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Bridging Communities: Equity Audit of School, District &

Washington State Community Members

Objective: his assignment !ill "ro#ide o""ortunity for teacher candidates to indi#idually
acquire $no!ledge of %&S'( data) "articulars*s"ecifics as it "ertains to their s"ecific school+sites
%"racticum e,"erience) in com"arison to their district and Washington State- .urther, this
assignment utili/es Since Time Immemorial !ebsite %htt":**!!!-indian+ed-org*) and in#ites
eacher Candidate to familiari/e her*himself !ith ribal 0eighbors-
his ob1ecti#e !ill be met by the follo!ing tas$s by each teacher candidate based on your most
recent "racticum e,"erience:
2) 3e#ie! attached document !ith Equity Audit grid- Each teacher candidate, feel free to
edit*modify %delete*add) categories*criteria as it "ertains to "articulars of your school
a- .or information to in"ut into grid, #isit &S'( 'age htt":**!!!-$24-!a-us*
b- 5ocate 63esearch & 3e"orts7 tab and clic$ 6School 3e"ort Card7
c- Clic$ 4824 9 482: year; his "age allo!s you to learn the Washington State
demogra"hics %Ma$e sure 6Summary7 tab reads 6Washington State7) (n"ut this
information into the grid-;We are using this year because this data set "ro#ides
more information than the most recent year-
i- After "oint 6C7, located in to", left corner, this tab !ill allo! you to then
identify your "racticum school district by scrolling do!n- .rom here,
locate the data that the grid !or$sheet is as$ing for and in"ut-
ii- After "oint 6i7 continue by locating your "racticum school information-
d- After the grid is com"lete 9 <nder 6Summary7 green header located at to" "f
"age, clic$ 6A='7 to learn this information and res"ond to questions located on
grid "age-
4) >isit &S'( 'age to locate Personnel Information (Position & Ethnicity) located at:
&n the grid 9 At the bottom of the "age 9 3eferring to ?4 information %4822 9
4824 'D.) "lease res"ond to:
o Any data "oints 1um" out at you and*or catch your attention@
he data "oint that caught my attention the most !as ho! much of the
teacher ethnicity "ercentage !as !hite- his made me e,tremely curious
about ho! this affects the !ay curriculum !ea#es in different di#erse
o Any information ma$e you feel a certain !ay@
( felt comforted in hearing that e#en though the "ercentage !as small,
there !as an amount of teachers com"osed of t!o or more different races-
(f ( !ere made of t!o or more different races, ( !ould definitely !ant to
use that as a tool to teach about all of the di#erse cultural bac$grounds
shared in the classroom and out-
o Any remaining questions after re#ie!ing information@
While ( donAt ha#e any further questions right no!, re#ie!ing this
information !as a good start to me understanding more of the cultural
ma$eu" of our school system in Washington State- As ( continue to learn
more about all of these com"onents ( also loo$ for!ard to challenging
myself in ho! ( can ma$e the most of the different ethnicities in my future
:) >isit Since Time Immemorial !ebsite %htt":**!!!-indian+ed-org*) and familiari/e
yourself !ith the follo!ing information:
a- Brief re#ie! of !ho are Washington StateAs 4C .ederally 3ecognised ribes
i- <nder 63esources7 tab locate 6ribal Directory & Ma"7
b- 3ead o#er document titled 6School District 0earest ribal 0eighbors7
i- 5ocated on Class Wi$i
c- Based on 6a7 & 6b7 abo#e, com"lete Dribal Contact (nformationD to share !ho
your nearest schoolAs ribal 0eighbors
E) S<BM(SS&0: 'lease load this document on your Class Weebly

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