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English 10 Lesson Plan October 20 October 24

Course Title: English 10

Teacher: Kever, Londa
Instructional Focus: Reading Comprehension; World Literature; Vocabulary
Performance Indicators
Students will do the following tasks:
*Demonstrate knowledge of
technology to submit/share
documents with one another and
with the instructor.
*Exhibit 21st century skill of focus
on bellwork.
*Exhibit 21st century skill of self-
awareness in monitoring reading
*Expand both their general and
domain-specific word base.
*Manage their independent reading
by monitoring their progress
throughout the week, documenting
their results, and reflecting on their
level of achievement of the goals.
*Employ listening skills to
comprehend new knowledge.
*Be respectful, responsible, and
reach rigorous standards.

Instructional Strategies
X technology-based activity
X student collaboration

Common Core Standards Applied
RL.10.5 Students will analyze how
an authors choice concerning how to
structure a text, how to order events
within it . . . , and how to manipulate
time . . . create such effects as
mystery, tension, or surprise.
RL.10.6 Students will analyze a
particular point of view or cultural
experience reflected in a work of
literature from outside the United
States, drawing on a wide reading of
world literature.
RL.10.10 By the end of Grade 9,
In-class Procedures
*Submit Reading Log via
technology (link on PRHS
Website/Mrs. Kevers
*Update Reading Record
(as needed) via technology
*Student-led library visits
as determined by students
*Independent Reading
*Vocabulary Test via
Technology Chapter 1
The Metamorphosis
*Students collaboratively
Finalize Chapter 2 vocab
*Students define vocabulary
from Chapter 2 The
*Bell work
*Make Chapter
2 vocabulary cards.
*Discuss cultural conditions
of setting of work
*Bell work
*Vocabulary assessment via
technology Chapter 2
*Students read when they
finish vocabulary test.
*No instruction
Students who are missing
major assignments----
X Chromebook
X website
X whiteboard
X projector
X library books

Assessment Strategies
X observation
X reading log
X reading record
X listening skills
X exit tickets
X vocabulary test
____ other

X verbal prompts
X audio and visual
X positive
Additional Support:
Instructor provides
students additional time
for bellwork during AGS.
Possible reading
*Playaways and cds
which read a book
to a student.
*Students may be
approved to read
books > 200 pages.
*Students may be
approved to have
lower weekly page
Class accommodation:
*Instructions are
students will read and comprehend
literature, including stories, dramas,
and poems, in the grades 9-10 text
complexity band independently and
VA.10.6 Students will acquire and
use accurately general academic and
domain-specific words and phrases,
sufficient for reading, writing,
listening, and speaking at the college
and career readiness level . . .
VA.10.4c Students will learn how to
consult general and specialized
reference materials (dictionaries,
glossaries, thesauruses) both print
and digital, to find the pronunciation
of a word or determine or clarify its
precise meaning, its part of speech,
or its etymology.
RL.10.4 Students will determine the
meanings of words and phrases as
they are used in a text, including
figurative and connotative meanings;
analyze the cumulative impact of
specific word choices on meaning
and tone.

for instance, students
who did not read at least
3 books first quarter---
will go to remediation
Friday a.m. instead of
Tailgating, unless they
have accommodations.

Students Weekly
*Students read 175 or more
pages in a student-selected
book and keep track of the
pages read daily.

Students must completed 3
books this quarter to meet
semester goal of 6 books.

*Students who do not finish
vocab cards during class
time Tuesday and
Wednesday must complete at

broken into smaller
*Instructions are

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