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A rranged Marriage :H C +V D

uman rusader ampire issenter

C hapter S G O T P
ixteen: hosts f he ast

A lice walked through the cold wilderness of a forest called Silverpeaks with Allianna and Claire. It was a forest
not to far from the icy mountains; vampires feared stepping into these woods knowing that the wolves claimed it
as their territory centuries ago. The ground was covered in pure white snow newly laid down since it was already
November, winter was approaching…Claire had mentioned that this winter wouldn’t be as joyful as Alice’s last
winter and she took that as some type of warning.

Something’s definitely going to go wrong…

She thought stuffing her hands in her pockets and feeling a box inside. She pulled out a small, long slender blue
box pulled off the lid. Inside there was a folded paper and she quickly unfolded it and there was a picture of
Christian and Christopher sitting on the front door of their manor, smiles on their faces. Alice couldn’t help but
smile gently. She missed that smile so much…

She felt Claire put a comforting hand on Alice’s shoulder. “I thought this might help you get through the night…”
she whispered.

Alice folded the image and placed it back in the box; stuffing it in her pocket. She held back her tears trying to act
strong for once in her life. She was slightly angry though…

Thanks a lot give me an image of your son smiling, REMINDING ME OF ALL THE HAPPY MOMENTS WE HAD

She screamed in her mind angrily. She didn’t really blame Claire though, she just really didn’t want to think about
Christian when she was about to give her hand in marriage to a complete stranger. Alice kicked the thick snow
with her boot, trying not to take her anger out on Allianna. “Does Christian know that you’re his mother?” she
asked Claire.

Claire nodded. “We told him everything that happened especially what I am…” she said as her words trailed off.
“We didn’t tell him about you…After we heard you were getting engaged again…” she said regrettably.

Alice stayed silent for a few moments as a soft smile grew upon her face. “No, its fine…It’s better this way…” she
said sadly.

It’s easier if he doesn’t remember… Just keep thinking that, this way I’m protecting him…

Allianna stopped standing in front of a cave entrance on the bottom face of the mountain. “We’re here…” she
announced in a slight whisper that still echoed through the cave entrance.

“Welcome, my lady…” a voice said politely and out of the shadows a man whose face was hidden under his leather
hood bowed before them. “Master Sterling and his son are awaiting you inside…” he said gesturing them to enter.
Alice’s heart stopped for a moment.

This is it…

She thought in horror. She knew herself she wasn’t ready for this yet, yet life didn’t give her any choice but to do
it. Allianna entered following the guide, and Claire held Alice’s hand before entering. “It’s gonna be fine…” she
said in a kind voice. Alice nodded forcing a smile and followed after Allianna.


Once they reached the end of the tunnel, they were lead to an underground palace. It was a nature design yet
kind of modern. The furniture was made purely of wood, and more than half the population there were boys…Alice
walked through more than half the building and only saw two to three woman pass by…One person, she wasn’t
even sure if it was a guy or girl so he OR she wasn’t included in the counting XD.

They all stopped in front of two large doors and the guide spoke a moment with the guard and he whispered
something back. The guide turned back to the trio smiling sheepishly. “Master Sterling seems to be busy but his
son is inside though” he explained. “Master Sterling would like to speak the head of the family and Miss Mary Claire
alone” he said gesturing the two to follow him. “Miss Alice you may enter to meet your fiancé”

Alice looked at him suspiciously then at Allianna. Allianna rolled her eyes once their eyes met. “Why, Alice? Can’t
take a few seconds alone with a stranger?” she scoffed following the guide. “You need to grow up…Let’s go
Claire!” she ordered.

Claire sighed taking one last glance at Alice before leaving. Alice didn’t dare to enter the room until Claire and
Allianna were out of sight. She glared at the door.

This bastard is the reason why I’m not with Christian right now…

She thought angrily.

Even if we’re forced to get married it doesn’t mean we have to be nice to each other…

She thought as an evil grin curled upon her lips. She pushed the twin doors open seeing a long mahogany table with
black leather chairs on each side. It looked like a meeting room with a big leather chair at the other end of the

She jumped on top of the polished table walking down the slim table as if it were a runway, towards the chair at
the end of the table that was turned away. She grabbed the head rest of the arm chair and spun the chair around
to face her. She was offended when she saw the boy was sleeping, a little drool dribbling of his chin as well.
“Wake up!” she screamed at him, slapping him.

The boy flinched back from surprise and his emerald eyes met her ruby eyes. Alice glared at him; you couldn’t
blame her she didn’t want to get in an arranged marriage again. “Wha-!?” he yelled in surprise. Alice was about to
slap him once again but she stopped her self as the boy curled back quivering with his arms wrapped around
himself protectively.

“Don’t hurt me!!” he squealed peeking through the hole in between his fingers. His emerald green eyes widened
and he suddenly jumped pinning Alice down on the table hard. “Alice~!” he realized happily as his brown wolf ears
popped out of his head and she noticed his bushy brown tail wagging happily behind him. “It really is you!! Wow!”

She instantly recognized him once his ears and tail appeared. “Oliver!?!?!” she screamed incredulously. She
remembered that she was one of the mystical creatures she met not too long ago when they were escaping Sylvia
and the others.


Allianna was in a garden talking to the leader of the Sterling clan, Valor Sterling. He had faded dark brown hair
and silver eyes with a tint of gold. He wore a large grayish fur coat with fit jeans tucked into his snow boots. He
was a big built man that looked like he could crush you in one body slam unlike Oliver who practically looked like
an innocent child.

“I’m glad your sister agreed to marry my son” he said coughing in a handkerchief. “When he heard her name was
Alice he demanded that out of all the vampires in your coven he only wanted her” he chuckled. “He is one strange
lad and is very persistent to get what he wants”

Allianna nodded. “But why did he want a girl named Alice?” she asked curiously.

“Well you see my son was missing for four years, and I’ve been sending out endless searched but there was still no
luck” he sighed shaking his head. “I heard he was captured by a private collector who would sometimes sell the
creatures he’s found”

Allianna frowned recognizing the description.

Honey Valoriette that gay bastard…

She thought angrily continuing to listen. “And?” she said gesturing him to continue.

“Oliver told me that there was this new creature that the collector had who was said to be a rare hybrid named
Alice, I almost laughed once he said she was vampire half human” he couldn’t help but laughing. “I mean, isn’t
that one of your coven’s most enforced laws? A vampire is never supposed to have a human for a mate?”

Allianna frowned. “Yes…You’re right that girl was an abomination and should’ve been burned alive within her
mother’s womb” she said trying to contain her suppressed anger, causing Claire to feel slightly uncomfortable
standing next to her.

“Well, this girl was my son’s savior so I must say she’s amazing” he protested. “My son told me she was one of the
people who freed all the creatures who were trapped in the collector’s tower” he said leaving the garden and
walking upstairs towards the meeting room.

“Yes you’re correct” she said straining a smile. “Unfortunately, she escaped as well…” she muttered darkly.

“Excuse me?” he asked her not really believing what he just heard.

Allianna snapped her attention back to him. “Um…Unfortunately Alicia one of the people who captured your son
escaped” she said changing her sentence afraid of what might happen to her. “But don’t worry we are keeping her
in a cell below our manor” she pointed out.

Valor nodded at her approvingly. “Yes, well I’ve heard so much about your brilliant strategies in catching rebels, I
must say it is very impressive” he complimented opening the door to the meeting room.

Claire gasped seeing Alice pinned to the conference table with Oliver on top of her. “Alice?!?!”

Oliver looked down at Alice and quickly jumped back into the tall leather chair away form her, his cheeks burning
red. “It’s not what you think!” he said quickly.

Allianna sighed crossing her arms over her chest. “Yeah, yeah that’s what they all say” she scoffed, trying to keep
herself from grinning, seeing that Alice would be in some deep trouble.

Oh dear Alice you seem to attract trouble where ever you go…I wonder how the father will react?

Alice sat up and looked at Mr. Sterling who was glaring at them disapprovingly.

Oh shit…First day, and the big guy already sees me as a slut…Great! She thought dully in her mind.

Alice couldn’t believe she could see a grin itching up on Valor’s lips. He burst out in laughter as he walked over to
Oliver head-locking him in his strong arms. “NOW THAT’S MY BOY!!!” he laughed out loud as Oliver strained a smile
with his brown ears bent down.

Allianna literally clawed at the mahogany wall, pissed that Alice wasn’t scolded or anything.


Alice couldn’t help but chuckle.

Well, what do you know? The father’s a player… she thought with a grin.

Claire just stood there in silence, her jaw dropped. “I can’t take this madness…” she said blankly wishing that she
could go home where all the sane people were, like Christopher and Christian.

“Now don’t forget the rules Oliver” Valor said eyeing him. “Never play rough with the ladies” he winked at his son
causing Oliver to blush.

Alice slapped herself in the forehead. This was getting ridiculous to her.

Who on Earth gives their son advice about WOMEN in front of WOMEN!?!

It was late and they allowed Alice to have her own room beside Allianna and Claire’s room. Alice was tired she had
enough of horny werewolves and older psycho sisters who PMS all day. She got into her bed and pulled the white
covers over her and shifted on her side hugging her pillow tightly. She opened her eyes for a moment looking up at
the full moon hanging out her window.

I wonder how Christian is doing? I miss him so much…

She thought snuggling in the covers even more.

I wonder…If we’re both staring at the moon together right now…

She thought looking up at the moon, she somewhat felt closer to Christian now with that thought. But a thought
could never substitute for a person you loved no matter how strong it was. It would never be good enough…


Christian was sitting on the window sill looking up at the moon. He felt different at that moment; he closed his
eyes feeling the gentle breeze blow against his face. He suddenly smelled a familiar rose scent… Christian frowned
and scratched the back of his head in frustration.

I know there’s something missing!! JUST WHAT IS IT!?!?

He thought angrily clutching his head, lately he’s been having this aching feeling in his heart that something was
wrong but he could never figure out what. Every second it felt as if he knew what is was at the tip of his tongue
but he just kept on forgetting.

“What’s missing…?” he asked himself looking around his room. He sat on the floor looking under the bed seeing
something familiar. He reached under the bed and saw some broken glass with some dry blood on it. He sniffed it
and it had a faint smell of roses.

The rose scent is here too…

He thought looking around and his room for something that seems different than before. He noticed a wooden
cabinet beside the door with only an empty picture frame. He felt that the cabinet’s surface was pretty empty and
remembered placing a vase there before.

He walked closer holding the empty picture frame and realized that his photo with his father was missing. He
looked down in his other hand seeing the glass shard that he retrieved earlier and guessed it must have been from
the vase. He clutched the shard in his hand.

There’s something being hidden from me…


The next morning Alice woke up feeling slightly stiff as if she couldn’t move. “Wh-What?” she said trying to pull
her arms above the covers. She turned her head to her left seeing a girl with long wavy red hair sleeping beside
her and it seemed her twin was sleeping on Alice’s left side, her twin had wavy red hair that was short and layered
around her neck.


She thought starting to struggle. She heard them murmur through the covers whining that it was still early to be
feisty. The twins tightened their grips around Alice moving closer.

Suddenly Oliver kicked the door open and instantly pulled the covers from above them. “RIKA! RINA!! WHY ARE
YOU SLEEPING IN MY FIANCE’S BED!?!” he roared at them.

Rina the older twin with long wavy hair and emerald eyes similar to Oliver’s was wearing a sleeveless draping black
lacy top with shorts that were so short they could already be mistaken for underwear with a small white bow in
the middle. Rika was the younger twin with short hair with a similar lingerie to her sister except with a more of a
white design. They were probably around fifteen to sixteen years old.

The twins both sat up rubbing their eyes innocently. “Oliver we’re tired…” Rina whined childishly, snatching the
covers back from Oliver and pulling it above to go back to sleep.

“You know it was a full moon last night…” Rika pouted, glaring at her sister who didn’t bother sharing the covers.
“Were exhausted…” she yawned.

“THAT’S NOT AN EXCUSE TO SLEEP WITH MY FIANCE!” Oliver pointed out, as if scolding elementary children. “Why
didn’t you sleep in your own room like the night before!?!”

Rina pushed away the covers and the twins exchanged grins. They both hugged each other in a loving yet seductive
way. “Because if we slept in our room alone…” Rina started looking at her twin from the corner of her eyes.

“Rina would’ve kept me up all night…” Rika finished with a smirk. These female werewolves obviously loved to
play with each other ;)

Rina gasped as if surprised from her twin sister’s remark. “Rika! You’re the one who always starts it” she

Rika rolled her eyes. “Yeah but you always want it…” she pointed out.

Alice was left in the middle of this dirty sibling discussion in silence. She for one was never used to sibling sexual


Alice thought to herself as her eye began twitching. Oliver slapped his forehead blushing in embarrassment seeing
that Alice was listening to their argument.

Rina and Rika both locked their arms in Alice’s and rested their heads on her shoulders. “Alice maybe tonight you
can play with us too~” they said seductively in unison.

Oliver snapped instantly. “SHE SURE AS HELL WON’T!!!!” he screamed at them grabbing Alice’s arm and pulling
Alice roughly out of bed and dragging her outside, slamming the door behind them and locking it so his sisters
wouldn’t follow. You could hear his sisters banging on the door and whining that Oliver shouldn’t be the only one
to be able to touch Alice.

There was a moment of silence as the walked down the hallway. Alice didn’t bother to speak for a while, glancing
at him from time to time. “Sorry…” he muttered finally, not daring to look at her. “My sisters…are pretty much
perverts when it comes to girls”

Alice couldn't help but burst out in laughter. She gripped her stomach that was beginning to ache from laughing as
she leaned against the wall for support. “Are you kidding? You guys are hilarious together!” she chuckled.

Oliver’s worried face, softened from relief. “Well, yeah it’s pretty crazy around here” he said smiling sheepishly.
“You wanna eat breakfast?” he asked her.

Alice nodded with a smile and followed him down the hall.


Alice was eating at a long table covered with different sizes of plates all piled with different kinds of salads. Alice
was about to barf just looking at all that green, she couldn't take a meal without MEAT!


Allianna coughed to the side. “Um…are you vegetarians?” she asked nervously.

Valor nodded with a smile. “Yes, we are” he answered simply. Stabbing his spork into a leafy green vegetable. “If
all we eat are veggies then we can control our hunger easier”
“And then during full moons we turn and have a hunting game” Rika stated at the other side of the table.

“During the hunting game is the only time we get to hunt animals for meat” Rina finished, sitting beside her sister.

Alice nodded in understanding. “Does everyone in your clan participate in this game?”

Rina and Rika exchanged glance then looked to their left at Oliver who stayed silent as he ate his breakfast.
“Nope, Oliver hasn’t participated in years” the twins said in unison finishing their breakfast.

There was an awkward silence after that, as if no one wanted to talk about the hunts any longer. Alice shrunk in
her chair not taking a bit from her salad.

I’d rather starve to death than eat this…

Alice glanced around the table and stopped at Oliver, he hasn’t said anything ever since they started speaking
about the hunts.

Just what bothers him so much…? Did I say something wrong…?


Alice was walking down the long hallways looking for her room. “Damn I knew I should have asked for directions…”
she growled at herself. Alice noticed a door at the end of the hallway that was left open wide enough for someone
to peak in. Alice peeked in as her ruby eye sparkled as she saw Oliver lying on his bed sleeping gently peacefully
with his brown wolf ears out. She slowly pushed the door open and kneeled beside his bed looking down at his
hand where he was holding a simple blue picture frame of him and another girl…

Alice gasped seeing that the girl looked exactly like Alice. “Alicia!?” she gasped recognizing the velvet ribbon tied
in her hair. Alice noticed that the same ribbon was tied in a bow a the side of the frame. She untied it and
examined it seeing some blood stains on it. She sniffed it gently recognizing that jasmine scent anywhere.

Oliver left fluffy brown ear twitched as he shifted positions. His eyes opened slowly spotting Alice beside his bed
holding the velvet ribbon. “Jenna…?” he murmured.

Alice’s eyes widened as she snapped her attention back to him. “Oh sorry Oliver to wake you” she smiled
sheepishly. “I’ll just leave…” she said turning around quickly. She let out a small squeak when she felt two strong
arms wrap around her waist pulling her back into the bed beside him. Alice blushed feeling Oliver’s warm breath
on the back of her neck. “Oliver…?”

“Jenna…You’re back…” he said as if relieved. His grip tightened around her body pulling her closer to his until they

“J-Jenna?” she repeated not understanding as she struggled out of his grip.

“Don’t leave me again…” he begged her. “Please I need you now…” he whispered into her ear and licked the back
of Alice’s neck sending shivers down her spine. “I love you”

Alice finally was able to pull away and fell off the bed. “Oliver stop it, I’m not Jenna!” she said backing away on
the floor. “Who is Jenna?” she asked him.

“Y-You…” he mumbled before falling off the bed on top of Alice.

Alice pushed him off her to the side. “Well that’s just maddeningly unhelpful…” she sighed, putting her hand on
top of his head and feeling that it was hot. “Yup you are sick” she sighed seeing that he had a fever.

Rina and Rika walked in and grinned at the side of Oliver beside Alice. “Oh my, are we interrupting something?”
Rina chuckled.

Alice rolled her eyes. “I think your brother has a fever” she said not wanting to be part of another dirty
Rika nodded. “Well he didn’t seem well this morning either…” she said pulling her brother up onto the bed and
feeling his fore head.

“Do you know who Jenna is?” Alice asked.

They both froze and looked up at her. “How’d you know about Jenna?” Rina asked.

“He mumbled it earlier…” Alice answered. “Was it a friend of his?”

Rika giggled slightly. “Jenna was more than just a friend to Oliver, she was his lover they were together ever since
they were young” she sighed.

“Yup, and they were planning on getting married before…” Rika’s words trailed off as she looked out the glass

“Before…? Before what?” Alice urged them.

“Before she died” Rika mumbled sadly massaging her brother’s temples.

“She died during a hunt, four years ago the same day Oliver was captured by that collector” Rina said driving a
hand through her red hair. “That’s why Oliver refuses to go to hunts; he blames himself for losing her that day…”

Alice felt kind of sad for him but if Jenna was really Alicia something must’ve come up. “How did she die?”

“The collector killed her with a silver bullet” Rina said, shaking her head.

Alice frowned. “Was she a werewolf? Have you ever seen her wolf form?” she asked knowing that it must be
impossible for a vampire to take on a wolf’s form.

Rika and Rina nodded. “Of course we have” they answered. “We even played tag sometimes”

Alice couldn’t understand.

So Jenna isn’t Alicia?

“Uh, I’ll take a walk…” Alice said knowing that she needed some time to herself so she could think. Alice walked
outside getting curious glances of other werewolves as she walked by, their gold eyes sparkling with the thought of
hunger shown in their faces. Alice quickened her pace and reached the end of the hallway throwing the door open
she met the hidden cave that she entered yesterday.

She could see that it was snowing gently outside, she walked towards the end of the cave her leather boots sinking
six inches into the snow. Alice looked up at the white sky thinking about her first white Christmas with Christian.
She touched her lips gently remembering their first kiss, those painful memories she wished she could forget even
if only for a week. “Stop hurting me…” she cried feeling that their situation was kind of unfair. “Christian, you got
to forget leaving me with your painful memories…Our memories together…” she mumbled to herself wiping the
tears away.

“My, my…” a voice whispered in the cool breeze.

Alice’s head shot up as she looked around attentively. “Who’s there!?!?” she growled as her ruby eyes scanned the

“You certainly have lost your edge…” the voice continued.

Alice’s eyes widened as they landed on a snow white wolf that was standing proudly in front of her. “Are you a
werewolf?” she asked the beautiful creature.

“Yes…And you’re a vampire am I correct? A Valoriette to be exact…” she replied as she gracefully circled Alice,
examining her every move.

“What’s it to you if I’m a vampire or not?” Alice spat back. “Who are you?”
The wolf sat down in the snow her gold eyes sparkling. “My name doesn’t matter for the time being…” she said
simply. “Is it true that you’re marrying Oliver Sterling?”

Alice’s hands balled into fists at her side after hearing that question. “Yes…Unfortunately I suffer ANOTHER
arranged marriage” she emphasized.

The wolf looked to the side sadly. “I see…” she mumbled. “Then let me warn you about one fact…” she said
looking Alice deep into the eyes. “Once a werewolf wants or loves something…It’s almost impossible for them to
let go…” she warned.

Alice frowned not understanding exactly what the young wolf was trying to warn her about. “Wh-?”

“Alice?” a voice called from behind her. Alice turned to see Oliver leaning again the cave wall for support; his
breaths were white clouds flowing in front of his face. “You shouldn’t be out here alone” he told her.

“Ah, kay’ just wait a sec I’m talking to-” Alice’s eyes widened when she turned back to see that the wolf was

W-Where did she go?

“T-Talking to who?” Oliver managed to say before collapsing onto the floor.

“Oliver?” she said walking to his side. She touched his forehead feeling that he was still burning with a fever. “You
still have a fever” she sighed. “You’re the one who shouldn’t be going out alone” she pointed out as she threw his
arm over her shoulder and wrapped her other arm around his waist to support him up.

“I-I had to see that you were okay…” he panted resting his head on hers. “I’m so relieved…” he said losing

Alice was caught off guard by his weight and he fell on top of her. “Uh! HEY! OLIVER!” she said shaking his


Christian sat in the sand at a beach not too far from the Manor. “Someone help me…” he said hugging his knees as
he gazed upon the sun that was setting on the horizon of the blue waters. “I don’t know what I’m looking for or
where to start…” he sighed. The crawling water wrapped around his ankles as it made its way up the beach and
pulled back into the blue ocean. Christian closed his eyes to search for a thought any thought…Anything that would
trigger a memory. He frowned when he saw an image of a girl in the corner of his mind, the face was a blur but he
knew for sure that he knew her.

Christian opened his eyes once again seeing a girl with long black hair sitting beside him. “Christian is there
something wrong?” she asked with a smile. “You’re always worrying about something…What happened to the
Christian who would try to wake me up every morning with a smile?” she sighed scratching the back of her head.

“Who are you? What are you to me? Have we met in the past?” he asked her anxiously desperately wanting to make
out what her face looked like but he couldn’t.

The girl frowned at him. “Oh come on don’t tell me you’ve forgotten about me” she growled at him. “Geez,
you’re such an idiot…” she sighed.

“Give me a hint or a clue anything that can help me find you” he pleaded.

She smirked. “Ruby eyes…” she whispered in his ear before fading.

“Ruby eyes?” he repeated to himself as he stood up. “Well that’s just maddeningly unhelpful…” he chuckled to
himself as he gazed off at the horizon. “Why don’t these things ever make sense?”


Oliver’s eyes slowly opened to see Alice sitting beside him, wiping a wet towel over his hot forehead. “Alice?” he
said breathlessly as he struggled to sit up.
Alice glared at him. “Just lay down!” she growled at him as she pushed down on his shoulders, forcing him to lay
down. “If you collapse again I’m not gonna carry you…” she pouted remembering how much trouble she went
through just to get him all the way into his room. “You werewolves are heavier than I thought…”

Oliver strained a smile. “Sorry about that…” he sighed rubbing his forehead.

Alice stayed silent for a few moments, thinking about the wolf she met earlier. “Oliver…” she mumbled. “Why did
you pick me out of all the vampires?” she asked. “Why do you want me to marry you?” she said searching his eyes
making sure he wouldn’t lie.

Oliver glanced at her then looked up at the ceiling. “Oh…” he muttered beneath his breath. “About that Alice…I-”

Suddenly the door burst open. “Alice!” Claire called the anxiousness shown in her face. She froze when she
spotted Oliver in the bed. “I-I need to talk to you outside…” she told Alice closing the door.

Alice looked back at Oliver. “Tell me later then” she smiled before getting up and going outside to talk to Claire.

Oliver watched closely as Alice closed the door. He glared at the door wondering what Claire wanted to say to

Just what are they up to…?

He thought to himself as he turned his head to look out the window.

Why I picked Alice…

He reached into his pocket taking out a small necklace with a carving of a wolf’s face on a black stone pendant.
“Jenna…” he said clutching the necklace tightly in his palm. “I’m sorry…But I can’t take the pain of you not being
here anymore…” he said closing his eyes tightly keeping back his rebellious tears. “If I can’t forget you…” he
growled looking at the pendent. “I’ll replace you…”


Christian stuffed his hands in his pockets. It was getting dark as he walked home back to Cross Manor. “Ruby
eyes…” he repeated to himself. “Who on Earth has ruby eyes…?” he wondered then an image of his mother, Claire
popped in his mind. He frowned remembering that he recently discovered that his mother was indeed a vampire.

Christian froze in his steps in realization…The person he was looking for…

Could she be a vampire?

He wondered looking up at the sky. “No way…” he said breathlessly. “Why…? Just who is that girl…?”

Suddenly Christian spotted a lady with long blonde wavy hair in the corner of his eye probably around the age of
27. He looked at her stunned from her remarkable beauty, her eyes were sky blue like his and she was tall and
slender. Her face held a young, kind complexion that gave her the innocent aura. “Hello, Christian…” she waved.

Christian looked around the street making sure she was the one he was talking to. “Do I know you…?” he asked
stepping closer.

She giggled twirling in her simple white dress. “I wouldn’t say know…But you have heard of me” she smiled
gently. “Do you know what you’re looking for now?” she asked him as she jumped up and landed silently on top of
a car. She sat down gracefully as she looked around making sure there were no people walking around.

“Yeah…” he answered slowly, looking at her suspiciously. “How’d you know I was looking for someone?”

“Nothing I just heard you talking to yourself…” she chuckled. “I just happen to know the girl you’re looking for…”
she grinned.

Christian’s eyes widened. “Can you tell me who she is!?” he asked her anxiously.
The lady shook her head as she stuck her tongue out at him childishly. “Nope, you have to find her yourself” she

Christian’s arms dropped in disappointment. “As usual…Mysterious people don’t give answers just more
questions…” he sighed continuing to walk home.

“Hey wait! Don’t you want to find her!?” the woman called after him.

“GO HOME! I’ve had enough games for today…” he growled. He jumped back in surprise when the woman appeared
around the corner of the next block. “WTF!?!?” he screamed in surprise.

“I’ll help you find her if you want” the woman pouted.

Christian’s eyes twitched as he looked back at her then back at the car where she was sitting earlier. “H-HOW’D

“Do you want me to help you or not!?!?!” she yelled at him angrily with her hands on her hips.

“Yes ma’am…” Christian whimpered not wanting to get hurt by the super human in front of him.

The woman grinned. “Good!” she said as she began to glow and float in the air. “The one you seek is not too far
from here; I’ll appear when you are close to her”

“W-Why are you floating!?!?” he asked stepping back. “What are you!?”

“The girl is right under your nose…You just have to find her first” she giggled poking him on the nose before
fading in a gentle white light.

Christian fell back, shaking as he stared at the sky. “Who was that…?”

What was it? A ghost? An angel?


Alice was being dragged far from Oliver’s room by Claire. “Claire, what’s wrong?” she asked her, starting to worry
from Claire’s horrified expression.

Claire stopped and looked around making sure no werewolves were around. “I’ve found your old companion…” she
whispered to Alice.

Alice frowned not understanding why they had to whisper. “What? Where’s Allianna?” she asked.

“Shortly after your sister left to attend a matter at the Valoriette manor I went to go look for some signs that
might show some bad effects on your future…” she whispered. “I found your old companion…”

Alice nodded. “Okay but I don’t have any friends in the Silverpeaks, this is werewolf territory for pete’s sake”

“Yes but I saw him lying in one of the rooms…” Claire protested. “I remember he accompanied Allianna to save

Alice’s eyes widened. “Is it Christian!!?” she yelled then covered her mouth.

Claire shook her head. “Unfortunately no, I believe his name was Gabriel” she stated.

Alice’s eyes were as large as saucers. She couldn’t believe it.


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