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Teachers Name Miss Stiff

Lesson Title: Plumbing Pipe Fittings

I. Identification
Course title: g Mechanic S!ills
Teaching unit: Plumbing
C"# Standards ddressed:
$%.& Students understand plumbing s'stem practices commonl' used in agriculture:
$%.( )no* basic plumbing fitting s!ills *ith a +ariet' of materials, such as copper, P-C
.pol'+in'l chloride/, steel, pol'eth'lene, and $S .acr'lonitrile butadienest'rene/.
$%.0 1nderstand the en+ironmental influences on plumbing s'stem choices .e.g.,
filters'stems, *ater disposal/.
Lesson number in this unit: % of 2
Length .time/: %3 minutes
$est month: ugust to September .beginning of first semester/
II. Specific Instructional 4b5ecti+e.s/ .ll three components/:
6i+en proper instruction, guided practice, and proper tools and materials, each student
*ill complete the 7Plumbing Pipe Fitting I"7 *or!sheet *ith 8&9 accurac' according to
the grading criteria.
III. #:uipment, materials, supplies, boo!s, resources needed for this lesson .attach handouts/:
Pro5ector, computer, 7Plumbing; Po*erPoint, Plumbing 6uided notes .0</, 7Plumbing
Pipe Fitting I" = Purpose; >or!sheet .0</, Pipe Fittings .0?@ each/
I-. cademic Language:
$ushings and Aeducers
Plug and Cap
Thread Compound .Pipe dope/ and Teflon Tape
-. Teaching procedures:
a. nticipator' set:
I *ill ha+e a boB of pipefittings on the front table. s I hold up different t'pes of fittings
students *ill h'pothesiCe *hat the' are. >hat purpose do the' ser+e in plumbing and
*hat their namesD
b. Stated ob5ecti+e.s/:
Toda' *e *ill learn about the different t'pes of pipefittings and their uses. Eou *ill
each be responsible for completing a 7Plumbing Pipe Fitting I"; *or!sheet b' the end
of the period, *here 'ou *ill identif' the different t'pes of pipefittings correctl'.
c. Purpose:
)no*ing the different t'pes of pipefittings *ill benefit 'ou *hen *or!ing on 'our
pro5ect or ma!ing home repairs. 4nce 'ou are able to identif' the different pipefittings,
'ou *ill be able to safel' create a sprin!ler for class and another other plumbing
pro5ects. This can help 'ou in future pro5ects for fair or S# and for possible future
d. Input .presentation/:
Sub5ect Matter .outlined/ Teaching Methods
Identifying Pipe Fittings
(. Fittings are used to connect pipes.
0. It is important to learn names of basic pipe fittings in order
to plan plumbing s'stems, order materials and communicate
*ith fello* *or!ers about the 5ob.
Types of fittings
a. daptors F used to connect different t'pes of pipe .
b. $ushings and Aeducers F used to connect pipes of
different siCes.
c. #lbo* ? used *hen a single line changes direction either
8& or %G degrees.
d. Tee F used to split a line in t*o directions.
e. Coupling F used to connect t*o pieces of a similar pipe.
f. 1nion F a fitting that can be easil' opened bet*een t*o
pieces of similar threaded pipe.
g. Plug and Cap F fitting *hich closes the end of a pipe.
h. Nipple F a short piece of steel pipe *ith threads on both
i. Thread Compound .Pipe dope/ and Teflon Tape F used to
ma!e a *atertight seal on threaded pipe.
CF1: >hat are fittingsD
This can help us understand *hat a
plumber *ants to do in 'our house.
CF1: >h' should *e !no* the
different t'pes of pipefittingsD
CF1: >h' *ould *e use a teeD
CF1: >h' *ould *e use a nippleD
e. Chec! for understanding .*rite it out full'/:
>hat t'pe of fitting is this oneD .Hold up a fitting to sho* the class?do se+eral times/
f. "emonstration?Modeling:
Steps )e' Points
Handout 7Plumbing Pipe Fitting I"; >or!sheet
(. Identif' the different !inds of pipe
0. Label the *or!sheet *ith the correct
names of the pipe fitting that
correspond *ith the pictures.
1. Use pencil to write the correct name of
ftting. Keep it NEAT and ORGANIE!.
". #pell the name of the ftting to the $est
%o&r a$ilit%.
'. Tr% to answer complete the wor(sheet
witho&t %o&r notes frst. Treat it li(e a test
then go $ac( and answer the ones %o& do
(now &sing %o&r notes.
g. Chec! for understanding again .*rite it out full'/:
>hat is the fittingD .Hold up a fitting? do se+eral times/
>hat is it important to !no* the names of these fittingsD
h. 6uided practice .application I bullets or paragraph/:
Indi+iduall' students *ill *or! on the 7Plumbing Pipe Fitting I"; *or!sheet. The' *ill
need to properl' identif' each of the fittings and label them. I *ill circulate around the
class to ma!e sure students are filling out the *or!sheet properl' and ans*ering an'
:uestions the' ma' ha+e.
i. Juest acti+ities .optional, if time permits/:
If students finish earl' the' *ill start dra*ing a picture of *hat the' thin! their sprin!ler
pro5ect is going to loo! li!e. The' *ill ha+e to label an' pipe and fittings the' thin! the'
*ill be using. Students *ill be gi+en a blan! piece of paper to dra* out and label the
sprin!ler parts the' belie+e the' *ill need for the pro5ect.
5. Ae+ie* K Summar':
>h' are *e learning about the different t'pes of fittingsD >h' do *e need to be able to
identif' themD I *ill go o+er the :uestions that the' ans*ered from the *or!sheet. This
*ill allo* me to help students that are confuse and help them understand *hat the' got
*rong. No* that 'ou !no* the basic plumbing parts, *here *ould 'ou start first if 'ou
*anted to put a sprin!ler s'stem into 'our bac!'ard.
!. ssessment .of lessons ob5ecti+es/:
Students *ill ha+e to complete the 7Plumbing Pipe Fitting; *or!sheet and turn it in.
The' *ill also ha+e to pass *ith 8&9 accurac'.
l. Closure .S'nthesis, Prep for tomorro*./:
No* that 'ou !no* the different t'pes of fittings, 'ou *ill !no* ho* to put 'our sprin!ler
pro5ect together. long *ith that, if a sprin!ler brea!s at home 'ou *ill !no* *hat t'pe
of fitting is re:uired to fiB it.
m. Independent practice .home*or!/:
None, unless the' do not finish their *or!sheet.
n. #LL K Special Needs
Students *ill ha+e the opportunit' to see realia in the classroom to help identif' the
different t'pes of pipefittings. long *ith that, students *ill ha+e access to the
Po*erPoint presentation and ha+e guided notes.
g Mechanic S!ills
Plumbing Pipe Fitting I"

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