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I hereby declare that this project is the outcome of my own original research work
undertaken and that all works consulted have been duly acknowledged.
I therefore hold myself responsible to defend any part, which may be brought up for
CANIA!"#$ NA%"& '''''''''''''''''''''''''
$I(NA!)*"& '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
A!"& ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
I certify that this project work has been supervised and assessed in accordance with
procedures and guidelines laid down by !akoradi +olytechnic and have recommended it
to the $chool of ,usiness for acceptance.
$)+"*-I$.*#$ NA%"& '''''''''''''''''''''''''
$I(NA!)*"& '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''..
A!"& ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''...
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NA%"& ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
$I(NA!)*"& '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''.
A!"& ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''.
I dedicate this project to my lovely parents, %r. and %rs. Asiedu for their advice and
efforts in supporting my education.
I am very grateful to the Almighty (od for the guidance, strength and protection given
me to carry out this work successfully.
I also e1press my gratitude to %r. 2ofi Abaidoo of the epartment of Accountancy, who
supervised this work with the necessary directions, help, suggestions and comments
needed in making this work successful.
I will not forget the management and staff of 34.)567 "nterprise especially %r. (ordon
%ensah for their respective contributions towards my data collection.
0inally, I also thank all my friends who assisted me in typing this work.

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