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Success AbsoluLe - 1he 7 no-8ralners keys 1o Success 1haL We lgnore Lveryday

CopyrlghL and !onas L.


Success AbsoluLe - 1he 7 no-8ralners keys 1o Success 1haL We lgnore Lveryday

CopyrlghL and !onas L.
KEY 1 : Help Yourself Right Now The Key To Living a Good Life
Are you happy?
Do you think you lead an enjoyable life?
Are your finances in order, your relationships intact, your friendships
Is everything just right?
You dont have to answerwe know some of it isnt.
If everything was just right, you wouldnt be here.
But you are here, because you have that nagging feeling, that eternal
background noise in your mind, that theres room for improvement.
Youre here because you want change.
You want to be healthy and happy.
Everyone in the entire world wants exactly that same thing.
Being healthy and happy sounds so simple, yet, oftentimes, it seems
In this age of technology and social media, theres a lot on your plate.
Everything is always buzzing; your phone, your iPad, your computer!
There are bills to pay; your career, your family, friends, children to think
about!often you come last.
Life is a drag; the daily grind is wearing you down.
You can barely make it through the week, let alone plan for the next weeks,
months, or years.
Time is scary because its so scarce and the clock is always ticking.
Taking a moment for yourself seems like youre taking it away from other
Success AbsoluLe - 1he 7 no-8ralners keys 1o Success 1haL We lgnore Lveryday

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Time is the currency that plagues youyou want to be rich, but youre
poor. In the world of the currency of time, youre living day to day.
But heres the secret: You can be happy.
You can have everything.
Thats right, absolutely everything.
All your wants, all your desiresthey are all achievable.
Sounds outrageous, right? Its not.
All it requires is self motivation, a desire to change your life and your
Since youre reading this, you have that already.
The only thing left is to put that motivation to work.
Thats what Im here for.
If you follow my seven steps for success, you can change your life!
The key is to make our all the steps a habit.
After doing them consistently, over a period of a few weeks, they will
become second-nature to you.
Your life will become more organized, less stressful, and way more
Through the steps well teach you, you will learn how to interact with
people, make them like you, how to cut stresses into smaller pieces, how to
be an honorable person, and generally how to acquire all the traits that
result in a positive human being.
Youre here because you want to change.
Before we begin, however, Id like to cover a few important aspects
regarding attitude.
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All of the advice offered here will be useless unless you put your mind in
the right place.
You need to begin this journey with a clear consciousness.
Its not just spiritual mumbo-jumboyour mind rules your body.
Do not let your mind run amok, because it will.
You must learn to control your mind and use it as a tool for success.
Your mind is your pencil, your plow, your knife, your paintbrush!its
whatever you need it to be.
Remember: this isnt a quick-fix solution, or a magic formula.
The steps here will take time and dedication.
This is not a Band-Aid or a fast answer; this is a lifestyle change.
So, on to your mind. Your past and future is created by your thoughts.
Your thoughts, if youre like the average person, are dominated by negative
thoughts and worries.
Your mind is filled with problems.
Your mind constantly beats yourself up.
But pain can only feed off of pain.
What you need to realize is that your problems are not really problems.
Tomorrows bills are not the problem.
The real problem is that you are letting your mind rule.
With one simple thought, you can turn a problem into a task, or an
unhappy situation into a positive one.
Its all about perception. Be aware of your mind and its habit to let in
Be on guard and keep your inner eyes peeled.
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The second you realize that youre thinking in negative terms, whether that
be worrying, feeling hurt, or sad, or depressed, push that that thought
Realize that you can just as easily feel happy, so why feel sad?
Your mind can just as easily be filled with positivity, if you let it.
Next, you have to come to terms with time.
Now is the time for change.
Now is the time to start living.
You will never have more time than now.
Are you ready? Bring out some paper and a pen and take notes.
Actually, youll need a pen and paper for the first step anyway.
So make sure your mind is clear, that youre sitting in a comfortable place
free of unnecessary noises and distractions, and come prepared.
Class is in session.

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KEY 2: Write it all down
Writing things down is essential to success.
Some of the most famous persons in history have kept consistent diaries.
For example, many of Winston Churchills famous quips were found in his
diary, which he wrote in daily.
If a man as busy as Winston Churchill, who had a war on his hands, could
find the time to write in a diary (as well as draft the thousands of other
letters, memos, treaties, orders and the like), then you can certainly find the
time to organize your life on paper.
The first thing you should write down is everything you have to remember.
Absolutely everything.
From when you work, to dates with friends, to important holidays and
birthdays, to other important things you need to attend.
You might even consider blocking out times for doing chores and errands
and plan them for specific days.
For example, you might write down that you will go grocery shopping on
Thursday, or vacuum your apartment every Monday.
You might even designate a specific time for it.
Certain tasks, such as walking your dog, actually benefit from having a
specific time assigned to them.
Or things that maybe arent your favorite thing to do, like going to the gym.
If you write in your calendar that you need to go to the gym at precisely
5:30 on Wednesday, the chances of you skipping out on that are lessened.
You are making a commitment with yourself.
You might also find it useful to even plan your leisurely time.
I am sure that you, like most of us, have a long list of things you want to do
one day.
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Maybe you want to pick up the guitar, or take up painting, or join a
basketball team.
You want to finally get into shape, or master a new skill.
While these are all fun activities, you wont actually advance in them if you
dont plan for them.
Real life will get in the way.
Youll be too busy or too tired or have no time for these things that
fulfill and enrich your life.
This contributes to your unhappiness and sense of unease.
You need to plan things for yourself, write down those things, so that you
can get around to them.
Remember: you do have the time, you just need to dole it out
Keep a notebook on you always.
Sure, technology rules the age, but sometimes, its easier to just pull out a
small notepad or notebook and write something down.
Keep a small one on you whenever you go out; you can write down
directions or take down numbers at parties.
You might think that your phone will suffice for these things, but what if your
phone runs out of battery, or is lost?
All your precious information is gone.
Use this notebook to also jot down any ideas that come to you at any time
of day.
Often, the greatest ideas for companies or inventions have come in a split
Dont let these brief moments of brilliance slip you by!
Also take a notebook to work.
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Write down your daily tasks.
Break down the report your boss wants you to do into manageable items.
Bring the notebook to any and all meetings and job interviews.
You will look much m
ore engaged if you are listening and taking notes.
Even jot down bullet points or one-word entriesas long as youre writing
something, you will look like youre paying attention.
Moreover, the act of writing things down keeps you alert and is
scientifically proven to help you remember better.

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KEY 3: Preparation
Being prepared is an art.
It involves a lot of, well, preparation.
Sounds contradictory, but its true.
There are so many aspects of life that you should be prepared for, and
many steps and methods to doing so.
Being prepared starts right when you wake up.
Ensure that you wake up in a non-jarring, relaxing way.
You can do that by making sure you get a good nights sleep the night
before, so waking up in the morning isnt such a drag.
Do whatever you need to do to get full awake; splash cold water on your
face, have your days first cup of steamin brew, and so forth.
Eat a good breakfast.
Breakfast provides the foundation to your day.
Going through the day hungry will put you in a cranky mood and hinder
your ability to get things done, and, ultimately, achieve your goals.
Make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day.
Pack your purse, briefcase, or bag.
Make sure its neat and organized; empty trash and old receipts out of it the
night before.
Plan ahead for the day; check the weather and bring a coat or umbrella if
Nothing is more mood-ruining than getting caught in the cold or soaked in
an unexpected shower.
A big part of being prepared revolves around appearance and personal
Remember: your mind is your god, but your body is your temple.
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Give your body the tools it needs to keep you going.
Take time for yourselfsay, every Sundayfor your beauty routine.
Cut your nails, shave, wash your hair, do a face scrub, have a massage
whatever you need to do to feel clean and relaxed.
Make sure you are feeding your body the right foods.
Enjoying a hamburger or sweets every once in a while is fine, but dont let
your body run on fumes.
Load up on greens, fruit, and proteins.
This will give you long-lasting energy.
Keep yourself in shape.
Do a sport, stretch, or go to the gym.
Exercising releases endorphins and provides an outlet for stress.
Get ready for the day by making yourself clean and presentable.
Take a shower, scrub down, use deodorant, wash your hair, brush your
pearly whites and floss, shine your shoes, dont forget to put your nice
watch on.
Spritz a little perfume or cologne.
If youre looking and smelling good, youll feel a little extra boost all day,
just like that pleasant tingling you get right after brushing your teeth.
It makes you feel fresh, doesnt it?
Another important aspect to do with your appearance is your dress.
Clothing may seem trivial to some people, but clothing shapes the first
impressions that you give, and impressions are everything.
Browse fashion magazines and street fashion blogs for fashion tips and
Look to your favorite actors or celebrities for inspiration.
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Find your own style and rock it.
Get a haircut that suits your face and maintain it.
Look your best all the time and you will be respected and feel empowered,
which brings us to our next subject of:
Confidence, confidence, confidence!
As they always say, confidence is key.
Confidence can get you out of any situation and into anywhere you want to
Confidence can be used to charm and schmooze.
It will make you friends, get you dates, and win you jobs.
Practice confidence by accomplishing the tasks above, as well as doing a
few other exercises in confidence.
Look in the mirror every day and praise yourself.
Give yourself a little boost of vanity.
Purposely put yourself into situations which make you uncomfortable.
Conquering your fears helps you eliminate them.
For example, if youre terrified of heights, go skydiving.
It sounds crazy, but I guarantee you, after that frightening jump, you wont
ever be frightened of heights again.
And with confidence, you have the right tool to build a network around you.
Seek supportwhether you are an extrovert or an introvert, you need a
strong social network around you.
This can consist of colleagues, friends, family!all people who can help you
when youre in a crisis, or just need someone to talk to.
Life is a lot more manageable when we know we have others who will help
us if we need them to.
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Contrary to popular belief, you cannot go it alone, no matter how skilled
and confident you are.

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KEY 4: Keeping Your Word
There is a reason why all major religions emphasize the importance of
integrity as one of their tenets.
Whether or not youre religious, keeping your word is central to your
No matter how rich or poor you are, what social status in life you occupy,
whatever your job is, your word is something is extremely valuable that you
can give out. I
t is something that people will either respect you (if you keep your word) or
resent you (if you dont keep your word) for.
Promises are a form of currency, just like time.
If you keep your word on a favor, if you follow through, that person is going
to remember it.
Youll have a one-up over them, and they will owe you.
Its up to you to collect on this debt or not.
But it doesnt hurt to have a bunch of IOUs saved up.
There will inevitably be sometime in your life when you will profit from
collecting on these debts.
It might not necessarily be in an emergency.
Put yourself in a strategic mindset.
Life is to be enjoyed, but its also, in many ways, a game of chess.
As mentioned before, it requires planning.
Life can sometimes be a war.
Keep an arsenal, arm your military, oil your machines.
The trick to keeping promises is not making them lightly.
Dont be a yes-person.
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It is far too tempting to say yes to everything in an attempt to please
Naturally, you want people to like you.
You want to perceived as a great person, nice all around, easy to get along
with, and so on.
But saying yes all the time is dangerous.
If you turn into a yes-person, you will be stepped on.
People will take advantage of you.
They wont necessarily do it maliciously.
Just keep in mind Thomas Hobbes and his theory on the human character.
He believed that humans are innately selfish.
This is absolutely true.
People will know that youre a pushover and theyll keep asking you to do
things for them that you dont want to do.
But if you dont know how to say no, you will get roped into situations youd
really rather not be in.
You dont really have time to babysit your sisters baby again, or take
another shift for your colleague, or go to a friends birthday party.
Sometimes you need time to rest, time for yourself.
Be firm; dont waiver.
When someone asks you if you can do something or go somewhere, dont
wiggle around.
Dont say, Maybe or Ill let you know.
Have a clear answer: yes or no.
And dont feel guilty for having to say no.
You do not need an apology or an excuse.
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You do not have to explain to people why you cannot make a commitment.
Just say, I wont be able to do that or I have another engagement.
Never promise something you cannot deliver.
You know your own limits and abilities.
Some things cannot be helped, and some situations cannot be fixed, no
matter how much you wish you could.
For example, you might be able to help a homeless person by offering
them some money, but you cannot really afford to take them into your
Thats just the reality of the situation and you shouldnt pretend otherwise.
Dont make promises just to give someone hope.
This will ultimately crush them even more when they realize that you
cannot deliver what you promised. It will lower you in their eyes.
Not only will they have a lower opinion of you, but everyone else will, too.
Dont forget that relationships are not isolated entities.
People talk, people gossip.
A broken promise will be whined about and complained about to other
friends and colleagues.
Others will hear of you and your lack of integrity.
People you might not even know that well will be reluctant to trust you.
Suddenly, your reputation is tarnished.
It takes years and years to build a good reputation and only a few minutes
to ruin it.
So to sum up, lets review the strategies to keeping your word.
Firstly, think before you speak.
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Sometimes, we are too emotional or in some other way distracted, and we
say something without thinking it through.
Before we can amend our statement, or even realize what weve said, the
other person has taken it to heart and will rely on you to follow through.
Also think about to whom you are promising.
Are they in a weakened emotional state?
If so, they will take your promises more to heart and will be more hurt if you
break them.
You must take even greater care to follow through in these cases.
And before you promise anything, think about what you can and cant do.
Be sure you can fulfill the promise without struggle or great challengethe
harder the promise is to keep, the less likely you are to fulfill it.
Still, make an effort with your promises.
Put in that extra work to make sure you follow through on your word.

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KEY 5: Treat others as youd like to be treated
Weve all heard of the so-called golden rule: Treat others the way you
want to be treated.
Its grade-school wisdom thats been drilled into us over and over again.
Yet, many of us dont take it to heart.
Because weve heard it so often, it seems like something we know, yet we
So many situations, ranging from annoying to disastrous, could be avoided
if everyone followed this simple rule of thumb.
Indeed, wars and millions of deaths could have been stopped. The entire
world could be at peace, and laws would be unnecessary.
We all agree that this is a great rule to follow, but why dont we do it?
There are two reasons: laziness and fear.
First, lets talk about laziness.
Laziness is the bane to almost everything we need or want to do.
Laziness is not necessarily sloth in the traditional sense!Im not talking
about sitting on the couch and munching on chips all day, here.
Laziness is letting your mind win.
When your mind wins, your self-discipline loses---i.e. you lose.
To treat someone the way you want to be treated, you first have to follow
the old adage of putting yourself in that persons shoes.
This part takes effort.
It requires you to step outside your anger, loathing, annoyance, apathy, or
whatever other emotion you are experiencing, and clear yourself of your
biases for a few minutes.
You have to envision yourself as a third party looking at the situation from
the outside.
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If you were the moral judge, what would you instruct each party to do?
Surely you would recommend a calm temperament to everyone, and
emphasize that everyone be nice to each other.
This can be difficult, indeed, even unpleasant, because sometimes you
realize that the way you are behaving is wrong.
You realize that you are being unnecessarily cruel, or uncaring, or what
have you.
It takes effort to accept that youre in the wrong and alter your behavior.
It feels degrading sometimes, or embarrassing, but actually, it isnt.
By being kind and treating others as you want to be treated, you are being
the bigger person.
Moreover, its better for you, in the end.
Giving anyone any special treatmentthat is, the negative kindtakes so
much more effort than simply associating with them casually, as you would
with yourself.
The second thing that holds us back is fear.
In our hearts, we more or less always know what the right thing to do.
We can always recognize and appreciate charitable people and we admire
those who keep cool heads and level temperaments, and treat others with
Yet we are afraid of the consequences of displaying strength and treating
people equally.
In group situations, for example, when all your friends are making fun of
someone else, its difficult not to go along.
You dont want to be the party pooper.
And youre afraid that if you do step in, youll be caught in the crossfire and
be insulted yourself.
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And in any situation, theres inevitably that hint of Schadenfreude which
gets you thinking better them than me.
But this is selfish and childish thinking.
Moreover, its simply incorrect.
A person who honors dignity in all human life, regardless of gender, race,
identity, nationality, or social status, is rewarded with respect.
As a respected person, you can easily get others to follow your lead, which
can be incredibly advantageous to you in many respects.
Lastly, remember this: if youre nice to people, theyll be nice to you.
People will be much more inclined to help you if you treat them well.

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KEY 6: Practice makes perfect
Its been repeated so many times before, but its true: practice does make
Approximately 5% of the mastery of any activity requires talent, while the
other 95% requires practice.
You might have heard of child musical geniuses or sports stars and have
thought, well, they got lucky!they were born with it.
It seems like you cannot possibly compare to such people, because you
were not born with a talent.
This line of thinking is all wrong, because what all these musical geniuses
and sports stars have in common is that theyve all done the same thing to
get them to where they are: theyve practiced.
Tons of practice.
Every day, every week, over years and years.
You can become a master at anything you want if you are willing to
All of the masters of every craft or art, in the history of time, have achieved
their skills through practice.
Even skills that seem innate, like singing, can be learned, and improved
upon with practice.
Practice is hard.
It takes dedication and hard work over a long period of time.
So how does one handle upkeep and force oneself to practice?
The key to practicing anything is to make it a habit.
There are many ways to make a habit stick.
Ill go over some tips and tricks to make the process easier, but theres no
denying the bottom line: the first bump is going to be hard.
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You cant really get around it.
This is the trial period, which lasts anywhere from 16-30 times of doing
whatever youre trying to make a habit (people have differing opinions on
the exact number).
If you can commit to this number and make it over the hill, youll be in the
And once whatever youre doing becomes a habit, you wont even have to
think about it.
In fact, it might even become relaxing or enjoyable.
Eventually, youll want to improve upon that habit and even double or triple
your productivity in doing that task.
Secondly, start simple.
Dont get over-motivated and take on too much.
If youre trying to learn to play the piano, start in small chunks.
Play half an hour a day, not five hours.
Make the habit small and easy to complete, so that its enjoyable, and build
on it over time.
If you do too much, you will burn out too quickly and give up.
Another thing to do is to always remind yourself of what youre trying to
After two or three weeks, your commitment can be easy to forget.
Put memos in your notebooks, signs on your mirrors, notifications on your
phone, or whatever else you have to do to remind yourself that you need to
practice. Another trick is to stay consistent.
Its a lot easier to commit to playing the piano every other day at 3PM then
it is to commit to playing piano at some undisclosed, unknown time.
If its the same time every week, it takes much less effort.
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You dont have to carve out a chunk of time, which wastes time in itself, to
A great thing to do is to find inspiration in role models.
If you want to get good at football, start watching football matches and find
players you like.
Watch interviews to hear what inspires them, find out how they train.
Keep reminding yourself that one day you, too, can be like them, if youre
willing to put in the work!
One of the best ways of making a habit stick is rewarding yourself for doing
that habit.
For example, after a few weeks of going to the gym, you can reward
yourself with that jacket youve been eyeing for a while, or a nice dinner, or
a weekend excursion.
Do not let yourself have your reward if you do not complete the task.
After a while of practicing/making your habit, youll come closer and closer
to the reward, and youll want it badly enough that you wont want to break
the streak.

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KEY 7: Talk is Cheap
Actions speak louder than words.
This final step ties back into the step about keeping your word.
One insightful quote from Oprah reads, When people show you who they
are, believe them. Lets take apart this quote.
When people show you who they are, i.e. through actions, believe them.
But believe them only when they show you through actions, not tell you
through words.
For example, if someone claims theyre trustworthy but repeatedly lies, are
you still going to believe that they are honest?
If someone says they want to spend time with you but never shows up,
what does that say?
If someone borrows money and keeps saying, week after week, that theyll
pay you back but never do, what does that say?
Will you ever lend this person money again?
The fact is, talk is cheap. Talk only gets you so far.
Talk is a faade, a house of cards.
One gust of wind and your protection of talk is blown away.
The only thing that solidifies talk is action.
If you follow through on what you say, then the value of your words will
People will take you seriously.
But why do people say one thing and do another?
Why do they make promises only to break them? The answer is simple: its
It takes a few seconds to make a claim!not much effort.
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But to actually do what you said youd do, that takes work.
A politician can say he will build a new bridge.
Saying so is easy. But getting that bridge built?
That would take months of planning, designing, hiring of contractors,
finding money, clearing bills through committees and so on to get
Good, respectable people will follow through on their words and build that
They know that their credibility is worth every drop of sweat, every dollar,
and every hour they have to put forth to maintain it.
Even if their promise was made in error, or they regretted it later, they still
get it done. Make sure to practice what you preach.
At the end of the day, your actions will prove yourself to yourself and to
everyone else.
Once you start speaking in actions instead of words, you will realize that
you are actually saving yourself a lot more effort in the long wrong.
Instead of wasting time worrying, regretting, and spinning up lies to
appease people and crafting a fake persona based off of cheap talk, and
then spending a whole lot of time after that coming up with excuses for not
doing what you said you were going to do, start doing right from the start.
As Ben Franklin said, well done is better than well said.
All this will become easier over time when you start making actions a habit
instead of an exception.
Use the tips outlined previously to practice making yourself a better person.
Once you start changing things about yourself, you will change your life.
You will be happier, healthier, kinder, and more respected.
Good luck and happy living!

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Be Thrilled By What I Am Going To
Share With You Here, Dont Ever
Let This Slip Through Your
Fingers So Easily!

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