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Michelle Itzamar A01560308

Lincoln-Douglas Debate format: lanning !heet

"#$!%L&$D '(A' A)%#'I%* I! +%%D,
Affirmati-e: #ebuttal
Affirmati-e: .onstructi-e s/eech
Affirmati-e s/ea0er 1: Michelle 1/re/are s/eech2
Negative: Questions for Affirmative side
Negative speaker 1: ____________________________ (prepare questions)
Affirmati-e s/ea0er 1: Michelle 1im/ro-ise 3ell2
Negative. Constructive speech
Negative speaker 1: ____________________________ (prepare speech)
Negative: Refutation
Negative speaker : ____________________________ (prepare refutation and
improvise !e"")
Affirmati-e: 4uestions for *egati-e si5e
Affirmati-e s/ea0er 6: Michelle 1/re/are 7uestions2
Negative speaker : ____________________________ (improvise !e"")
Affirmati-e: #ebuttal an58or refutation
Affirmati-e s/ea0er 3: Michelle 1/re/are rebuttal an5
im/ro-ise 3ell2
Negative: Re#utta"
Negative speaker 1 (or $): ____________________________ (prepare re#utta" and
improvise !e"")
Negative: %ummar&
Negative speaker (or $): ____________________________ (prepare summar&)
Affirmati-e: #ebuttal
Affirmati-e s/ea0er 6: Michelle 1/re/are rebuttal an5
im/ro-ise 3ell2
Affirmati-e: !ummar9
Affirmati-e s/ea0er 3: Michelle 1/re/are summar92
#ebuttal an5 !ummar9 A::I#MA'I&$ Michelle:
'he contro-ersial issue of abortion to5a9 is no longer a taboo; Man9 abortion metho5s
that -ar9 b9 3ee0 of gestation; (o3e-er< all lea5 to the same goal: to cause the 5eath
of an unborn; %ne metho5 is not necessaril9 better than another< ma9 sim/l9 be less
ris09 for 3omen;
It is im/ortant that 3e as 9oung /eo/le an5 stu5ents ha-e enough 0no3le5ge about
this issue not be s3a9e5 b9 3hat the me5ia sa9s an5 the masses; In a55ition to hel/ing
others< a5-ising them to ta0e the best 5ecision;
'his to/ic can be a//roache5 from 5ifferent as/ects: )ioethics< $thics< #eligious<
!ocial< an5 causing contro-ers9 an5 conse7uences the act; 'his essa9 5oes not inten5
to ma0e an e=hausti-e stu59 of abortion< but rather to /ro-i5e an o-er-ie3 of the
rele-ant issues in or5er to ma0e our o3n >u5gment an5 5ra3 our conclusions;
'he beginning of human life< the status of the human embr9o
Man9 /eo/le belie-e that the human embr9o becomes in5i-i5ual 1/erson2 to a certain
/oint in their 5e-elo/ment; 'his lea5s to not assert the e=istence of an in5i-i5ual for a
certain /erio5 of embr9onic 5e-elo/ment c9cles; If 3e sa9 that 3e 3oul5 be lea-ing
the 3a9 o/en to e=/erimentation< mani/ulation an5 mur5er embr9os fiel5<
consi5ering them as a set of 5isor5ere5 cells;
'he abortion an5 contro-ers9
'he abortion corres/on5s to the intentional or unintentional termination of a
/regnanc9; 'he main reasons gi-en to >ustif9 this act are that the /regnanc9 attenti-e
to the health of the mother< the fetus is foun5 to ha-e a se-ere 5eformit9 or 5isabilit9<
/regnanc9 3as cause5 b9 ra/e or incest? 3omen or cou/les lac0 the financial means to
su//ort his son? the chil5 to be born 3ill interfere 3ith the ha//iness an5 3elfare of
the 3oman or famil9;
@An9 reason 9ou ha-e to 5eci5e in fa-or of abortion is a goo5 reason; 'hese are our
bo5ies an5 our li-es; *o one has the right to force us to ha-e a chil5 1a2 or /unish us
for en>o9ing our se=; @'his /hrase 3as uttere5 b9 an organization that su//orts an5
/romotes abortion;
I )$LI$&$ that abortion is the termination of /regnanc9; 'here are se-eral reasons
3h9 3omen an abortion ta0es /lace< but none are trul9 >ustifiable;
'here are /eo/le 3ho fight against abortion< conser-ati-es< an5 /eo/le 3ho /romote
it< liberals; 'here are other interme5iate streams that acce/t abortion un5er certain
As 9oung /eo/le 3e are e=/ose5 to a -ariet9 of contrace/ti-es or abortion metho5s
that 5o nothing to /romote /re-marital se=; (o3e-er< the fact that 3e ha-e at our free
5is/osal< 5oes not necessaril9 mean 3e ha-e to use them; :irst 3e ha-e to inform us
3ell about our se=ualit9< its meaning an5 /ur/ose an5 also ha-e 0no3le5ge about all
those contrace/ti-e metho5s 3hich both s/o0en; 'he best 3a9 to 0no3 about these
issues is communicating 3ith our /arents; 'he9 3ant the best for us an5 are not going
to recommen5 an9thing to hurt us;
%nce 3e ha-e our clear i5eas an5 3e 0no3 3hat our se=ualit9 an5 contrace/tion an5
abortion as 3or0< 3e can ma0e a soun5 5ecision; 'he stu59 of this issue of abortion<
3e can realize e-er9thing that in-ol-es abortion< is not onl9 the time that is /ractice5;
'hat ma0es us thin0 things t3ice before committing an im/ru5ence 3hich can re/ent
the rest of our li-es; 'he more informe5 3e are< the less mista0es 3e ma0e an5 3e can
e-en a5-ise others;

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