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Copyright London English Online 2014

Weekly English Quiz - Time 21/07/2014

Exercise 1. Read the dialogue and fill in the gaps. It could be a dependant preposition,
particle, phrasal verb, auxiliary verb or idiom.

A. So, did you get to that meeting 1. __________ time? You were running really late!
B. I got there in the 2. ___________ of time, just as they were about to start.
A. That's good. Did you managed to sort everything out?
B. No actually, we ran 3. _________ of time and didn't cover everything.
A. What's the latest news on the big project? Are we going to meet the deadline?
B. We'll finish the project just in the 4. _________ of time!
A. That sounds about right!
B. I know, time after 5. _______ we just make the deadline. I'd like to finish early, for once!
A. Once the project's finished, have you got any plans?
B. I thought I might take some time 6.________ and book a holiday or something.
Exercise 2. Match the vocabulary to its definition
Answers on next page. For daily quizzes and to join in the debate, follow us on
7. on time
a) to have no time left, to not have
enough time to finish what needs to
be finished
8. in the nick of time
b) to arrive or do something at the
right moment. Any later, and it
would be too late
9. to run out of time
c) to arrange free time. Time when you
are not working
10. time after time
d) arrive at the correct time
11. to take time off
e) again and again

Copyright London English Online 2014
Exercise 1.
1. on
2. nick
3. out
4. nick
5. time
6. off

Exercise 2.
7. d
8. b
9. a
10. e
11. c

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