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Chemistry Vocabulary

Periodic Trends, Quantum Mechanics, Atomic Theory, Ionic & Covalent Bonding

1. Group - a columns on the periodic table
2. Periods - a row on the periodic table
3. Element - a substance that is made from a single type of atom
4. Compound- a substance formed when 2 or more elements are bonded together
5. Atomic Number - the number of protons in an element
6. Atomic Mass - average mass of atoms of an element
7. Atom - the defining structure of an element
8. Ion - an atom that has either gained or lost one or more of its valence electrons
9. Valence Electron - an electron that has most likely been involved in a chemical
10. Metal - a substance with high electrical conductivity, metals are located on the left side
of the metalloid boundary, 75% of elements on periodic table are metals
11. Nonmetal - substance not able to conduct electricity, do not exhibit metallic properties,
located on the right side of the metalloid boundary
12. Metalloids - an element with properties of both a metal and a nonmetal
13. Noble Gas - any element found in group 8 of the periodic table
14. Alkali Metal - any element found in group 1, alkali metals are very reactive
15. Alkaline Earth Metal - any element located in group 2
16. Halogen - any element found in group 7, reactive nonmetals
17. Cation - positive ion
18. Anion - negative ion
19. Electron Affinity - an atom's ability to accept an electron
20. Electronegativity (explain the trend) - measure of how strongly atoms attract bonding
electrons to themselves
21. Ionization Energy (explain the trend) - energy required to remove an electron from a
specific atom
22. Atomic Radius (explain the trend) - radius of an atom
23. Density - mass per unit volume of a substance
24. Melting Point - the temperature at which a solid and a liquid may coexist in
25. Reactivity - the tendency of a substance to undergo chemical reaction

26. Subatomic Particle
27. Proton
28. Neutron
29. Electron
30. Nucleus
31. Bohrs Atomic model
32. Rutherfords Atomic Model
33. Daltons Atomic Model
34. J.J Thomsons Atomic Model
35. Net Atomic Charge
36. Isotope
37. Molecule
38. Physical Change
39. Sublevels
40. Orbitals
41. Shells
42. Subshells
43. Quantum Numbers
44. Electron Configuration
45. Shape of s Orbitals
46. Shape of p Orbitals
47. Lewis Dot Structures
48. Electromagnetic Spectrum
49. Chemical Bond
50. Ionic Bonds
51. Metallic Bond
52. Chemical Formula
53. Subscript
54. Coefficient
55. Oxidation Number
56. Covalent Bond
57. Single Covalent Bond
58. Double Covalent Bond
59. Triple Covalent Bond
60. Molecular Formula
61. Structural Formula
62. Unshared Pair
63. Coordinate Covalent Bond
64. Bond Dissociation Energy
65. Nonpolar Covalent Bond
66. Polar Covalent Bond
67. Polar Molecule
68. Dipole
69. van der Walls Forces
70. Dispersion Forces
71. Hydrogen Bonds
72. Network Solids

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