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All the flights to and from Kaohsiung were _____ because of the heavy
(A) advised (B) disclosed (C) cancelled (D) benefited
. !he woman told the truth to her lawyer without ____ because he was the only
"erson she could rely on.
(A) reservation (B) combination (C) im"ression (D) foundation
#. !he man was severely in$ured in last wee%end&s tragic car accident and died _____
(A) mostly (B) shortly (C) easily (D) hardly
'. (r. )mith&s wor% in !aiwan is $ust _____. *e will go bac% to the +.). ne,t month.
(A) liberal (B) rural (C) conscious (D) tem"orary
-. *elen _____ with anger when she saw her boyfriend %issing an attractive girl.
(A) collided (B) e,"loded (C) rela,ed (D) defeated
.. Dr. /iu&s new boo% is a collection of his _____ of the daily life of tribal "eo"le in
(A) observations (B) interferences (C) "reventions (D) substitutions
0. !he young cou"le decided to ______ their wedding until all the details were well
ta%en care of.
(A) announce (B) maintain (C) "ost"one (D) sim"lify
1. !he conflicts between 2ohn and his teacher made it difficult for the teacher to $udge
his "erformance _____.
(A) ob$ectively (B) "ainfully (C) e,citedly (D) intimately
3. /iving in a highly _____ society4 you definitely have to arm yourself with as much
%nowledge as "ossible.
(A) tolerant (B) "ermanent (C) favorable (D) com"etitive
15. !he 056year6old "rofessor sued the university for age _____4 because his teaching
contract had not been renewed.
(A) "ossession (B) commitment (C) discrimination (D) em"loyment
11. Kevin burst into tears _____ because his teacher "unished him in front of the
whole class.
(A) on the side (B) on the s"ot (C) on any account (D) on the mar%
1. As soon as the cou"le reali7ed that they didn&t love each other anymore4 they
(A) fell off (B) cut in (C) bro%e u" (D) stood by
1#. !he "ower wor%ers had to wor% _____ to re"air the "ower lines since the whole
city was in the dar%.
(A) around the cloc% (B) in the e,treme (C) on the house (D) in the ma$ority
1'. After retirement4 (r. 8ang _____ ice s%ating4 which he had always loved but had
not had time for.
(A) a""ealed to (B) too% to (C) related to (D) saw to
1-. 8hy do we have to _____ )ue&s selfish behavior9 8e have to teach her to care for
(A) get over with (B) hang out with (C) ma%e u" with (D) "ut u" with
6 1 6
1.. )ince it was a holiday4 10. +nless he "re"ares well4 11. :f : had %nown the fact4
13. Belle was the "erson 5. A "erson who e,ercises regularly (A) ; so he went
abroad to study. (B) ; : stayed in bed an e,tra hour. (C) ; or she might miss the
class. (D) ; he will fail the e,am. (<) ; who changed him into a gentleman. (=) ;
she had gone ban%ru"t. (>) ; is more li%ely to loo% young. (*) ; and is sure to have
a healthy body. (:) ; : admired her most in the world. (2) ; : would have ta%en
action right away.
!he first American s"ace toilet was Alan )he"ard&s s"ace suit. *is flight was
su""osed to last only 1- minutes4 so there was no "rovision made for him to relieve
himself in the ca"sule. *is flight4 _(1)_4 was delayed for hours. :t was then decided
that Alan )he"ard should relieve himself in his s"ace suit4 and continue with the
mission as scheduled. _()_ "roblem urged ?A)A to develo" the first s"ace toilet4 a
modified dia"er. Dia"ers are _(#)_ used by astronauts when they are outside the
s"ace shuttle4 wearing a s"acesuit. As the flights grew longer4 a new set of two
collection bags was devised4 _(')_ for li@uid wastes and the other for solid wastes.
Ance used4 the bags are sealed and stored for the flight bac% to the earth4 _(-)_ they
are dis"osed of.
1. (A) therefore (B) similarly (C) however (D) otherwise
. (A) <ach (B) !his (C) !heir (D) Another
#. (A) rather (B) almost (C) ever (D) still
'. (A) the one (B) someone (C) no one (D) one
-. (A) where (B) what (C) which (D) whether
+" to about -5 million years ago the world had $ust one huge su"er6continent called
Bangaea. Animals were able to move and intermi, with __(.)__. About 55 million
years ago this su"er6continent bro%e u" into two continentsC /aurasia and >ondwana.
About .5 million years ago >ondwana bro%e u" into __(0)__ later became )outh
America4 Africa4 Antarctica4 :ndia and Australia. )ince then Australia __(1)__ from
the rest of the world by vast oceans. !he animals there no longer had __(3)__ with
animals from other "arts of the world. !hey evolved se"arately. As a result4 about 3-
D of Australia&s mammals and 3' D of its frogs are found __(#5)__ else in the world.
Australia has lots of very unusual animals.
.. (A) another (B) one another (C) other (D) the other
0. (A) which (B) where (C) what (D) that
1. (A) is isolated (B) had isolated (C) has isolated (D) has been isolated
3. (A) confusion (B) marriage (C) contact (D) transaction
#5. (A) nowhere (B) somewhere (C) everywhere (D) anywhere
#1 '5 !"#$%&'()*+, (A) - (2)
)tress has become a favorite sub$ect of everyday conversation. :t is not __(#1)__ to
hear friends and family members tal% about the difficulty they have in __(#)__ the
stress of everyday life and the efforts they ma%e to control the events __(##)__ cause
(ost of us understand the results of not controlling our reactions __(#')__ stress.
=orty6three "ercent of all adults suffer terrible health effects __(#-)__ stress. (ost
"hysician office visits are for stress6related illnesses and com"laints. )tress is lin%ed
to the si, __(#.)__ causes of deathE heart disease4 cancer4 lung disease4 accidents4
liver disease4 and suicide. Currently4 health care costs account for __(#0)__ twelve
"ercent of the gross domestic "roduct.
Fet4 while stress may damage our health4 it is sometimes necessary4 __(#1)__
desirable. <,citing or challenging events __(#3)__ the birth of a child4 com"letion of
a ma$or "ro$ect at wor%4 or moving to a new city generate __('5)__ much stress as
does tragedy or disaster. And without stress4 life would be dull.
(A) about (B) from (C) even (D) as (<) managing
(=) li%e (>) to (*) that (:) unusual (2) leading
'16'# RS
: usually go to wor% by subway4 and : get to wor% by 1C55 A.(. Before : start my $ob4
: "ut on my uniform and loo% at myself in the mirror to ma%e sure that : loo% neat. At
1C#5 in the morning4 : go on duty. : usually eat lunch from twelve to one and generally
ta%e a fifteen6minute brea% in the morning and in the afternoon. At 'C#5 in the
afternoon4 : go off duty.
6 # 6
: en$oy my $ob very much. : meet all %inds of "eo"le and tal% to everyone. (any
"eo"le as% me @uestions4 and : give them the necessary information. : try to be very
hel"ful. : always call out floors very clearly4 and : am constantly on the move. (ost
men ta%e off their hats in my car4 and sometimes : have to tell "assengers to "ut out
their cigarettes. )ome "eo"le smile at me4 but others $ust ignore me. :n fact4 my life
can be described as consisting of a series of Gu"sH and Gdowns.H
'1. !he "assage is written mainly to describe __________.
(A) what the author loo%s li%e
(B) what GlifeH means to the author
(C) what a ty"ical day is li%e for the author
(D) what %inds of "eo"le the author wor%s with
'. 8e may infer from the "assage that the author is a(n) __________.
(A) "oliceman (B) driver (C) floor cleaner (D) elevator o"erator
'#. !he e,"ression Gconstantly on the moveH in the "assage refers to the fact that
__________. (A)the author always calls out floors very clearly (B)the author seldom
stays in one "lace for a long while (C)the author meets all %inds of "eo"le and tal%s to
everyone (D)the author fre@uently hel"s "assengers move their baggage
''6'0 RS
(agic is believed to have begun with the <gy"tians4 in 1055 BC. A magician named
Dedi of Dedsnefu was re"orted to have "erformed for the "haraoh4 or the %ing. *e
was also %nown to have entertained the slaves who built the "yramids. !he GCu"s and
BallsH tric% which he was "articularly good at is still "erformed by magicians all over
the world today.
!he ancient >ree%s and Iomans were also fascinated by the idea of magic. Actually4
one of their main interests was the art of dece"tion. !his e,"lains why at that time the
"riests even built magic devices into their tem"les. !hese devices made it "ossible for
doors to o"en by themselves and wine to flow magically out of statues& mouths. !his
was done mainly to convince "eo"le that the "riests were "owerful.
(agic4 however4 was not well acce"ted before the 1155s. (agicians were thought of
as frea%s and were only allowed to "erform in a circus. :t was in the 13th century that
the magician Iobert *oudin came along and changed "eo"le&s views and attitudes
about magic. :t was also because of Iobert *oudin that many magicians were able to
add Dr. or (D to their names. !oday magicians try hard to find new ways to show
their "racticed s%ills. (agic is now entertainment for families all over the world.
''. 8hat is the best title for the "assage9
(A) (agical !ric%s (B) A >reat (agician
(C) (agic as <ntertainment (D) !he *istory of (agic
6 ' 6
'-. :n ancient >reece4 what did the "riests do to show "eo"le they had unusual
(A) !hey "erformed magical tric%s to entertain "eo"le.
(B) !hey made the statues in the tem"les drin% wine as they wished.
(C) !hey treated the "eo"le with wine flowing down from statues& mouths.
(D) !hey built magic devices in the tem"les to ma%e doors o"en by themselves.
'.. 8hat did "eo"le thin% of magic before 11559
(A) (agic should be used only in tem"les.
(B) (agic could only be "erformed in a circus.
(C) (agic was "erformed by frea%s and doctors.
(D) (agic was the ma$or daily activity for the "haraohs.
'0. 8hich of the following statements is true9
(A) (agic began about #4055 years ago.
(B) Dedi of Dedsnefu "erformed magic for %ings only.
(C) Iobert *oudin was the first magician to "erform magic.
(D) !he GCu"s and BallsH tric% has been "erformed for about 14055 years.
'16-1 RS
!here are three branches of medicine. Ane is called Gdoctor medicine4H or Gscientific
medicine.H )cientific doctors try to observe sic%nesses4 loo% for logical "atterns4 and
then find out how the human body wor%s. =rom there they figure out what treatments
may wor%. !his %ind of medicine is believed to date from the 'th century BC.
Although nowadays it is successful4 in the ancient world this a""roach "robably did
not cure many "atients.
A second %ind of medicine is called Gnatural cures4H or Gfol% medicine4H in which less
educated "eo"le try to cure sic%nesses with various herbs. !hese fol% healers also use
observation and logic4 but they are not so aware of it. !hey try things until they find
something that seems to wor%4 and then they %ee" doing that. =ol% medicine
flourished long before the develo"ment of scientific medicine and was more
successful in ancient times than doctor medicine.
!he third %ind is called Ghealth s"as4H or Gfaith healing.H )ometimes this may be as
sim"le as touching the holy man and being immediately healed. Ather times4 a
magician may ma%e you a magic charm4 or say a s"ell4 to cure you. )ome religious
grou"s organi7e s"ecial healing shrines for the sic%. :n these "laces "eo"le rest4 get
"lenty of slee"4 eat healthy food4 drin% water instead of wine4 and e,ercise in various
ways. !hey also tal% to the "riests and "ray to the gods. :f you are feeling de"ressed
or you have been wor%ing too hard4 going to these "laces may be $ust the right thing
to ma%e you feel better.
'1. Doctor medicine __________.
(A) has a longer history than fol% medicine
(B) has been "racticed for around 14.55 years
(C) bases its treatments on observation and logic
(D) was very successful in curing sic%nesses in ancient times
6 - 6
'3. According to the "assage4 which of the following is ?A! used in health s"as9
(A) (agic "ower. (B) Jarious herbs.
(C) Ieligious faith. (D) A healthy life style.
-5. According to the "assage4 which of the following statements is true9
(A) =ol% healers choose different herbs to cure diseases without any sound basis.
(B) Beo"le who "ractice fol% medicine need lots of formal education on herbs.
(C) !he success of fol% medicine led to the develo"ment of doctor medicine.
(D) ?atural cures wor%ed better than scientific medicine in ancient times.
-1. !he author&s "rimary "ur"ose in this "assage is to __________.
(A) describe different ty"es of medicine
(B) argue for the im"ortance of medicine in health care
(C) show the crucial role religion "lays in medical treatments
(D) com"are the educational bac%ground of three different ty"es of "atients
-6-- RS
!odayKs teen consumer mar%et is the most "rofitable it has ever been. <ven though
.-D of teens claim that they rely on themselves for their fashion ideas4 it is estimated
that less than 5D of the teen "o"ulation is innovative enough to drive fashion trends4
according to a recent study by a mar%eting firm. (ar%eters recogni7e this fact and
often use elements of youth culture to "romote their "roducts. Berha"s one of the best
e,am"les is their use of hi"6ho" culture. :t is re"orted that hi"6ho" fashion alone
generates L0-5 million to L1 billion annually. )ales of ra" music and videos each
e,ceed that amount.
Ia"Ks rise and sustained global "o"ularity is a good illustration of how influential
youth culture is on youth attitudes and behavior. Iemember when (adonna hit the
charts with her bra in full view while singing about MvirginityM9 )oon after that4
adolescent girls around the world began wearing their underwear outside their clothes.
=ashion designer !ommy *ilfiger was fully aware of the "ower of youth culture. *e
mar%eted his brand by giving clothes to famous (!J stars and featuring teen stars in
his "rint ads. Bic%ing u" on teensK interest in com"uter games4 *ilfiger s"onsored a
?intendo com"etition and installed ?intendo terminals in his stores. !he "ayoff9
!eens rated *ilfiger $eans as their number one brand in a survey in 555.
-. 8hat is the best title for this "assage9
(A) !he :m"ortance of (ar%eting (B) !he Bower of Fouth Culture
(C) !he Bo"ularity of *i"6ho" =ashion (D) !he )uccess of !ommy *ilfiger
-#. *ow much money do sales of ra" music and videos together ma%e each year9
(A) (ore than L1 billion. (B) Between L0-5 million and L1 billion.
(C) Between L-55 million and L0-5 million. (D) /ess than L-55 million.
6 . 6
-'. According to the "assage4 which of the following statements is true9
(A) !he "urchasing "ower of teenagers has been decreasing over the years.
(B) (any teenagers ma%e a lot of "rofits in the fashion mar%et today.
(C) (adonna led the fashion of wearing underwear outside clothes.
(D) (ar%eters recogni7e youth culture as a "art of hi"6ho" culture.
--. :t can be inferred from the "assage that *ilfiger __________.
(A) believed that (!J stars could drive fashion trends among teens
(B) sold ?intendo terminals together with teens& clothes in his stores
(C) s"onsored a ?intendo com"etition out of his own interest in com"uter games
(D) was rated by teens and adults as the best designer of $eans around the world in
Y@(15D )
.$%gh@6>=H@AiYjkldmkno (%ey words)
$pqrO!9sn(words)H /T15 /Ht$pu[vwxvy
!he guitar is one of the oldest instruments %nown to man. :t "robably originated
in the vicinity of China. !here were guitars in ancient <gy"t and >reece as well4 but
the written history of the guitar starts in )"ain in the 1#th century. By 1-55 the guitar
was "o"ular in :taly4 =rance4 and )"ain. A =rench document of that time concludes
that many "eo"le were "laying the guitar. )tradivarius4 the undeniable %ing of violin
ma%ers4 could not resist creating a variety of guitars. Also4 there was no lac% of music
written for the instrument. *aydn4 )chubert4 and others wrote guitar music. 8hen the
great Beethoven was as%ed to com"ose music for the guitar4 he went into a rage and
refused4 but eventually even Beethoven could not ignore the challenge. /egend tells
us he finally called the guitar a miniature orchestra. :ndeed the guitar does sound li%e
a little orchestraN Berha"s that is why in rural areas around the world the guitar has
been a source of music for millions to en$oy.
1. 8here is the earliest written record of the guitar found9
. 8hat musical instrument was )tradivarius most famous for ma%ing9
#. 8hat was Beethoven~s first reaction when he was as%ed to write music for the
'. 8hat was the challenge that Beethoven could not ignore9
-. 8hat does millions in the last line refer to9
.15 !sn(words)H
$ (usic :s An :m"ortant Bart of Aur /ifeR
6 0 6

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