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Academic Self-Perception.

This subscale is derived from the School Attitudes Assessment Survey (McCoach, 2002).
Description: This survey was designed to measure concepts related to youths
feelings about school. The academic self-perception subscale measures the
extent to which children have a positive self-perception about their academic
abilities. It is based upon research findings that show that children who have
a more positive self-perception exhibit greater academic achievement.
Ages: 12-18 (Grades 6-12).
Reliability: Alpha score is .88.
Number of Items: 5.
Scoring Procedures: Responses are in a 7-point Likert scale format ranging
from 1= Strongly Disagree to 7= Strongly Agree. A higher score indicates a
more positive academic self-assessment.
Permission: Not needed to use this scale.
Please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements. In answering
each question, use a range from (1) to (7) where (7) stands for strongly agree and (1) stands
for strongly disagree. Please circle only one response choice per question.
Strongly Disagree. Disagree .Slightly Disagree .Neither. agree nor Disagree Slightly Agree
Agree. Strongly Agree

1. I am confident in my scholastic abilities.
2. I do well in school.
3. I learn new concepts quickly.
4. I am successful.
5. I am confident in my ability to succeed in school.

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