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Tips & strategies answering English Language Paper (UPSR )

Tips & strategies answering English Language Paper (UPSR ) PAPER 2

Study the picture carefully.
Get to know where it taken place.
Write in BM if you know the meaning of the words.
List down all the subject ( people , animal ) , verbs , noun ( things , etc).
Make sure the subject is relevant to the verbs.
You also can circle the verbs.
Start construct your sentences.
Check tenses , spelling , punctuation.

Example :
Subject verbs nouns (things)
Father drinking food & drinks
Mother putting mat
Boy watching tree
Girl eating park
sitting shoes

Adjectives : beautiful , windy
Preposition : on , beside , under , behind

EXAMPLE 1 - ( 9-10 MARKS ) Excellent and confident use of language.
En. Aziz and his family is having picnic at the beautiful park.
They are sitting under a big shady tree.
En. Aziz is drinking a glass of water while chatting with his family.
His wife is putting some food into the plate by using a ladle.
His daughter is eating her favourite food using a spoon.
His son is watching the scenery of the park and enjoying the fresh air.

EXAMPLE 2 - ( 5-8 MARKS ) Confident use of language throughout.

The man is drinking a glass of water.
The man is holding a glass.
The woman is putting some food into the plate.
The boy is sitting on the mat.
All of them are sitting under a big tree.
The shoes is behind of the man.
All the food is on the mat.

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