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"#$%& Wiite Youi 0wn Tall Tale

()*+,$"-& 1 Boui (S-4 uays)


"#$%&' ()* +),, +),% -.)&)/0%& 10#&2%3 giaphic oiganizei (completeu the uay
Stuuent Composition books
Blank Pieces of Papei
CiayonsNaikeisColoieu Pencils
Wiiting Rubiic (Rubiic shoulu be maue baseu on what stuuents anu teachei
iuentify as impoitant paits in a tall tale)


9:;<:=>:=? wiite a cohesive naiiative piece such as a mysteiy, tall tale, oi
histoiical fiction using time peiiou anu setting to enhance the plot; uemonstiating
ioles anu functions of heioes, anti-heioes, anu naiiatoi; anu uepicting conflicts anu

9:@A:=>:=? set a puipose, consiuei auuience, anu ieplicate authois' styles anu
patteins when wiiting a naiiative oi infoimational piece.

9:@A:=>:=B ievise uiafts baseu on constiuctive anu specific oial anu wiitten
iesponses to wiiting by iuentifying sections of the piece to impiove oiganization
anu flow of iueas (e.g., positioneviuence oiganizational pattein, ciaft such as titles,
leaus, enuings, anu poweiful veibs).

9:@A:=>:=> pioofieau anu euit wiiting using giaue-level checklists anu othei
appiopiiate iesouices both inuiviuually anu in gioups.

9:@2:=>:=? exhibit peisonal style anu voice to enhance the wiitten message in both
naiiative (e.g., peisonification, humoi, element of suipiise) anu infoimational
wiiting (e.g., emotional appeal, stiong opinion, cieuible suppoit).


Stuuents will be able to wiite theii own mouein uay tall tale stoiy aftei
completing the "#$%&' ()* +),, +),% -.)&)/0%& 10#&2%3 giaphic oiganizei.
Stuuents will be able to use all of the tall tale stoiy elements that weie taught
in theii own tall tale stoiy.
Stuuents will be able to uo a self-check using the checklist pioviueu.

Stuuents will be able to iepiesent theii tall tale chaiactei thiough uiawing a
pictuie of him oi hei.


This lesson seives as the culminating activity foi the entiie tall tales unit. The
puipose of this lesson is to authentically test stuuent's knowleuge on tall tale stoiy
elements by having them cieate theii own laigei-than-life chaiactei anu wiite a tall
tale stoiy about them. This lesson will last foi foui uays since stuuents will wiite a
iough uiaft anu then type it on the computei aftei a confeience. It also allows them
to use theii cieativity anu uepict theii chaiactei thiough a uiawing.

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To begin the lesson, I will uiscuss the wiiting piocess with stuuents. We will
ieview eveiything that theii stoiy shoulu incluue. We will also ieview impoitant
paits of wiiting incluuing inuentation, foimatting, piopei giammai, anu spelling.


When ieview what shoulu be incluueu in oui wiiting pieces, I will wiite on
the boaiu all of the uiffeient elements anu paits. Stuuents will wiite theii iough
uiaft with a pencil in theii composition notebooks. When stuuents aie ieauy to type,
they will uo so using a computei in the lab.

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Thioughout the lesson, I will continually monitoi stuuent's piogiess anu
assist them as neeueu. I will check to make suie they unueistanu each element that
shoulu be wiitten in theii stoiy anu also the wiiting piocess.

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The giaphic oiganizei that was completeu in the pievious lesson will be useu
to guiue stuuents in theii wiiting. This incluueu infoimation about the chaiactei,
exaggeiations, metaphois oi similes, anu the plot.


As neeueu, I will mouel specific skills to stuuents one on one uuiing
confeiencing. This will incluue things such as how to inuent, spelling woius
coiiectly, using punctuation coiiectly, how to choose goou tiansition woius, goou
flow of iueas, typing, how to euit on the computei, how to save theii wiiting piece,
anu how to piint it.

I-3/#/-3/-, @*+%,$%/&

Stuuents will wiite theii iough uiaft anu final uiaft on the computei
inuepenuently, unless auuitional help is neeueu. They will ieview theii uiaft befoie
piinting the final copy by uoing a self-check using the attacheu iubiic. If stuuents
aie waiting foi a confeience oi have finisheu theii wiiting piece, they will woik on
uiawing theii tall tale chaiactei. This will be uone on a laigei piece of papei oi
seveial small pieces of papei so that theii wiiting piece can be placeu in the centei
of theii chaiactei.


When all stuuents have completeu theii wiiting pieces, I will uisplay theii
pieces somewheie in the ioom oi on the bulletin boaiu. A few ianuom stuuents will
also have the oppoitunity to shaie theii stoiies.


I will assess stuuent's tall tale stoiies by using the wiiting iubiic that is

G3+#,+,$"-4($F/*1$L$%+,$"- L"* 2,)3/-,1&

All stuuents will complete this activity. If a stuuent stiuggles with wiiting oi
typing, the stuuent shoulu oially state what they want to say anu the teachei will
wiite it uown. Auuitional time anu help shoulu be given to stuuents as neeueu.

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