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Name:_____Annette Stapleton____

Lesson Title: Who, What, Where, When, Why & How. Reading Comprehension
Subject Area: English/Language Arts
Grade Level: 5

Unit itle: Diary of a Wimpy Kid
GL!Es/ !ommon
!ore Standard
CCSS. English Language Arts & Literay: R!. ".#a:
"ead #ith su$$icient accurac% and $luenc% to support comprehension&
$a% "ead grade'level te(t #ith purpose and understanding&
)ES'S/NES' &ETS. '(".C).*.
*roduce a media'rich digital project aligned to state curriculum standards +e&g&, $able, $ol-
tale, m%ster%, tall tale, historical $iction.
'!an %ou identi$% the: 0ho, 0hat, 0here, 0hen, 0h% 1 2o# o$ the stor%3
'!an %ou summari4e #hat %ou just read3
5bjectives: 0hile reading, students #ill $ill out their #or-boo-& 6n groups o$ 7, students #ill use their
#or-boo-s to create a sectional summar% on Smart Noteboo- #ith the sections: 0ho,
0hat, 0here, 0hen, 0h%, and 2o#& Groups #ill present summaries&
ools and
'Smart Noteboo-
'8oo-: Diary of a Wimpy Kid, b% 9e$$ :inne%
'"ubric: 0ho, 0hat, 0here, 0h% 1 2o#&
'*re')ade E(ample
';iar% o$ a 0imp% :id "eading !omprehension 0or-boo-
"ationale: According to the !ommon !ore Standards, students must learn ho# to read accuratel%,
$luentl%, and #ith comprehension& he% are also suppose to create media rich digital
presentations& hese standards are met #hen the students are as-ed to identi$% the
important details o$ the stor% +0ho, 0hat, 0here, 0hen, 0h% 1 2o#. and then create a
Smart Noteboo- presentation on their $indings&
Se+uene o, Ati-ities:
Who, What, Where, When, Why & How Enatment:
./ow, it is o, my understanding that there is a theory out there that pre(teens are
espeially good at analy0ing and interpreting $,iguring out & understanding% -isual
situations and remem1ering them. What this means is that, aording to some, you
are all o, an age to where you an wath a situation or an e-ent and 1e a1le to ,igure
out what is going on and why. Supposedly, you all ha-e a speial deteti-e talent and
memory. /ow, ) don2t partiularly 1elie-e this notion, 1ut ) want to test this theory
out. Let2s see what you an do with this 2talent2 they say you all ha-e. 3ou all ha-e a
mission. 3our mission is ,or the ne4t 5minutes you are to wath me and try to ,igure
WHO ) am+#rite <0ho< on the Smart'8oard.
WHAT ) am doing +#rite <0hat< on the Smart'8oard.
WHERE am ) +#rite <0here< on the Smart'8oard.
WHEN is it +#rite <0hen< on the Smart'8oard.
WHY & HOW ) am doing it +#rite <0h% 1 2o#< on the Smart'8oard.
=or the ne(t 7minutes enact an event o$ choice or:
2A Late Student Trying to Co-er 6p !orgotten Homewor72
0ith a te(t boo-, go out o$ the room and Quickly run into the room and sit at a
student<s empt% des- in a panic&
Loudl% #hisper to a student: .8id &rs. $Teaher2s /ame% notie that ) wasn2t
here yet9:
*retend to loo- through %our bac-pac-& .;h no< Where is it9< Where did ) put
it9: *retend to loo- on the $loor and all around the des-&
Loudl% #hisper to a student .Hey< 8id you ,inish last night2s homewor79 Can )
opy yours9: 6$ the student sa%s no' as- another until someone sa%s %es& 0hen
%ou get a %es' hastil% pretend to cop% the the home#or-& .Whew< Than7 you< )
owe you< That was lose< ;=< Here she is< Shhhhh, don2t let her 7now.:
6$ no one sa%s %es, -eep conning them until 7minutes are up&
>End o, Sene? Stand up .The End<: and bo#&
Go up to the Smart'8oard& .Alright, let2s see i, the theory is right...or am )
right. +sarcasticall% 1 pla%$ull% said. WH; am )9: Ans#er: Student& !hoose a
student to #rite the correct ans#er b% the <0ho< on the board&
WHAT ) am doing9: Ans#er: r%ing to not get into trouble& !hoose a student to
#rite the correct ans#er b% the <0hat< on the board&
WHERE am )9: Ans#er: School/!lassroom& !hoose a student to #rite the
correct ans#er b% the <0here< on the board&
WHEN is it 9:Ans#er: oda%/No#/5minutes ago, etc& !hoose a student to #rite
the correct ans#er b% the <0ho< on the board&
WHY & HOW ) am doing it9: Ans#er: 0h%' 6 am late and $orgot m%
home#or-& Not #anting to get into trouble, 6 as- around to see i$ someone #ill
give me their home#or- to cop%&
Sca$$old, )odel, and reenact bits i$ and #hen necessar%& *raise them $or the correct
"evie# their $indings #ith an open class discussion +one at a time, the' #ho, #hat, #here,
#hen, #h% 1 ho#.' .How did you ,igure out who ) was, what ) was doing, when and
where ) was doing it, and why and how ) was doing it9 What did you see and hear9:
.@nowing these " W(words and H(word, who an summari0e $tell a -ery short -ersion
o,% the e-ent ) Aust enated9:
*ost';iscussion: .Wow, you ha-e pro-ed me wrong< 3ou all are showing me that you
all are truly great deteti-es and an see, ,igure out, and understand e-ents. The
theory is right a1out you<:
.But now ) ha-e another mission...) now 7now that you all an SEE and e-ent,
analy0e and understand it, 1ut an you READ a story and do the same9 Together, we
are going to read the 1oo7: 8iary o, a Wimpy @id 1y Ce,, @inney. As we go through
the 1oo7, ) need you all to use the same deteti-e s7ills you used earlier to ,igure out
the who, the what, the where, the, when, and the why & how o, a story.:
8od% o$ Lesson
1. urn on the EL)5 and Smart'8oard, pass out the boo-: ;iar% o$ a 0imp%
:id and the ;iar% o$ a 0imp% :id "eading !omprehension 0or-boo-, > per
student& We are going to read the book together Thi! book i! about a "iddle
!chool trying to !ur#i#e "iddle !chool So"ething o$ %hich you all %ill be
e&'eriencing ne&t year A! %e read( e#ery )* 'age!( %e %ill be checking our
reading co"'rehen!ion and detecti#e ability by $illing out the %orkbook A$ter
%hich %e %ill then create a "ini !u""ary u!ing 'Who, What, Where, When, Why
& How'. +ir!t let! read the %orkbook ,ue!tion! $or 'age! )-)*.
2. *lace the #or-boo- on the EL)5 and randoml% choose students to read
allo#ed each ?uestion& *ause a$ter some o$ the ?uestions and as- them relate'able
?uestions& E4ample: $*&5% Doe! anyone here %rite in a /ournal0 What do
'eo'le %rite about in /ournal!0 1! there a di$$erence bet%een a /ournal and a
$#% 2ooking at the o'tion!( %hat do you think grade le#el! !hould be
ba!ed on0.
$D% 2ooking at the o'tion!( %hat do you think grab girl! attention0.
$E% What do you think it goes in one ear and out the other "ean0.
$*F% What do you think 'the Cheese Touch' i!0.
3. 3ritical Thinking4 2ooking at the %orkbook ,ue!tion! and u!ing your
detecti#e !kill!( %hat do you think the 'Who, What, Where, When, Why &
How' %ill be0 So"e "ay ha#e "ore than one 'o!!ible an!%er( !o"e "ay
ha#e no an!%er yet There are no %rong an!%er! $or %e are !i"'ly
e&erci!e our detecti#e !kill! All 1 %ant to kno% i! ho% you ca"e to that
an!%er( i$ any +or e&a"'le( %hen it co"e! to the 5Who5( 15" going to u!e
"y detecti#e !kill! and look through to !ee i$ there are any
'eo'le6character! "entioned and li!t the 'o!!ible na"e! a! 5Who5 What
na"e!6character! do you !ee "entioned in the!e ,ue!tion!0 1 a" going to
li!t all o$ the" $or 1 a" not !ure yet %hich 5Who5 the book i! really going
to $ocu! on 7ut 15ll at lea!t ha#e !o"e idea!.
Using the EL)5 and Smart'8oard, #rite do#n the class responses&
E4amples o, =ossi1le Answers Solely Based on the Guestions:
0ho' Greg, "onnie, ;arren, Greg<s ;ad, Greg<s )om, Greg<s eacher
0hat' 9ournal #riting, )iddle School, Getting girls< attention, *opularit%, !heese
0here' )iddle School, 8as-etball court
0hen' @3''Need more in$ormation
0h% 1 2o#' @3''Need more in$ormation
Sa,,old, &odel, and Guestion as needed.
Alright( it look! like are detecti#e !kill! are on 'oint e#en be$ore %e read the
book8 We are going to read the book together and a! %e read( kee' the!e
,ue!tion! in "ind 2ater %e are going to !ee ho% clo!e %e %ere %ith our
4. "andoml% choose students to read each paragraph aloud $rom pages >'>A&
5. At the end o$ page >A, as- the students to use their boo- to $ill out the
#or-boo- ?uestions $or section: *ages >'>A&
6. "andoml% pair up the students, having them sit together #ith their boo-s
and #or-boo-s& 1n your grou'( 1 %ant you to u!e your detecti#e !kill!(
your book( and your %orkbook an!%er! to re#ie% the cla!! 'Who, What,
Where, When, Why & How' an!%er! %e ga#e be$ore %e read the )
'age! Together( di!cu!! %hich one! %e %ere !'ot on( %hich one! %e %ere
clo!e( %hich one! %e %ere no %here near( and i$ %e can no% an!%er the
one! %e le$t un-an!%ered
Give the class about 5'Bminutes to discuss& ;uring #hich, #al- around to
monitor progress and to assist #ith an% ?uestions, issues, and or concerns&
Sca$$old and )odel as needed&
7. *ass out the the laptops and "ubrics, one per group& No% that you ha#e
u!ed your detecti#e !kill! to $igure out the <Who, What, Where, When, Why
& How', 1 %ant you( 1 your grou'! to Sho% "e %hat your grou' ha!
concluded are the correct an!%er!.
5n the Smart'8oard, pull up the Smart'Noteboo- so$t#are&
.What your group is going to do is use your 1oo7, your wor71oo7, and
your disussed onlusions on the <Who, What, Where, When, Why &
How', to create a S"art-Notebook !u""ary 're!entation on %hat %e ha#e
read and kno% !o $ar about the book
8. 0al- $&odelHSa,,old% the students through creating a summar%
presentation using Smart'Noteboo-:
9lea!e go to S"art-Notebook on your la'to'!.
3lick on the 'icture in a $ra"e tab on the $ar le$t.
Scroll do%n to the $older4 52e!!on Acti#ity Toolkit :*.
3lick on the 'nteracti!e and "u#timedia' tab.
Scroll do%n to'$#ue%&ote 'e!ea#' and double click on that o'tion.
3lick on the '(dit' tab in the u''er le$t corner.
You %ill notice that there are ; nu"ber o'tion! to $ill out <ue!! %hat
need! to be noted here0 ='au!e $or an!%er!>Thi! i! %here you %ould li!t
and an!%er the4 'Who, What, Where, When, Why & How' o$ the read
*ull up the $inished e(ample, #ithout sho#ing the ans#ers&
.This is my e4ample set up o, the 'Who, What, Where, When, Why &
How'. And 1 can u!e thi! to !tand here and !u""ari?e to you( the 'age!
%e ha#e read !o $ar 1n your grou' you %ill create a !u""ary 'age( it
doe! NOT ha#e to be the e&act !et u' that 1 ha#e created 1$ you kno% o$ a
di$$erent !et u' %ithin S"art-Notebook in %hich to 're!ent a !u""ary( go
$or it 7e creati#e.
9. 8e$ore having the class start their summar% project, as- the class to revie#
the "ubric& You %ill notice that in order to achie#e an 5A5( you @AST
'ro'erly li!t the 'Who, What, Where, When, Why & How' o$ the read 'age!
You "u!t ha#e a title o$ the !u""ary and the 'age! co#ered a! %ell a! a
'hoto o$ either a $ocu!ed character or 'icture de'icting6re're!enting an
e#ent %ithin the read 'age! Your 'ro/ect "u!t contain no !'elling error!
You ha#e B* "inute! to create your !u""ary !et u' A$ter %hich your
grou' %ill 're!ent your !u""ary to the cla!!.
10. As the class #or-s, #al- around to monitor their progress and to assist #ith
an% ?uestions, issues, and or concerns& Sa,,old, &odel, and Guestion as
!onclusion Iroup =resentation:
&;8EL: *resent the teacher<s e(ample $irst, giving a summar% o$ the pages read
re$erring to the Who, What, Where, When, Why & How o$ the stor%&
2ave each group come up and present their summar% project&
As- each group:
What are the4 Who( What( Where( When( Why & Ho% o$ the !tory0.
3an you !u""ari?e %hat you /u!t read u!ing yourWho( What( Where( When(
Why & Ho%0.
As needed as- the students to adjust accordingl% at that moment&
Lesson 8i,,erentiations:
Simpli$ications: 6$ major di$$iculties are $ound in using the Smart'Noteboo- so$t#are, students can
use a more $amiliar so$t#are to present their summar%: )icroso$t *o#erpoint,
*re4i, etc&
E(tensions: (1) Students can #rite a journal entr% about li$e as a 5
grader, letting %ounger
grades -no# #hat it is li-e, or ho# it is the same and di$$erent& he% can also dra#
a mini cartoon depicting their journal entr%&
(2) Students can respond to the other Greg<s vie# o$ )iddle School and the
concern #ith being popular& 2o# important is it to be popular in school& 0hat
characteristics and or abilities ma-es a student popular3
Assessment *iece: Smart'Noteboo- Summar% *resentations using the Who, What, Where, When, Why
& How "ubric&
eacher !reated
/ualit% Student
Who, What, Where, When, Why & How Smart'Noteboo-, 8lue Note "eveal

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