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Week 2 journal

So far I think my internship experience will cover various administrative tasks. This week I
met with my site supervisor and discussed COSAs budet and expenditures. I felt privilee to
attend the budet meetin. !resent and participatin in the meetin was COSAs "irector# two
"eputy "irectors# the Administrative Assistant# the $iscal "irector# the !lanner# and I.
The experience was new for me. I never had a clue about the amount of money that is divided
within the unit and subtracted out to COSA sponsored aencies. The budet committee discussed
budets for contracts# what prorams will need their budets amended# and the reserve fund. The
committee has to decide what to do with any extra money that was not used. The committee
decides if they can move money that not used to another proram# based on the fundin source.
If the money is from a rant# and desinated for a specific pro%ect# then that money must be used
for the specific pro%ect.
This week I also participated in the centenarian luncheon. I assisted in reistered the
centenarians# alon with their uest# and escortin them to their tables. The event is a %oyous
event. !amphlets are dispersed that tells a brief synopsis of the centenarians. The pamphlets also
have interestin facts from the year &'' years ao.
A traedy did occur at this event my site supervisor was devastated# since she plans this event
yearly. An honoree died while eatin. The cause of death was not known. (owever no
paramedics or nurses were onsite. )y director asks if I could implement a plan to have an *)T
on site for next years event.
Overall I had a reat internship this week. I look forwarded to learnin different
administrative task next week.

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