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Module 1 Proposal

Megan Olivia Ebel

January 20th 2014
Art 343 - Video Production and Moving Picture

For module one, I am planning on channeling Jregn Leths The Perfect Human through
emphasizing the simplicity of human action and the contrasting complicated nature of human
emotion by creating a The Perfect Sewanee Student. Ultimately I am attempting to answer,
What makes the Sewanee experience? However, though I will film the visceral aspects of
Sewanee life, such as social activities (ie. Shake Day, going out), studying, going to class, time
spent alone, extra curriculars, outdoor activities, etc. I am going to focus more on the emotional
journey we all go on as Sewanee students, much of which is dark and causes us to question our
morals and beliefs. So often Sewanee, or any college really, paints the college experience to be
some MTV reality show-esque, fantastic experience and though the college experience isn't all
doom and gloom, the process of defining and understanding oneself is hardly the good ole
time we are all sold on when we apply to join the utopia that is the Mountain. From personally
experiencing the extreme highs and extreme lows of going to school at Sewanee, as well as
hearing many emotional accounts from my peers, I feel like exploring the truth of what college
really feels like would be an interesting view to explore.
Footage-wise, I will capture the put together image of the Sewanee male and female: a
clean looking individual in class dress who is studious, wears pearls or a tie, speaks softly and
with perhaps a sweet southern accent but is involved in everything from athletics to hiking to
church activities. In contrast, I want to explore the aspect of students with this physical
appearance but who are internally quite dark. Sewanee students have a reputation of intelligence
and, though this is changing, a white, middle-upperclass economic background. On the other
hand, as a student who very much tries to break the Sewanee mold, once you get here you notice

extreme amounts of classism against students who arent from prominent families or who dont fit
the quite preppy Sewanee image. You also notice a lot of reckless substance abuse, racism,
depression, loneliness, lack of direction or ambition, etc. I want to show this in my film.

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