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CN I Patient can distinguish the orange scent but not to cofee on both

CN II Visual acuity: 20/20 vision at both eyes
Color Vision: Patient was able to identify diferent colors (red, blue,
Visual ields: !ntact
Visual "hreat: !ntact# Patient was able to blin$ after sti%ulus was
undosco&y: red orange re'e( at both eyes with nor%al blood
vessels and no he%orrhages) *&tic disc not identi+ed)
!ntact e(traocular %otor %ove%ent# s%ooth &ursuit and saccadic
eye %ove%ents observed) Patient was able to follow light source
through the , cardinal directions of ga-e) .o lid lag)
P/0012, &u&ils are 3%% constricts to 4 %%) 5irect and consensual
light re'e( intact bilaterally)
CN V 6ensory: Patient res&onded to light touch on the face and was able to
locali-e the sensation)
7otor: !ntact %uscles of %astication)
Corneal blin$ re'e(: intact)
CN VII 6ensory: Patient was able to distinguish sweet taste but confused the
salty taste fro% sour taste
7otor: "he &atient has sy%%etric facial e(&ressions, was able to
close the eyelids, wrin$le the forehead, gri%ace, s%ile, frown, &uf
chee$, close eyes tight, show teeth, and &urse li&s when instructed)
.o &tosis observed)
0e'e(: !ntact# &atient was able to blin$ u&on a&&lication of cotton on
the li%bus of the cornea)
CN VIII Patient was able to res&ond a&&ro&riately to verbal instructions)
8ebers test: intact bilaterally# 6ound heard e9ually on both ears
0innes test: !ntact bilaterally# 2ir conduction:;one conduction
CN IX, X 7otor: Patient was able to swallow without di<culty) 2ble to say
=ah> with &alate rising sy%%etrically)
?ag re'e(: !ntact
CN XI Patient was able to shrug shoulders bilaterally against resistance and
was able to turn head towards the right and left against the
e(a%iners hands)
CN XII Patient was able to &rotrude tongue and %ove tongue laterally
against resistance) "ongue is at %idline with no atro&hy or

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