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"7", 1"711 AI 11 f.

';';111:1 II II I,ll'1111 11 11'1' I,hl
111\' " , III I' IIP'lll J Il:l
i f j \ iI "
H'itl; (oj)J I ill fLetbill/f. 01(1" th it pay /reeze, j}(Jli -1(}Ii0!1 'hief Lo/! MdIClrazJ,,(/ will
be ,rtejJjJing dllll'lI I!d1"ly-tlllrJ Jetting oj! rI {'ilel cllld 1I11/liwedellleclrcwf /0 reidt/elf bill?,

lRUll1 L i\l.O" , n l I \Sl laged the rank nlld file, I\~ u rcsuh. 101 ,,\.e; t )c pc _onalil~', the reputation, nnd
l<lvcl'. lame .. Doc" u(lvagc Ihe fir I lime in mCll10~, the lcader hip Ihl: willlu cl tht.' ~wod' rrum it~ 11011.
pUll,'1.: ll' 1'.J1t.: 't on whtl! fig.­ i~ UI \ I !,'llUb" 1)0-.; ,I\'Ug\:, H" n-~rll­
U]"(~ 10 be 11011 'onle l0J I ell neg ,liawr, ha, bcen onointed heir mE INSIDER, Due Sa\'age. Ihe :,un of u
Ihlce-wll;' mel' ror the [1I'C!(j. ;.1[1 po 1'(11 1 10 the CUI'I'l'nl 1~!!il11e; litn!l1~ lite-liniol1 bo s. is lit,.' 1'dial ildmini, l<Jlul
dent} uf th~ p<.lli·c uni 1\, J liggin'-, 1I >;trecl-t 'ugh LWlIrd mc:mbC:1 wilh a m~l'icr's degree in lab l'relaliOl1"
Th\? \'etcl'1lI1 IInion udIl1ild.­ whu :>plll with 111~ uninn k;lul.:r, hil nflcr hut hll'lI n<.:cd t ...., hib;t, time tl1l.'1' 1111­
Il'Cil 11 i~, I '~llIrJing til " hiflh· die ~cll11Llal. j.; lh' '('111[1r(1IIIi C L1wice: enl righl frum thl.' .1.lrI. 111c hig" I
" Il,ued oun:c 011 thl: union'~ c ceu, and 1'::11 L'I1t:h. 1l1nHlk Blll kh n COlll­ proble-In is hundlinl.! f"llou! flom thl.'
liI~ 11"1' I. nhl)ul III he l:l,'Wnl:U Iii... de llwnilY-ilrrllir uJriet'1', i:h\.'11 ling 0111 \11l1­ ~l.:nI1{1.11 thou<'h n itlll.'l \!lllanl77 11\\1
r CIl' il1l:ullll enl. the h.mclpkkd <'U<. ,id\:l 1'~JrllI11 muvemellt. 011,\ 01 Ill', lOp Onil;IT~ m:1'c inlplicMcd.
l'I:, '{ I 01 embattkd Jlntrull1l~'n' Bt:i1CVO­ 'I he c.:nlllp"ign hll~ ull tllc ri.,iI1,:' If a 111":;1 11I1V\l;I'~ wen: ('UI1\ il.'tcu in led 'wi
k"1' ! ",'l:ilIIOI1 chil' I llU I\latul BZW, DiI.;hicll I );JI1l1n\.'11 p(ltl r iler, c.: I1lplelc WUri (II (I'I,h .lralingul<cl'i' ofkkkb<lck
\\ hu j, 'uid lO he stcppil1& down itS cilrll' wit h hi ';h-powclnl IJI(_:~S aF/cnL working schellh::; lhl'utl!!h lh(' tmmil 1 Ilil.:(' unit111
u" Ihi' \\l:L'k. 'avo c kn \I, lull w~ll the lh~' I hUl1c>; Ull0 W\.:II-c.:Olll11' '1\:<.1 Itlwy\.'r s (whidl mergeu \~ilh the PI3 \ in 199- I,
\lll c [the il1 ide track. e:<p dally he­ m<JnCll cring behind the scene. in :>ulJ­ I\nd Ihe tabloid drmll<l or the (1'itll ex­
C:.1U,C the thlO;:c­ pCl'CU un un.'~l:nlly
dllle, <klll'l hn\'l~ rndi. _6 ~~~J~ j l.' zy rdmi1n:-hip be­
<'[JliI di!Te-l,(,l1t gonls. 1\ Cl.'n tht: rB,\ bl>~'.l:.
·W.: III have the 111111: and Ihe 1m yel'l' Ihey
l'lalr 1m." hI.: ~cJY . mode rich with ('XI I'm •
.. " 101 c mune' and 5 5 ngant lInion cLlnl1'aC\'
III 'It: '~nL'lil', 1'1111 hi ---­ <f---­ <lnd perks, II \Va n't
I ' g~'t cree; girl. in ~-------:;,-..;------~,~~--­ ,iu;t an imll. c pro ­
IJw I ilc:k or <:1 1:1 ~ pa­ km-it dl.'$tr\)\~d the
llO] "Ir." hc adc.l", + union's Cl'cdibilill' til
~1 tId. ling. "110\\' 'hut ...-;>--­ the bargaining tnbk,
\'1' I rlatform'''' and it Illode l:0P vic\\'
rh bowing OUI no\\', Ihei1' leader \ ith di.­
'I!.1I<traz7o i hoping lItl'l for lhe liN lim£:.
thm ht,'!1 ¢\'c a\'nge, \ inning b<1ck I hi~
LUI rt'lltll rir:1 I'ju:­ trust i 'j)\ age' bigg~1
l'r~·'idcrl1. i1 bllo I in hcaUache. Con, idctl.'d
111:. l lunt" pnJ\ eke­ Police-union contenders: Insider Doc Savage; cOllcili;J!or Jimmy Higgins; refOmll'1' P;J! Lynch, mUle n:n:ol1f1blt> thwl
ti n ,II1U lhel'ch) pr~­ J\'!nuHuzzo, hc'~ nel'er­
<~ \'(' lob t' d VIJ[I< I\' that lrctchl:~ bHL:k P(llt of e[l\;h td the condiclmc., lakin a thclc:~ too eI\ e\) linkL't1lo the Id guard
(llll1n~ three ~lt:cntil:~. VC:J" the \\?Ht'.. claim f\11 Iu Till;\, 1'131\ C:Ol1tr:ll.'t~ dO\\1 Iv market himself ali all 3"1.:111 uf c.:Imngl'.
P ,lk"'-uni 11 pte idcnt~ an Ih it ruh· I he l'llOt! (I hI.' UllI n wkc< il1 mon: Ihon • 0 hc'lI have III relv on !lilA insiders likt·
b'l- wmp board have held unr~gul ted 12 1l1i1lk1l1 (I 11:(11' in due:- and '1U mil­ Howurc.l RlIbl.'n~lci;1. the nllck fm' Ge rg..:
rt'\) I 11\~T unitm pur e sll'illh:' wield· Ii 111 i.I ~c;lr in' hCil11h (Incl \\'c.:Il'In~ poy­ ,-It inbrenl1l'.r and RllPCl1 i\lul'dOl:h,
ing en llI1)U political doul l1nd enjoy. 111Cl1t$ 1'10111 Ihe city). 1 he I11l'mbt'l_hi tlmQI1~ other:;, who \\111 hroue:ht (1l1b lilrd
illl.! unnin 'hing loyull fnlll1 cit l:Ll)). il~ell L cqunlly' PI'3 i!' ill j h \.... 1ke or the c'1I1da1. "
'1 I t: lp i~11 hu been handed dt)\ '11 frum morc than :l lIllio 1. rormed ill 18q4 to S!lvngc will 11] '0 b Im)kinlllO cull in 10·
onl: I:ntrl:lll:ht'J bo~ to tht' n('xl- lim it ::oj 1 tht' riltnilit'S r police oflicCI·. v r. 'wed t J\lalflrszzo. ll,~ jggl'~1
Dc \iIl:1 bcgal Phil Cill U~0. \\ 110 begat killccJ in the lilll' r dUlY, il hll< bt.'conlt..!;1 payuff may come f!'Om Alban)". The uni 11
Lou 1 hllllnJ7.70, fixlllle in IhL e\encl,l\' Ii I: Qr YPD 01'­ mlld~ lJ hi\'!' cl~nl r.. 111.10 inn P3tuk.i in Ih..:
HUI 11\1\1, olt'1' kid,ba 'k U1I1dilis llwt n 'Cr~, IWl1lllin' C:\lcl'~\'ll1ing rl'\.l11l Ih~il­ Ii.! 1 eb:t;" n: a\'ag~ him,elf <pukl' at Ihe
hil\'C cripplL'd the ullIon :II Ihe bar [Iin­ \ ill . divorccl<. und l~ntlk1l'd di~I1UIC' to <.'ndursell1cnt pr('~, conk] cnCL nn­
inl'! lnble m....'1 th..: ril~t Ihn:1: )~'H1 ,(Jill.' life: il1'urunc,:, pen'; 1I1~, lJl1d kgnllc)1lc­ nll;- \'i~ih1t.: 101' rvr a 111''-' 1 kl.'-Pll'iucTI1
"I lil' In 1 11I'tiI1l1' of p litical h Ic;.;i<m -'clllaliull, hlltl! dvil ilnd ~ imilllil, !'..uw Ihul the (1'(1\'(.'1 nor 1m, hcen o\ler
mo\ 1.: n....llln ... ,:'>\til1ctiun. hL 1\'\1 veur ~n\"I'~ "lIfo '.,b. tIle GlIlc.lic.l;JI~ . \\'lwI1l1;l1g1~ rc-l'Ir:UI.'r1, III 1I1<1\' he \\ illin!?
r,l\ III' 'I' III II l'II,IIHI.,/II Ugl'-'Crj tll--Ill IXI'ili 111 ,II n'l rudll th' i"~IIL' '\'l:I~' I , I c'l:lIn'idcr thL P.l JUl. hill. \\'h '11
:J lilll: \\hLll ....,'\ I'l (Or ,IIC luih.:r.1 II Oil\. IIgICl:" Ihul the c \1' I_~cr\e bCllLr \ pull II lIl,-Icr llw Ie r 'l1,il ili!,1 Illi tl'
'1'1' ,I," II,Ilinril",,',illH'l;lI'_ "l'l· 1111111 thl." iI', 11,... q Il' Iii n, Ihll1 I \\111' ~,,1I int! PI \.t'n I n I li<!,lIl." It ..m the

, I I'" -1.1 t ... 11'1 , , • '1 .... fl'1

dl~ I thl' ::.IUIl' IiI' Iltdl h 'PI ':ll~'d, i\.' PD
llkt:r- IlIi· hI Llt:hi<:\'l' lhdr kllll':I:lIlJlne
drt:<lnl of rli~ poril) with tllh.:!' t ...'1' in
lh.: '1::1\": Hnd hike thl,jr :,J!drie' 11\ n.
Illueh ih $20.000 a mun). LOp:> lubbkd
IWI'J 1'01' tho.! 111":;.1 '\11
,bUI PlIlllki t',lvt:d t
IIl~il\ y pr~'SUI'C from iuliani am.! votoed
il ...·ul'lJcr Ihis yt.'81', 1 hl' legislutlon i.!> being
rewritten, and if S age can g~t the go ­
emor'- ignatur.: 011 il bel' 1'1.: Iun..:. his
viCIOI') is virtuall, D' ured .

• THE CONTENDER, 1n an ullu!>ually b Id

move for an om
'1.'1' of a I '1IIly-bolin 101'­
g::m iZal ion. PB recording ::.ecrctul) lim­
my Iii gin-- i:- 111 liming hi' wo cnm­
paign against Savage. benl cop at heart
(he on~e !>h I amI killed a perl' II ClIOI'
oUI:ide Yankee- todium J, Iliggins i: nO­
lorilJu' 1'01' firing up Ihe troop fli dek­
gale meeting. After breaking wilh
!atnrazzu roll \\ ing the pRy-freez deal,
he Wt1~ 'wirth nssl1il",d bl' bb I,;';\.-col­
kagw:', "Ik b.::tra,'t:u W;,"','IlY' 1lVlIgC.
"It's much ea¥i.:r (0 Ihrow :,tuncs than to C01iu:mpumry B7'iI~h CJ.tWlS
Cl.Ilch th 'm. \. ~ r.: em -hing lbe 'lOne', ..
lliggins is dcfialll. "They lied lO the
member-hip." h~ COunter. A b iog 50 EA T 57 1
• STN'C:&"l, Nl:w YOR" - 442 NO"-fH Rooeo OflIYC. Br;~&."i.Y HILL
"0'- ''''-OIll"",.Tl0fl. "L~""$E. CALL 1-800-s''''CE-\8:J:'
nut. Hi gin' C tLiclcl', ontl'aCI negotia­
tion' an old-~ch I tl~el fighl. <lI1d he' L . . O N p O N · p A . n ' S .. N e v -t 'YORt<·B!:VERL.Y HI1..\..S

~'mblJrri1Ss.:d not onl Ihm the union losl

its last brawl but ihm I he lendership
\\'on'( even cop to il. "The' didn't have
Ihe courage lO C()I11~ b,lCk nnd 1), 'We
10 I.' " hI! say_ disg1.lStedly, "lGiuliani]
beat us, Trecognize IML 1 don't want 10
figlll him. ] want to move on,"
In Higgin 's c mel' i' P.R. agent LOll­
nie ourv, a well-conol,;' ·ted former
Rubcn·tcin opcrElIivc who repre ems
G.:m:r'll i\IOIOT'S. lliggin '. bigge'\ as el.
Ihough. may b hi tie t) Cit~' I Lall. He EXCEPTIONAL AMENITIES.
administration fficinl p illts OUI Ihal
virtuully 4111 lh~' m~'ll1hel f Giuliani'
polk~ dlO'wil nrc Higgins'~ g1.1)'" II cops
Wtllll 0 ,,:ol}L:iliotl1l' to P Itch up rclntiL'II1'
with Cit\' Ilnll after Ihe biller COlllrilct
neg litld\lfl .. hc muy be I he man .

• THE INSURGENT, J'ht: jrl'llllill' \.lUI iJt:rs

vying (or P0\l'CI' are a group ul' mO,II)'
y unit dclcgmes, hcadcd b ' P II Lynch. a
photog.:ni..: 3:;-) 'ar-old \:ul11ll1unily-af.
fuir - fficer l'r 111 I he notoriously tough
Brooklyn 'rth command, Lynch and THE PHILLIPS CLUB

his gang-none f whom have (1I1~' ~ ce­

utivt:-boarc1 expcrience-are hoping to AT LINCOLN SOUARE
.... MILL:;rJtHUM PART'~(R$ ~tftIDEtHI"'l :10TEL
IOppk the PBA pow!.'!' $ll'ucturt: in onc
rei I ·woop. 1965 BROADWAY AT 67TH 5T

Though Lynch is 1Il the lap or lh~ lick­ NEW YORK, NY 1002.3

l:l, the in~pil'alil,)nllllcad~1' i~ 1 1m Luud, 2' Z 835 6800, EXT 15 FAX 2 I;::' 635 8850

a -iJver-haired union mun who spends IITTP I/WWW PHil LJPSCLUB.COM

hi spare lime niffing OUI betlt~J denl
011 in~urance p !ide: and halL:hing new
,;ehemes 10 (("(mlilllled 0/1 pa~e II f) [£ID UiXwy fumished apaitments m PrcferenlJalmellltoelship ill R. cook Sports UublNY
m 2.4-hour OJl1derge and ptivale doonnan m Skps [rom (enlJal Park

PP-CY. llnl< 7, I<)'I~ :-<F.\\ Y<>ll~ ~'I

li'l ",HI I, ",,,i \, UU': .ill • •tUd I to... , • Frat cesca 1i l'ol/IillllL't! Jft/III IUMc·.! )
If 1_1 (II • • tJ. J.l . II "I J "I IJ_, IIJ \J
I II Il( /) II' 11.: I,lni\Jll lIor1', II··.. ,iI'" "df·
Shun Lee rllhll1hu(11 ...· llh.J ubout llHl nt'\' \, rillkl<.; 1':":~1l11~ il
t.\Ihlh\II".(llhn,Ir jill.<
".1 I I", .1 hIll"" III" dUI ,,,"),">
IIIH.11 I'" II.. J
IViI ',plun 1U bu) pUI kill I lut. 11l:>'1 to
~·,'\)l n,'lr,' 'n\Jr~'lh ,,)1I1pk(Po!' \\Hh dl'\UJKtI L
"f.lp.lhHllh~ \\.sJI ,,-hJj!1)11 -Ilhl ~lo't"~ hIJ~,:k eVCly hurl1ugh <.:IIUllhuu ' ~() lhill Ulli-1
r b 11!L'-J, h" II> T~llmll)cd JilL! \W,hll.II' fUlm d oj liccr cull pUI J... Ih 'il' pCI'$ullul
'1"',IJIUn r,~ Ih... ,,' 1l..~ 11t1lt1p "lth 'lll,,'r
.11,1 ".rulI,l~r ,he ,I., JJ... t l .., 111111 k,' , ""I ,chid' \'hen Ih.: hUi.: 1~1 t~_tify In OUI!. ,
Is .11<11 a, JI"i 11", Ikqltl': du I; .J II (,;,1, -I'll I Hin' u. il'. ;1 gU~l\1 imc Imen 1'-/
1.1 / :,,,. "'" (IJ-l. II. /)1 ',,11 ,J' L ud'di half- cri~lU~".
5\1 I.a's-"I 'l.rJ .,(t1I' II 'I~I h,uh Itld. 1\llh J IIJ,II
II IH Jill..! I Itll~''''t: "rHug ~h)u~h f I .Jr.I\'. I.)' I
1.1Iud hud (;lJ\CIt:<.! the !l'P jub hill ,ell
",-U"h)thL.'r (fL.-lUI UPh)\\H ..&uJ J\,j\\"n(~)\\u 11\ II bUI gl'l1.:iull~l) ~I('ppcd ,1.IJ.: 1\ hell hi, Lid­
It.''ltJILJll1L"r1t th.lf trul\ .u~:b \h~", WhJll 1..!.'lI.,Jlt1,1
\ bel' ,ug!!e t.:U that II II' ,h lace like:
.-1 •• I 1~1>''',)jjJ 1]-,/, I. i'lw,.v,>I>!I' !II Ii' t I tl I {

II' WdIs-:\ 1.l1I..~J·.bllut "\lcl.... ll Jlld \\.II11. ,"llIh, Lyn..:h III J) plJ) b 'LI 'I n a .:1I)'wll tid,·, 'Chn~lnw In AISJ t!- VO d -li.:,IIII>[," 1/' t
111 'II(ILIIJ (,)II~' \\.J~ Dr lU(lthl,.'r. tla~ Il""l.t.lllrJIH hJ't t'l. Sudl EI dCElr luck If e ~'rll:I1":c mal.. '~ I (Ni\. y, MJ&,l 0) "'c'C Ilcll J lril,J"IlJI 110
fpr u~.uh' tIll \..: l .
II,,· -1'.1 1Jl.-IL.:hl}tJlhlhhllll lJlhlol\
.!_ /' . ",,,;,, C/,,) 1,'11 1',," ,II II, 131,',1 .It (J.!,J,I ..\ r
thc in,urgent vulnt:'r~lblt: in 'I 'Illlpllign t>Uf ~[) plllOu~ Cllris[II14S Ev JnJ DJy dln<1"~,
I, fealunng ~pedal', s rlOm I' nc~'s Ai>J .c,cgJ("n.
'0 '.l·u-p[/I ..l ll.ll...\/r ,I uguinsl t \/0 sen' nl' I iet,. bUI LllLlU
quickl) ubmi' , thc nolion, "\\Ihul did
till the: b llnJ' I.' p~ri.:nt~ gd II '1" L) Iwh
I By th"
lemc1!: room
'" of QUf ""vII" fln:pl (c, vr bCJUII.'li: t;14SS
such liNts as On,un 1..llt "-llh
rb CoJI Cheese Terr,n 01 1'01 Ct.. ~ RO.hl~.J
.ll», .IIlJ Ih 'n Lrul~ III II ~.Jmpaign "lo­ DIRk III, Ch~'LIIUl,. O'oucrouk elc. 1',,, fl.'
Casa Pep ,\1, I,m nd '>rJIII'h In" III 1<1 In th" gan: ~\Vt.: broughr t.:rillle down in double _45 (chIldren w de, 10 - • 23)
I,· "jill rL"",t.fUl.u)f "ILL ~Jrdt·n . .llllll1h 111 tine. digilS finu Wt' gol Joublt.: It:rl)''~.''
\\ ..:1Ih... r .nd lirerl".... I" \'.Inu ur ~he'~'J' cL' dCYUH
"I \\1JlCd 1hl' )('.;l'~lr}t' 11\",\ 1ll\."I\U hi"! be.: t C:\...­ wilh tht $l::1mJ b ClI d linger
[ \ ' '11 01' 'I'
II I "
1'1 ""II 111 Iii" 1.1rl\1d~ dc' nun ,.) Ii", }'JdIJ the b tch.:d lubor d al. how~\'el', few LUp~ ,
'IIJrll,,·I.t .,,,1111' I.".), \' r. ( 1\1/ III It I; k/,I~,
I " t-"~·,,Il·' I"i' tl/l.~L,U., U\, ,1/<' I
n:: c~lgl.:r 10 publklj cr ~:> th~ir U\ n
Cue'" ;\ I.l, 'r Ill'l \,' ,'rrh"rn tlJhJn III Jll <'1,,­ union. 1\loreo\'er, Ihere' fear of being
",.1111 unJ \""1 \\'dl JI'I'UllllcJ I>lUIII '''n~II''"J' coughl n Ihe lut:ide if the 'el'tlmJW
.IIlI,1' 11....',;/' F'/III.h" '" C,,/idJ PI,·, '·13ft.
trIll. ,\/J Ii ,lie" fail. 13U1 Lyn h's grc)up bdll':\'1: krvently
Lundy Bro.. TI" r... ,.,"," LlIld" '",t,JllrJ[11 tJ1UL the ul1i n ho:, pUI Ihem in thi po~i­
h..t~-rJH~J1' , Illt"JlU tit (1')h. P.1~l.,l.. c:hlckcH.
' .... f\ 1.-'") .1 \\ lion lind that th 'Y hllv~ no hoice.' 11' I
~nd tc_k bill <p,'CI lJz,'S III lob"ef, nd olh 'r .In­
'tie III "JI,) J f) lilt 1111' Ihc III ..r bJr or III
'ou'l'e not afraid to go into a burnil'
I ,,«,",t
nil 1 ,.1 lam' dUJrlcr um!;' hruncll OtIIT<'l building 1'1 face a gU) wilh :1 gun," de­
,11.lIIJI1I... /'1111 I ""If,''''
Ill" ,-Hi· -~l·11I1.2} 1.1/) Llur>, iLk AnI no.:lli. n Lyn 'h 'llpp I tel'
II, I/( , /.1/,1
Pel~ UJger's- ·I·JI. • I \l'IL',' <"I. 1m n\\), ,'ul. lur fr 111 Iht: 20lh Precinct. "wh hOllld vau
rom, md ,rem1"d '11I1IJ II .4.J pi II" }\Hlr u, II ~ frelld to tllke lin y lUI' union?" .
huu ~ ,r...<l1l .... 1 "r IJrlIl~, h /-8 Hr, "./11,1)'. ,II "Wc're going to oren lhi. Lhing up to
1~.II,lI,/~, /-/,'·3 -. - ~/kJl, ILl I~I
Two Tom's -h,... h.. ",,··l.lh h~11 JIIl!-' 'II ".I/l.l J " IlC­ the tldegulc ," LYlll:h pr~lJnisc~.
d \\h, "'U,} III wltJI )'Hl \\JIlt \ .. "'" II" .1.111· Nu Olll: bdie' c' in he Lyn'l1 ling
)l~-nh p. ,k d,upl Jl~ J e~lle}. JIlJ the .. r"l", more than Ed I lures, rhe !lamh am ex­
~h,·lt. h.1l1. bur n.·t~I"'" t lLO- IIICIt 114: ...,1 ()\t'r~H Ikt·J
J'~ [J IIII"J( '1\ .uf,", J LII Jrlv Iunllg tIll' \\,·,'k pru:>cculor\lh 'sihcllloth.:lforlh 1111.'m­
OJHl ... 11 Jh," I 'HI ",d.lll I R 'uLlI I"II\'JI<" I'Jf orablc cham tel' of Tommy I'lilian, till:
It... lllA,' ~"Hlll~ J t ,HI' JiU'trJllrl;:.lllt Il' JI\\"~l
\\urtl1 t1h.' Il'H,hl .. ;; 11111.1 1 lit ( /I till .\t
J -fl.'ll, t: ullomey in TOI11 \Volfe's lJu/ljife
I. '.,~ '" ~ 'b'1ttlf~/,} :t ()f lilt' ''t/lI;lilJ~. 11Hy(';, uls counb armm')
hi <: IIlfidunt.' Governor PLilfiki, r I'
wh III he nt'g ti,lIed :t bool.. l.kal, Hnd
h ultl L\ nch \\'111. therc'. u gO( d chan.:..:
lI.s ComH . I" II IIh Ih 1.... 1 lIJ 'Il'" J\ th,'}' I hi c.. 'l;uld 1l.C hi$ d !lll wilh Pataki tlJ 7 East 54th SI. (5th/Madison)
," II. "I' "'I J I,H, .. I dll' (,r,"<~ ,•• 11 1,II'~lll
gI:l Illl' P.e.IUI. bill lI~seu, Res: 212·608' 1999
,I 1'111 ( " lit hll ~ lfh:lhl 11 \ , I '1 'tll1Jt' 10\1\ .ad,
~'h .~J1 tlw "U..JUkf J" \I'U "'111...'1 I' dh' nth.-rlll";) AJ'o igncd on to the L) nch nmpuigll
I ' II" ,...l,I' ,.I.It, Ill,·, .I'" 1h· .11""" I... S. II lin: P.R. vet, Vilo Tllls!) :Jnu klly 'hllld­
. til... rd J. h '[H" Ill'. 11'1 '.ll til... .l"~I'-ll1 ... 1.
i (LTCI' frollt the D:1l1 Klme. gt' lip ( hi '/1
1'111 • -'ll h,'11 Ii h "h'l 'u,'111[.1.'. "I I I 'I,r I'l:pr '~<::nt Nell llork). They've been
,. 'I ht 11,,111, It-/, .'d I./i/til (IU I~'
.11 P.arson's Te as Barb.cUl> D"'N\'.I1 1"".11,1.0.1 , churning OUL a :,cries or impassiont'd
N,'" Yurl.'< 1>,"1 bJ,IJ"'''lL, Ih,' \-vl\' QIl"~1l J(llnl
JrJ\\' eJlls IhJm mUch f, nlJ... r 'hJJl JLT"" thl' EJ.<I
pI' . s rdenses since februllry, and in theIr
HJ\ ,', The h.llOC\ 11",1 TC:\J> h"t! "'uhlllll\' )./ r. 'tnle111ent r purpose, they make cI '<II'
;1' I" 1''''1 1'/'TlI,IOqliIS.<n-.//J/I!) (/11$1 Ihl:ir disdain Or bOlh Sav<Jgc and Higgin,.
Waler's Edge-!;:""I> l.llJk hJ< J \le\\ "I ,\IJllhatl.ln.
.. <jUI,1 JI1.1 .,Ic 'Jill 'pJCC l<l I'JrlJkc 01 (.Incy "Let u' be vel dCiJl' on thi point: We
.\menull 1:',< 11k,' ro.l t,',!-ehc [!JIll <OIlp .I[lLl r".J are accu.'ing L u 1ntarazzo and hL Ex­
'\Juppf,;r 1'(1.1( lu:d III nr.!Il~t:-"lrtron lIItll"(")11 \\ Itll CCullve Board of gro, inc mpctencc,"
1,.(,) knnd JIl.l ~h ... r\'ll J,,<I.<I ""v"r",l ~~',/ Dr '"
,/1,1.1</ U,," (71 .. ·~.C (II/HI Il~1 It, nC,.\JC,I' I he;: stat 'menl r••cls. "Allowin Ihe finan·
cial and legal business of this orgnnizo·
lion 10 become embroiled in lhe affairs of
" ate Island convicted felon is inexcu able! Loui
Aesop's Table.-~,ri\'c" (.. rJ)" IIr brl.ll-:<' [<I lim Inlarazzo ond hi entire Executive Bo,Il'd
.1 It IrI1Ullg hl'ln. JI1.1 ~Ird"n tllJl "TI", IlIWllli\l:, hm: violaled their fiducinl'y l'e1tllionship
,II h,"" 1\ k,IIt,-rLlIICJII lJr.. with ,Ill t'lIlpltJ'i\ (111
Il.IlI.!pl' 1.",1 Ii ... h ,",\(00.1 1]11 Il.l)' 8J .. J<,H/'!',lllk with evel'y .::w York jty Pollee OfncCI'
I -IS· - ~o . .'(l115). 1.\11. It:, "C no;, .1 /e, 1. 11 j' tin1l' for Iht:m all 10 Icavell!"

n L L I _ I hI-. It . ' I () II S 1\\ \lJI'I.



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