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Media Contacts:

Evan Northup
Assistant Director, Marketing
FIU College of Architecture + The Arts a!es
Mia!i "each Ur#an Studios Leadershi$ Ad%isor&
MIAMI ' (ul& )*+ ,-). / "ohn #tuart, A$A, Associate Dean %or &u'tura' and
&o((unit) Engage(ent and E*ecutive Director o% the +$, &o''ege o% Architecture
- .he Arts Mia(i /each ,r0an #tudios, is proud to announce the (e(0ers o% the
inaugura' 101215 Mia(i /each ,r0an #tudios 3eadership Advisor) /oard.
.he 13-(e(0er 0oard, consisting o% pro(inent 'eaders in the rea' estate, visua'
arts, design, architecture, fnance, 0usiness, and hospita'it) sectors, 4i'' assist
0oth #tuart and /rian #chriner, Dean o% the &o''ege o% Architecture - .he Arts
5&A6.A7, to use the po4er o% architecture and the arts to engage the 'oca' Mia(i
/each and g'o0a' co((unities to create, innovate, and inspire so'utions to socia',
econo(ic, and environ(enta' pro0'e(s.
Me(0ers o% &A6.A8s Mia(i /each ,r0an #tudios8 3eadership Advisor) /oard
inc'ude9 #tarr &atering :roup, Adelee Ca#rera; <resident o% &)(0a'
Deve'op(ent, Asi C&!#al; =night +oundation (e(0er, "en0a!in de la 1e2a;
>< o% +aena :roup8s &u'tura' and &o((unit) 6e'ations, 1a#lo de Ritis; <resident
o% &M& 6ea' Estate, 3anessa 4rout; Design Architecture #enior ?igh $nstructor,
Eric 5an6in; @4ner o% A=" Design &oncepts, Alfred 7arra!+ (r; Attorne) and
#hareho'der o% /erco4, 6ade'' A +ernandeB, Michael Lar6in; <rincipa' o%
@ppenhei( Architecture - Design, Chad O$$enhei!; Managing <rincipa' o%
Menin ?ospita'it), (ared 4al#ut; Managing Director o% 6okk3r 3a0s, 4er!an
Monto&a; Director o% /eeB'e) Manage(ent, Adriano Salucci; and <rincipa' o%
.ouBet #tudio, Carlos 1rio'Tou8et.
CDith the advisor) 0oard8s enthusiastic support, the Mia(i /each ,r0an #tudios
4i'' continue to open up ne4 opportunities to uti'iBe innovation and co((unit)
engage(ent in order to oEer our students a %u'' roster o% courses enriched 0)
Mia(i /each8s uniFue artistic, historica', and cu'tura' resources, as 4e'' as 0) the
e*tensive net4ork o% noted pro%essiona's, artists and per%or(ers 4ho serve as
visiting critics and (entors,G said Dean #chriner.

.he ,r0an #tudios oEers undergraduate and graduate students a uniFue
opportunit) to stud) in one o% the (ost vi0rant, inventive ur0an centers in the
4or'd, 4hi'e gaining va'ua0'e pro%essiona' e*perience through 4orking 4ith
innovative pu0'ic, private, and non-proft arts organiBations throughout the cit).
3ocated in the iconic Art Deco 10 3inco'n 6oad 0ui'ding, the ,r0an #tudios
provides e*pansive ga''er), e*hi0ition and c'assroo( spaces %or use 0) a'' +$,
students and interested co((unit) groups. .he 'ocation is an idea' center %or the
stud) in arts, design and per%or(ance, %or (useu( and ga''er) visits, and %or
e*posure to the 4ea'th o% art organiBations 'ocated in Mia(i /each.
About FIU :
Florida International University is recognized as a Carnegie engaged university.
Its colleges and schools ofer more than 180 bachelors, masters and doctoral
rograms in !elds such as engineering, international relations, architecture, la"
and medicine. #s one o$ %outh Floridas anchor institutions, FIU is &orlds #head
in its local and global engagement, !nding solutions to the most challenging
roblems o$ our time. FIU emhasizes research as a ma'or comonent o$ its
mission. FIU has a"arded (00,000 degrees and enrolls more than )0,000
students in t"o camuses and three centers including FIU *o"nto"n on +ric,ell
and the -iami +each Urban %tudios. FIU is a member o$ Con$erence U%# and has
.00 student/athletes articiating in 18 sorts. For more in$ormation about FIU,
visit htt011""".!u.edu1.
About the Miami Beach Urban Studios:
2he -iami +each Urban %tudios ofer undergraduate and graduate students a
uni3ue oortunity to study in one o$ the most vibrant, artistic urban centers in
the "orld, "hile gaining valuable ro$essional e4erience "or,ing "ith innovative
ublic, rivate, and non/ro!t arts organizations throughout the city.
2he vision o$ the Urban %tudios is to build uon the vision o$ the College o$
#rchitecture 5 2he #rts by utilizing the innovation, community engagement, and
e4ertise aforded by its $acilities and location to be at the $ore$ront o$ teaching,
research, and service in art, design, er$ormance, and communication.

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