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The Board of Legal Advisors is comprised of a group of senior lawyers who serve as a key sounding board for
Legal Momentums programs and activities. Members also are important ambassadors for Legal Momentum.

Founded in 1970 as NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund, Legal Momentum is the nation's oldest legal
advocacy organization dedicated to advancing the rights of women and girls. Legal Momentum occupies a
unique position as a multi-issue organization dedicated solely to womens rights. We are a national leader in
developing and implementing litigation, advocacy, and public education strategies to open and expand
opportunities for women, and to ensure that all women can build safe and economically secure lives for
themselves and their families.

Members of the Board of Legal Advisors are invited to special events throughout the year. The events will be
held at different times of the day to accommodate our members' busy schedules. The events will vary in
content - some will be social, some will include distinguished guests, and others will provide briefings and
active discussions about issues facing women in todays society and the work of Legal Momentum. Each
event will offer an opportunity to network with other professional women.

As a member of the Board of Legal Advisors, you will receive acknowledgement of your membership and
generosity in select Legal Momentum publications. In addition, you will be able to recommend senior women
you know and admire for membership in the Board of Legal Advisors.

Perhaps the best reason to be part of the Board of Legal Advisors is the importance of the work we will do
together. Legal Momentum's current work focuses on increasing women's pathways into quality employment;
protecting the workplace rights of women; expanding the rights and services for victims of gender-based
violence; and strengthening the safety net for vulnerable women and their children. As a member of the
Board of Legal Advisors, you can help Legal Momentum meet these challenges and ensure that your voice is

Membership in the Board of Legal Advisors involves a total annual gift to Legal Momentum of
$1,000. Many members have established higher giving levels of $2,500. We are grateful to all
our BLA members generosity.
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I would like more information. Please contact me.

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