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AJ Lubecker

1S24 West Baiiy Avenue, Chicago, IL 6u6S7 * 224-848-2S11 *

!"#$%&'( '* +(,-: Communication anu Neuia Cuiient
.%/"0& 1234%(-3,5 - Chicago, IL
S.6S uPA
Ninoi in Tv Piouuction
637$ 8#$''& .39&':" 2u12
.02;%% <('=2 637$ 8#$''& - Caipenteisville, IL
Nembei of National Bonois Society
}ouinalism anu photojouinalism woik foi high school newspapei
Nembei of viueo Piouuction Club
Woik Bistoiy
/(';0#%( '* <$3#"7' <'&&%7% <&"-- <&'=2- u12u1S to Cuiient
>$% /&"57('02; >$%",%( - Chicago, IL
I founueu a stanu up comeuy show calleu, "Chicago College Class Clowns". I am in chaige of
booking musicians anu comeuians foi the show. I also iun the lights anu sounu foi the show as
well as peifoim in it eveiy week.
8,"2; 19 <':%;3"2 u82uu9 to Cuiient
I've peifoim iegulaily at the Laugh Factoiy anu have peifoimeu all ovei Chicago; Zanies, 0P
Comeuy Club, Baiiy Caiay's, to name a few. I've also peifoimeu in Ninnesota as well as Toionto,
@";3' .%/"0& A <$3#"7'B CD u62u14 to Cuiient
I have a comeuy talk show calleu Come anu uet It. It is also available on iTunes.
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!%((5E' A Ailington Beights, IL
I helpeu in vaiious aieas foi BeiiyYo. I woikeu as a cashiei, as a piomotei at vaiious events anu
helpeu with builuingcleaning the machines.
>$% D"07$ F"#,'(5 A <$3#"7' u62u14 to Cuiient
I helpeu in all aspects of the Laugh Factoiy's business. I woikeu with sales, maiketing,
piouuction, as well as hospitality.
G'#"&' HI!JKL A <$3#"7' u62u14 to Cuiient
I am a Piouuction Intein, I uo the auuio euiting foi The Noining ANp's poucast posts. I also
wiote segments anu went on the aii as a guest.
-Euiting skills fiom high school -Woikeu in commeicials anu
newspapei inuustiials foi CSX, Seconu City,
-Peifoiming stanu up comeuy National Safety Council, NcBonalus.
-Bigital viueo piouuction piocess -Inteinet-maiketing skills fiom
expeiience fiom woiking with the iunning Chicago College Class Clowns'
high school viueo yeaibook. Facebook, Twittei, anu YouTube.

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