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time at her smile theres that ray of sunshine!

) her reaction to his touch has him frowning, his

hand slow to return by his Regina stands, lifts the girl in her arms, June wraps her legs around
Reginas waist without hesitation, the girl is really too big to hold like this, a healthy tall six year
old; she is too heavy to hold for long, but the girl smushes her face further into the crook of
Reginas neck, and the sobbing starts, tears and snot and spit falling from the distressed girl
onto Reginas skin and dress. Regina rubs a hand in circles on the girls back, the other arm
under the girls rear to keep her
better in place, but even with her arm and the shelf of her hip Regina has to lean back absurdly
to keep the weight of the girl up.
A hand lands softly on Reginas upper back, and Regina flinches and she steps away before
looking whose hand it is. Its only after shes three steps away that she turns, sees it was one of
the middle aged men (Sam, memories of Storybrooke seem so awfully far away in this awful
castle, but she knows him, Sam worked for the Department of Motor vehicles, had renewed
Reginas license years upon unending years and he had snapped the picture and said every
"Wheres your mother?" Regina asks again, bounces the girl and pats the girls lovely halo of
hair, "June, where is she?"
Regina turns bodily away from David, shaking her head at him and the still befuddled confused
expression he wears looking at the little girl like what has happened to her cannot be real.
Regina licks her lips desperately when the girl still does not answer and her eyes spin until she
sees the man whod guffawed at her taunt, hes looking at her, a neutral expression on his
weather beaten face and Regina steps towards him, moves both her arms under the girls rear to
hold her up, Do you know her? Regina asks, head jerking down to indicate the girl, Her
family? Where do they live?

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