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osluve 8ehavloral
lnLervenuons and SupporLs
uouy eLers
8lS LxpecLauons
*8e Safe
*8e 8especuul
*8e 8esponslble
8e Safe
Ponor personal space
uo Lhe rlghL Lhlng
*keep hands and feeL Lo yourself
*keep hallways and sLalrwells
clear for passage
*8eporL unsafe behavlor
*1ake responslblllLy for
malnLalnlng a safe envlronmenL
8e 8especuul
use school approprlaLe language
use good manners
Wear school approprlaLe cloLhlng
Speak posluvely and pollLely
8e conslderaLe ln Lhe way you show
lollow Lhe school dress code
8especL personal properLy
8e 8esponslble
Auend school
aruclpaLe ln your educauon
8e a posluve role model
Arrlve on ume
8e prepared
lollow Lhe rules and remlnd oLhers Lo
follow Lhe rules
8e LrusLworLhy and Lake ownershlp for
your acuons
keep Lhe campus lluer free
8ecenLly, because of an lssue our
rlnclpal addressed Lhe sLudenL body:
lrom 8Su 10 pollcy enuLled ParassmenL and Sexual ParassmenL of
SLudenLs." ln parL, Lhe pollcy says, ParassmenL lncludes, buL ls
noL llmlLed Lo, verbal abuse, slurs, demeanlng commenLs or
behavlor, or oLher unwelcome verbal, wrluen or physlcal conducL
dlrecLed Loward a sLudenL or sLudenLs based on race, color, sex,
sexual orlenLauon, rellglon, ancesLry or nauonal orlgln, or
1he reason behlnd Lhls pollcy ls slmple - everyone should feel safe
aL school," he explalned. lf you dlsagree wlLh Lhe pollcy, your
rlghLs end when you vlolaLe someone else's rlghLs."
8lS has been eecuve ln esLabllshlng
proLocols for:
Ceneral 8ehavlor
Lunch llne uecorum
AudlLorlum LxpecLauons
Cyberbullylng ls a presslng lssue LhaL needs Lo be addressed ln our school.
8-8S ls a bullylng program wlLhln 8lS. lL noL only LargeLs bully behavlors
buL also lncreases approprlaLe vlcum and bysLander responses.
ugh, 8., & Chluyo, M. (2012). 1he roblem of 8ullylng ln Schools and Lhe romlse of
osluve 8ehavlour SupporLs. !"#$%&' )* +,-,&$./ 0% 12,.3&' 45#.&6"%&' 7,,5-, 89
(2), 47-33.
1o do llsL:
*LsLabllsh expecLauons and lndlcaLors for approprlaLe
soclal neLworklng
*8ecome famlllar wlLh Lhe 8-8S componenL of 8lS
*LnllsL Lhe help and dlrecuon of Lhe Clvll 8lghLs 1eam
*SeL up an anonymous web-based 1lp Llne
Accordlng Lo Cowle, P., & CollleLy, . (2010), a whole-school approach ls
crlucal ln changlng amLudes and behavlors concernlng cyberbullylng.
MvPS Clvll 8lghLs 1eam
eople on Lhe bus" SklL
roposal: LsLabllsh a 1lp Llne
*Cowle, P., & CollleLy, . (2010). Cyberbullylng: Sancuons
or SensluvlLy?. :&-;"$&' <&$, 0% 45#.&6"%, 9=(4),
*ugh, 8., & Chluyo, M. (2012). 1he roblem of 8ullylng
ln Schools and Lhe romlse of osluve 8ehavlour
SupporLs. !"#$%&' )* +,-,&$./ 0% 12,.3&' 45#.&6"%&'
7,,5-, 89(2), 47-33.
* hup://

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