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PRE-SA-1 (2015)

General Instructions:
a) All questions are compulsory.
b) The question paper comprises of two sections, A and B. You are to attempt both the sections.
c) Questions 1 to 3 in section A are one mar questions. These are to be answered in one word or in one
d) Questions ! to " in section A are two mars questions. These are to be answered in about 3# words
e) Questions $ to 1% in section A are three mars questions. These are to be answered in about &# words
f) Questions 1' to (! in section A are fi)e mars questions. These are to be answered in about $# words
*) Questions (& to ($ in section B are ( mars questions and Questions (% to 3" are multiple choice
questions based on practical sills. +ach question of multiple choice questions is a one mar question.
You are to select one most appropriate response out of the four pro)ided to you.
Section A
1. ,efine +lectrolysis.
(. -hat is breathin*.
3. A wire of resistance 1#- is bent in the form of a closed circle. -hat is the effecti)e resistance between the two
points at the ends of any diameter of the circle.
!. A calcium compound which is a yellowish white powder is used as a disinfectant and also in te/tile industry.
0ame the compound. -hich *as is released when this compound is left e/posed to air.
&. 0ame the o)arian hormones and *i)e the function of any one of them.
". -hat is the difference between direct and alternatin* currents. -rite one important ad)anta*e of usin*
alternatin* current.
$. Balance the ionic equation1
%. -rite one equation each for decomposition reactions where ener*y is supplied in the form of heat, li*ht or
'. 2i) ,ifferentiate between 3stron*4 and 3wea4 electrolyte.
2ii) 5elect the stron* electrolytes from amon*st the followin*1
6olten 0a7l, *lacial 7837998, stron* 08!98 solution, dil. 87l
1#. :i)e reasons1
2a) :ermanium is called a metalloid.
2b) ;irconium is nown as a strate*ic metal.
2c) 0itro*en in used to preser)e food.
11. 2a) -hat are strate*ic metals. :i)e one e/ample also.
2b) 5tate the reason for the followin* beha)iour of ;inc metal1
9n placin* a piece of ;inc metal in a solution of mercuric chloride, it acquires a shinin* sil)ery surface but when
it is placed in a solution of ma*nesium sulphate no chan*e is obser)ed.
1(. -hat is the function of epi*lottis in man. ,raw a labelled dia*ram showin* the human respiratory system.
13. ,raw a dia*ram of the front )iew of human heart and label any si/ parts includin* at least two, that are
concerned with arterial blood supply to the heart muscles.
1!. ,raw the dia*ram of a neuron.
6athematics Test<5imilar Trian*les Page 1
1&. =n a household & tube li*hts of !# - each are used for & hours and an electric press of &## - for ! hours
e)ery day. 7alculate the total electrical ener*y consumed by the tube li*hts and press in a month of 3# days.
1". Aslam is a welder by profession who was worin* at 6ohan4s house. After main* a 3railin*4 by usin* electric
weldin* with naed eyes, Aslam was usin* a *rinder on it to smoothen the weldin* >oints. ?ust them some
particles fell into Aslam4s eye. 8e started cryin* with pain. 6ohan hired an auto and too him to an eye hospital,
doctor used a de)ice connected to two electric wires to remo)e the particles form Aslam4s eye. Aslam ased
6ohan what had fallen into his eye and what de)ice was used by the doctor to remo)e that particle from the eye.
Bein* a science student of class @, 6ohan e/plained e)erythin* to Aslam and ased him to be careful in future.
Aead the abo)e passa*e and answer the followin* questions1
2a) -hat could be the particle fell into Aslam4s eye.
2b)-hat de)ice was used by the doctor to remo)e the particle and how it wored.
2c) -hat )alues are shown by 6ohan durin* this episode.
BCalue Based QuestionD
1$. +/plain the difference between nuclear fission and nuclear fusion reaction with e/amples. :i)e reason why
the ener*y due to fusion is not bein* used to meet our day to day ener*y needs.
1%. -ith the help of a labelled dia*ram, describe the worin* of a solar water heater.
1'. -ith the help of an acti)ity, e/plain that hydro*en and o/y*en are released when electric current is passed
throu*h water.
2a) 7rystal of copper sulphate are heated in a test tube for some time1
2i) -hat is the colour of copper sulphate crystals before heatin* and after heatin*.
2ii)-hat is the source of liquid droplets seen on the inner upper side of the test tube durin* the heatin*
2b) A metal 3@4 when dipped in aqueous solution of aluminium sulphate no reaction is obser)ed whereas when it
is dipped in an aqueous solution of ferrous sulphate, the pale *reen solution turns colourless. =dentify the metal
3@4 with reason.
(#. 2i) ,efine the term alloy and amal*am. 0ame the alloy used for weldin* electric wires to*ether. -hat are its
2ii) 0ame the constituents of the followin* alloys1
2a) Brass 2b) 5tainless steel 2c) BronEe
5tate one property in each of these alloys, which is different from its main constituents.
-hat method of concentration of ore is preferred in each of the followin* cases and why.
2i) The ore has hi*her density particles interspersed with a lar*e bul of low density impurities.
2ii) The ore consists of copper sulphide intermi/ed with clay particles.
2iii) :i)e an e/ample of amal*am.
(1. 2i) 0ame the blood )essel that brin*s o/y*enated blood to human heart.
2ii) -hich chamber of human heart recei)es o/y*enated blood.
2iii) +/plain how o/y*enated blood from this chamber is sent to all parts of the body.
2i) 0ame the blood )essel that brin*s deo/y*enated blood to human heart.
2ii) -hich chamber of human heart recei)es deo/y*enated blood.
2iii) +/plain how deo/y*enated blood from this chamber is sent to lun*s for o/y*enation.
((. 2a) 0ame an instrument that measures electric current in a circuit. ,efine the unit of electric current.
2b) -hat do the followin* symbols represent in a circuit dia*ram.
2c) An electric circuit consistin* of a #.& m lon* 0ichrome wire @Y, an ammeter, a )oltmeter,
four cells of 1.& C each and a plu* ey was set up.
2i) ,raw the electric circuit dia*ram to study the relation between the potential difference maintained between the
points @ and Y and the electric current flowin* throu*h @Y.
2ii) Followin* *raph was plotted between C and = )alues usin* abo)e circuit1
6athematics Test<5imilar Trian*les Page 2
-hat would be the )alues of CG= ratios when the potential difference is #.% C, 1.( C and 1." C respecti)ely. -hat
conclusion do you draw from these )alues.
+/plain the followin*1
2i) -hy is the tun*sten used almost e/clusi)ely for filament of an electric lamp.
2ii) -hy are the elements of electric heatin* de)ices, such as bread<toaster and electric irons,
made of an alloy rather than a pure metal.
2iii) -hy is the series arran*ement of appliances not used for domestic circuits.
2i)) 8ow does the resistance of a wire )ary with its area of cross<section.
2)) -hy are copper and aluminium wires usually employed for electric ener*y transmission.
(3. -hat is electroma*netic induction. :i)e two methods of inducin* electric current in a coil.
+/plain each method with the help of dia*ram.
,raw a labelled dia*ram of domestic circuit. -hat is the importance of earthin* in a circuit.
(!. 5tate the principle on which an electroma*net wors. ,escribe an acti)ity to mae an
electroma*net. :i)e two uses of electroma*net.
,escribe an acti)ity to draw ma*netic lines of force around a current carryin* 2a) strai*ht conductor, 2b) circular
Section B
(&. -hich of the followin* *as turn limewater mily.
2a) 79( 2b) 59(
2c) Both 79( and 59( 2d) 0either 79( nor 59(
-rite chemical reactions in)ol)ed.
(". A student wanted to decolourise a leaf. =n which sol)ent, he should boil the leaf. ?ustify your
($. The current flowin* throu*h a resistor connected in an electrical circuit and the potential
difference de)eloped across its ends is shown in fi*ure. 7alculate the )alue of resistance of the
resistor in ohms.
(%. :i)en below are the obser)ations reported by four students =, ==, === and =C for the chan*es obser)ed with
dilute 87l or dilute 0a98 and different materials.
6athematics Test<5imilar Trian*les Page 3
The incorrectly reported obser)ation is1
2a) = 2b) == 2c) === 2d) =C
('. ,il. 8(59! cannot be used in preparation of 59( because1
2a) =t is not a *ood o/idiEin* a*ent.
2b) =t is a *ood reducin* a*ent.
2c) =t is bleachin* a*ent.
2d) =t is dehydratin* a*ent.
3#. A student ased to demonstrate the followin* two properties of sulphur dio/ide *as1
=. =t is hea)ier than air and
==. =t is hi*hly soluble in water.
-hich two of the followin* four arran*ements would the student use to demonstrate these
2a) = and == 2b) == and === 2c) = and === 2d) == and =C
31. 6edulla 9blon*ata is ori*inated from1
2a) 6esoderm 2b) +ctoderm 2c) +ndoderm 2d) +ctomesoderm
3(. The innermost layer of the human eye is1
2a) sciera 2b) cornea 2c) retina 2d) lens
33. =n the e/periment on studyin* the dependence of current 2=) on potential difference 2C), four student set up
their circuits as shown below1
The best set up is that of1
2a) student = 2b) student == 2c) student === 2d) student =C
3!. The followin* circuit dia*ram shows the e/perimental set<up for the study of dependence of
current on potential difference. -hich two circuit components are connected in series1
2a) Battery and Coltmeter 2b) Ammeter and Coltmeter
2c) Ammeter and Aheostat 2d) Aesistor and Coltmeter
3&. For a current in a lon* strai*ht solenoid 0 and 5<poles are created at the two ends. Amon* the followin*
statements, the incorrect statement is1
2a) The field lines inside the solenoid are in the form of strai*ht lines which indicate that the ma*netic
field is the same at all the points inside the solenoid.
2b) The stron* ma*netic field produced inside the solenoid can be used to ma*netiEe a piece of ma*netic
material lie soft iron, when placed inside the coil.
2c) The pattern of ma*netic field associated with the solenoid is different from the pattern of the ma*netic
field around a bar ma*net.
2d) The 0 and 5<poles e/chan*e position when the direction of current throu*h the solenoid is re)ersed.
3". -hich is the ultimate source of ener*y.
2a) -ater 2b) 5un 2c) Hranium 2d) Fossil fuels
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