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1.ACTIX ,Um(Drive Test)(TEMS,Aigent,64,74
ASCOM),Abis , A(Tekrni! "1#$%).
#.&'(S &b
).Abis ,!"#$%&,'Abis ()*+,-
./01234,5M*+In, 67.
4.01#$8-%&9:,9;<,Timing A.v*n/e, 0ink b*1*n/e,,=>?@,=>AB(C67
_ 1 2 inv*1i. res31ts .3e t 1imite. n3mber , s*m+1es.
Link balance `a :
Level correction :
Corrected DL level is obtained by compensating the DL receive level with the Base
Station power reduction due to Power Control. This can be obtained from the following
combination of attributes :
Corrected DL level Serv!xLev " #$Serv%&'o(Ste)Act*al
as each power control step in S! coding represents " dB.
Similarly# a correction of the $L level is obtained from :
Corrected DL level +L!xLev,*ll " #$ServM&Tx'o(Ste)Act*al
%&ample ' : bcde
%&ample " : detailed lin( balance analysis with linear regression
'. $L )&*ual vs. )&Lev
%&ample +: DL and $L )&Lev traffic distribution showing the effect of active power
control mechanisms in the $L
%&ample ,: T- analysis as a function of )&Lev reveals a traffic spot away from the cell
main serving area.
%&ample .: -nalysis of poor /uality contributors shows average T- is growing as /uality
decreases# and average level is low and getting lower as /uality decreases. This points
to a /uality problem lin(ed to lac( of coverage.
f_- :ghi
%&ample ' : Path balance statistical distribution at cell level. 0ote that an estimation of
the influence of invalid measurements in the trace is computed as additional information.
%&ample " : Comparative Path Balance analysis at T)1 and timeslot level. 0ote that
small differences 23" dB4 between T)1 and even timeslot values do not mean that there
is a particular problem on the cell. 5nly bigger differences should be ta(en seriously.
%&ample + : Path Balance detailed analysis. 0ote the non6linearity at lower DL levels.
7owever# in this e&ample the number of valid samples at low level is too small for the
results to be reliable.
f_. :QR
The first part loo(s at the average /uality in windows 8ust before and 8ust after the 7o#
and compares them to the overall /uality of the trace.
f_ :jklmQRno

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