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Great quotes from great peop|e

!"# %&& '(%)( *+( ,-(. /* 0-'1-2&-/#3 /* 2%(-#/1#3 /* 2#)'#4#)%/1#3 /*
0#(#)5-/%(-*/! eople say, ?ou have LalenL." no, Lhe glfL ls Lo reallze LhaL we all sLarL
ouL even. WheLher we messed up or puL our besL fooL forward, wlLh Lhese four quallLles,
we Lake care of our menLal, physlcal, and splrlLual healLh each day. Am l Lhe besL ln Lhe
world? no. 1he quesLlon ls: Am l Lhe besL l can be?" - Ldward Iames C|mos, actor
"nCLD CN 1C WnA1 IS GCCD, LVLN II I1'S A nANDIUL CI LAk1n. Pold on Lo whaL you
belleve, even lf lL's a Lree LhaL sLands by lLself. Pold on Lo whaL you musL do, even lf lL's a
long way from here." - ueb|o Ind|an rayer
!"## %&'% () '*) +, %&) *),-#% ./ (&'% () &'0) %&.-1&%23 - 8uddha, sp|r|tua| teacher
"ou must be the change you want to see |n the wor|d." - Mahatma Gandh|, pac|f|st
"A ICUkNL CI A 1nCUSAND MILLS 8LGINS WI1n A SINGLL S1L." - Lao-tsu, ph||osopher
"1wenty years from now you w||| be more d|sappo|nted by the th|ngs you d|dn't
do than by the ones you d|d do. So Lhrow off Lhe bowllnes. Sall away from Lhe safe
harbor. CaLch Lhe Lrade wlnds ln your salls. Lxplore. uream. ulscover." - Mark 1wa|n, wr|ter
!6%-(. -' (%7-/8 (.# 9-)'( '(#2 #4#/ ,.#/ :*+ 0*/;( '## (.# ,.*&# '(%-)1%'#<= - Mart|n Luther
k|ng, Ir., c|v|| r|ghts act|v|st
2! 3456 7 8549 9:;7 7:< =>7>?< @;A :4B3C D>7 ! 8549 9:4 :4B3E
7:< =>7>?<F G - ka|ph Abernathy, c|v|| r|ghts act|v|st
!>*/;( 9##& #/(-(&#0 (* %/:(.-/8 :*+ 0-0/;( ',#%( %/0 '()+88&# 9*)<= - Mar|an Wr|ght
Lde|man, c|v|| r|ghts act|v|st
"Champ|ons aren't made |n gyms. Champ|ons are made from someth|ng they have deep
|ns|de thema des|re, a dream, a v|s|on." - Muhammad A||, ath|ete
"I CAN ACCL1 IAILUkL. LVLkCNL IAILS A1 SCML1nING. 8ut I can't accept not try|ng."
- M|chae| Iordan, ath|ete
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1he baLLles LhaL counL aren'L Lhe ones for gold medals. 1he sLruggles wlLhln
yourself-Lhe lnvlslble, lnevlLable baLLles lnslde all of us-LhaL's where lL's aL."
- Iesse Cwens, ath|ete
!4% +,56% (&)*) 7.- 8'9) /*.9: +%6, (&)*) 7.-6*) 1.+51 %&'% 8.-5%,23 - L||a I|tzgera|d, s|nger
- 8.8. k|ng, mus|c|an
""I used to want the words 'She tr|ed' on my tombstone. Now I want 'She d|d |t.'"
- kather|ne Dunham, dancer
"Cne of the great th|ngs you have |n ||fe |s that no one has the author|ty to te|| you what
you want to be. ?ou're Lhe one who'll declde whaL you wanL Lo be. 8especL yourself and
respecL Lhe lnLegrlLy of oLhers as well. 1he greaLesL Lhlng you have ls your self-lmage, a
poslLlve oplnlon of yourself. ?ou musL never leL anyone Lake lL from you." - Ia|me Lsca|ante,
!?*&0 9%'( (* 0)#%5'3 9*) -9 0)#%5' 0-#3 &-9# -' % @)*7#/A,-/8#0 @-)0 (.%( 1%//*( 9&:<=
- Langston nughes, poet
YOU. - Amy 1an, wr|ter

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Insp|r|ng books

; :+$- %" ,H- >"#--"I ;" ;J-&%K." 4/L##-L M&+J ,H- !""-& N%,L ,+ ,H- !OL B-.'*-, by Ron
Suskinu. This book follows Ceuiic thiough his last two yeais of high school anu his fiist two
yeais of college, chaiting the highs anu lowsanu ultimately, successesof a low-income
Black male at an uppei-class college.
;J-&%K." 3&.'+"#I 7P-",LQ=%O- ;#%." ;J-&%K." R+%K-#, euiteu by Lauience Yep. This
collection of shoit stoiies, poems, anu exceipts fiom plays viviuly shows what it is like giowing
up Asian Ameiican.
;"/ E,%SS 9- ?%#-I 7H- 7&%.S# ."/ 7&%*J$H# +M 7P-SO- T%M,-/ !""-&QN%,L :%'H EKH++S
E,*/-",#, by Niles Coiwin. Twelve Los Angeles seniois fiom Cienshaw Bigh School's
Auvanceu Placement English class uieam of going to college, but the haish iealities of theii
lives thieaten to ueiail theii plans.
D.&-M++, :-.&,C ; @-J+%&, by Elva Tievio Bait. This compelling autobiogiaphical account of
giowing up in a family of migiant faim woikeis biings to life the uaily woik in the fielusanu
tells how the authoi uiscoveieu hei tiue talents anu founu heiself.
D&-.1%"' 7H&+*'H, by Fiancisco }imenez. Baving come fiom Nexico to Califoinia ten yeais
ago, 14-yeai-olu Fiancisco is still woiking in the fielus but fighting to impiove his life anu
complete his euucation. Be finus his fiist ieal fiienu, a tieasuie, anu a new sense of himself.
N+*",%"' N+*$I ; 7&*- E,+&L +M D.#1-,0.SS ."/ :+"+& +" ,H- B%,,S- D%' :+&", by Laiiy
Coulton. Woiking thiough iacism, alcoholism, anu uomestic violence, the playeis on Baiuin
Bigh School's giils basketball team come out winneis in life anu on the couit.
<O-&L EH*, <L- ;%"6, ;#S--$I ;" ;",H+S+'L +M U+-,&L 0L ;M&%K."QAmeiicans Since 194S,
euiteu by Nichael S. Baipei anu Anthony Walton. This collection piesents the best Afiican-
Ameiican poets on the mouein scene.
=%&#, %" ,H- =.J%SLI A+*& :%'H EKH++S A-.&#, by Kathleen Cushman. Wiitten with stuuents
who aie the fiist in theii families to go to college, this hanubook contains theii stoiies, auvice,
anu planning tools foi stuuents in giaues 9 thiough 12.
!"#$%&%"' )*+,-# ."/ 0++1# | www.fiistinthefamily.oig | page 4 of 4
=%&#, %" ,H- =.J%SLI A+*& N+SS-'- A-.&#, by Kathleen Cushman. 0nce you get to college, this
book by the same fiist-geneiation stuuents helps you stay in anu giauuate. Beie they uesciibe
theii college expeiiences, giving tips on keeping youi acauemic, social, anu emotional balance.
T--1#I :+P 7P+ B+#, D+L# ?+/- ,H- !",-&"-, 4*, +M !/.H+, by }ohn Katz. Eiic anu }esse,
pooi stuuents anu online geeks, finu theii obsession with computeis anu technology is theii
ticket to college anu success.
:%$ 3--$I 4$%"%+"C <##.L#C ."/ R%#%+" M&+J ;J-&%K." 7--".'-&#, euiteu by Abe Louise
Young. This collection of youth wiiting asks haiu questions anu shaies ieal stoiies.
:+J-K+J%"', by Cynthia voigt. Abanuoneu by theii fathei anu then theii mothei, foui
chiluien begin a seaich foi a home anu an iuentity. Bicey finus school to be a place wheie she
can iest anu finu hei own voice.
B%,,S- VI T&+P%"' >$ %" ,H- 5.,%+" +M !#S.J, by Sonsyiea Tate. 0ffeis useful insights into life
insiue a little-unueistoou movement. Tate uesciibes hei euucation at the 0niveisity of Islam,
the Nation's elementaiy school in Washington, B.C.
4HC 7H- US.K-# A+*6SS T+W, by Bi. Seuss. This ihyming book with psycheuelic pictuies is a
wonueiful stoiy about new beginnings anu the couiage it takes to go unfamiliai places.
U+-,%K X*#,%K-, by Amanua Cioss. This novel is set uuiing tuibulent stuuent upiisings at
0niveisity College, a school piimaiily foi auults ietuining to finish theii euucation. Kate is
chaigeu with saving the school, but the authoiities uo not want it to continue.
U*#H, by Sapphiie. Piecious }ones is a suivivoi. She hau a baby at 12 anu at 16 she is piegnant
again. But an alteinative school, a ueuicateu teachei, anu classmates who unueistanu help hei
fight back anu finu hei voice thiough wiiting in hei jouinal.
E*'.&6# B%M- %" ,H- :++/I 7H- E,+&L +M . =+&J-& 9-SM.&- @+,H-&, by Sugai Tuinei anu
Tiacy Bachiach Ehleis. An anthiopologist who befiienus a welfaie mothei leains about hei
woilu anu the stiategies she uses to get off welfaie anu into college.
7H- T.,-1--$-&#I !"#%/- ,H- ;/J%##%+"# U&+K-## +M . U&-J%-& N+SS-'-, by }acques
Steinbeig. Who anu what ueteimines whethei you get into college A behinu-the-scenes look at
Wesleyan 0niveisity as it aumits the class of 2uu4.
7H- ?+./ M&+J N++&.%", by }ill Kei Conway. This autobiogiaphy tells of Conway's jouiney
fiom the iuial Austialian outback to Smith College in Nassachusettsthen to Baivaiu
0niveisity. She uesciibes hei intellectual uevelopment each step of the way.
A+W, by }ulia Alvaiez. A thoughtful, enteitaining novel by the acclaimeu Latina wiitei about the
immigiant expeiience anu the impact wiiteis have on theii peeis.

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