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A Critique of Penile Self-mutilation Preceded by Bizarre Delusions:
Two Case Reports
Two cases of penile self-mutilation due to schizophrenia were reported.
The first patient arrived at the emergency room with edematous and cyanotic
penis because the patient placed many rings on his penis. The second patient,
on the other hand, complained of scrotal pain and bleeding after cutting his
penis, specifically the dorsal vein. Both behaviors were preceded by a psychotic
breakout. Appropriate care and management were done such as immediate
repairing and reconstructing, followed by a psychiatric evaluation. These cases
were considered urologic and psychiatric problems.
This case report was presented briefly and direct to the point. First
defining self-mutilation and describing the act was a proper introduction. Because
of the isolated cases regarding penile self-mutilation, no review of related
literature was provided. The history of the present illness and management were
described in shortly including only the pertinent information. Discussion about
self-mutilation in the context of psychiatric problem was fully discussed. The
incidence of self-mutilation and the related behaviors were cited. The disease
condition was also described in detail from the anatomical and
pathophysiological basis. Possible medical and psychiatric treatment was
included. Readers were also informed of the obtained consent to publish the
report the writers competing interests.
This case report is worth publishing because it is rarely discussed and
presented due its low incidence.

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