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Question Choice A
How many native threads are possible in SWT? 1
It runs on any
platform that
SWT is platform-independent? support Java
You have to design a layout where the component are to be placed in
rows and columns, having varied spaces between them? BorderLayout
Java Foundation classes conatin the follwing awt, swing,2d
which method is applicable for swing text field focuslost
How Shell make itself visible ();
Which is not an abstract class in swt
what is the root of the widget class shell
How you set the size of the shell 100);
which is not a basic widget
DefaultDesktopManager class implements concrete methods of
DesktopManager TRUE
Swing and Jtable are two dimensional
Does SWT supports Java Bean? Yes

Which is the top level class in SWT? Widget

How to resize a Window in SWT open
Which one is composit widgets List
How SWT interact with native operating systems Comand
We can add element in AWT-List by add,remove methos.Swing Jlist
does not support add, remove.Which of the following interface is used to
achieve this? List
Question on Diff types of Layout?Which layout is used when
Which one is not a part of SWT Component? Color Dialog
To get response from GUI swing use eventListener?What is used for
SWT? AWTListener

Choice B Choice C Choice D

2 3 4

It depends on It platform
native library independent None of the above

SpringLayout GridBagLayout FlowLayout

awt, jndi, jts
valuechanged action item

three dimensional
None of the
Shell Display Above.
pack modify close
Table Tree Combo
Factory Façade

ListModel Model None of the Above

Font Dialog JDialog Message Box

SelectionListener EventListener None of the Above


Question Choice A
HeuristicMixedException, HeuristicCommitException and
JTS interface is defined in JTA

Java Transaction
Full form of JTS Service

JTS is a low level interface

Which interface provide ability to control transaction buondaries Java.transaction.U

progamitically? serTransaction

How do you achieve transaction in your code? Application Server

How a user transaction become persistent? load

Which interface JTS uses to achieve interoperatibility and portability? CORBA_OTS

IIOP(Internet inter
Which protocol is used to generate and propagate transaction context ORB protocol)

Which one is best mechanism for database connections Mechanism

Choice B Choice C Choice D


high level interface middle level interface

javax.transaction. er.UserTransactio
UserTransaction n None of the Above
Manager Both a & b None of the Above

store commit close

JTA Manager None of the Above


Transaction Object-Relational
Manager Mapping None of the Above

Java Transaction Service (JTS) specifies the implementation of a

transaction manager that supports the Java Transaction API (JTA)
specification at the high level and implements the Java mapping of
the OMG Object Transaction Service (OTS) specification at the low
level. JTS uses the standard CORBA ORB/TS interfaces and
Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP) for transaction context
propagation between JTS transaction managers.

The CORBA developer, must use the transactional APIs provided--

usually a mapping of a subset of the OMG Object Transaction
Service (OTS) API, such as the Java Transaction Service (JTS)
that is supplied with Oracle8i JServer. The CORBA developer must
code calls to a transaction service to enable transactional
properties for distributed objects, where this is required.

The TransactionManager interface defines the methods that allow

an application server to manage transaction boundaries.
TransactionManger-> getTransaction()

Persistence: A property of a programming language where created

objects and variables continue to exist and retain their values
between runs of the program.

IIOP: IIOP (Internet Inter-ORB Protocol) is a protocol that makes it

possible for distributed programs written in different programming
languages to communicate over the Internet.

Object Relational Mapping examples hibernate, iBatis

What is data wiring in Spring?

Interface between JSF and Spring?

Automatic Detection of JMX Mbeans?

How to configure a datasource in spring

How many autowire modes available in Spring

What is Aspect?
Which interface is used to pluggin the Web module
Question on Joint Point

Choice A Choice B Choice C

Resolver DelegateResolver leResolver

<bean id="MyDataSource"
ce" destroy-method="close">
<property name="driverClassName">
</property> <property name="url">
</property> <property name="username">
<value>lyo</value> </property>
<property name="password">
</property> <property
<value>true</value> </property> </bean>
6 constructor, autodetect) 4

An aspect is a common feature that's typically

scattered across methods, classes, object hierarchies,
or even entire object models. It is behavior that looks
and smells like it should have structure, but you can't
find a way to express this structure in code with
traditional object-oriented techniques.
WebAplicationContext Aplication Context WebContext
Choice D


Question Choice A

Transaction Mangament, ORM and Connection Management is a part of Lite architecture

Is it possible to use sql dialect in Hibernate xml by using SQLQuery
interface TRUE
Which join allows associations or collections of values to be initialized
along with their parent objects, using a single select

mapping between
a java class and a
Hibernate does what? table
Which one is autometically generated by Hibernate? Primary key
How to differentiate <> used in query or XML in hibernate.xml CDATA

Choice B Choice C Choice D

Full cream
architectute MVC Both a md b


inner Left outer Right outer

mapping betweena
action from and mapping between
table a XML and table None
Foreign Key Candidate Key A & B both

Question Choice A
State Chart
What UML diagram represents the different stages in Object life cycle? Diagram
State Chart
What UML diagram represents the interactions between the objects? Diagram

What UML diagram represents the instances of class? Class diagram

What UML diagram represents the structure of the system, specially
before coding? Class diagram
Questions on (UML Diagrams) Sequence diagram definintion
Class definition
Overloading is which type of relationship? Aggregation
A object may change if the state of another object is changed but the
reverse is not possible.What relationship is that? Dependency

Question on differentiating between static diagram and dynamic diagram

Difference between collaboration diagram and Sequence Diagram

Choice B Choice C Choice D

Component Collaboration Sequence
Duagram diagram Diagram
Component Collaboration Sequence
Duagram diagram Diagram

Collaboration Sequence
Object diagram diagram Diagram
Collaboration Component State Chart
diagram diagram Diagram

Association classification None

Composition Aggregation Association


Question Choice A
What type of object is not available in JSP? Session

In JSP property="*" means? taking all beans?

RPC limitation?
How to find IP address of a client? eAddr
To provide user
different pages
Why sendRedirect is necessary? seprately
Is it possible to overwrute the destroy method?

Choice B Choice C Choice D

HttpSession out request

ServletContext.get response.getRem
RemoteAddr oteAddr

To None of the above


Question Choice A
Expression Language can be used in JSF? TRUE
How to specify include tag in JSF? <h:include>
How to specify achor tag in JSF? >
xml file name used in JSF faces-config.xml
Questions on feedback reader and backing bean
Extension on JSF .jsp
To show a outpot string which tag is used h:DisplaText

Choice B Choice C Choice D


.jsf .faces .xml

h:outputText h:DisplayData h:outputData

Question Choice A
In iBatis sql statement use which descriptor?
how many framework Ibatis support 2

buildDAOManeger() is a method of which class? DAOManager

Which one is true about maxTransaction Default valus is 64

Which dataSource factory is not been provided in iBATTIS
Question on Parameter Class
Question on Cache

Choice B Choice C Choice D

DAO DAOBuilder der

Maximum number
of threads that
can enter
SqlMapClient.start Max no of
Transaction() at a connection in
time. SQLMAPClient option 4

SimpleDataSource JndiDataSourceFa SqlMapDataSour

Factory ctory ceFactory

Question Choice A
Can Multiple thread be created in AJAX pooling? TRUE
In AJAX Various IO pipelines. From cookies to IFrames, to pub/sub
functionality dojo.Stream
Question on AJAX submission Throttling

Which patern guess what the user is going to do? Predictive Fetch
How to convert an XML to a java object and the reverse? JAXP
JavaScript + DOM
DHTM consist of? + CSS
Java Script is hard
What of AJAX? to main tain
How programmable layout in webpage is achieved? Iframe

Choice B Choice C Choice D

FALSE Ajax Apps are single-threaded. Browsers don't allow scripts to mult dojo.Math

Throttling Periodic Refresh None of the above
JavaScript + DOM JavaScript + CSS
+ XML + XML None

Browsers don't allow scripts to multithread, and nor does Javascript have any built-in support for it. does no

Question Choice A
Remote object can be created from which of the following>? Interface
What is the function of rmi registry ?
Multi cast delivery is supported in remote reference layer or not TRUE
Client connect first to rmi registry

Callbacking in RMI is done by ect
stub can only access the methods which are defined in Remote. TRUE

What is the server side proxi? Stub

What one is used in server side to call a method? Stub

In RMI Registration of object is done by? Registry

What one is used in server side to call a method? Stub


Choice B Choice C Choice D


rmi service
s) both a & b None

List Skeleton None of the above

Skeliton Reference Layer None
Remote Reference
Stub Skeleton Layer
Skeliton Reference Layer None

Question Choice A

To keep unrelated
action into a related
What is the role of dispatchAction? model
Later version of ActionError? No version
What is the return parameter in ExceptionHandler.execute() method ActionForward
which of the following is the tld used in struts struts.tld
<%@........%> tag is called when in jsp? Compile time

<%@ taglib
How to used taglib in struts?" %>

Choice B Choice C Choice D

To keep related To keep unrelated To keep related

action into a action into a action into a
unrelated model unrelated model unrelated model
it is there as it is ActionMessage DynaErrors
void Action
Translation time Run-Time None

<%@ taglib <% taglib <% taglib

prefix="sql" prefix="sql" prefix="sql"
uri="http://java.sun. uri="http://java.sun uri="http://java.sun
com/jstl/sql" %/> .com/jstl/sql" %/> .com/jstl/sql" %>

Question Choice A
Which one is invalid clause in EJB? Select

Finder method is present in which bean? Entity

Writing New
Role of Application Assembler? components
Which of the following is asynchronous entity bean
EJB present in Web Container TRUE
Entity Bean suppotrs only CMP TRUE
Entyty Bean should have Persistence
Argument and
What is different create and ejbCreate in EJB? Return Type
ActionError is used in Struts1.1. In Struts 1.2 this method has been
depricated.What is introduced to overcome this? AcionMessage
How to prevent duplicate page submission in Struts?(interface name)
Which saves data temporalily before saving to the database Action Servlet

Intialize the Servlet

What load-on-strutup does in web.xml? at load time

Choice B Choice C Choice D

When Where From

Session MDB None of the above

Deployment and
writing new
Session bean MDB's
Serialization Argument,Return
Type and method
Only Return Type All are same name

DynaError Nothin introdiced Taken care in XMl

Action Message Action Form Action Mapping


Question Choice A
A pettern that is pluggable, can be attached without affecting the rest
system, can be authorized and authenticated Business Delegate
What belong to Structured pattern Façade
Proxy Pattern
Design Pattern uses
Prototype pattern examples Serializtion
Which of the following is not a composite entity pattern Transfer object assembler
Question on DAO Pattern
Which of the following is not a creational pattern singleton pattern
which of the following is not a "GOF pattern" front controller
Questin on Builder Pattern?
Whicn pattern is used to build an object which take only the specification
Question on Structural pattern
Overloading is? Encapsulation
lock and attach a
Seamaphore does what? count to obj
Mejor classification in Design Pattern? al,Behavioral

Choice B Choice C Choice D

Intercepting Filter Transfer Object Façade pattern

Adaptor Both None

er object assembler

factory pattern builder pattern Adapter pattern

creational structural behavioural

Ploymorphism Inheritance None

Creational,Observe Observer,Proxy,B
r,Behavioral ehavioral None

Question Choice A
Which of the following is Transaction Control statement : grant
What is a real life database object ?
The driver which converts jdbc calls to network protocol type 1
DDL Statements Create, alter, drop
Which one is equi join? Eslf
<> means what? greter than

Choice B Choice C Choice D

revoke commit rollback

type 2 type 3 type 4

Left outer Right outer None

Equal Less than Not equal

Question Choice A
It is a lock with
What is the function of Semaphore? attached counter
Function of Barrier
Function of CountDownlatch
How to avoid thread interference and memory inconsistency Synchronization
What CountDownLatch does?
Which method is used to sinchronize a method? sinchronizer

Choice B Choice C Choice D

sinchronized sinchronize lock


Question Choice A
JAXM package is ing

Which provides the mapping between the Java object and XML files JAXM
What exception is thrown if an already bounded object is again tried to AlreadyBoundedEx
get bounded? ception
SOAP header is optional? TRUE

Which is an application server Web Server

which xml parser is available in Weblogic 6.1 Apache xerces 1.3.0 parser
JSSE stands for Java Secured Socket Extension
JAXM is used for XML Messaging
In Cactus Servlet implicit objects are request, response, session, config
POJO Plain Old Java Object
RIA have features and functionality of traditional desktop applic
Following is not an application Server Weblogic
In RAD CSS designer provides a Source pane and Preview pane
tags for tiles is <put ..>
In which of the following object log method is available ServletContext
xml file name used in JSF faces-config.xml
which of the following is an IBM App Server Weblogic
RIA is named by Macromedia
Collection of objects in an Object Aggregation
Pattern is a template or model TRUE
stub can only access the methods which are defined in Remote. TRUE
Questions on Heuristic exceptions
Declarative and programmatic approaches are used in EJB's
Finds or creates a tree components for the selected view. Some components
like HtmlCommandButton
view will generate action ev
Synchronous call application performance and rendering high, low
Service activator Use a Service Activator to receive asynchronous clie
In J2EE multi tier architecture what is the first layer web tier
To the client cluster doesn't appear
Objects are called in java call by value
Store is a Class
End User Support Material is the artifact of Inception
Software Architecture Document is the artifact of Inception
Folder is a Class
which method converts a java object to a JMS message

Jruby supports what? internationalization
What is optional in SOAP declaration? header
Is it possible to achieve overloading by changing order of argument TRUE

Choice B Choice C Choice D

java.xml.message e

JAXP JAXB None of the above

BoundException ServletException None of the above

EJB Server Server None of the above
lxml parser Sax parser pxml parser
Java Source Socket Java
Socket Source Extension

requests, response, ServletContext, pagecontext

ld Java Object
no refresh is needed.both a & b
Websphere tomcat Jboss
View Pane Design Pane
<putList..> both a & b

Association Composition

Update Model Values

low,low low, high high high
Service Activator to receive asynchronous client requests and messages. On receiving a message, the Service Activator locates and invoke
client tier Bussiness tier
appears as single Weblogic server instance
call by reference
Object Interface Abstract Class
Elaboration Construction Transition
Elaboration Construction Transition
Object Interface Abstract Class

body envelop None.

ervice Activator locates and invokes the necessary business methods on the business service components to fulfill the request asynchronou
ll the request asynchronously.

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