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Cuison, John Carlo F.

11239735 Expectations
The course is Manae!ent o" #rani$ations %M&'&#()* so + a! expectin to ,e a,le to
-no. the correct principles in han/lin roups. Throuh /i""erent tas-s, + .ill a,le to rasp the
acti0ities happenin in the real orani$ations. + hope that throuh this course + .oul/ a,le to "in/
solutions to !an1 pro,le!s in !anae!ent. + a! hopin that our teacher .oul/ reall1 help us
rasp the /i""erent situations in the real .orl/ o" orani$ations. 2he also sai/ that she is reall1 in
the orani$ation .orl/ so that .oul/ ,e reall1 eas1 "or her to teach us ,ecause o" her experiences.
+ reall1 ,elie0e that she can i0e us plausi,le solutions that .e .ill ,e encounterin. + a! expectin
to ra/e o" 4.3 ,ecause + .ill reall1 .or- har/ in this su,4ect. +n or/er to et the 4.3, + .ill ha0e to
rea/ in a/0ance so + .ill ,e a,le to 4oin the /iscussion an/ ha0e a /eeper un/erstan/in a,out it. +
.oul/ reall1 nee/ to coor/inate .ith !1 roup !ates .ell ,ecause it is all a,out !anae!ent o"
orani$ations so coor/inatin .ith .ell is the ,est .a1 to appl1 it. 5astl1, i" + reall1 .ant to per"or!
.ell in the class, + ha0e to listen to the teacher attenti0el1 an/ + shoul/ not ,e /istract ,1 an1thin.

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