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thi chn HSG TP Hi Phng

Lp 12- Bng A
Nm hc 2001-2002
Tng im : 100
Q1. Phonetics (5pts)
a. Put an accent mark over the main stressed syllable
b. Circle the letter before the word in each group that has underlined part
pronounced diferently from the rest.
1. a.decided b. hatred c.sacred d.warned
2. a. weigh b, height c. weight d. vein
3. a. nail b. tail c. jail d. naive
4. a. tip b. brilliant c. stripe d. strip
5. a.humour b.rumour c. four d. honour
Q2. Choose the best answer: a, b, c, d by circling the letter before it.
1. The people in the North work .................than the people in the south.
a. more hardly b. hardlier c. more hard d. harder
2. You won't pass the exam work hard.
a. although b. however c. or d. unless
3. It is the English pronunciation..............puzzles me most.
a. that it b. that c. which d. it
4. Marie Curie,......made her famous, was a French physicist .
a. whose discovery of radium
b. who discovered radium
c. her discovery of radium
d.the discovery of hers
Q3. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the word in brackets (10
1. The museum is the ...........away of the two building. (far)
2. He is probably one of the most famous...............(football)
3. We were lucky to get tickets for the frst.....perfomer...of the hit
musical "Cats". (perform)
4. My new car is more ......economical.............than the one I had before.
5. He drives so .......carefully........that he is sire to have an accident. (care)
6. We...................go out for dinner but we cook our own meals much of
the time.(occasion)
7. He was very ..........proud............of the work he had done. (pride)
8. Australia is famous for
9. It is hard work to ........feed............a large family. (food)
10. Their........frindhip.....has lasted a life time. (friend)
Q4. Put the verbs in the brackets into correct tenses and forms.(10pts)
Dear Paul,
My stay in England is coming to an end in ten days' time I (1.
be)................................ back in Italy. I can hardly believe that I (
..have Bristol for three months. The time (3.
go ) quickly! Yesterday I
(4.take) fnal exams. As soon as I (5. get)
results, I (6.let)........will know.I'd really like to have a holiday
when the course fnishes, but I have to go straight back to Italy. If I (7.
have) .......had............more time, I'd visit Scotland. Unfortunately, I (8.
not. see)........haven't seen.....much of Britain (9. not even be)....haven't
even London yet! I really like England. The people are
friendly; the countryside is lovely and the food's actually quite good.
My friend, Pablo, love it here. He even says he wouldn't mind (10.
live) But for me, one problem is the weather. I think I'd
rather live somewhere warmer and drier. Recently it seems really
terrible - raining every day.
My host family ( nice to me. They have looked
after me very well. I shall miss them. But I'm looking forward to
(12.see) family again. My parents were planning to
move Rome. They might (13. move)........have moved already. I (14. not
hear)....haven't heard........from them for a while. My brother (15. be
make)..........was made................redundant, so now he (16. look)
looking........for a new job, It must be very worrying for him and his
wife. He says he may have to move to another town where there are
more jobs, but he's not sure.
Yesterday I (17. go) the cinema with Pablo to see
Aliens. It's the ffth time Pablo (18.see)! He must really
like it. Well. so do I, but I wouldn't want to see it that many times ! I
(19.apply)....have applied...........for lots of jobs recently. Yesterday I (20.
apply)...applied.........for one with EU in Brussels, It would be great it I
got it, but I haven't got any good chance. They want someone with
fuent English and French, and my French isn't very good anymore .
Anyway, I haven't booked my plane ticket yet, so I must go into town
now and do that. See you next week. I'll give you a ring when I arrive
Take care,
Best wishes
Q5. Find the mistakes in the following sentences. Underline these
mistake and rewrite them, Some sentences do not have any mistakes.
1. Water, the most common substance on earth, it(b) covers nearly 70%
of the planet.
2. More people are employed in education then in any other
professional activity.-> than
3. Due to his careless driving, we had a bad accident.
4. We have a class meeting every other week.
5. It's famous that Chicago produces excellent cars.
6. His name is familiar with the citizens here.
7. He shot at the bird but I few away.
8. Most of them are from Vietnam, quite a few from China.
9. She denied my invitations to adinner party.
10. What are you thinking about?
- We have a discussion about the best way to learn English.

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