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Case 4: Mrs.

Browns dry mouth

Body in Health:
- Anatomy of the salivary glands
- Composition of saliva and histology of saliva
- Causes of oral cancer
- Percentage of people that have oral cancer

Body in disease:
- What is a dry mouth
- Causes of dry mouth
- Symptoms of dry mouth
- Link of dry mouth to caries/dentures
- Significance of lump; upper jaw?
- Causes of lump

Procedures and treatments:
- Fluoride (ppm)
- Why was she sure that she needed a filling
- Procedure of fillings
- General information on fillings
- Detection of lump
- Significance of age and how this effects check ups
- Types of dentures
- Materials used for dentures
- Situations where dentures would be required
- Procedure of radiotherapy
- Side effects of radiotherapy
- Effects of radiotherapy on the oral cavity

Community and professional concerns:
- Referral to the dental hospital
- Role of the dental hospital

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