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MAY/JUNE 2013/11

4 From the study by Held and Hein (kitten carousel):

(a) Describe the visual cliff results for the active and passive kittens. [2]
(b) What did Held and Hein conclude from these results? [2]
MAY/JUNE 2013/12
17 Discuss the relative strengths of using animals versus human participants to investigate
development. Use one of the studies listed below as an example.
Held and Hein (kitten carousel) [10]
MAY/JUNE 2013/13
3 From the study by Held and Hein (kitten carousel):
(a) What was already known about adult human visual adaptation prior to this study? [2]
(b) Explain whether the results for baby animals (neonates) were the same as those for human
adults or different. [2]
MAY/JUNE 2012/11
4 Held and Hein (kitten carousel) used three main tests to assess visual-spatial discrimination.
They also did several additional tests to check the status of peripheral receptors and responses.
Describe two of these additional tests. [4]
MAY/JUNE 2012/12
16 Evaluate one of the studies listed below in terms of its contribution to the nature-nurture debate.
Held and Hein (kitten carousel) [10]
MAY/JUNE 2012/13
4 Held and Hein (kitten carousel) used three main tests to assess visual-spatial discrimination.
They also did several additional tests to check the status of peripheral receptors and responses.
Describe two of these additional tests. [4]

MAY/JUNE 2011/11,12,13
No Question
MAY/JUNE 2010/11,12,13
No Question
OCT/NOV 2013/11
16. Evaluate one of the studies listed below in terms of its ecological validity.
Held and Hein (kitten carousel) [10]
OCT/NOV 2013/12
17. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of observations as a research method using one of the
studies listed below as an example.
Held and Hein (kitten carousel) [10]
OCT/NOV 2013/13
4. Held and Hein (kitten carousel) used observations to record the behaviour of the kittens.
(a) Describe one behaviour they assessed using observation. [2]
(b) Outline one disadvantage of observations as a research method. [2]
OCT/NOV 2012/11
4. Held and Hein (kitten carousel) designed their study to solve some problems in earlier research.
Describe two ways in which the visual-spatial experience of animals in this earlier research was
restricted. [4]
OCT/NOV 2012/12
4. The study by Held and Hein (kitten carousel) used an independent groups design.
(a) What is meant by the term experimental design? *2+
(b) Explain one disadvantage for Held and Hein of using an independent groups design. [2]
OCT/NOV 2012/13
3. The Held and Hein (kitten carousel) study was a laboratory experiment. Describe two features of a
laboratory experiment. [4]
OCT/NOV 2011/11,12,13
No Question
OCT/NOV 2010/11,12,13
No Question

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