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Once upon a time there were three little pigs. Steve, the most
intelligent of the three. Michael, the moderately smart of the three,
and Andrew, the least bright of the group.

One day there was a wolf named Kurt who had nothing
better to do with his life then terrorize little pigs, these happened to
be the three pigs addressed earlier.

Like all pigs, once the three pigs turned the age of 3
they must leave the house to live on their own.
Adventurous Mike decides to build his house on the moon
with bricks. The supplies cost $5 per Newton. Mike does not think
this through and pays on Earth, where the weight of the supplies is
greater due to gravity.

Steve decides to see what happens if he makes a house of
sticks on a mountain. He gets his sticks imported from the moon. On
the moon they use mass to send sticks, so the cost of sticks on Earth
and on the moon doesnt change.

Andrew just decides to make a straw house on a plain.

The three pigs are now safe and happy. They also realize that
even though Andrew did not appear to be the brightest, he ended up
saving their lives.

The wolf begins approaching the first house, Andrews
house, at a great speed. His velocity is so great that his inertia is too
strong for him to slow down in time, therefore running into a tree.

Mike, who wanted his home to feel like being on Earth
created a gravitational field generator to create a gravitational pull to
that of the earth, but Kurt did not know this.
Realizing Kurt began traveling up the house Andrew has his
brothers turn on the extra-security trap kept in the fireplace to keep
intruders out.
Kurt, thinking he would just float down the chimney because
of a lack of gravity, jumps down the chimney. Quickly realizing how
fast he was moving Kurt tries to create enough friction to slow him
down, but ends up falling directly into the trap. The trap is then
triggered, causing him to get trapped in a capsule, then being shot
into space.

The wolf begins thinking about how to knock the house
down. He comes up with simply blowing it down. It creates enough
force to overcome the reacting force applied by the house. These
forces are unbalanced, this is why the house falls down.

Once Kurt arrives he yet again has to figure out how to get
in. Kurt decides to try throwing a boulder. He realizes it has a great
mass so a lot of force will be needed to get it to accelerate. Sadly, the
force is not great enough to make an impact on the house. Then he
gets an idea, what would happen if he went down the chimney?

To escape, Andrew takes his all-terrain vehicle to safely and
quickly get to Steves house. Kurt, not prepared for using
automobiles, hijacks a nearby automobile. This created enough of a
time gap that he began to drive at a speed much over the speed limit
to not long after run into a very abrupt, sharp turn. At this time there
is a lot of centripetal force acting on him, this centripetal force is
provided by friction.

Kurt, confused, hijacks the spaceship Steves neighbor owns
(dont ask why) and goes off to follow the runaways.
As he leaves the atmosphere the gravitational forces become
much weaker. This gives him a lighter weight but his mass stays the
same. The spacecraft has also been built to reduce as much air
friction as possible to make a much speedier trip.

Andrew arrives shortly before Kurt, allowing him to get in
and lock all of the doors in Steves house.
Kurt begins to contemplate how to enter the household. His
first attempt is to push the house down, nut the force exerted by the
reaction is great enough to keep the walls secured.

Kurt then decides to set the house on fire to get the pigs out.
Andrew realizes that Steve keeps many flammable and
explosive chemicals in his house for experimentation. He tells Steve
about this and they both decide to run to the backup teleportation
device Steve installed in the port-a-potty behind his house to
transport them to Mikes house in case of an emergency.

Steve also decides to take his fish, Blubsy, with him who
uses buoyant forces to float around her fish bowl.

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