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Digital Unit Plan Template

Unit Title: Natural Selection and Adaptation Name: Brit Brown

Content Area: Biological Evolution: Unity and Diversity
Grade Level: 9-!
CA Content Standard"#$%Common Core Standard"#$:
HS-LS4-4. Construct an explanation based on evidence or !o" natural selection leads to adaptation o populations.
[Clarification Statement: Emphasis is on using data to provide evidence for how specific biotic and abiotic
differences in ecosystems (such as ranges of seasonal temperature, long-term climate change, acidity, light,
geographic barriers, or evolution of other organisms) contribute to a change in gene freuency over time,
leading to adaptation of populations!"
HS-LS4-#. Evaluate t!e evidence supporting clai$s t!at c!anges in environ$ental conditions $ay result in: %&'
increases in t!e nu$ber o individuals o so$e species( %)' t!e e$ergence o ne" species over ti$e( and %*' t!e
extinction o ot!er species. [Clarification Statement: Emphasis is on determining cause and effect relationships for how
changes to the environment such as deforestation, fishing, application of fertili#ers, drought, flood, and the rate of change
of the environment affect distribution or disappearance of traits in species!"
Big &dea#:
w'at i# natural #election( w'at i# an adaptation( 'ow do individual adaptation# a))ect t'e w'ole population( do individual# adapt "i# it a deci#ion to c'ange($ 'ow would
a c'ange in climate condition# a))ect organi#m# in a #peci)ic *iome( predator-pre+ relation#'ip: 'ow doe# one a))ect t'e ot'er( 'ow are 'uman# a))ecting eco#+#tem#
"cau#ing c'ange# to t'e organi#m wit'in($ evolution, genot+pe#, p'enot+pe#, allele )re-uencie#, 'erita*ilit+, population de)inition
Unit Goal# and .*/ective#:
-'ave an under#tanding o) 'ow natural #election wor0#
-'ave an under#tanding o) w'at adaptation mean#
-*e a*le to e1plain evolution o) a population
-'ave t'e a*ilit+ to lin0 t'e t'ree a*ove concept# "adaptation# #elected )or%again#t, lead# to evolution$
Unit Summar+:
B+ t'e end o) t'i# unit, #tudent# #'ould 'ave a #olid under#tanding o) t'e proce## o) natural #election2 T'e+ #'ould under#tand t'e concept# t'at go along wit' it #uc' a#
trait variation, #elective pre##ure#, and adaptation#2 Student# #'ould *e a*le to connect all t'e concept# to e1plain 'ow t'e proce## wor0# a# a w'ole, and ma0e
prediction# )or )uture population# *a#ed on t'eoretical #cenario#2 Student# #'ould al#o 'ave a *a#ic under#tanding o) evolution and 'ow natural #election relate# to
evolution in population#2
A##e##ment Plan:
-Brainstor$+s$all groups: ,!at is natural
selection- ,!at are adaptations- Students "rite
ideas on board( class discussion about ideas
-Discussion .uestions: /s0ed beore introducing
ne" topics t!roug!out unit( students discuss in
s$all groups and s!are ideas "it! class.
-.ui1: in class 2ui1 to revie" Dar"in3s 4
4ostulates( go over ans"ers in class ater to
c!ec0 understanding.
-Ho$e"or0: Using 4epper 5ot! exa$ple(
explain !o"+"!y $ot!s c!anged over ti$e.
C!ec0 or student understanding o !o"
surrounding environ$ent places selective
pressures on organis$s.
-6nline Si$ulation 7 "or0s!eet: 8nteractive
si$ulation allo"s students to see !o" t!e
process o natural selection can lead to c!ange
over ti$e %evolution'( students can
c!ange+control actors and $a0e predictions.
-9las!cards: .ui1let las!cards "it! vocabs and
concepts designed by teac!er( 2ui1 included.
-:otes on student ,alls: ;eac!er c!ec0s on
progress o student pro<ect %,all on $a<or
concepts ro$ unit' $a0e sure students are
going in t!e rig!t direction and !ave good
understanding o concepts "it! accurate
-Unit Exa$: /ssess$ent o all $a<or concepts
covered in t!e unit( students s!ould be able to
ans"er $ultiple 2uestion types %$ultiple c!oice(
true+alse( essay'.
-,all: Use rubric to score+assess student
understanding o $a<or concepts.
-Unit Exa$: /ssess$ent o all $a<or concepts covered in t!e unit( students s!ould be able to ans"er $ultiple 2uestion types %$ultiple c!oice(
true+alse( essay'.
-,all 4oster: 4ro<ect t!at s!o"s students understand concepts presented in t!is unit by providing deinitions( explanations( connections( and
exa$ples o eac! idea in an online poster. %De$onstrates students3 ability to lin0 all t!e concepts ro$ t!e unit.'
Student Learning .*/ective:
'ave an under#tanding o) 'ow
natural #election wor0#
Accepta*le 3vidence:
-*e a*le to de)ine t'e term
natural #election
-*e a*le to give multiple real
li)e e1ample# o) in#tance# o)
natural #election
-0nowledge o) t'e mec'ani#m#
o) t'e proce##
&n#tructional Strategie#:
5 Communication
5 Pre#entation
Le##on Activitie#:
-Student di#cu##ion# o) lecture topic# in #mall group# *e)ore pre#enting to w'ole
cla## )or compari#on
-Guided note# wit' teac'er lecture%pre#entation
-7ideo clip# on topic wit' e1ample# o) proce##e# "al#o wit' guided note#$
-Pepper mot' a##ignment "'omewor0$ to #'ow under#tanding o) mec'ani#m,
*a#ed on lecture material and an+ ot'er online re#ource# #tudent# need
Le##on !
Student Learning .*/ective:
'ave an under#tanding o)
w'at adaptation mean#
Accepta*le 3vidence:
-*e a*le to de)ine adaptation
-*e a*le to give multiple
e1ample# o) adaptation#
-*e a*le to e1plain w'ere
adaptation# come )rom
&n#tructional Strategie#:
Le##on Activitie#:
-.nline #earc' "we*-ue#t$ to get a *etter under#tanding o) t'e topic# pre#ented
and 'ow t'e+ are connected
-8or0#'eet to )ill out a# #tudent# progre## t'roug' we*-ue#t
-.nline evolution activit+ wit' wor0#'eet "individual or in pair#$
Le##on 9
Student Learning .*/ective:
*e a*le to e1plain evolution o)
a population
Accepta*le 3vidence:
-*e a*le to de)ine population
-*e a*le to e1plain variation o)
trait# wit'in a population
-*e a*le to de)ine evolution
&n#tructional Strategie#:
Le##on Activitie#:
-Student# create a grap'ic organi6er to e1plain a real li)e e1ample o) t'e topic:
Grap'ic .rgani6er
Student# will u#e in)ormation )rom t'e re-uired te1t*oo0 reading and an+ ot'er
online #ource# to create a concept map o) anti*iotic re#i#tance in :+co*acterium
tu*erculo#i#2 Student# #'ould wor0 in group# to identi)+ t'e 0e+ point# in t'e ca#e
#tud+ and to give #upporting evidence )ound in out#ide #ource# "online #earc'e#$
a*out 'ow :2 tu*erculo#i# 'a# e1perienced #election t'at 'a# lead to t'e evolution
o) drug re#i#tance2 3ac' concept map mu#t include t'e )ollowing:
A *rie) de#cription o) t'e #+mptom# o) tu*erculo#i#
An image o) t'e *acteria
A de#cription o) 'ow t'e di#ea#e i# tran#mitted
A de#cription o) 'ow t'e di#ea#e i# treated
An e1planation o) w'+ treatment didn;t wor0 "in ca#e #tud+$
-an e1planation o) DNA%<NA i# 'elp)ul, *ut not re-uired"#'ould alread+
'ave *een covered in an earlier le##on$
-t'i# i# w'ere #election%evolution i# involved, #tudent# #'ould *e t'oroug'
Unit <e#ource#:
Freeman, Scott. Biological science. 4th ed. San Francisco: Pearson Benjamin Cummings, 2011. Print. Lesson 1 Presentation Lesson 2 Webquest Lesson 3 Graphic Organizer
U#e)ul 8e*#ite#:

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