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RtI Introductory Script: Share With Referring Teacher at Start of Initial Meeting

Welcome to this initial Response to Intervention Big Team meeting. We are meeting with you today to
discuss concerns that you have about a student.
The purpose of this meeting is for us all to work together to come up with practical ideas to help this
student to be more successful in school. The assigned roles for the meeting are:
acilitator !
Teacher bringing student:
"ote Taker !
#ssigned RTI $embers:
%ou can e&pect this meeting to last about 35 minutes. By the time you leave' we should have a complete
student intervention plan put together to help address your concerns.
(ur team and you have a lot to do today and only limited time in which to do it. To help us to work
efficiently and not waste your time' we will follow a structured problem)solving model that goes through
several stages. Together' our team and you will:
#ssess your ma*or concerns about the student
+elp you to pick the one or two most important student concerns for us to work on today
,et specific student goals for improvement
-esign an intervention plan with strategies to help that student improve' and
-ecide how to share information about this plan with the student.s parent/s0
#s the student.s teacher' you are the most important participant in this meeting. 1lease let us know at any
time if you disagree with' or have 2uestions about' our suggestions. (ur meeting will not be a success
unless you feel that the intervention ideas that we offer will address the student.s difficulties and are
feasible for you to do.
(ur meeting notes will document the student.s referral concerns and the intervention plan that we come
up with. These notes may be shared with others who are not here today' including the child.s parent/s0.
+owever' we ask that everyone here keep the conversations that take place at this meeting confidential.
-o you have any 2uestions3
Step One : The teacher should review the Initial Teacher Team Intervention $eeting completed at the
Teacher)Team $eetings. This will summari4e the student.s strengths' teacher concerns' baseline data and
interventions already completed. /5 minutes0 ,ee Teacher #ssistance orm
Step Two: Review standardi4ed test data. /5 minutes0
Math - MAP tests from !"A
#all Score #all
!inter Score !inter
Sprin& Score Sprin&
Readin& MAP tests from !"A
#all Score #all
!inter Score !inter
Sprin& Score Sprin&
7ile 8
Aimswe' Readin& Tests
#all Score #all
Aimswe' Math Tests
#all Score #all
9ist any other data below. /:onsider Read "aturally' 1rogress $onitoring' Read Well' :lassroom -ata0
Step Three: #s a team' discuss future steps.
a. ,hould this student be referred for further special education testing and=or ,,T3 If yes' the
>atekeeper will contact the ,pecial <ducation :orrdinator to start the ,,T low :hart 1rocess.
#"- = (R
b. -esign an intervention plan. /@A)@5 minutes0
(oncern)s* + and,or -:
-escribe the intervention and any resources necessary for its implementation.
"ote: With treatment integrity in mind' 'e specific and pro.ide as much detail as possi'le.
When will the intervention start3 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Who will be responsible for carrying out this intervention plan3 ??????????????????????????????????
What /if any0 special instructional or behavioral program materials=resources or training is needed for this
intervention3 /1lease specify0:
-ata :ollection:
What data will be collected3
Who will $onitor3 ??????????????????????????????????????
re2uency of monitoring3 ?????????????????????????????????????
$ethod of measurement: check all that apply
????? #I$,web ! 1re lit. ????? #I$, R):B$ ???????? #ims $ath :omp
??? 9, ??? gr. 9vl. ???????? #ims $ath :#1
??? 9" ?????? (ther /specify0 ????????????????????????
??? 1,
??? "W
Teacher :heck)In
Who is the assigned RTI $ember that will check in with the teacher3 ????????????????????????????
What date and time will this member check in with the teacher about the intervention3 ??????????????
+ow acceptable is the intervention to the classroom teacher3
@ /low0 B 6 C 5 /high0
Step #our: ,hare $eeting with 1arents /B minutes0
Who will be responsible for sharing meeting information with the student.s parent/s03
When will this be shared3 ????????????????????????????????????????
Step #i.e: Review the Intervention 1lan /5 minutes0
#t the close of the meeting:
o The note)taker reviews the main points of the intervention D monitoring plans with the team.
o The team selects a meeting date and time for the follow)up RTI meeting:
"e&t meeting date D time: ????????????????????????????
Revised 6=@5=BA@B

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