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UHB1412: Paraphrasing For Restricted Circulation Only

Paraphrasing is a form of note taking. When you paraphrase you are actually using other
words and sentences than the ones used in the original sentence. In other words, you
restate the ideas of a text in your own words. Since you use your own words, the number
of paraphrase versions in a text is actually not limited. Even though a paraphrase is not a
wordforword duplication of the original, it carries the same idea. !his means the
number of words used in a paraphrase version can be in about the same number of words
used as in the original passage. !o avoid changing the author"s meaning and
misrepresenting the ideas in the original text, it is important to read, understand and
rephrase the text carefully.
!here are two ways to paraphrase#
$. %y substituting a word& phrase
'. %y changing the structure of the sentence
Example 1
$. %y substituting a word
(riginal sentence
)ashim was given a salary increase of *+ ',,, more than he anticipated.
Paraphrased version#
)ashim was given a salary increase of *+ ',,, more than he expected.
!he underlined word is replaced by expected.
Example 2
'. %y substituting a phrase
(riginal sentence
!he girl"s blurred vision hindered her from recogni-ing the robber.
Paraphrased version#
!he girl"s poor eyesight hindered her from recogni-ing the robber.
Explanation# !he phrase blurred vision is replaced by poor eyesight.
.'/ !he girl failed to recogni-e the robber because of her blurred vision.
%y the end of this unit, you should be able to follow steps to paraphrasing.
UHB1412: Paraphrasing For Restricted Circulation Only
P*01!I1E $
*eplace the underlined word or phrase with a different word.
$. 0 more affluent lifestyle results in more people not taking care of their health and
this leads to more people putting on weight.
0 more wealthy lifestyle results in more people not taking care of their health and
this leads to more people putting on weight.
2. !he group of researchers has expressed concern over the alarming effects of
Severe 0cute *espiratory Syndrome .S0*S/ on human health.

!he group of researchers has expressed concern over the dangerous effects of
Severe 0cute *espiratory Syndrome .S0*S/ on human health.
3. !he impact of the earth4uake in Indonesia has triggered earth movement in some
of its neighboring countries.
!he impact of the earth4uake in Indonesia has cause earth movement in some
of its neighboring countries.

5. 6umaran was placed in a solitary confinement after he was diagnosed with

6umaran was placed in a solitary confinement after he was infected with

7. !he group of tourists en8oyed the diverse culture of the different races during their
vacation in +alaysia.

!he group of tourists en8oyed the various cultures of the different races during
their vacation in +alaysia.

Example 3
2. %y changing the structure of the sentence

(riginal sentence
!he repairman fixed the air conditioner.
Paraphrased version#
The air conditioner was fixed by the repairman.
!he structure of the sentence is changed is from active to passive.
UHB1412: Paraphrasing For Restricted Circulation Only
P*01!I1E '
*ewrite the sentence by replacing the underlined word or phrase.
$. !he young lady is determined to regain full use of her legs although doctors told
her that she might be paralysed.
!he young lady is determined to ability to heal her legs although doctors told her
that she might be paralysed.
'. 9atural disasters may be due to :od"s will or could be caused by human action
resulting from unsystematic development and total disregard of the environment.
9atural disaster may be caused by :od;s will or can be caused by mankind
behavior upon from improper construction and ignoring of the nature.
2. !he email provides an easier alternative than the more conventional postal
service as people, locally and abroad, can send messages to each other within a
matter of seconds.

!he email ensure a more orderly than the postal service for the less effective as
the people across the country can send messages to one another in rapid time.

3. (ne of the components in the +alaysian 9ational Service Programmme aims at
training our teenagers to be able to go through difficulties and hard times with
strong spirit.
(ne of the components in the +alaysian 9ational Service Programmme aims at
training our teenagers to be feeling the pain and tough times with a good sheer
will and dedication.
5. !he result of the experiment indicates that the new machine is not very efficient
in its operation and is expensive in terms of cost.

!he result of the experiment indicates that the new machine is not very efficient
in its operation and is less worthwhile in terms of cost.
7. !he small nation is facing a dire problem as most of the people in the country are
without work.
!he small nation is experiencing internal problems because most people in this
country without 8obs.
UHB1412: Paraphrasing For Restricted Circulation Only
P*01!I1E 2
*ewrite the sentence by changing the structure.
$. !he +inistry of )ealth hired several foreign doctors since the country needs more
doctors to cater to the growing number of patients everyday.

!o cater the growing number of patients everyday, the +inistry of )ealth hired
several foreign doctors since the country needs more doctors

'. !he citi-ens of a multicultural society need to practise harmonious intercultural
relations skills in order to appreciate the differences and similarities among
In order to appreciate the differences and similarities among cultures, the citi-ens
of a multicultural society need to practice harmonious intercultural relations

2. !he government provides better health care benefits to people in the country who
cannot afford expensive private hospital facilities.

People in the country who cannot afford expensive private hospital facilities the
government provides better health care benefits.

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