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From Charles Harrison, Nairobi High-level, delegations fiom Uganda and.

Rwanda, meeting at
Kabale, south-west Uganda, seem to have failed to reach substantive agreenment bn ways of
solving the problems of a big exodus. of ethniic Rwandans, whgo were fo*red from 'their homes
in, south-westt Uganda last Septembe. ' Nearly. 100,000 Rwandans, most of whom:; had lived' in
Uganda siice fleeing*fror inter- tribal fighting in Rwanda in 1959, are now in overcrowded refugee
camps on both sides of the Uganda-Rwanda border. Uganda, wvhile insisting that they were not
uprooted on Governmrent orders, says they should be settled in Rwanda, but Rwanda says it
considers themi Ugdndan. Uganda has reported thiat the Kabale meeling, chaired by a senior
official: of the United :Nations High Commission for Refugees. had noted the catego- ries into
which the refugees fall. These include Ugandan nationals, Rwandan nationals, registered
refugees and stateless persons. Rwanda has agreed to settle those refugees whom it recog-
njizes as its citizens, and say they* vant to live in Rwanda. But there are many others who .would
prefer to return to their former homes in Uganda if their security there is assured. Uganda-
Rwanda refugee talks fail

The Times | March 10, 1983

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