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Motor Yacht My Yacht

Policies Department: Administration, Deck

Control of Nautical Publications Version #: 2
Relates to:-
ISM - Part A 7
It is the policy of The Yacht to maintain an on board inventory of reqired natical pblications and
appropriately scaled charts for every intended voya!e" This policy is inclsive of di!ital prodcts
and any electronic aid to navi!ation"
An electronic inventory of all paper and electronic natical charts and pblications shall be
maintained onboard The Yacht" These charts and pblications shall be pdated and amended to the
latest correction available at the time of departre in accordance #ith the reco!ni$ed issin!
athority that pblished them" An electronic record of corrections shall be maintained onboard"
%lectronic charts and pblications shall be kept p to date" The most recent pdate disks, #here
available, shall be maintained onboard to serve as backp to the system" The di!ital Admiralty
prodcts, #hich are do#nloaded, shall be pdated as part of a passa!e plan so as to ensre the most
crrent information is available"
Admiralty paper charts shall be stored #ithin folios as identified #ithin the Admiralty chart
catalo!e" Paper charts pblished by other maritime athorities that are sitable to the crrent
crisin! schedle shall be stored #ithin separate folios"
The Yacht is reqired by its &la! 'tate to maintain its natical charts and pblications" The Yacht
continally strive to meet or e(ceed the minimm standards in re!ards to all applicable re!lations"
The safe navi!ation of The Yacht in accordance to local and international re!lations is, amon!st
other factors, lar!ely dependent on there bein! the most crrent and p to date navi!ational
information readily available for immediate se onboard by the )aptain and *rid!e +fficers" In
order to achieve this there is a need to ensre the relevant charts and pblications are maintained
,aintainin! a backp of di!ital information #ill help to ensre that in the incidence of a failre, the
relevant information can be qickly retrieved"
All paper and electronic navi!ational charts shall be considered relevant to this policy" Additionally,
natical - navi!ational pblications as reqired by the fla! state shall fall #ithin the scope of this
The &irst ,ate, nder the spervision of the )hief +fficer shall be responsible for the maintenance
of the onboard natical charts and pblications" The )hief +fficer shall ensre all navi!atin! officers
are familiar #ith the inventory mechanism and pdatin! procedre as adopted onboard The Yacht"
)orrections are sent from ,arine Press of )anada to the )h" +fficer.s and the )aptain.s email
accont as a file attachment" These files need to be saved into a desi!nated pdate folder on the
server #here it #ill atomatically be applied to Di!itrace the ne(t time the pro!ram is opened" These
corrections can only be saved and applied to the pro!ram once" If they are saved twice the program
will not run and the doubled up files will need to be removed before Digitrace works properly again.
The procedre is as follo#s/
0" +pen attachment in the email from ,arine Press of )anada
2" 'ave the attachment to the Di!itrace pdate folder by/
'electin! the save option
'elect ,y )ompter as location
'electin! di!itrace on server102company
'electin! Di!itrace folder
'electin! 3pdates folder
'avin! the file
4" +pen the Di!itrace pro!ram" 5e# files #ill decompress and atomatically apply themselves
6" 'elect the type of pblication yo #ant to see corrections for ie" *ritish Admiralty, 3'A
5+A etc
7" The corrections for that #eek #ill be sho#n
8" Print copies of the corrections
7" )orrect the appropriate chart, follo#in! the directions on the printot
9" :ecord on the chart that the correction details
;" 'i!n off the correction has been done in Di!itrace by checkin! the bo("
If yo have missed a #eek or #ant to !o back to check corrections from previos #eeks yo can select the
#eek and year and all corrections for that #eek #ill be displayed" If yo #ant to see all the corrections for a
particlar chart yo !o to the cmlative section and type in the chart nmber and a list #ill be !enerated" If
a ne# chart or pblication is prchased that may reqire corrections, it needs to be added to the inventory"
In order to do this an email #old be sent to lar!eyacht<ble#ater#eb"com advisin! of the addition and
reqestin! that the inventory is modified accordin!ly"

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