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Current Grade: Any Cs or
All Bs and As
"# $%
I believe I can do well in this class.
| | | | | | | |
| |
1 2 3 4 ! "
# $ 1%
&ont believe
'tron(ly Believe
or below ! or above
I can still i)*rove in the +ollowin( areas ,circle any that
a. .o)ewor/
b. Attendance
c. 0a/e1u* wor/
d. 'tudyin( +or tests
e. Behavior
+. other: 222222222222222222222222222222222
3 or )ore
1 or 2 areas
E0"r& ad
How often do you do the following never, rarely, often,
1. I *ut +orth )y best e3ort in )y classes. 222222222
2. I see/ hel* with )y schoolwor/ when needed. 22222222
3. I+ )y schoolwor/ is di4cult5 I /ee* tryin(. 22222222222
Any 67arely8 or
All 6:+ten8 and
Which of the following improvement goal plans can you make to better help your progress?
Give an example of how you will accomplish this improvement goal: (check any that apply
!etter "tudy Habits # $xample: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
&aintaining 'ocus in (lass $xample: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
)se my *lanner &ore $+ectively# $xample: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
!etter (lass ,ttendance and &ake )p Work $xample: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
!etter Work $thic $xample:%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-urn &y Work .egularly and on -ime $xample:%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
/o weekly planner checks $xample:%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
)tili0e tutoring and or &,,* $xample:%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Weekly (ontract $xample:%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
1 have included a work sample2
1 am most proud of this work because:
Utilizing Data from the Student Portfolio (Body of Evidence)
Attached above is the Viing !eadiness !ubric" #his is used t$ice a year $ith students" %or t$o full days&
students $or in their classroom to identify 'ositive $or and in some cases $or that could have been
done better" #hey evaluate their $or& discuss it $ith their instructor and fill out the attached sheet" #his
sheet& and their evidence of $or is filed in an evidence folder that follo$s them throughout their four
years at (orth )igh School" #eachers from lie sub*ects are encouraged to $or $ith their students across
grade levels to revie$ old goals& and analyze gro$th in that sub*ect"
+hy the Student Portfolio,
According to -ang& )" . Evans& D" (/001) 2Portfolios 'rovide good information about students3 strengths
and $eanesses" #hey can reduce testing trauma& encourage coo'eration& increase motivation and free
students to ris and be creative"4 5n the case of (orth )igh School& using this ty'e of data is a much more
'ositive means for students to embrace their learning"
(orth )igh School is a federally designated turnaround school $here 678 of the students are students of
color and more than 608 9ualify for the %ederal %ree and !educed -unch Program" :urrently& based on
state based assessments only ;08 of students are 'roficient in math& //8 are 'roficient in science and
$riting& and ;<8 in reading" =f the 6>7 students at (orth& using data to determine the students $ho are
'roficient is easy ? 5 can 'robably name the /0@70 students by name" #his means that all of our students
need continual assessment and $e need to loo at data across the board to drive student achievement"
Using the student 'ortfolioAbody of evidence& allo$s students to focus on $here they are eBcelling& set
goals for themselves& and for instructors to have a 9uic sna'shot of the student3s abilities" #his ty'e of
assessment $hile not 2data driven4 in the sense one has a tangible number& it does allo$ for analysis&
discussion and student o$nershi' of their learning"
)o$ to use the Student Portfolio,
Student Portfolios are used bet$een the teacher and the student& and then again $ith students at Student
-ed Parent :onference" Utilizing the rubric& students 'resent to their teacher and 'arent their $or
'roduct" Crades are revie$s" Strengths and $eanesses are discussed& and goals are set bet$een the
student and teacher& and 'arent" A teacher $ho utilized the body of evidence correctly $ill revie$ students
readiness rubric& and those $ho are under'erforming $ill have a follo$ u' meeting bet$een 'arent and
student to discuss $here im'rovements still need to be made" #his is used as a some$hat 2contract4
bet$een teacher& 'arent and student"
At the school $ide level& all students and 'arents are re9uired to chec@in before the conferences" Each
teacher records $ith $hom they met" Additionally& subse9uent 'arent conferences are monitored" At the
end of the semester& grade level teams revie$ re'orts of students3 grades before Student -ed :onferences&
after Student -ed :onferences& and com'are those" #hey also revie$ students $hose 'arents did not
attend Student -ed :onferences and if there $as any negative im'act"
#his information& again is very sub*ective& but allo$s the instructors to delve into the student themselves
versus the student on 'a'er based on a test score"
According to :ha''uis& D"& Stiggins& !"& :ha''uis& S"& . Arter& D" (/0;/)& there are 7 Eeys to Fuality
Assessment" )o$ does the body of evidence stac u',
EEG ;H :lear Pur'ose
+ho $ill use the information,
o Students& teachers and 'arents& as $ell as grade level teacher teams
)o$ $ill they use it,
o Coal setting and accountability
+hat information& in $hat detail& is re9uired,
o Sam'les of student $or& lists of missing assignments and tests& current grade& attendance&
and #:AP assessment 'rintouts
EEG /H :lear #argets
Are learning targets clear to teachers,
o Ges" #eachers are hel'ing students set their learning targets"
+hat inds of achievement are to be assessed,
o Students taing o$nershi' of the learning& and being accountable for their goals
Are these learning targets the focus of instruction,
o !eminding students that high instruction& and high 'erformance are the mantra of (orth
)igh School
EEG >H Sound Design
Do assessment methods match learning targets,
o )onestly& any student im'rovement is a learning target" 5n math& they are using a mastery
grading system& so students do not move for$ard to another unit before mastery of the
'revious E-C (or I08)" Because students are the main assessor of their $or& anytime they
can be accountable for not meeting learning goals& is meeting the learning target"
Does the sam'le re'resent learning a''ro'riately,
o #his is a critical 'iece for the teacher to hel' guide the student to 'ic the 'iece that best
su''orts that they are learning" +hether it is a 2do no$&4 a 7@'aragra'h essay& or a high
grade on an end of unit assessment& sho$ing that the student is ca'able of learning& and
reminding the student they are ca'able of learning is the critical 'iece of the is assessment"
Does the assessment control for bias,
o #his assessment is designed for all levels of learners" 5EP students& E-A students& students
$ith s'ecial needs& etc" 5t is based on $here the student is no$ in their learning 'rocess&
and $here they $ant to be in their learning 'rocess" Joving from a : to a B is a goalK
turning in all missing assignment is a goalK etc" #here is a little bias from the students
sometimes as they $ill 'ic their most 'rized 'iece of $or and try to brag about it"
)o$ever& the 'roof is in the 'udding ? their grade and areas of $eaness are also included
in the assessment"
EEG LH Effective :ommunication
:an assessment results be used to guide instruction,
o #his assessment also re9uires teachers to revie$ $or on a student and class by class basis"
Also& because of the in 'erson discussions $ith students and teachers& teachers can better
understand $here they may be $ea in their instruction 'rocess" %or eBam'le& if none of
the students choose an ;;@sentence 'aragra'h as their best $or& is that a sign the instructor
is not teaching this techni9ue 'ro'erly and need to better guide that instruction,
Do formative assessments function as effective feedbac,
o %or the body of evidence& the $or 'roducts are mostly formative" :ounselors revie$
#:AP resultsA'roficiency levels $ith students& but the B=Es are used to measure ho$
students learn not necessarily $hat they no$" +hen revie$ing B=Es across a students3
entire class trac& there is usually a 'attern to the 'ieces of $or in $hich they choose to
dis'lay to 'arents"
o 5n this case the students are usually giving themselves their o$n feedbac& $ith some hel'
from the instructor and 'arent" Cenerally& $e are each our o$n $orst critic"
5s achievement traced by learning target and re'orted by standard,
o 5n this case& no" #his is meant to serve as an overall sna'shot of the student3s a''roach to
learning versus their com'rehension of an E-C"
Do grades communicate achievement accurately,
o #his is the 'oint of the Body of Evidence $or ? to remind students that grades are not the
end all be all& but 'utting your best foot for$ard& and embracing your studies is $hat
matters" By focusing on $hat students are doing $ell& meaning that is $here they are
a''lying their best learning sills& ho'efully students $ill continue on that trac and
eBercise those learning sills"
EEG 7H Student 5nvolvement
Do assessment 'ractices meet students3 information needs,
o Ges" #his is entirely student driven"
Are learning targets clear to students,
o Part of this 'rocess re9uires the teacher to $or one on one $ith the student" 5t is designed
for students to be able to eB'ress that they do not understand the learning targets or $hat
they are su''osed to be learning" Additionally& because the students B=Es are evaluated by
grade level teams& often a theme emerges $here some instructors are not giving clear
learning instructions to students through 'eer revie$"
+ill the assessment yield information that students can use to self@assess and set goals,
o Ges" 5t is entirely based on the student to self@assess and set goals"
Are students tracing and communicating their evolving learning,
o Ges" Provided that teachers and counselors are revie$ing the B=Es and do not *ust revie$
them $ith students t$ice 'er year before student led conferences" Students are very
forgetful creatures and need to be nurtured every day" A coach does not set a goal $ith a
'layer and then at the end of the season& say 2hey& you met your goal"4 (o& the coach
$ors $ith that 'layer every 'ractice session on that goal& as $ell as the goals of the team"
Same in the classroom"
:ha''uis& D"& Stiggins& !"& :ha''uis& S"& Arter& D"& (/0;/) Classroom Assessment for Student Learning&
Boston& JAH Pearson
-ang& E"& . Evans& D"& (/001) Models, Strategies and Methods for Effective Teaching& Boston& JAH

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