade o%t to be1 and 'ith
the excellent translations no' a,ailable* a (no'ledge o$ Pali tho%gh desirable is not essential& 5
syste)atic st%dy o$ the bare essentials o$ the s%b3ect as o%tlined in one o$ the translations o$ the
Abhidhammatthasagaha 'ill gi,e one an in(ling o$ the 'ay in 'hich corporeal pheno)ena arise*
and o$ the 'ay conscio%sness arises by the co)ing together o$ s%ch corporeal pheno)ena2
sensiti,e )aterial 6%alities 8pas&da-r'pa:and the ,ario%s sense $ields 8gocara-r'pa:& Thin(ing o,er
these ,ital proble)s o$ li$e $re6%ently* and disc%ssing the) $ro) ti)e to ti)e one gets an
appreciation o$ these )ost interesting proble)s& The next and )ost di$$ic%lt step is the
con,ersion o$ this (no'ledge into %nderstanding and insight* 'hich is a ,ery di$$erent thing
$ro) (no'ledge& This can only be done by )editati,e de,elop)ent 8bh&van&:* reg%larly practised
$or grad%ally increasing periods each day $or years on end* $or a 'hole li$eti)e* or in the case o$
a ,ery ,ast )a3ority o$ %s $or se,eral li$eti)es& This is the only )ethod 'hich enables one to get
rid o$ the notion o$ an ego so deeply ingrained in each and e,ery one o$ %s* and 'hich is the
ca%se o$ this endless ro%nd o$ rebirths& This p%ri$ication o$ oneMs ,ie' and the shedding o$ the
notion o$ an ego is the $irst step on the path to -ibb=na&
M5nd 'hen $%ll ,ision co)es*
three o%tloo(s pass a'ay:
do%bt* personality* and rit%al&M
!$ the 5bhidha))a the ;enerable Bassapa says
.Slo'ly the puthu,,ana, the 'orldling* is
introd%ced to Tr%th and the ,al%e o$ the higher li$e that alone opens the Path to @eli,erance F
+e $eels that his seeing $alls $ar belo' the int%iti,e insight o$ pa0isambhid&* the exact indi,id%al
analysis o$ the -oble @isciple 'ho has tasted the $r%ition o$ the Paths& +e longs $or so)e ,ie'*
ho'e,er di) o$ that tr%e ,ision F +ere he $eels that he at last en3oys a pict%re o$ the Tr%th& 4t is
not seeing tr%th $ace to $ace* it is a pict%re1 b%t it is a tr%e pict%re* a gli)pse ho'e,er $aint* o$ the
Tr%th that the -oble !nes ha,e attained&0
Fore'ord to the )uide to the Abhidhamma* ;en& -yanatilo(a #
Edition* Page xiii&
For those 'ho 'ish to )a(e a )ore extensi,e st%dy o$ 5bhidha))a the $ollo'ing 'or(s are
A anual o! Abhidhamma" ,-rada .ah-thera (/uddhist $ublication 0ociety 1andy)
Abhidhamma !or the Beginner" )gerton 2. /aptist (.. +. 3unasena 4 2o. Ltd. 5'6 *lcott
.awatha 2olombo)
#ompendium o! $hilosoph%" 0hwe 7an 8ung ($ali &ext 0ociety London)
&he $s%cholog% and $hilosoph% o! Buddhism" +r. 9. :. ;ayasuriya. (..+. 3unasena 4 2o.
'uide through the Abhidhamma $iaka" ,yanatiloka .ah-thera (Lake <ouse /ookshop
Abhidhamma (tudies" ,yanaponika .ah-thera (/uddhist $ublication 0ociety)
y the sa)e a%thor:
&he $eerless $hysician! in Buddha the )ealer. (&he 9heel ,o. 55)
*$uri!ication o! ind+ in &he 9heel ,os. =>?(@

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