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A Short List of Ethical Issues in Science

Human Cloning and Therapeutic Cloning

Stem Cell Research
Genetically Modified Crops (GMCs)
Medical Research Using Lie !nimals
Research "nto #$tending the Human Lifespan
#ugenics (designer %a%ies& 'ho should hae children& etc()
!rtificial Human )rgans and Selling of Human )rgans
Gene Therapy
Medical Research Using *etal Tissue
+eapons Technology Research
+hich is the %est energy,producing strategy to pursue-
Instructions for Group Presentation on an Ethical Issue
a( "t is re.uired that each group present %oth a /pro0 and a /con0 position for the use of the particular
applied research you hae chosen(
%( "t is re.uired that you gie us at least some of the %ac1ground to the /science0 of the technology
you hae chosen(
c( #ery group mem%er must ta1e some actie part in the actual presentation %efore the class(
2( *orm a group of three students( There 'ill %e t'o groups of four students(
3( !s a group& discuss and choose a topic from the list a%oe or perhaps another topic not
on the list (perhaps on the lin1)(
4( 5ut your choice on the 'hite%oard to sta1e your territory ('e do not 'ant oerlap)(
6( Continue your discussions7 ma1e group and indiidual assignments to do %ac1ground
research into the topic( 8ou need to hae material to discuss as a group ne$t time you
meet( Remem%er& you hae reading home'or1& so use your class time 'isely(
9( Tuesday: prepare a strategy for your group;s presentation( +ho 'ill ta1e the
/pro0 and 'ho 'ill ma1e the /con0 argument- +ill 'e do a de%ate& a s1it& a po'er
point presentation- )erheads& a poster& ma1e a ideo-
<( ! group meeting outside class time may %e a great idea& %ut %e a'are that it is hard to
ma1e this a /re.uired0 meeting as this is not official class time& so attendance at this
meeting is your %usiness as a group( Google =rie is an ama>ing resource for this(
<( )n +ednesday& rehearse your final presentation( "f you are doing a po'er point or using other technology
discuss it 'ith me to ma1e sure all is a go(
?( )n the day of your presentation& ma1e sure you are ready to go at a moment;s notice(
+e do not 'ant a fie minute do'n time %et'een presentations(
@( The presentation is entirely /oral(0 8ou 'ill get a group grade for the proAect( 8ou 'ill also %e grading
each other and yourseles at the end( Be a'are of this& and %e ready to %e honest a%out this(

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