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Planning and Public Management: A New Strategic Concept

André Barreto (*)

From the second half of the twentieth century, with the evolution of the
Modern State, Public Administration or Public Management in Brazil assumes
de facto "Management culture" as a way of working together in society.

This transformation in order to administer the government have been key


• administrative modernization;
• expansion of economic functions;
• development;
• organizational flexibility;
• management processes; concept of effectiveness, efficiency and
• results orientation - customer demand social quality;
• focus on the citizen - efficiency and quality in public service delivery;
• participatory management - Accountability and Accountabilit (Case
of accountability due to the autonomy that is related to decision making) and
• transparency in management (is born eGov - Electronic

After consolidating the new management concepts of sociopolitical

action, the Government needed to create a way to standardize and disseminate
this new vision "managerialist" within the framework of the state. In 2005, he
created the National Program of Public Management and bureaucratization –

The "GesPública" was established with the Federal Government's

initiative to promote excellence in public management, to improve the quality of
public services to citizens and to increase the competitiveness of the country

Seen as a public policy based on a specific management model, the

program's main features:

• ser essencialmente público; is mainly public;

• orientado ao cidadão e respeitando os princípios constitucionais
da impessoalidade, da legalidade, da moralidade, da publicidade e da
eficiência; oriented citizen and respecting the constitutional principles of
impersonality, legality, morality, publicity and efficiency;

• voltado para a disposição de resultados para a sociedade e

focused on the provision of results to society and

• ter aplicação para toda a administração pública, em todos os

poderes e esferas do governo. be applied to all government, all the powers and
spheres of government.

With the Model of Excellence in Public Management (MEGP) set, the

government set a reference to be followed by public institutions that wish to
constantly improve their levels of management. Like any management model,
the MEGP contains guidelines expressed in their criteria for management
excellence (leadership, strategies and plans, citizens, society, information and
knowledge, people, processes and results), techniques and technologies for
your application.

Within the concept laid down the tools of governance that guided public
institutions in this process of managerial excellence: the Charter of Citizen
Service, Instrument Standard Satisfaction Survey, the Guide to Process
Management, the Guide 'd' Administrative Simplification the Instrument for
Management Assessment.

By the end of this year, the work plan of the "GesPública" provides some
important goals:

• strengthening of communication management solutions;

• the incorporation of concepts and techniques of complex networks

of cooperation to the Model of Excellence in Public Management;

• the implementation of the Center "GesPública" Federal District,

created according to the guidelines of the National Year of Public Management
• reformulation of the Steering Committee of the "GesPública, with
representation from sectors of society have a role in induction of public
management policies.

The Program consolidated and disseminated to the vast majority of

public institutions, the Government hopes to develop consistent policies truly
capable of achieving success not only in one or two government
administrations, but grounded on proposals for sustainable socioeconomic
development in the long run.

Therefore, it is fundamental the use of strategy tools that allow adequate

long-term vision and offer the construction of alternative futures for decision

This new strategic conception of public administration has sought to

market institutions to integrate the public management system already in place
with new techniques for effective planning and strategic management.

Institute Sagres uses several strategic tools that can interact with each
other and with any management model already established in the institution.
We highlight the Foresight and Strategic Intelligence, Planning and Strategic
Management, Dynamic Rulers (Set of Actors), the Medium Term Plan (read
PAP) and Short-term Planning (read LDO / LOA).

With custom models and sufficient technical knowledge can act in

diverse areas of knowledge extending the power of pragmatic structural and
economic planning, subsidizing the exact preventive actions and proposing
public policies to long term.
Executive Secretary of the Institute Sagres

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