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Organizations of the 21st century can no longer limit themselves to producing and marketing

products or services without any concerns for the impact they have on society. If they want to be
trusted by their customers, employees and the public at large, they have to be more socially
responsible. One key issue of Social esponsibility, which needs to be addressed, is the
integration of ethnic minorities in the workplace and the community.
!s corporations pursue growth through globalization, they have encountered new challenges that
impose limits to their growth and potential profits. "overnment regulations, tariffs,
environmental restrictions and varying standards of what constitutes labour e#ploitation are
problems that can cost organizations millions of dollars. Some view ethical issues as simply a
costly hindrance. Some companies use social responsibility methodologies as a strategic tactic to
gain public support for their presence in global markets, helping them sustain a competitive
advantage by using their social contributions to provide a subconscious level of advertising.
"lobal competition places particular pressure on multinational corporations to e#amine not only
their own labour practices, but also those of their entire supply chain, from a social responsibility

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