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Last Fiiuay (August 1) I saiu that I woulu focus on speaking to Kwikwetlem
membeis following iecent meuia coveiage about my iole as Chief anu economic
uevelopment officei.

Since then, I have been spenuing time meeting with membeis anu on the phone. 0f
the 82 membeis of Kwikwetlem Fiist Nation, S7 aie voting membeis. I have spoken
to oi tiieu to speak to eveiyone.

Buiing those conveisations, foui membeis askeu foi me to iesign. I offeieu to
oiganize a community meeting foi oui nation. Five membeis askeu foi a meeting
aheau of a community meeting we alieauy have planneu foi the beginning of
0ctobei. Nost people uiu not want a meeting, but I am happy to speak to those
membeis inuiviuually.

I am pleaseu to have suppoit of majoiity of membeiship, anu some people wanteu
an oppoitunity to go on iecoiu with theii thoughts. We have iecoiueu these anu will
uploau them to a YouTube channel heie
(}YfPTkNafsCXv6g) thioughout
the uay touay.

As Chief I am paiu $4,8uu pei yeai. As economic uevelopment officei I am paiu
$8u,uuu pei yeai. The bonus stiuctuie that was pieviously in place was iemoveu on
Apiil 1.

In my iole as Chief, I am one of the lowest paiu Chiefs in the countiy. I was askeu to
take on the iole of economic uevelopment officei anu took it because I know the
impoitance of these oppoitunities foi oui nation. I uiu not expect oui nation to be as
successful as it was, anu it means that Kwikwetlem Fiist Nation is in a bettei
position than it has evei been befoie. As a iesult we have impioveu things like oui
housing, oui youth anu Eluei suppoit, oui health piogiams. Now moie people than
evei aie moving back.

We know that as Kwikwetlem's economic uevelopment oppoitunities continue, it is
impoitant to sepaiate the business fiom the politics anu uay-to-uay iunning of oui

To uo this, we aie appioaching the enu of a piocess of setting up a sepaiate
economic uevelopment company. This will have an inuepenuent boaiu of uiiectois.

We will continue to impiove oui goveinance anu pioceuuies, this uiscussion will be
an impoitant pait of oui banu meeting at the beginning of 0ctobei.

I know that some membeis may still have questions. You can contact the banu office
on 6u4 S4u u68u anu I will speak to you oi aiiange a time to speak.

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Please senu any meuia enquiiies to oi call 6u4.S64.7226.

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