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Sentence transformation, 17

0 They published this book in England.

This book ..came from. England.
31.- Can you understand what this paper means?
Can you make sense of this paper?
32.- It wasnt necessary to meet me at the airport yesterday.
ou neednt have met me at the airport yesterday.
33.-It was unkind o! you to talk to her like that.
ou should not have talked to her like that.
34.-I saw the !ilm although I strongly dislike thrillers.
I saw the !ilm in spite of my strong dislike o! thrillers.
35.-Its not possible to play tennis because o! the rain.
The rain makes it impossible. to play tennis.
36.-I"e ne"er tasted such good !ood be!ore.
It is the best food Ive ever.. tasted.
37.-#o your parents allow you to watch T$ late at night?
#o your parents let you watch. T$ late at night?
38.-%#id you write a note !or &nna?% I asked my mother.
I asked my mother whether/if she had written. a note !or &nna.
39.-'e ga"e me the money !irst( and then he le!t.
'e le!t after he had given me/after giving me.. the money.
40.-I dont !ind it di!!icult to get up early any more.
I am used to getting. up early.
Sentence transformation,16
0 )r *ones neednt go i! he doesnt want to.
)r *ones is not obliged to go .i! he doesnt want to
+, 'e really likes correcting her English.
'e takes pleasure in.. correcting her English.
+- Its not necessary to take a lot o! luggage when going on holiday.
ou dont need much / neednt take much / dont have to take much luggage when
going on holiday.
++ .erhaps he hasnt recei"ed the doctors results yet.
'e ..may not have received.. the doctors results yet.
+/ &ll I want you to do is to look a!ter my dog.
&ll I want you to do is to take care of.. my dog.
+0 1he was not certain about the trip.
1he could not decide.. about the trip.
+2 'e locked the gate so that the dog wouldnt escape.
'e locked the gate to prevent the dog (from3.. escaping.
+4 They did not like to pay e5tra ta5es.
They objected to paying. e5tra ta5es.
+6 The day was so nice that we went on a picnic.
It was such a nice day. that we went on a picnic.
+7 The only person I didnt see was *ane.
I saw everyone except.. *ane.
/0 1he decided to "isit her !riend and tell her the news.
1he decided to drop in on her !riend and tell her the news.
Sentence transformation, 15
o They worked "ery little last week.
They .hardly all last week.
31 8e ha"e to reduce our e5penses.
8e ha"e to cut down on.. our e5penses.
32 9Can you please e5plain this to me?% she asked the teacher.
1he asked the teacher if she could explain that to her.
33 .erhaps hes working late.
'e may be working. late.
34 :obody e"er told me about it.
I was never told. about it.
35 9Ill pick him up !rom the airport(% she said.
1he offered to pick him up.. !rom the airport.
36 I was so shocked that I couldnt react.
I wasnt calm enough to react.
37 .eople say ;reek is a di!!icult language to learn.
;reek is said to be a. di!!icult language to learn.
38 The police ha"e in"estigated the crime.
The crime has been investigated by the police.
39 8ithout your help( I would ne"er ha"e managed.
I! you hadn`t helped me. ( I would ne"er ha"e managed.
40 The manager made the employees stay late.
The employees were made to stay late by the manager.
Sentence 'ransformation,14
)r *ones neednt go i! he doesnt want to.
)r *ones is not obliged to go i! he doesnt want to.
+, 'e knows e"erything about !lowers.
'e is an expert on !lowers.
+- I! you are not old enough you cannot watch certain !ilms.
I! you are under age.. you cannot watch certain !ilms.
++ I regret that I ga"e him the money.
I! only I hadnt lent. him the money.
+/ It was such a boring mo"ie that we le!t.
The mo"ie .was so boring.... that we le!t.
+0 .eople say that the pyramids are worth "isiting.
The pyramids are supposed to be. worth "isiting.
+2 *ohn cannot possibly borrow the car tonight.
Its out of the question !or *ohn to borrow the car tonight.
+4 Could I continue what I was doing?
Could I get on with what I was doing?
+6 )ary is slower at doing things than *ill.
)ary is not as fast as.. *ill at doing things.
+7 I cant make up my mind about the colour.
I cannot decide on.. the colour.
/0 There are times when you ha"e to do things by yoursel!.
There are times when you ha"e to do things on your own.
Sentence transformation, 13
o E"erybody has le!t the building
Theres no one le!t in. the building.
31 ou were late( so you missed the match.
I! you hadnt been late you wouldnt have.. missed the match.
32 I am sorry I !orgot your birthday.
I wish I hadnt forgotten. your birthday.
33 The burglar managed to escape without punishment.
The burglar managed to get away without. punishment.
34 'e !ailed the test because he did not study enough.
'is !ailure in the test was attributed to his.. not studying enough.
35 I wonder i! you can lend me something to wear tonight.
8ould you mind lending me.. something to wear tonight?
36 8e cant decide where to go on holidays.
8e cant make a decision about. where to go on holidays.
37 Can you take me to the station by car?
Can you give me a lift. to the station?
38 ou will miss the bus i! you dont hurry up.
ou will miss the bus unless you hurry up.
39 It is likely that they ha"e already le!t.
They may have already.. le!t.
40 'ow much is the bus !are !rom <ondon to Cambridge?
'ow much does it cost to go/travel. !rom <ondon to Cambridge by bus?
Sentence transformation, 12
o )r *ones neednt go i! he doesnt want to.
)r *ones is not obliged to go i! he doesnt want to.
+, 1ally has not come to school because she has been sick.
1ally has been absent from . school because she has been sick.
+- It is o!ten di!!icult to !ind an answer to a problem.
=inding a solution to a problem is o!ten di!!icult.
++ I was lucky you let me stay with you !or the night.
I was lucky you put me up. !or the night.
+/ I ad"ised him to stop smoking.
I suggested (that he.. stop smoking.
+0 They are going to do up my room.
Im going tohave my room.. decorated.
+2 *ane doesnt o!ten see )ike.
*ane seldom sees. )ike.
+4 I can understand this >uite well
Its easy for me to.. understand this.
+6 )y mother doesnt like us to stay out late.
)y mother doesnt approve of us/our staying out late.
+7 )ary is employed by I?)( isnt she?
)ary works for I!"# doesnt she?
/0 They could not understand what she said.
They had difficulty in understanding. what she said.
Sentence transformation, 11
o .at says shes going to stop smoking ne5t week.
.at says shes going to give up smoking ne5t wee
+, There is no sugar le!t.
8e ha"e run out of. sugar.
+- @:ew 8orld &d"ertising is considering your application.
our application is being considered by. :ew 8orld &d"ertising.
++ The shel! was so high that he couldnt reach it.
The shel! was not low enough for him to reach.
+/ I"e ne"er seen such a bad !ilm.
Its the worst film I have ever.. seen.
+0 9#ont open itA% he said.
'e warned me not to.. open it.
+2 1he has ne"er told me lies be!ore.
Its the first time she has.. told me lies.
9I didnt start the !ireA% he said.
'e denied that he had started/ starting/ having started the !ire.
+6 1tudy hard because you may write a test tomorrow.
1tudy hard in case you write.. a test tomorrow.
+7 Im sure he took the che>ue-book with him.
'e must have taken.. the che>ue-book with him.
/0 8hat a pityA dont know how to dance.
I wish I knew. how to dance.
Sentence transformation, 10
0 )r *ones neednt go i! he doesnt want to.
o )r *ones is not obliged to go i! he doesnt want to.
+, 8e would rather stop than continue in this manner.
8e $d prefer to stop.. than to continue in this manner.
+- )other told Tom that he had to go to bed early.
@ou to must gobed early( )other told Tom.
++ I last saw her at the end o! )ay.
I havent seen her since.the end o! )ay.
+/ Ill ne"er be able to persuade her to agree with the idea.
Ill ne"er bring her round to the idea.
+0 1he could not understand how they were related.
1he could not understand their connection to her.
+2 I dont think I can a!!ord to buy this dress.
I dont think I have enough. money to buy this dress.
+4 'e is helping his mother so that they can !inish >uickly.
'e is helping his mother in order to finish.. >uickly.
+6 I !ound my old diary by chance.
I came across.. my old diary by chance.
+7 'e was "ery rude when he spoke to the old man.
'e did not speak politely to the old man.
/0 1he caught the early bus so that she would not be late !or work.
1he caught the early bus to avoid being. late !or work.
Sentence transformation, 9
+, despite his rude beha"iour B despite beha"ing rudely
+- is to blame !or
++ would rather order !ood than
+/ time the go"ernment did
+0 cant ha"e been
+2 were you I would tidy
+4 should ha"e your hair
+6 put up with
+7 wasnt as good as
/0 congratulated him on getting
a The last time I had a dental appointment was si5 months ago.
Its been six months since. I had a dental appointment.
+, 'e was not reprimanded( e"en though he beha"ed rudely in class.
'e was not reprimanded .. in class.
+- @8hose mistake is this?
8ho this?
. ++ I pre!er ordering !ood than cooking it.
I .. cook it.
+/ The go"ernment should do something about unemployment immediately.
Its . something about unemployment.
+0 Im sure she wasnt the one who stole the money.
1he .. the one who stole the money.
+2 It would be a good idea to tidy the desk be!ore starting work.
I! I .. the desk be!ore starting work.
+4 our hair needs cutting.
ou cut.
+6 I cant tolerate this kind o! beha"iour any longer.
I cant this kind o! beha"iour any longer
+7 The dessert was better than the main course.
The main course . the dessert.
/0 98ell doneA ou"e got the Cob you applied !or(% she said to him.
1he . the Cob he had applied !or.
Sentence transformation, 8
0 )r *ones neednt go i! he doesnt want to.
)r *ones is not obliged to go i! he doesnt want to.
+, The !ootball match was postponed due to the rain.
The !ootball match was DDDDDDput offDDD due to the rain.
+- There was no one here e5cept *ohn.
There was no one here DDDDDDapart fromDDDD *ohn.
++ ou will ha"e to pay at least E000 to get that watch.
oull !ind it DDDDimpossible to get/buyDD that watch !or less than E000.
+/ I dont want to eat this now.
I DDDDDDD$d rather notDDDDDD eat this now.
+0 @1hall I turn on the light? 1ue asked *ill.
1ue asked *ill DDif/whether she wantedDD the light turned on.
+2 )other walked in >uietly so as to a"oid waking the baby.
)other walked in >uietly DDDDin order not to wakeDD the baby.
+4 Its possible that she didnt understand what I had said.
1he DDDmight not have understoodDDwhat I had said.
+6 I couldnt concentrate !ully because o! the loud music.
The loud music DDmade it difficult to concentrateDD !ully.
+7 The tea is too hot to drink.
The tea DD isnt cool/cold enoughD to drink.
/0 1he is certain to ha"e heard about it on the news.
1he DDmust have heardDD about it on the news.
Sentence transformation, 7
0 Terrorists tried to destroy the bridge using dynamite.
Terrorists tried to blow up the bridge.
, 'e went to 1pain to try to speak 1panish better.
'e went to 1pain DDDto brush up hisDD 1panish
- Is she &ustralian?
DDD%oes he come fromDD&ustralia?
+ &sk .aul to do it. ou can rely on him.
&sk .aul to do it. 'e Dwill not let you downDD
/ Its a "ery !ormal dinner party.
8e are e5pected DDto dress upDD!or the dinner party.
0 &n ankle inCury pre"ented her !rom taking part in the race.
1he had to DDdrop out ofDDthe race because o! an ankle inCury.
2 It was nearly midnight when *ohn arri"ed.
*ohn DDdid not turn upDDuntil nearly midnight.
4 Im not "ery con!ident o! passing my dri"ing test.
I dont DDthink I will / expect to get throughDmy dri"ing test
6 The meeting went on until ,,.+0
The meeting DDdid not break upDD until ,,.+0
7 Fnless business impro"es soon( well be bankrupt by the end o! the year.
I! business DDdont pick upDsoon( well be bankrupt by the end o! the year.
,0 The last time my rent rose was three years ago.
They ha"ent DDput my rent up / put up my rentD !or three years.
,, ou will support me at the meeting( wont you?
ou will DDback me upDat the meeting( wont you?
,- This !orm must be completed be!ore you lea"e.
ou DDmust/arerequired to/are expected to/have to fill inDthis !orm be!ore you lea"e.
,+ I dont think Ill go out on 1aturday.
I think DI will stay inDD on 1aturday.
,/ Fnless it stops raining soon( well ha"e to cancel the picnic.
I! it DDDdoes not clear upDDsoon well ha"e to cancel the picnic.
,0 I dont smoke as many cigarettes as I used to.
I"e managed to Dcut down the number ofDcigarettes I smoke.
Sentence transformation, 6
0 @8hats the date today? )ichael asked
)ichael wanted to know what the date was today
, Their wedding takes place on 1aturday.
They DDDwill get/are getting marriedD on 1aturday.
- 8ould you like some more sauce with your meat?
'a"e DDyou got/had enough sauceDDwith your meat?
+ 'ow likely is she to win the race?
8hatDDare her chances of winningDthe race?
/ 'e wished he had gone to uni"ersity.
'e DDregretted not having /that he hadntDgone to uni"ersity.
0 .aul had di!!iculty in starting the car.
.aul DDfound it difficult to startDDthe car.
2 Take a Cumper with you because it might get cold later on.
Take a Cumper with youDDDin case it getsDDDcold later on.
4 'ow much did that Cacket cost?
'ow much DDDdid you pay forDDthat Cacket?
6 The only >uestion I had wrong was >uestion se"en.
I had DDevery question/all the questions/ everything right exceptDD>uestion se"en
7 I dont think Ill go to *anes party on 1aturday.
I DDDdoubt if/whether Ill goDDto *anes party on 1aturday.
,0 It was "ery kind o! them to help us.
8e DDwere grateful to themD!or their help.
,, )y uncle had ne"er been abroad be!ore.
It was DDDmy uncles first tripDDabroad.
,- This is the best !ood I"e e"er eaten.
I"e DDDDnever eaten/tasted better food thanDDthis
Sentence transformation, 5
0 .aul likes music
.aul is interested in music
, #o you want a sandwich?
DD&ould you care forDDa sandwich?
- Is this pen yours?
#oes DDthis pen belong toDDyou?
+ #a"id was too ill to go camping with us.
#a"idDDDwas not well/fit enoughDDto go camping with us.
/ ou cant "ote unless you are o"er eighteen.
ouDmust be over eighteenDDto "ote
0 I think we should go home now.
It DDis time we went/were goingDDhome now.
2 I certainly wont go there againA
That DDDis the last timeDDDI go thereA
4 I regret not getting married.
I Dwish I had gotDD married.
6 'e !ound it hard to start the car.
'e DDDhad difficulty in startingDD the car.
7 8hy wouldnt she gi"e you her telephone number?
8hyDDDdid she refuse toDDgi"e you her telephone number?
,0 *ohn and I last >uarrelled o"er a week ago.
*ohn and I Dhave not fallen outD !or o"er a week.
,, I doubt "ery much that you saw Carla at the party as shes in 1cotland at the
ou DDDDcannot have seenDDDCarla at the party as shes in 1cotland at the moment
,- &!ter nearly an hour the coach had still not arri"ed.
&!ter nearly an hour DDthere was still no signDDo! the coach.
Sentence transformation, 4
0 @8ill you lend me !i"e pounds? he asked
'e asked to borrow / if he could borrow !i"e pounds.
, 8e started eating when all the guests had arri"ed.
8e Ddid not start eating untilDDall the guests had arri"ed.
- I should "ery much like to play the guitar.
I DDwish I could/knew how toDplay the guitar
+ The pop star le!t by the back e5it so as to a"oid meeting the press.
The pop start le!t by the back e5it DDin order not to meet / in order to avoid (meeting
Dthe press
/ Gur dri"ing laws and theirs are not the same.
Gur dri"ing laws DDare different fromDtheirs
0 1ally hasnt contacted me !or o"er si5 weeks.
I DDlast heard from 'allyDDo"er si5 weeks ago
2 @ou really must stay the night( he said to us
'e DDinsisted on us staying / that we stayedDDthe night
4 They make -(000 cars a week at that !actory.
That !actoryDDturns outDD-(000 cars a week.
6 'e was punished !or his bad beha"iour.
I! he DDhad not behaved badlyDD( he wouldnt ha"e been punished.
7 1peaking personally( I dont care whether she comes with us or not.
It DDdoes not matter to meDwhether she comes with us or not.
,0 I dont really want to go out tonight.
IDDwould prefer not toDgo out tonight.
,, @8ould you like to play tennis on =riday? Emily asked :ick.
Emily asked :ick DDif he felt like playingDtennis on =riday
,- &s soon as he came in( he switched on the tele"ision.
'e came in DDand immediately switched onDthe tele"ision
Sentence transformation, 3
, 8e hired a pri"ate nurse to look a!ter my mother when she broke her leg.
8e hired a pri"ate nurse DDDto take care of / to care forDDmy mother when she broke
her leg.
- 'es only now beginning to reco"er !rom his illness.
Its taken him until DDDnow to get overDDDhis illness.
+ #a"id li"es >uite near the station.
#a"id DDDdoesnt live (very far from / lives not very far fromDD the station
/ The programme was so boring that he !ell aseep.
ItDDDDwas such a boring programmeDDDthat he !ell asleep.
0 )y parents dont like us smoking at home.
)y parents DDdont approve of (us3DDsmoking at home
2 8e couldnt dri"e home because o! hea"y snow.
'ea"y snow DDDDprevented us from drivingDD home
4 .eter wishes now that he hadnt sold his !lat.
.eterDDDDregrets selling / regrets having soldDDDhis !lat.
6 They say that ca"iare tastes nice.
Ca"iare DDDis supposed toDDDnice
7 It was nearly midnight be!ore e"eryone le!t.
?yDDDthe time everyone leftDDit was nearly midnight.
,0 1he doesnt !ind this course "ery interesting.
1he DDis bored by/withDDthis course
,, #id &ngela say why she arri"ed late?
#id &ngelaDDDgive a/any reason for arrivingDDDlate?
,- 1he couldnt concentrate because the room was so hot
The heat in the roomDDDmade it difficult (for her3Dto concentrate
Sentence transformation, 2
, 8e were surprised to see .amela at the party.
8eDDDdid not expect toDDto see .amela at the party.
- E"eryone has heard about the canals in &msterdam
&msterdam DDDis famous for (its((canals
+ I! you pay no attention to him( hell soon go away.
I! youDDtake no notice ofDDhim( hell soon go away.
/ *ohn <ennon was !orty when he died.
*ohn <ennon DDDdied at the age ofDD!orty.
0 ou can stay with my sister i! youre e"er in ?righton.
)y sister will DDDput you upDDi! youre e"er in ?righton.
2 1he didnt say goodbye when she le!t.
1he DDDDleft without sayingDD goodbye.
4 @Im sorry Im late( he said.
'eDDDapologi)ed for beingDDDlate.
6 Its possible that they didnt get the message in time.
They DDDmight not have gotDDthe message in time.
7 I ha"ent smoked !or si5 years.
1i5 yearsDDago I gave upDDDsmoking
,0 It was wrong o! you to steal those apples !rom )rs ?rowns garden.
ouDDDshould not have stolenDDthose apples !rom )rs ?rowns garden.
,, Its a !our-hour Courney !rom 1wansea to <ondon.
ItDDDtakes four hours to travelDDD!rom 1wansea to <ondon.
,- I dont really want to lea"e yet.
I DDDwould rather notDDDlea"e yet.
Sentence transformation, 1
+, 8hy are you interested in taking up a new hobby?
8hy do you want H to take up a new hobby?
+- @'a"e you seen my glo"es anywhere( Eric? asked )rs :oble.
)rs :oble asked Eric if/whether H he/she had seen her glo"es anywhere.
++ 1uIanne was too e5cited to sleep.
1uIanne was .so excited that H she could not sleep.
+/ Jobert has not had a Cob !or two years.
Jobert has been H out of work/a job !or two years.
+0 @I will complete the work only i! you pay me E000 e5tra( said =rank.
@I will not complete the work H unless you pay me E000 e5tra( said =rank.
+2 The thie! ran right past you so Im sure you saw his !ace.
The thie! ran right past you so you must H have seen his !ace.
+4 The clients demanded to stay in a !irst-class hotel.
The clients insisted on/upon H staying in a !irst-class hotel.
+6 I dont obCect to the council building a new road here.
I have no/havent any/make no H objection to the council building a new road here.
+7 The author wrote her latest no"el while she was staying in )aCorca.
The authors latest no"el was written H during her/a stay in )aCorca.
/0 The newspaper o!!ered <ynda E0(000 !or her story( but she re!used.
<ynda turned down H the/an offer o! E0(000 !rom the newspaper !or her story.
*ollocations, 3
, ou should always DinsureDyour homeDagainstDD!ire.
- @#oes .eter DDremindDyouDDofD)ichael *ackson? @:o( he doesnt look anything like
+ I! I were you *ulie Id DDthinkD "ery care!ully DaboutD his o!!er. I dont think youll
get a better one.
/ 1he made the children DDapologi)e forDDtheir bad beha"iour at the party.
0 The man was arrested and Dcharged withD murder.
2 #ont !orget to wear a scar!. It will DprotectD youDfromDthe cold.
4 &!ter three attempts she !inally DDsucceeded inD breaking the world record.
6 'amlet was DDwritten byDD1hakespeare.
7 @#oes )ark really DDbelieve inDD!lying saucers? @Gh yes( hes >uite con"inced they
,0 The mother told the group o! children to DDshareDD the sweets DDamongDD
,, 1he !elt really pleased when her teacher DDcomplimented DD her DonD her homework.
,- It was largely my !ault that we Dlost atDD tennis. I played so badly.
,+ 8e le!t 'eathrow airport at ,2./0 and Darrived inD Copenhagen at ,7.+0.
,/ &lthough she had only painted the kitchen( the whole !lat DDsmelled ofDDpaint.
,0 )y sister Dsuffers fromDhay !e"er e"ery summer.
,2 I really Dfeel sorry forD people who are tone dea!. It must be aw!ul not to be able to
,4 @8ould you DDcare forD another piece o! cake( =rank? @:o thanks( *ill. I really
couldnt eat another thing.
,6 )ost young people DpreferD pop music DDtoD classical music.
,7 &sk )ike to do it. ou can Drely onDhim. 'e ne"er lets you down.
-0 This book has been DDtranslated intoD !i"e languages( including Jussian
*ollocations, 2
, Im sorry( *oe. I didnt mean DDto hurtDDDyour !eelings.
- 8hen she was a child( her parents wouldnt allow her DDto playDin the street.
+ There must be something wrong with 1imon. 'e keeps DthinkingDD hes being
!ollowed by ),0.
/ &s theyd recei"ed a bomb threat( the police ordered e"eryone DDto leaveDDthe
0 8hat with in!lation and e"erything( its Cust not worth DDsavingDnowadays.
2 I remember DDwantingD to be a pop star when I was a child.
4 #ont pretend DDto likeD CaII. I know you hate it really.
6 @)ary hasnt got a car. 8ould you mind DDgivingDD her a li!t?
@:o( not at all.
7 I really enCoy going to parties and DDmeetingD new people.
,0 'er parents were "ery strict and wouldnt allow her DDDto stayDDout later than ,0.+0
at night.
,, .arents usually warn their children against DtalkingD to strangers.
,- I ne"er go swimming because I dislike DDgettingDD my hair wet.
,+ I agreed DDto teachD her English i! she helped me with my 1panish.
,/ It was a "ery tough match( but in the end England managed DDto winDD by two goals
to one.
,0 'e suggested DtakingDD a ta5i to the station.
,2 The !ilm star disguised hersel! to a"oid DDbeingDD recogniIed
,4 8ould you dare DDto walkDD through a gra"eyard on your own at night?
,6 1he was "ery upset when she !ailed DDto passDD her dri"ing test.
,7 'e wasnt happy with his room so he demanded DDto seeD the manager
-0 Its hard to imagine DlivingDwithout tele"ision(isnt it? 8hat on earth would you do
in the e"enings?
*ollocations, 1
?oth my dogs are "eryDDfond of/keen onDDDDice cream.
I"e been DDDill withDDa cold !or o"er a week.
=or the last time who is Dresponsible forDDthis mess?
oure not DDserious aboutDDlea"ing this country and going to li"e in China( are you?
I"e always been DDterrified ofDDDD water since I nearly drowned as a child.
)arks been DDabsent fromDDschool !or o"er a month. 'ell ha"e a lot o! catching up to
do when he comes back.
Im a!raid only single people under the age o! thirty are DDeligible forDDDmembership o!
this club
*ulies my oldest !riend. 8e"e been DDfriendly withDDone another since we were at
.rimary school
Gur daughter has Cust won a scholarship to Cambridge. 8e are "ery DDproud ofDDher.
&ustralia is DDDrich inDDnatural resources
Could I phone you later( &lan? Im a bit Dshort ofD time right now.
'e was so DDabsorbed inDDDwhat he was doing that he didnt notice me come into the
1witIerland is DDfamous forDDits beauti!ul scenery.
)y cousin is "ery DDgood atDDmusic and can play !our or !i"e instruments
I like ballet but Im not "ery Dfond of / keen onDDopera
Theres no pleasing our teacher. 'es ne"er DDsatisfied withD our workA
1he is DsimilarDDin character DDtoDher sister
8e are DDgrateful toDDD you !or all you"e done !or us
)ichael wasDjealous ofD his brothers success.
1mall children are o!ten DDcruel toDD animals without realiIing it.
*ollocations, 4
, Come here immediatelyA
- )y names .atrick( but most people call me .at.
)y names .atrick. .at DDfor shortDDDDDDDD
+ )ost people in this country work !orty hours a week.
DD*n averageDDDDpeople in this country work !orty hours a week.
/ 'e le!t Jussia in ,77- and will ne"er go back there.
'e le!t Jussia DDfor goodDDDDDin ,77-
0 8ell ha"e to use the stairs. The li!ts not working.
8ell ha"e to use the stairs. The li!ts Dout of orderDDDDD
2 )r ?lake comes back !rom his holiday ne5t week.
)r ?lake is on holidayDDDDat the momentDDDDDD
4 'e owes the bank E0(000.
'e is E0(000DDin debtDDDDDDD
6 I memoriIed the poem.
I learnt the poemDDby heartDDDDDDDDDDD
7 It was no accident. 'e did it deliberately.
It was no accident. 'e did it DDon purposeDDDDDDDDD
,0 'e hasnt had a Cob !or o"er two years.
'es been DDout of workDDDDDDD!or o"er two years
,, I !ell in lo"e with her the moment I saw her.
It was lo"eDDat first sightDDDDDDD
,- :o one helped me with the homework.
I did the homeworkDDby myselfDDDDDD
,+ The goods you want wont come in until ne5t week.
The goods you want are DDout of stockDDDDat the moment.
,/ @ou dont ha"e to pay !or the drinks -theyre !ree tonight( said the hotel manager.
@The drinks are Don the houseDDDtonight( said the hotel manager
,0 8hen you play bingo( the numbers are not called out in any particular order.
8hen you play bingo( the numbers are called out Dat randomD
210- 226
Ready for FCE
Total Engli!
17" 31" #$" $9" 73" %7" 101" 11$" 129" 1#3" 162-16#"

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