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You can play in teams, design one for a friend, then solve your friends. Or you can get a parent to
hide all the clues for you.
First pick the clues or riddles you like best.
The first clue will be given to you, the answer will lead you to the spot the next clue is hidden,
and you can hide as many as you want
!ake sure to end the hunt with a pri"e
#e careful not to mix up the order the clues are hidden or you will have a very confusing hunt.
$ave fun
The %iddles& '(nswers next page)
*. +crape the scraps off all the plates, this machine cleans them all ,ust great.
-. %hymes with coaster and makes a breakfast food.
.. /t0s like seeing a picture of myself, but only backwards.
1. The day has been busy, / feel half dead, / am so grateful for my 2222.
3. The more / dry, the wetter / become.
4. / don0t go out and play, / ,ust stay home all day, /0m nice 5 you might agree, but mostly your feet ,ust
rub me.
6. +tiff is my spine and my body is pale, but /0m always ready to tell a tale.
7. / have a neck, but no head, but / still wear a cap.
8. +ome take me in the morning, others take me in the evening, but one thing you should know 5 that
when /0m 0taken0, / don0t really go anywhere.
*9. !y words number :uite many 'like pen, pent, and penny); my title you will discover, is explained
under my cover.
**. Fluttering, flying and flitting so free, from flower to flower is where you0ll find me.
*-. (lthough / may have eyes, / can0t see. (t one time there was a dearth of me in /reland and people
went hungry.
*.. <hat0s black and white and read all over=
*1. /f you were 0able0, you0d add a 0T0.
*3. >ook for a rainbow in a box.
*4. ?eys open my door, but mine only make a sound.
*6. /0m an insect, and the first half of my name reveals another insect; also some famous group of
musicians had a similar name.
*7. / may be black, and may be white, or any color in between. /0m small and made of plastic, not round
but very light; when /0m moved up and down, /0m used to create sound.
*8. / get bigger when / eat, but die weaker when / drink.
-9. <hat invention lets you look right through a wall=
-*. @eople climb me, cut me and burn me, they show me no respect !y rings are not of gold, but they
do tell my age.
--. <hat is higher without the head, than with it=
-.. / grow shorter, as / grow older.
-1. / have a face that doesn0t frown, / have hands that do not wave, / have no mouth, ,ust a familiar
sound, / don0t walk 5 but / move around.
The (nswers&
*. Aishwasher -. Toaster .. !irror 1. #ed 3. Towel 4. Aoormat 6. #ook 7. #ottle
8. +hower *9. Aictionary **. #utterfly *-. @otato *.. Bewspaper *1. Table
*3. CrayonsD!arkers #ox *4. @iano *6. #eetle *7. Euitar @ick *8. Fire 'fireplace)
-9. <indow -*. Tree --. @illow -.. Candle -1. Clock

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